Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • I'm really late but I'm in. I really need some motivation.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Well everyone Im doing terrible this month... Im still in the exact same place as i started 164.4 But at least i haven't gained thats a plus. My pants are getting really big on me and my next pants are still not fitting me gees i hate a transitional stage between sizes lol. Well I think something went wrong with my order because i still have not recieved the floor mat to go under my elliptical so i have yet to use it and im running out of real time.....

    I register for classes next week and will be starting school in the spring. I will have a college algebra class (scary!) five days a week at 7:20 am and so i will be having my aunt babysit from 7 untill 8:30 when my hubby gets home then somedays i will have to head to work after class and not get back till either 5:30 or 6:30 depending on the shift. so at 3 my hubby will take the kids to grandma so he can sleep for his grave...
    Then i will be taking one other online course and cant decide what is the easiest .. medical terminology, written communications, oral communications or Psycology. decisions decisions...... Hubby will also have one online class so that makes both of us pretty busy people lol

    One big plus of taking classes and hubby being up till at least 3 with the kids is that on the days i don't have to go to work I can stop by the campus activitie center and get in a workout in a non home more likely to exercise environment, as i have quit going to zumba because I was getting too busy and hubbys class interfered.

    Well everyone Thank you so much for the kind words and I am thinking of everyone who has had a loss or multipul losses in the past month..

    Also please be thinking of my family once again as we have found out that my last living grandpa has found out he has a bad heart and goes in for open heart surgery on the 18th and the doctors have said there is a likely chance he wont live through the surgery.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Robin- or anyone else that has done the 30 day shred I have a question.
    did you just go level one for a week and then go on to level two and so forth? or do you do level on two and three each time? Phyljen

    I do level one for 10 days, then level two for 10 days, then level 3 for 10 days. I am starting over at level one though because it has been so long. I really like biggest loser yoga much better but I need 30 day shred to get me back into shape and into exercising again then I will do the yoga DVD with Bob. It tones more, while 30 day burns the pounds off better IMO.
    Both are hard, lol
  • Hello, may I join??

    Had a good week of healthy eating and exercising and weighed in at 63.5kg this morning (12th November). Have a meal out planned tomorrow (thai - yum) but you gotta have one treat a week right - I have been super good so far.....
    Would like to hit 62.5kg by the end of the month.

    chri55i xxx
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, my challenge is still to stay at 119 pounds (or as close as possible) for all of November...... I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! .............down 0.5 pounds this week so a little better but i need to try much harder :blushing:

    10/31/10.......119.5 pounds
    11/5/10 ........121....pounds

    Good Luck to you all .
  • 1 / 01= 204
    11 / 05= 201
    11 / 12= 198
    11 / 19=
    11 / 26=

    Well, I lost 6 pounds and I still feel heavy and swollen. although I feel that my work pants is more comfortable. let's see how much I lose at the end of the month.

    Take Care All
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all....off to enjoy a run/walk in the neighborhood today...need to relax in the nice fall weather...hope you all are enjoying it also....talk to you later!!!
  • skdk833
    skdk833 Posts: 51 Member
    11/1 166.5
    11/5 163.8
    11/12 162.5

    So 4 pounds so far, but still have Thanksgiving week to get through! Hopefully the jump start will help even that out!!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Not checked in with you guys for ages :noway: Despite the horrible weigh in on tuesday i had a peek today and weighed in at 137.5! So if I stay there until Tuesday I've lost my first pound of November yayyy (Y)

    Been very busy these past few weeks with work, school and my love life :laugh: Hoepfully i will be updating more often now cause things have finally settled down abit.

    Hope everyone's having a lovely November :flowerforyou:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Checking in...

    I am making another attempt at breaking the sugar addiction (after another mini binge last night with 4 Halloween size treats plus 2 bags of Halloween chips). Right now I am focusing on veggies and protein and cutting back on carbs. I often have a hard time getting enough protein in with every meal, so I bought some protein powder to mix with rice milk or yogurt. Today went well, no cravings so far (my girls even had Pringles for a snack, which is my ultimate temptation and I didn't eat any). Hopefully day 2 and 3 will go as smoothly. Oh, and I also started taking my multi-vitamin, mineral, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 supplements. I thought maybe my body was trying to get me to eat constantly because it was missing some kind of nutrient. I've also decided that I should just go to bed when I am tired - instead, I have been getting snacks to keep myself awake while I watch tv. I guess I have to get over the 'loser' feeling of going to bed at 9pm, and give up some of the shows that my hubby 'saves' to watch with me.

    I went to a yoga class yesterday, but haven't done any exercise yet today (that is, anything other than 30 min in the pool for my 4 year old's swimming lesson, some wandering around the grocery store, and a few minutes of 'freeze-dance' with my girls - none of which I count as official exercise activities). I will do my C25k either tonight or tomorrow. With the state of my house right now, it will probably be tomorrow, as I am going to do a bit of cleaning now that the kids are in bed. Hubby is away for the day/night, and my 2 year old has not been feeling well today (runny nose / cough) so the day has been a challenge, so I may very well settle into bed early with a good book!
  • ok..so i know it's almost halfway therough the month, but i would love to join..i just started MFP a few days ago, i have my first weigh in monday..and since it's my first weigh in, and i started at 235..i should have no problem hitting 5 lbs this month..good luck to all and keep up the good work, it's a major motivator for me :smile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Another late comer here! I'm totally in though!

    SW: 184.5
    CW: 183.5
    GW: 179 or below
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! We weigh in when it's easiest for each of us and just post throughout the week of our ups and downs or words of encouragement. This is a great group, very supportive :heart:

    I hate to say it, but I'm so glad the weekend is over. Now we just have to heal.

    Does anyone have a game plan for this week on food or exercise?
    I got a little off track from my 30 Day Shred, but I plan on getting back on it this week. I have my 2 5k in Jan so I have started to slowly run on my walks again. And as for food, we decided that this coming weekend we are going to get all dressed up in our suits and dresses and go out to dinner, just so we can wear these nice clothes for something happy for a change. Other than that, I'm going to try and up my protein intake and keep my sodium and calories at a happy medium. It's getting harder (well, colder) to get my fruits and veggies in without being canned...

    Hope this week is kind to you all *hugs*

    :heart: Bru
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend...getting ready for a better week come Monday....Hoping to get some decent workouts in for a week...

    Oh, welcome to all the newcomers
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Day 2 of sugar-free is going well. Protein smoothie with plain yogurt for breakfast, tuna with chopped veggies for lunch, hamburger meat and broccoli / snow peas for supper, plus a few high protein snacks - cheese, a slice of leftover roast beef... Still no cravings, watched hubby and/or kids eat nibs, kit kat, smarties, and cheesies but didn't join in. So the weekend was a good start, let's see how a work day goes tomorrow... I'll have to plan my meals in advance to be sure I don't end up at the vending machine.

    I also did C25k, Week 1 Day 3, today. I love having the treadmill in the basement; makes it harder to come up with excuses not to workout! Thanks again Kelly for that push a few days ago. Sometimes I wonder how you, Bru and so many others can stick with it for sooo long. What an inspiration you all are!

    Bru, thanks for asking about a game plan for the week. It made me think of one, instead of just winging it which then usually means that it is not much of a priority. My minimum goal for the week for exercise is my 3 week two C25k workouts plus 2 yoga or pilates sessions. As for food, I'm going to continue sugar-free, focusing on healthy proteins and veggies. [Note that I did not say that I am going to *try* to continue sugar-free, but that I'm *going* to continue sugar-free -- small mental trick, and if I commit to it now, then I will be happy to report "I did it" a week from now.]

    Great to see so many new faces. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

    My 4 year old daughter is playing "This little piggie" with my 2 year old. Hilarious! Here is what she said: "One little pig did nothing, two little pigs eating some bacon, three little pigs eating some cookies, four little pigs did nothing, and five little pigs went wee-wee-wee all the way home!" Ummm, perhaps we'd better practice this little song some more - ha ha ha!
  • 55--- I have never taken the other classes but I found psychology pretty easy. The material is interesting so the reading goes by quickly. If I were you, I would look at "ratemyprofessors.com" to see how easy others say the class is.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    checking in ...!No Change Still! not supprising tho since i have not been exercising due to a delay getting my floor mat for my ellipticle. AND Crappy eating since I can hardly eat anything...... My wisdom tooth seems to be adjusting or coming up or something because my mouth and jaw have been sooo sore and painful and I cant eat at all it hurts way too bad. but im going to the dentist tuesday to find out what is going on with it.

    november 14th 164

    amanda thanks for the tip! I definately needed it math is my worst subject. I barely passed the introductory 980 course now im enrolling in college algebra! im soo going to need to take a really easy class along with it
  • mkgirl
    mkgirl Posts: 25
    Count me in!!!!
  • yeah!!..my first weigh in and i'm down 6.2 lbs..yeah!! for water weight..haha, but i'll take it..it's gonna help keep me motivated through this week, my first mini goal is 20 lbs by christmas..so i'm on my way!! :)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    yeah!!..my first weigh in and i'm down 6.2 lbs..yeah!! for water weight..haha, but i'll take it..it's gonna help keep me motivated through this week, my first mini goal is 20 lbs by christmas..so i'm on my way!! :)

    Don't knock it...exactly what you need to keep you motivated..and you CAN do it..

    dmgaloha--Great eating...I am going to try and get my head out of the bad eating and concentrate more on exercise...If I want a bad sweet treat then I will turn to exercise (50 jumping jacks or squats, etc...something to distract me...I was sooo on track and am getting"comfortable and lack the stay strong power" I had..I need it back...so you gave me the extra push to do the same..THANKS!!

    Have a GREAT day all!!
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