"You're still fat"



  • You have what they don't have. Self-worth!! That is priceless, don't let those girls get to you and keep up the great work! People that are mean to others are always lacking something, which is why they are mean.. Or so that is how I see it. You have inspired me to keep it going!! Cause I may not like what I see in the mirror but I sure do love her!! And tomorrow will be even better!!
  • Filatina
    Filatina Posts: 85 Member
    I I obviously have a weight problem. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing this.

    You will never be able to satisfy everyone... but just be happy with yourself, that is the key. I quoted what you said above because weight problem or not, always work towards being healthy. Exercise and eat to live a long healthy life... not to be skinny.

    There are skinny girls, possibly even the ones that put you down, that are just given their thin body with a silver spoon. They can eat junk all day, but on the inside cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar could be rising...Also, if they hold such negativity in their personality/character, that is a poison in itself!

    They don't have to work for a figure, but they need to work on personality or another area in their life. Point is, nobody is perfect, but those of us that do work to lose weight or to gain muscle etc... feel so good and so accomplished and if you do it right, you will work harder to maintain the figure you gain (or lose, however you want to put it).

    Words can hurt, but they can also be used to fuel your fire! Keep on keeping on girl!

    & Thank you for sharing because many of us have been there and you are not alone!!!:heart:
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    F them, you look great
  • Khushi22
    Khushi22 Posts: 47 Member
    omg.. i feel your pain. I've some rude/inconsiderate relatives who make judgments & comments about my weight gain; without caring to know if I have health issues!?!?!
    So proud of you for your 4 mile run.. just keep running & run over these bad/mean people (in you mind)!
    Words have a way to hurt more, and they keep lingering in the mind. But please don't let it get to you!
  • nitau
    nitau Posts: 9 Member
    Reminds me of the time a van drove past the house and yelled "hey tons of fun" to me. Idiot.
  • A possible retort:
    "You're still fat."
    "But one day I'll be slim however you'll always be stupid."

    But frankly, they're not worth your energy. Focus on your goal.

    Take up strength training and know that you could probably crush them but choose not to. :D

    That sums it up for me ..... Your post really hit home for me. I am terribly sorry that you had to experience that. HOWEVER, you ARE better than them. You are focused on a goal. Take it one day at a time and all will end well. You just have to believe in yourself nad be honest with yuorself,
  • I say go you for doing so well already!
    When those girls are not laughing and not being distracted, and when they are alone and with empty minds they will probably be thinking about and worrying about their own problems. I think it's a good idea in these situations to feel sorry for those people, rather than to just be hurt by them. Easier said than done, I know! Sorry! ><
    Do your best! ☆
  • I just joined today and read your post after signing up.

    First of all, when you wrote the post you were down 15 lbs (yeah!). BUT WAIT!!!!! NOW YOU'RE DOWN 29 lbs!!!!! Major accomplishment!!!! I'm so proud of you. I've been there, feeling humiliated, worthless, self-loathing, . I've started journaling to unload some of the hurt from my past. I just heard this quote for the first time, and it really struck me, thus the journaling:

    "Depression is anger we turn inward on ourselves"

    WOW! There's so much to that. In my life I swallowed food while I was swallowing hurt/anger and keeping it all inside. In our culture it's considered the unforgivable sin to be overweight. For moral support I download videos/documentaries of people who've lost weight, and to a person they all say people feel free to be rude to overweight people.

    I've already lost 70 lbs. and have 25 to go. I have vowed to God that I will reach out to anyone He puts in my way who is hurting. You can be such a blessing to others who feel what you've felt. Let that spur you on. There are so many people "living lives of quiet desperation'.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Bump for later
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    those skinny girls who said those hurtful things usually have 'eating disorders' or 'image problems'.

    they know how much of a pain it is for them to 'maintain' their figure while pretending like they eat a lot all the time.

    Typical example is when skinny girls post photos on facebook /instagram of how much food they've eaten all the time... to tell people that they have a 'fast' metabolism.

    That's 100% eating disorder.
  • People are *kitten*.

    I sorry, keep fighting the good fight, in the end that's all that matters
  • mrsctpace
    mrsctpace Posts: 20 Member
    Bump (4 future reference)
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    don't pay attention to those girls, they most likely have nothing better to do and are bored with their lives, whats more important is that you continue what your doing and seeing through ur end goal! and good job on the 15 lbs lost!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    First, I commend you for sharing this story. That takes courage. Second, congratulations on the 4 miles. That's awesome. Finally, good for you for staying determined to be healthy.

    I feel sorry for those girls that laughed at you. If the only way they can feel better about themselves is to "attempt" to tear down someone else, that is a sad existence.
  • ToxicTinkerbell
    ToxicTinkerbell Posts: 63 Member
    Karma has a funny way of working these things out. All the pretty, skinny girls that used to taunt me in junior high are now fat women with fat little kids. I wouldn't wish weight issues on anyone, especially a child, but when I see those mean girls schlepping around with their obese children, I have to wonder if they remember how terribly they treated girls that look just like their own kids, and can only hope they've learned how to be nice to someone regardless of their weight.

    I'm proud of you for working through the shame those strangers hurled at you. Keep up the good work!

    This, to a T! Keep up the great work :)
  • markandkelly
    markandkelly Posts: 1 Member
    Love the quote; just keep on working at it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    In for the roll.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Cruel people are losers. Don't give them any power. You can feel sorry for them for their misguided bullying behavior but given it was a drive by you cannot influence them. What you do have control over is your response. You have grace, you are doing great things for yourself and you have this community and your own support system to reinforce you. As best you can ignore the hurtful comments and know they are lesser people than they can be. Let kindness and gentleness rule the world instead of cruelty and meanness. Start with youself.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Shouldn't the proper reply to "You're still fat" is "And you are ugly but I can cure my fat problem"
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    In reply to "your still fat" comments....

    Yup they who speak in such a shallow way, speak volumes about their value system! I personally would rather be surrounded by KIND people and those who discern by personality than outward appearances any day! With that said, I am guilty of self sabotage but thinking negative thoughts that are often associated with food and words like FAT.... Tacked to deep emotions of fear of abandonment.... Go figure!