Eat McDonald's, lose wight, set terrible example



  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    HOw is this a terrible example? Isn't showing that you can make healthy choices and stick to a diet even if you are rushed for time or on a short budget a good thing?


    Except, those arent healthy choices. Healthier than, say supersizing a Big Mac meal? Sure. But healthier and healthy are not the same thing.

    Being rushed for time or on a short budget are cop-out excuses. Nothing mentally healthy about being dishonest about motivations.

    People eat fast food because they like it.

    Just out of curiosity, what counts as a healthy choice in your world? In mine, oatmeal, salads, eggs, and grilled chicken are staples and I'm doing alright. Having someone else put it together for me wouldn't change the nutritional makeup of the ingredients. I'm probably doing it all wrong, though - organic free range unicorn meat is sadly out of my price range.

    It's really not as expensive as you think. Look for it near the SPAM.


    Sorry, that comes in a can so it must not be real.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Oh I love watching the jimmies being rustled by the "clean", "paleo", "organic","natural" eaters. They must be jelly that this teacher lost more weight than they did.

    Know what's funny? I actually prefer fresh food over fast food. I eat more broccoli & fruit than most vegans. That being said, I think this teacher is terrific. Obviously. :smile:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    So, cats shouldn't eat cat food? Ever? Vets never recommend cat food at all? Because they have plenty of items in them that aren't carnivorous.

    This is how debates on MyFitnessPal get stupid.

    Talk to a vet.

    This isn't controversial material or even in veterinary debate. Cats are carnivores. Commercially available cat foods that are not primarily (at times virtually exclusively) meat or meat and bone meal by-products HAVE to have taurine (as well as a host of other amino acids) specifically added to the feed or the food will be recalled. Without those supplemental amino-acids and additives, grain-based feed will kill the cat. (See any list of pet food recalls. If taurine and other amino acid additives are left out -- even by accident -- the companies are required to recall the food.) The supplements aren't necessary for a cat living off of meat because they naturally occur in meat. They are necessary and required in commercial feed because they are absent in plant-based food (or may be at inadequate levels in a food with more grain than meat in it). Without those additives to the feed, the cats would eventually die of heart failure. It's not a debate. Additives such are taurine are regulated in commercial cat food because of this. They are required because cats are carnivores and a vegetarian or primarily grain-based diet without such additives are lethal to cats.

    Again, dragging cats into the high carb/low carb debate for humans is absurd. People are not cats and cats are not people. It's dumb to think they're interchangeable. See also: the fact that chocolate will kill a cat or dog, while humans find it to be delicious.

    I feed my cat ALL the meat!!
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    I'm glad, I'n going to spam it to everyone i know that complains that losing weight through dieting is sooooo hard and soooo boring cos all you can eat is salad (although I love salad) and vegetables (I also love vegetables) and that yes, you can have what you want (in my case normally a footlong Spicy Italian from Subway ughghhh) and still lose weight within your limits!
  • jhiggi83
    jhiggi83 Posts: 27 Member
    Everyone jumps on the hate McDonalds bandwagon when a guy makes a movie about eating 5000 calories a day at McDonalds and not exercising. But someone loosing weight with McDonalds food is evil witchery. Oh the propaganda
  • Watched the video, I find it fascinating and actually quite educational for the students involved. First he is showing kids how to track their calories and nutrients in a fun interactive and experiential way. This will have a long term effect on students, that is a win. But he is also teaching about personal responsibility meaning if you eat McDonalds everyday and take great care to eat appropriately you may even lose weight. He is showing his students that they need to really think about what they are putting in their mouth and that it is their choice (much of the time). I do not think eating McDonalds everyday or drinking huge quantities of diet soda is good, but that is not what this is about really. The bigger lesson, one that I really wish I was taught early on in a way that I would understand is that we choose the calories that go into our body and they have to be less than what we are burning in order to lose weight. I would be interested to see what his menu was on a daily basis, however the kids have to have worked hard with not only mathematics (to have calories in check), nutrients and it sounds as if they worked together to make the "diet" happen which team work is great for life skills. I applaud the teacher for finding something his kids were interested in and to get children involved in their education. They will now know how to track their calories for the rest of their life and think about what goes in their mouth...I see it as a win.
    I agree with this. I think that it's a great educational experience for the students.

    I also like the fact that McDs has expanded their repertoire to include salads and wraps and oatmeal (sadly no oatmeal on the regular menu here in Australia) which I believe formed part of his menu plan.
  • thepezzle
    thepezzle Posts: 40 Member
    I need to try this but at Sonic. The happy hour slushies will be my downfall.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Personally... I don't eat McDonalds. I'd rather eat real food. But... if you can't cook... don't care to.. and Love crappy fast food... I guess its good to know you can make better choices whilst you're there to keep youself from packing on the lbs. Their choice, their life. As long as they don't tie me to a chair and force feed it to me we're cool.
    How is it not real food?

    I try my very best not to eat anything that is uber-processed, frozen, out of a box, etc. For me, fast food falls directly into that category. Just as I don't eat hamburger helper or drink coca-cola... I don't eat McDonalds. I also won't feed my dog Purina either. But like I said, I don't look down on those who do... your life, your body, your choice.

    I don't think "out of a box" is a synonym for "not real".

    If i put a steak in a box, does it become "not real" steak?

    Step one - Cut a hole in the box,
    Step two - Put your steak in that box!
    Step three - Make her open the box...
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    So, cats shouldn't eat cat food? Ever? Vets never recommend cat food at all? Because they have plenty of items in them that aren't carnivorous.

    This is how debates on MyFitnessPal get stupid.

    Talk to a vet.

    This isn't controversial material or even in veterinary debate. Cats are carnivores. Commercially available cat foods that are not primarily (at times virtually exclusively) meat or meat and bone meal by-products HAVE to have taurine (as well as a host of other amino acids) specifically added to the feed or the food will be recalled. Without those supplemental amino-acids and additives, grain-based feed will kill the cat. (See any list of pet food recalls. If taurine and other amino acid additives are left out -- even by accident -- the companies are required to recall the food.) The supplements aren't necessary for a cat living off of meat because they naturally occur in meat. They are necessary and required in commercial feed because they are absent in plant-based food (or may be at inadequate levels in a food with more grain than meat in it). Without those additives to the feed, the cats would eventually die of heart failure. It's not a debate. Additives such are taurine are regulated in commercial cat food because of this. They are required because cats are carnivores and a vegetarian or primarily grain-based diet without such additives are lethal to cats.

    Again, dragging cats into the high carb/low carb debate for humans is absurd. People are not cats and cats are not people. It's dumb to think they're interchangeable. See also: the fact that chocolate will kill a cat or dog, while humans find it to be delicious.

    Most of this is correct, though both cats and dogs can consume fairly large amounts of chocolate - especially if it's milk chocolate (which isn't really much chocolate at all) without ill effects. Even high cacao chocolate would take a fairly significant amount. Humans have a toxicity level with chocolate as well, we're just somewhat less sensitive to it.

    You can keep a cat alive on processed "cat food" just as you can keep a person alive on McDonalds. Neither equates to optimum or even satisfactory health.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Good for the teacher who lost weight. Maybe he will choose to lose more weight by eating something that is of higher quaility.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Its simple math. Regardless of the quality of food you are ingesting if your body eats at a deficit you will loose. I try to eat 90% of healthy unprocessed foods, but sometimes I do have a cheeseburger, I don't deny my cravings I just make smarter choices. He may not have the best choice in diet out there but what ever works for you. Of course the media will try to spin this and make people believe in the fallacy that if you eat any meal at McDonald's, but if you are gullible enough to fall into this trap without doing the proper research then its your fault. I mean look how many people bought into Lipozine, Hydroxycut, Atkins, Subway...There is a market out there for everyone
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Wow. Just wow. The headline gets people to watch /read the story

    Yes, this is how propaganda usually works... so stop before you hurt yourself.

    You are confusing the word "propaganda" with the word "sensationalism." :wink:
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Wow. Just wow. The headline gets people to watch /read the story

    Yes, this is how propaganda usually works... so stop before you hurt yourself.

    You are confusing the word "propaganda" with the word "sensationalism." :wink:

    ^THIS^. :bigsmile:
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I was literally ecstatic when I read this because its a giant **** you punch on the face to all those clean eating holier than thou ****tards who think they deserve an award for eating nothing but Quinoa & oatmeal. Nothing against clean eating if that's what you're about but shut the **** up about how fantastic you are and how those of us that don't shop exclusively at Grain N Simple are slowly killing ourselves while you are just so much better than the rest of the human race with your organic free range chicken cooked in Ghee.

    Losing weight+ getting healthier is as simple as Eat LESS and move MORE, It's completely necessary and still 100 percent possible to lose weight and *GASP* be HEALTHY (Yes HEALTHY) while consuming fast food such as Mcd's.

    Not to mention Mcd's gets **** on all the time when places like Wendy's, BK, Popeyes, KFC etc are SO SO SO SO much worse. Out of all the fast food MCd's actually has the most as far as healthy options...except for maybe like Chick FIl A or an actual sandwich shop.


    We can't swear on there now? It's like that one episode of Family Guy on here

    PS- OP this wasn't directed at you, but at loud mouth clean eaters who feel the need to talk about how much better their methods of weight loss are

    Nice rant! This thread was missing an angry rant but you came to the rescue :flowerforyou: Extra points for the use of "****tards," a personal favorite! Missed points for not including "hamplanet."

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    So, cats shouldn't eat cat food? Ever? Vets never recommend cat food at all? Because they have plenty of items in them that aren't carnivorous.

    This is how debates on MyFitnessPal get stupid.

    Talk to a vet.

    This isn't controversial material or even in veterinary debate. Cats are carnivores. Commercially available cat foods that are not primarily (at times virtually exclusively) meat or meat and bone meal by-products HAVE to have taurine (as well as a host of other amino acids) specifically added to the feed or the food will be recalled. Without those supplemental amino-acids and additives, grain-based feed will kill the cat. (See any list of pet food recalls. If taurine and other amino acid additives are left out -- even by accident -- the companies are required to recall the food.) The supplements aren't necessary for a cat living off of meat because they naturally occur in meat. They are necessary and required in commercial feed because they are absent in plant-based food (or may be at inadequate levels in a food with more grain than meat in it). Without those additives to the feed, the cats would eventually die of heart failure. It's not a debate. Additives such are taurine are regulated in commercial cat food because of this. They are required because cats are carnivores and a vegetarian or primarily grain-based diet without such additives are lethal to cats.

    Again, dragging cats into the high carb/low carb debate for humans is absurd. People are not cats and cats are not people. It's dumb to think they're interchangeable. See also: the fact that chocolate will kill a cat or dog, while humans find it to be delicious.

    I feed my cat ALL the meat!!

    As does mine...RAW meat and bones. I didn't even bring animals into the thread. I had a joking exchange with another member and somehow people but of course, someone had to correct an obviously non-serious post. Makes me laugh.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Although I personally would want some Vegetables, he was making a Valid Point.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    My microwave crashed yesterday afternoon, so I couldn't heat up food I prepped earlier. So I had a McDonald's Bacon Ranch salad with grilled chicken. Good thing or I would have starved.:wink:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Never let the microwave drive.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Never let the microwave drive.

    I blew the door off of my microwave once, and that was just with it sitting on the counter. I'd never let it behind the wheel, I think it drinks.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Personally... I don't eat McDonalds. I'd rather eat real food. But... if you can't cook... don't care to.. and Love crappy fast food... I guess its good to know you can make better choices whilst you're there to keep youself from packing on the lbs. Their choice, their life. As long as they don't tie me to a chair and force feed it to me we're cool.
    How is it not real food?

    I try my very best not to eat anything that is uber-processed, frozen, out of a box, etc. For me, fast food falls directly into that category. Just as I don't eat hamburger helper or drink coca-cola... I don't eat McDonalds. I also won't feed my dog Purina either. But like I said, I don't look down on those who do... your life, your body, your choice.

    I don't think "out of a box" is a synonym for "not real".

    If i put a steak in a box, does it become "not real" steak?

    Step one - Cut a hole in the box,
    Step two - Put your steak in that box!
    Step three - Make her open the box...


    I like a nice, fat steak in my box.

    Makes it even MOAR real for me!!!

    Anyone else like a nice steak in the box?