1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    I'm not eating 1200 calories a day, but by your logic, the 20+ lbs that I've lost since July eating pizza, pastries, ice cream, and other bad foods for me on a modified IF schedule, while maintaining a caloric deficit must be a complete fluke. *shrugs*. The only lemon water I drink is when I do a fresh juice and have lemon in my fresh juice.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member

    >Yes lean proteins are most recommended, however loin and round cuts of beef or pork are lean too. There is lean hamburger out there, and ways to decrease fat in prep and cooking. Lunch meats are FINE to eat. Just in moderation due to sodium levels.

    Why would you try to avoid eating fat? I thought we moved past that whole 90s low-fat = good mentality.

    And yet lunch meats are fine?

    I stopped reading there. I'm sure the rest of it was awesome though.
    That was a tough one for me too.

    Avoiding the unhealthy fats in meats is why you go with lean meats. Many meats are naturally high in saturated fats so as a Dietitian we recommend to go with lean cuts, trimming fat off meat, and healthier ways of prepping and cooking it for weight loss. Lunch meats or ok to eat because they are usually higher in sodium than in fat, especially if you stick with the leaner lunch meats. Even meats from the Deli are processed like lunch meats so yes the best meat is straight from the animal and lean. If you want to have some lunch meat turkey for a sandwich once and while It will not hinder your weight loss, nor will it hurt you any.

    If you are watching sodium intake then limit your lunch meats and avoid ham altogether. Regardless of what you read, or see, or hear the bottom line is your weight is a result of the balance between food (calories in) and activity (calories out). If we want to change our weight, we need to tip the balance in favor of fewer calories in and more calories out.

    "Unhealthy fats" in meats? What is wrong with dietary saturated fats???

    Oh. Wait. Is this because we're still preaching the lipid hypothesis as gospel (and correlating consumption w/ blood markers)?
    Lunch meats or ok to eat because they are usually higher in sodium than in fat, especially if you stick with the leaner lunch meats


    I first read this as it was okay because the higher sodium offset the fat, but reasoned you couldn't possible be saying that. Having re-read it a few times, I'm...still confused.

    But let's not lose sight of the primary topic...which is "lean meats". Why are you opposed to eating fat/saturated fat? Have humans always had a health problem with eating fat? Do you also advise against consuming organ meats? Does the way the animal has been raised change your answers to any of these questions?

    I see how that statement can be confusing. I was referring to the reasons we recommend to avoid lunch meats. Its more from the sodium than fat, so if you are going to chose a lunch meat go for a lean lunch meat, but watch your sodium intake if that is a concern.

    I'm not opposed to eating fat per se. Many saturated fats are unhealthy fats and CAN lead to high cholesterol levels; more so Triglycerides than LDL and total Cholesterol. There is still research going on that is showing that the type of saturated fat plays a role like medium chain versus long chain. For weight loss decreasing fat and increasing fruits and veggies is a better way to go. We do get some natural fats in our foods, however the majority of added fats-saturated & trans fats are unhealthy and not needed in our diet. Unsaturated fats are healthy for us and help to protect again build ups of plaque. I only advise against organ meats with certain medical conditions like gout. The way animals are raised does not change my recommendations. Whether a chicken is free range or caged does not change the fact the their egg yolk will hold all the cholesterol and fats of the egg.

    The key, other than lean meats, is moderation and balance. if our calories in are balanced with our calories out then you can eat all the fatty foods you want. The concern becomes on the medical side versus weight loss side at that point. but again its different for every person, if you have a strong family history of heart disease then eating lean means and low fat can help to prevent you having heart disease-its not a for certain prevention-but its a step in that direction.
    You need to do more research and not rely on a blog or opinion about saturated fat or cholesterol.......this is 80's dogma that never seems to die.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    You make some good points.:smile:

    Wishing you continued success in your journey to a new you!:drinker:
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    Very interesting...I have been with a personal trainer for the last 11 months , 3 times per week. You have reiterated exactly what she has been saying to me about nutrition, even down to the glass of lemon water in the morning.

    Maybe never ever ever take nutritional advice from a personal trainer, all they are qualified to do is count up to 10 and then backwards down to 1.
  • messakins
    messakins Posts: 9 Member

    Omg hahahahahaha!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Everyone has a right to do what works for them. Just because you don't agree with it or don't understand it, doesn't make it bad. Each person on here has a different set of goals, different eating and exercise habits and a different lifestyle. What works for you might not work for someone else.

    Everyone has a right to do what they want...

    ...but that doesn't mean that everyone is equally right.

    Just because everyone can have an opinion doesn't mean that objective truth doesn't exist, even in something so seemingly subjective as diet.
  • Only you can figure out your equation to weight loss. I personally like having steaks and eating ice cream and cake. I know I can eat more calories if I eat leaner protein and limit some of my sugar calories and some days I do just that (change my macros). For the most part I really don't give a crud about eating what some call clean, or trying to run a marathon, but if you do and it translates into what you want, go for it. I don't mind eating less calories and eating what I like. I know how many calories I can eat of x food to lose weight. I know it because I track it and analyze it through an easy system. I also know what my mental and spiritual program does to my overall health and weight loss and is a lot more important for me than the foods I eat or the exercise I do. My mental and spiritual program comes first.
    Who gives a crud about how good I think I look if I am still an a%%. That is where I need the most improvement..
  • michaelandrewsII
    I have been on a 1,200 calorie per day diet for 8 months (with an ocassional splurge day).

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Rishiell
    Rishiell Posts: 1 Member
    The only reason that over hydrating would be bad for you is if you have kidney failure, or not urinate. Normal functioning kidneys are able to process the fluids take on by the body. Everyone's body is different and while some may loose a steady/2 lbs per week on 1200 cal diet others may need to decrease or increase depending on their body's demand. not loosing weight on 1200 cal diet + exercise could mean a lot of things not one specific reason such as the body going into starvation mode. Check in with your doctors because thyroid problems can cause difficulty in weight loss and can also cause rapid weight loss. Your body may also have hit plateau. The human body is a quick learner for example 1 month ago you run 5 miles and eat 1200 cal and loose a steady 2lbs per week and the next month the scale won't move, it may mean that you need to switch up your exersice from running 5 miles and adding weight lifting to it.

    I personally don't exercise much but I do eat 1200cal a day sometimes less because I tend to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and notice that my eating habit have change drastically, I get full way easier probebly because of the fiber on all that fruits and veggies. I do eat pizza but instead of eating five slices I have a slice and a side salad and a fruit for dessert, I also eat pasta but I use the vegan pasta which has basically 30cal in a cup and I do eat meatballs but turkey meat balls and instead of using bread crumbs I use zucchini and carrots. I eats Mac and cheese but use (broccoli + vegan macaroni) and non fat milk and vegan cheese. Oolong tea and green tea also is great I drink it 30 min after meal or with my meal and it gives me energy and relax me, remember stress = cortisol release--> cortisol can make the body harder to loose weight because it regulates the metabolism of fat and carbs. Nways everyone has a different way of doing things and if you think that eating that is bad for you then by all means don't do it. In the end it's your body and do what makes you happy.
  • xenl
    xenl Posts: 46 Member
    I feel like a lot of people seem to miss the point that MFP suggests a 1200 NET calorie intake and that really seems to be based more for people who are more sedentary with their day to day activities. Obviously, if you're working out you need to fuel your body. So much of this is just common sense.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I feel like a lot of people seem to miss the point that MFP suggests a 1200 NET calorie intake and that really seems to be based more for people who are more sedentary with their day to day activities. Obviously, if you're working out you need to fuel your body. So much of this is just common sense.

    More common sense is that *most* people who are given a 1200 calorie limit by MFP almost certainly shouldn't eat so little. It's counterproductive to a long-term goal of sustained and optimal weight loss.

    (Note, I said "most", not "all". Yes, I acknowledge that 1200 calories is the correct number for a certain few people.)

    ETA: The above is specifically for women. For men, I would suggest that almost *no* adult males should restrict themselves to only 1200 calories...and certainly not for an extended period of time.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I feel like a lot of people seem to miss the point that MFP suggests a 1200 NET calorie intake and that really seems to be based more for people who are more sedentary with their day to day activities. Obviously, if you're working out you need to fuel your body. So much of this is just common sense.

    More common sense is that *most* people who are given a 1200 calorie limit by MFP almost certainly shouldn't eat so little. It's counterproductive to a long-term goal of sustained and optimal weight loss.

    (Note, I said "most", not "all". Yes, I acknowledge that 1200 calories is the correct number for a certain few people.)
    For some, shorter, older, more sedentary folks, 1200 is the right answer. For the average person who selected 2LBS a weight and allowed it to default to 12,00 it's not.
    The key is: know your TDEE and BMR.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    1200 or lower is the only way to make my weight go down...but I am not saying it's right or wrong...
  • warrenrose12
    warrenrose12 Posts: 22 Member
    i,m 5,4 and 1200 is plenty enough food calories but if you go eating high calorie foods (bread , wraps, burgers, pizza, donuts choclate muffins the list goes on.)obviously you will crave for more and go outside your daily calories, fruit and vegetables are low in calories and you can eat loads of good healthy food, i can stuff my self with loads of veggies and fruit and be quite satisfied and be under my calories , it is like i said eating other foods with high calorie content is what brings you undone. i found this out the hard way.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    for the 1200 calorie thing, some people actually fit really well into that category. I have a feeling that some people also force themselves to be in this category and may go out of control within a few months. I eat about 1600 calories a day, give or take a few hundred, it's not a big deal for me.

    You see, there's a difference between living a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. To lose weight, you simply have to have less calories in your body. And that's what most people like. Healthy lifestyles make your body feel great. I have no desire to eat fast food or soda anymore. It is possible to eat all junk food and still lose weight. But it's the way your body feels afterwards. I would much rather feel energetic and clear-minded rather than bloated and lazy.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    1. You do not need to "eat clean." (you can eat a variety of foods, lose weight, and meet nutritional needs)
    2. Drink the lemon water if you like the taste, but it will do nothing for weight loss.
    3. Meal timing is personal preference.
    4. You can eat lunch meat and still lose weight. (and be healthy)
    5. You do not have to limit condiments. (if it fits into your day, go for it.)
    6. You do not have to limit dairy. (unless you have a medical reason)
    7. You do not have to limit fruit. (fruit has numerous nutritional benefits)
    8. The only reason somebody should be restricting sugar is because of a medical reason. (sugar is carb, so track that.)

    i love you
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    A 1200 calorie diet works perfectly for me. But it also depends on your gender, age and weight. For example as a 130 lbs woman, I eat right and healthy and I don't starve myself with my 1200 calories diet, but if I was like 250 lbs for example, yeah, it would be hard for me.
  • MaritzK
    MaritzK Posts: 66 Member
    The less you weigh already the more small changes matter. When I eat 1500 calories I don't think I would lose the last 4 pounds. I just need 1200 calories. And most importantly, when you eat clever you can eat a lot of food!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Long lists of "rules" like this, based on pseudoscientific myths, are why people fail at dieting.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    1200 calories is not necessarily starving yourself.
    From your photo, you look like a muscular guy, so you'd probably starve on that. My guy friends can diet on 2000 a day if they are also exercising.
    But I am a 5'1" woman with a small Asian frame. While I go to the gym, and chase after my kids!, I also have a job that keeps me sitting most of the time.
    I maintain weight at 1500-1600. So to lose even modestly, I have to eat at about 1200.
    One program advised that I go down to 1000 a day - but I can't maintain that.
    If I chose wisely, though, I can eat 1200 during the week and feel reasonably full - and then splurge a bit if I'm going out, or if it's a weekend / holiday.