any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • happy i found this thread for inspiration.....
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I'm still stuck on those last 10 lbs. What to do? Should I reduce my calories for this week?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well, fitnewlife, what have you been doing? Sometimes eating more calories helps, or a new exercise, intervals. And patience and consistency. welcome and good luck, 4 lbs a month is ambitious when you are close to your ideal weight.
  • I"m there too, glad I found this thread-new to MFP. I am 5'10" and weigh 155 , want to be down to 135-where I was 2 years ago and very happy. Seeming to have a hard time with bingeing. HELP! How do you do it? thoughts of food consume me, where do I find balance without being obsessed?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think I have become a little obsessed. It surprised me because when I was in my 20s I was "naturally thin" I didn't exercise, I smoked, I ate what I wanted when I wanted, ate when I was hungry and ate til I was full. But honestly, I wasn't eating much and I didn't care too much about food. I am not sure what my daily caloric intake was, but I don't remember eating breakfast, something off some fast food dollar-menu for lunch... After I quit smoking I started liking food a lot more, I could also afford to go out and got used to eating more and the pounds went on quickly.
    For me, dieting is easier than exercise, seems like I can do one or the other but not both, although I am getting better!
    As far as binging and not being consumed with food, why not plan your meals, if a craving comes up, have a little and hit the treadmill for a bit. I find that if I enter my food an exercise for the day, I stick to it and am not tempted by the office donuts when I ate my breakfast.
    Keeping your blood sugar steady can be really helpful for cravings.
    What are you doing now, Dawn?
  • I love this message board. I am currently 5'6 at 150 lbs which is the most I've ever weighed. I would love to be at 135 but am aiming for 140 right now. I'm currently a size 6 pant but my goal is a size 4. I am more passionate about exercise than dieting. I have worked out since high school and this year I started doing a yogalates class in a 90 degree room. The workouts mainly consist of squats, lunges, push ups, lots of plank work and they put in yoga poses inbetween. I have found that I have only gained weight since the beginning. I wonder if its muscle or if I am just not burning as many calories as I think. My clothes still fit the same but I just decided to try doing cardio 3 times a week and only do yogalates 2 a week so hopefully this plan will help me take some pounds off. As far as diet goes, I usually do well during the week but the weekends I am pretty lenient on myself. Everytime I talk about loosing weight though my family/boyfriend tell me I look great which is frustrating because they're who I eat with most!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    mevan17 you are probably a lot stronger from the yogalates, it would be interesting to know how many calories it burns if you were to wear an HRM, though. I was surprised that MFP does not give you an calorie credit for stength training, maybe that is why I neglect strength training. Am trying to work in 30-day shred but it gets recorded as circuit training so I get some credit. I don't have an HRM but it is on my Christmas list!
  • For me, dieting is easier than exercise, seems like I can do one or the other but not both, although I am getting better!

    Me too :laugh: Though I know I should do some exercise too! I just prefer to do exercise at home with free videos online :bigsmile:

    Anyway, I fell off the health path for the past couple days (extreme binges) but am getting back on! Today was pretty good :smile: seeing everybody else's success and work makes me want to try harder! Thanks for being my inspiration, everybody! :drinker:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey all,

    So my water weight from last week is fading, finishing up a fast to try and flush myself out. I am going to consider taking another break to eat at maintenance soon and it would be nice to be in the 117s again when I do that. Honestly though if I could crash diet my way to 115 and stay there I would at this point

    I am feeling good. My hubby is the one who took my profile picture (the full length version), and he made it his iPhone screensaver, his facebook profile pic, and has been showing all his friends. He used to talk about showing off his wife, but never did it to this degree. He's so proud of me! :smooched: And his friends have been asking him what I did so they can tell their wives. He says I always looked good, but now I'm like a trophy wife. Talk about motivation!

    Dawn and asjerven, it's almost like you have to be obsessed to lose those last few pounds. I feel like I'm always thinking about food :laugh: Im a foodie, though - I'd much rather exercise than diet. I love exercise :smile:
  • Congrats!

    Wish I could say I've been doing good too :P Was a couple thousand calories over yesterday (yea... don't ask) and have gained a couple kilos this week :( Keep telling myself to try harder >_<

    Does anybody know of any online workouts that don't require equipment? I like Yoga and Pilates, but both of them don't do too much cardio I think :x Currently I am using, but would like to change things up a bit! :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hey, Sparklewolfie, have you tried 30-day Shred? You only need handweights, and a mat or towel if the floor is hard. It's a circuit of 3 minutes of strength exercises like push up, squats, lunges, then 2 minutes of cardio like jumping jacks, running in place, mountain climber; then 1 minute of ab exercises. It's a good workout.
    So, I have not done anything this week. I got the stomach flu on Monday night and just started feeling better but wanted to take it easy. I am worried about falling off the program with gateway to 8k, not sure if I should just try to move on to week 8 or just go back to week 7 or if I will even be able to do that.
    I feel lighter, but kinda weak and don't want to do anything that will bring back the nausea, ick, it's horrible!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    and cutmd, you should take a picture of your husband and tell him your going to post it on MFP to show everyone your sweet husband!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I am trying to lose some in. I am about 113 lbs 27 in waist 34 in hips and 18in thigh!! I want to be a 24 or 25 in waist. I just want muscle everywhere!!!
  • Hey, Sparklewolfie, have you tried 30-day Shred? You only need handweights, and a mat or towel if the floor is hard. It's a circuit of 3 minutes of strength exercises like push up, squats, lunges, then 2 minutes of cardio like jumping jacks, running in place, mountain climber; then 1 minute of ab exercises. It's a good workout.
    So, I have not done anything this week. I got the stomach flu on Monday night and just started feeling better but wanted to take it easy. I am worried about falling off the program with gateway to 8k, not sure if I should just try to move on to week 8 or just go back to week 7 or if I will even be able to do that.
    I feel lighter, but kinda weak and don't want to do anything that will bring back the nausea, ick, it's horrible!

    Oh no! Hope you feel better quickly! Don't push yourself too hard :smile: I'd say try week 8 but if it's too hard go back to week 7

    I haven't tried 30-day shred, though I have seen people talk about it. I do put a towel down when I do Yoga or Pilates, but certain moves (like balancing on your butt) still hurts :frown: I just Googled "30-day shred" and I guess I should mention that I don't have a DVD player here (not sure it'd work with the different regions, anyway) so that is why I have been using free internet videos :laugh:
  • Yes! I have recently put on nearly 2stone, my BMI now 25.5 which is only just out of the 'healthy' category, however I have always been around 20 bmi previously so want to get back to that!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    your computer does not have a dvd player either?
    I heard has a lot of workouts.
  • jlh526
    jlh526 Posts: 3 Member
    hey i am so glad to find this thread. i always have to keep dieting a secret because of the rolling of the eyes, and "why? you look fine" looks from people. And dieting without anyone else holding you accountable is SO hard. I have 10 pounds to lose. I've already lost 4, and want to get down to 140. I'm in the healthy range (at 151, I'm 5'8") but I could stand to lose weight. I just don't feel comfortable

    Here are two issues that was hoping for any advice:

    1) weekend eating! I have a problem of thinking Friday night through Sunday afternoon "doesn't count" or something, and end up erasing so much work during the week. I want to go out, drink, have fun with my friends, but a night out usually involves a lot of alcohol and then a eating fest around 3 in the morning. Any tricks people have? Or is it just plain willpower here?

    2) I have a boyfriend who eats TERRIBLE, yet he is actually losing weight. He's gotten so skinny, it is so frustrating. We spend a lot of time together, and it's really hard to not start adopting his eating habits. Anyone have advice on being with a significant other who isn't dieting?
  • Hollyhocks89
    Hollyhocks89 Posts: 92 Member
    I weigh 141lbs and am only 5ft 3in and want to get down to at leats 112lbs

    My biggest issue has been snacking specially as my work is so boring i sit there and eat! And me n my b/f eat alot of micro meals etc not enough fruit or veg!
    So i am starting to try eat better (although i still eat a little unhealthy atm but am still under on my calories) I am trying to get better though the last 3 days i have eaten salad n chicken for lunch and fruit pots (but i think they may be giving me a dodgy tummy)
    My b/f can eat loads n i mean loads he sat and ate 90% of a tin of quality streets in less then a week n i very much doubt he's put any weight on ggrrrr!! (He is disabled so i guess he burns alot off although i push him around wen i'm with him which is all the time except wen he's at work) I just duno where it goes with him!!!!!!!!
    Anyways enough rambling on so yer i have a bit to loose and i hate tellin ppl also because of judgment etc! My nan always could tell wen i lost weight and hated how skinny i was (i was average size 8-10 for my age height etc) but i have a pic of me n i look big you can tell on my arms and she said how lovely i looked but i hated it!!
  • your computer does not have a dvd player either?
    I heard has a lot of workouts.

    No. I only have a netbook ^^;
    I am already using, but I was asking for new suggestions so I don't get bored! I get workout ADD really badly and usually last only about 10 minutes before getting bored... so I have mostly been using the quick workouts on and the dance cardio because the dance ones are interesting enough to hold my attention for 20 minutes :bigsmile:
  • hey i am so glad to find this thread. i always have to keep dieting a secret because of the rolling of the eyes, and "why? you look fine" looks from people. And dieting without anyone else holding you accountable is SO hard. I have 10 pounds to lose. I've already lost 4, and want to get down to 140. I'm in the healthy range (at 151, I'm 5'8") but I could stand to lose weight. I just don't feel comfortable

    Here are two issues that was hoping for any advice:

    1) weekend eating! I have a problem of thinking Friday night through Sunday afternoon "doesn't count" or something, and end up erasing so much work during the week. I want to go out, drink, have fun with my friends, but a night out usually involves a lot of alcohol and then a eating fest around 3 in the morning. Any tricks people have? Or is it just plain willpower here?

    2) I have a boyfriend who eats TERRIBLE, yet he is actually losing weight. He's gotten so skinny, it is so frustrating. We spend a lot of time together, and it's really hard to not start adopting his eating habits. Anyone have advice on being with a significant other who isn't dieting?

    Weekend eating: If you are going out, plan what you are going to have BEFORE you leave. There are some threads on these boards with low-cal alcohol options. If you want to snack around 3AM, try making it something not too bad, like plain popcorn. Midnight snacking is super common where I am, and it is hard to resist, especially with delicious night markets everywhere selling delicious, unhealthy food!

    Have you told your boyfriend that you are trying to be healthier? Don't think of it as dieting, but as taking care of your body. Just because you aren't getting fat doesn't mean your health isn't suffering from sat fat, cholesterol, etc. If you don't want to tell people you are trying to lose weight, just say you are trying to be healthier and have more energy. I don't tell people I'm trying to lose weight either because of the same reason! They just don't take me seriously :(

    Good luck!!
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