If a carbohydrate isn't fiber or sugar...



  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    In very, very simple terms:

    Sugar on nutritional food labels is simple carbohydrate that consists of one or two carbon rings.

    Complex carbohydrates consists of long chains of carbon rings. One of the most common kinds is starch.

    Fiber is complex carbohydrate which cannot be digested by the body.
  • hundredpoundowlz
    hundredpoundowlz Posts: 5 Member
    I was happy when I saw this thread topic because I had occasionally wondered the same thing myself. Now I'm just mad at seeing how the OP treats people who try and help her. It's been a real up and down day already lol.

    The way I see it is she may not have approved of the wiki source, that's understandable, but she most certainly could have used a lot more tact in her response.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    As the homeless guy under the bridge, I am offended by this thread.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Op, I know exactly how you feel. Here are some other sources of info. Some are web links and others are titles of books and articles to google. Hope they help, and good luck on your journey!

    * Western Kentucky University (May 29, 2013). "WKU BIO 113 Carbohydrates" . wku.edu.
    * Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin; Cengage Learning (2004). Biology . google.books.com. p. 52. ISBN 978-0534278281.
    * National Institute of Standards and Technology (2011). "Material Measurement Library D-erythro-Pentose, 2-deoxy-" . nist.gov.
    * Long Island University (May 29, 2013). "The Chemistry of Carbohydrates" . brooklyn.liu.edu.
    * Purdue University (May 29, 2013). "Carbohydrates: The Monosaccharides" . purdue.edu.
    * Flitsch, Sabine L.; Ulijn, Rein V (2003). "Sugars tied to the spot". Nature 421 (6920): 219–20. doi:10.1038/421219a . PMID 12529622 .
    * Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. pp. 52–59. ISBN 0-13-981176-1.
    * John Merle Coulter, Charler Reid Barnes, Henry Chandler Cowles (1930), A Textbook of Botany for Colleges and Universities "
    * Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood, Norbert W. Tietz (2000), Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry
    * Matthews, C. E.; K. E. Van Holde; K. G. Ahern (1999) Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 0-8053-3066-6
    * Campbell, Neil A.; Brad Williamson; Robin J. Heyden (2006). Biology: Exploring Life . Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-250882-6.
    * Pigman, Ward; Horton, D. (1972). "Chapter 1: Stereochemistry of the Monosaccharides". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 1–67.
    * Pigman, Ward; Anet, E.F.L.J. (1972). "Chapter 4: Mutarotations and Actions of Acids and Bases". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 165–194.
    * http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5022e/y5022e04.htm
    * http://www.diabetes.org.uk/upload/How we help/catalogue/carb-reference-list-0511.pdf
    * a b Westman, EC (2002). "Is dietary carbohydrate essential for human nutrition?". The American journal of clinical nutrition 75 (5): 951–3; author reply 953–4. PMID 11976176 .
    * Park, Y; Subar, AF; Hollenbeck, A; Schatzkin, A (2011). "Dietary fiber intake and mortality in the NIH-AARP diet and health study" . Archives of internal medicine 171 (12): 1061–8. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18 . PMC 3513325 . PMID 21321288 .
    * http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/83/5/1055.full.pdf+html
    * http://www.jneurosci.org/content/23/13/5928.full
    * http://www.nature.com/jcbfm/journal/v33/n2/abs/jcbfm2012151a.html
    * MedBio.info > Integration of Metabolism Professor em. Robert S. Horn, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved on May 1, 2010. [1]
    * Pichon, L; Huneau, JF; Fromentin, G; Tomé, D (2006). "A high-protein, high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet reduces energy intake, hepatic lipogenesis, and adiposity in rats". The Journal of nutrition 136 (5): 1256–60. PMID 16614413 .
    * Tighe, P; Duthie, G; Vaughan, N; Brittenden, J; Simpson, WG; Duthie, S; Mutch, W; Wahle, K; Horgan, G; Thies, F. (2010). "Effect of increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized, controlled trial". The American journal of clinical nutrition 92 (4): 733–40. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2010.29417 . PMID 20685951 .
    * Food and Nutrition Board (2002/2005). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids . Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Page 769 . ISBN 0-309-08537-3.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (2003). [2] (PDF). Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 55–56. ISBN 92-4-120916-X.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (1998), Carbohydrates in human nutrition, chapter 1 . ISBN 92-5-104114-8.
    * a b "Carbohydrates" . The Nutrition Source. Harvard School of Public Health. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
    * Jenkins, David; Alexandra L. Jenkins, Thomas M.S. Woleve, Lilian H. Thompson and A. Venkat Rao (February 1986). "Simple and Complex Carbohydrates". Nutrition Reviews 44 (2).
    * DHHS and USDA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010

    By the way, this poster got this list of credible references from *gasp* Wikipedia! Oh Noes!!!

    Are those unreliable?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I was happy when I saw this thread topic because I had occasionally wondered the same thing myself. Now I'm just mad at seeing how the OP treats people who try and help her. It's been a real up and down day already lol.

    The way I see it is she may not have approved of the wiki source, that's understandable, but she most certainly could have used a lot more tact in her response.

    Or she could have thanked the first poster to respond to her who gave her the right answer and been done with it.

    But then what would we all do to kill a few minutes on this cold dreary morning.

    So I say thank you, OP! Thank you for being ungrateful and disdainful! You're nastiness has brought the rest of us closer as a group to support each other on our journeys. Good luck on yours as you sail along with the homeless guy under the bridge. Remember to log your MD 20/20. :drinker:
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Op, I know exactly how you feel. Here are some other sources of info. Some are web links and others are titles of books and articles to google. Hope they help, and good luck on your journey!

    * Western Kentucky University (May 29, 2013). "WKU BIO 113 Carbohydrates" . wku.edu.
    * Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin; Cengage Learning (2004). Biology . google.books.com. p. 52. ISBN 978-0534278281.
    * National Institute of Standards and Technology (2011). "Material Measurement Library D-erythro-Pentose, 2-deoxy-" . nist.gov.
    * Long Island University (May 29, 2013). "The Chemistry of Carbohydrates" . brooklyn.liu.edu.
    * Purdue University (May 29, 2013). "Carbohydrates: The Monosaccharides" . purdue.edu.
    * Flitsch, Sabine L.; Ulijn, Rein V (2003). "Sugars tied to the spot". Nature 421 (6920): 219–20. doi:10.1038/421219a . PMID 12529622 .
    * Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. pp. 52–59. ISBN 0-13-981176-1.
    * John Merle Coulter, Charler Reid Barnes, Henry Chandler Cowles (1930), A Textbook of Botany for Colleges and Universities "
    * Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood, Norbert W. Tietz (2000), Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry
    * Matthews, C. E.; K. E. Van Holde; K. G. Ahern (1999) Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 0-8053-3066-6
    * Campbell, Neil A.; Brad Williamson; Robin J. Heyden (2006). Biology: Exploring Life . Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-250882-6.
    * Pigman, Ward; Horton, D. (1972). "Chapter 1: Stereochemistry of the Monosaccharides". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 1–67.
    * Pigman, Ward; Anet, E.F.L.J. (1972). "Chapter 4: Mutarotations and Actions of Acids and Bases". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 165–194.
    * http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5022e/y5022e04.htm
    * http://www.diabetes.org.uk/upload/How we help/catalogue/carb-reference-list-0511.pdf
    * a b Westman, EC (2002). "Is dietary carbohydrate essential for human nutrition?". The American journal of clinical nutrition 75 (5): 951–3; author reply 953–4. PMID 11976176 .
    * Park, Y; Subar, AF; Hollenbeck, A; Schatzkin, A (2011). "Dietary fiber intake and mortality in the NIH-AARP diet and health study" . Archives of internal medicine 171 (12): 1061–8. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18 . PMC 3513325 . PMID 21321288 .
    * http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/83/5/1055.full.pdf+html
    * http://www.jneurosci.org/content/23/13/5928.full
    * http://www.nature.com/jcbfm/journal/v33/n2/abs/jcbfm2012151a.html
    * MedBio.info > Integration of Metabolism Professor em. Robert S. Horn, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved on May 1, 2010. [1]
    * Pichon, L; Huneau, JF; Fromentin, G; Tomé, D (2006). "A high-protein, high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet reduces energy intake, hepatic lipogenesis, and adiposity in rats". The Journal of nutrition 136 (5): 1256–60. PMID 16614413 .
    * Tighe, P; Duthie, G; Vaughan, N; Brittenden, J; Simpson, WG; Duthie, S; Mutch, W; Wahle, K; Horgan, G; Thies, F. (2010). "Effect of increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized, controlled trial". The American journal of clinical nutrition 92 (4): 733–40. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2010.29417 . PMID 20685951 .
    * Food and Nutrition Board (2002/2005). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids . Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Page 769 . ISBN 0-309-08537-3.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (2003). [2] (PDF). Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 55–56. ISBN 92-4-120916-X.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (1998), Carbohydrates in human nutrition, chapter 1 . ISBN 92-5-104114-8.
    * a b "Carbohydrates" . The Nutrition Source. Harvard School of Public Health. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
    * Jenkins, David; Alexandra L. Jenkins, Thomas M.S. Woleve, Lilian H. Thompson and A. Venkat Rao (February 1986). "Simple and Complex Carbohydrates". Nutrition Reviews 44 (2).
    * DHHS and USDA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010

    Lol, love it :drinker:

    Some material to review and discuss with the homeless guy.
  • LucyGooseD
    LucyGooseD Posts: 39 Member
    Great response!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Op, I know exactly how you feel. Here are some other sources of info. Some are web links and others are titles of books and articles to google. Hope they help, and good luck on your journey!

    * Western Kentucky University (May 29, 2013). "WKU BIO 113 Carbohydrates" . wku.edu.
    * Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin; Cengage Learning (2004). Biology . google.books.com. p. 52. ISBN 978-0534278281.
    * National Institute of Standards and Technology (2011). "Material Measurement Library D-erythro-Pentose, 2-deoxy-" . nist.gov.
    * Long Island University (May 29, 2013). "The Chemistry of Carbohydrates" . brooklyn.liu.edu.
    * Purdue University (May 29, 2013). "Carbohydrates: The Monosaccharides" . purdue.edu.
    * Flitsch, Sabine L.; Ulijn, Rein V (2003). "Sugars tied to the spot". Nature 421 (6920): 219–20. doi:10.1038/421219a . PMID 12529622 .
    * Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. pp. 52–59. ISBN 0-13-981176-1.
    * John Merle Coulter, Charler Reid Barnes, Henry Chandler Cowles (1930), A Textbook of Botany for Colleges and Universities "
    * Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood, Norbert W. Tietz (2000), Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry
    * Matthews, C. E.; K. E. Van Holde; K. G. Ahern (1999) Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 0-8053-3066-6
    * Campbell, Neil A.; Brad Williamson; Robin J. Heyden (2006). Biology: Exploring Life . Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-250882-6.
    * Pigman, Ward; Horton, D. (1972). "Chapter 1: Stereochemistry of the Monosaccharides". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 1–67.
    * Pigman, Ward; Anet, E.F.L.J. (1972). "Chapter 4: Mutarotations and Actions of Acids and Bases". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 165–194.
    * http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5022e/y5022e04.htm
    * http://www.diabetes.org.uk/upload/How we help/catalogue/carb-reference-list-0511.pdf
    * a b Westman, EC (2002). "Is dietary carbohydrate essential for human nutrition?". The American journal of clinical nutrition 75 (5): 951–3; author reply 953–4. PMID 11976176 .
    * Park, Y; Subar, AF; Hollenbeck, A; Schatzkin, A (2011). "Dietary fiber intake and mortality in the NIH-AARP diet and health study" . Archives of internal medicine 171 (12): 1061–8. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18 . PMC 3513325 . PMID 21321288 .
    * http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/83/5/1055.full.pdf+html
    * http://www.jneurosci.org/content/23/13/5928.full
    * http://www.nature.com/jcbfm/journal/v33/n2/abs/jcbfm2012151a.html
    * MedBio.info > Integration of Metabolism Professor em. Robert S. Horn, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved on May 1, 2010. [1]
    * Pichon, L; Huneau, JF; Fromentin, G; Tomé, D (2006). "A high-protein, high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet reduces energy intake, hepatic lipogenesis, and adiposity in rats". The Journal of nutrition 136 (5): 1256–60. PMID 16614413 .
    * Tighe, P; Duthie, G; Vaughan, N; Brittenden, J; Simpson, WG; Duthie, S; Mutch, W; Wahle, K; Horgan, G; Thies, F. (2010). "Effect of increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized, controlled trial". The American journal of clinical nutrition 92 (4): 733–40. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2010.29417 . PMID 20685951 .
    * Food and Nutrition Board (2002/2005). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids . Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Page 769 . ISBN 0-309-08537-3.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (2003). [2] (PDF). Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 55–56. ISBN 92-4-120916-X.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (1998), Carbohydrates in human nutrition, chapter 1 . ISBN 92-5-104114-8.
    * a b "Carbohydrates" . The Nutrition Source. Harvard School of Public Health. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
    * Jenkins, David; Alexandra L. Jenkins, Thomas M.S. Woleve, Lilian H. Thompson and A. Venkat Rao (February 1986). "Simple and Complex Carbohydrates". Nutrition Reviews 44 (2).
    * DHHS and USDA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010

    By the way, this poster got this list of credible references from *gasp* Wikipedia! Oh Noes!!!

    Are those unreliable?

    I think this guy wrote the article so it should be fine
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    starch, sugar and fibre are the main kinds of carbohydrates people eat. Starch is the one you missed in your OP.

    I use wikipedia all the time, it's a fantastic resource. Yes you have to bear in mind that something in it *may* be incorrect or biassed, but the same thing is true of books, and it's far more true about newspapers and magazines. I assume the possibility of human error in anything I read in fact.... which is why it helps to check with more than one source on any matter that's really important.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yeah, I'm not going to trust Wikipedia. I'll just ask the homeless guy under the bridge. Thanks anyway.
    You won't trust Wiki but you'll trust an internet message board.
  • Yeah, I'm not going to trust Wikipedia. I'll just ask the homeless guy under the bridge. Thanks anyway.

    Is there a scientific paper that shows carb consumption increases rudeness? Geez. Someone spent time writing back and offered a perfectly good answer and that's how you reply? :grumble:

    Sugar is a carbohydrate. Fiber is a carbohydrate. You see them listed on food labels because of regulations, laws, etc. You don't see other carbohydrates listed, like starch, because again, the food manufacturer is not required to do so by regulations, laws, etc. Thus the discrepancy between sugar plus fiber grams and carbohydrate grams.

    Now go ahead and ask that old guy under the bridge if he agrees.

    Wikipedia is not a perfectly good answer unless the question is "Would you please give me a mountain of possibly false information?"

    Yes give me a mountain of possibly wrong information with citations.

    The answer to your question is carbs and sugars are the same thing, the only difference is the length of the saccharide chain.
  • You know what is dumber than wikipedia? Dumb questions. :wink:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Op, I know exactly how you feel. Here are some other sources of info. Some are web links and others are titles of books and articles to google. Hope they help, and good luck on your journey!

    * Western Kentucky University (May 29, 2013). "WKU BIO 113 Carbohydrates" . wku.edu.
    * Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin; Cengage Learning (2004). Biology . google.books.com. p. 52. ISBN 978-0534278281.
    * National Institute of Standards and Technology (2011). "Material Measurement Library D-erythro-Pentose, 2-deoxy-" . nist.gov.
    * Long Island University (May 29, 2013). "The Chemistry of Carbohydrates" . brooklyn.liu.edu.
    * Purdue University (May 29, 2013). "Carbohydrates: The Monosaccharides" . purdue.edu.
    * Flitsch, Sabine L.; Ulijn, Rein V (2003). "Sugars tied to the spot". Nature 421 (6920): 219–20. doi:10.1038/421219a . PMID 12529622 .
    * Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. pp. 52–59. ISBN 0-13-981176-1.
    * John Merle Coulter, Charler Reid Barnes, Henry Chandler Cowles (1930), A Textbook of Botany for Colleges and Universities "
    * Carl A. Burtis, Edward R. Ashwood, Norbert W. Tietz (2000), Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry
    * Matthews, C. E.; K. E. Van Holde; K. G. Ahern (1999) Biochemistry. 3rd edition. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 0-8053-3066-6
    * Campbell, Neil A.; Brad Williamson; Robin J. Heyden (2006). Biology: Exploring Life . Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-250882-6.
    * Pigman, Ward; Horton, D. (1972). "Chapter 1: Stereochemistry of the Monosaccharides". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 1–67.
    * Pigman, Ward; Anet, E.F.L.J. (1972). "Chapter 4: Mutarotations and Actions of Acids and Bases". In Pigman and Horton. The Carbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry Vol 1A (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 165–194.
    * http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5022e/y5022e04.htm
    * http://www.diabetes.org.uk/upload/How we help/catalogue/carb-reference-list-0511.pdf
    * a b Westman, EC (2002). "Is dietary carbohydrate essential for human nutrition?". The American journal of clinical nutrition 75 (5): 951–3; author reply 953–4. PMID 11976176 .
    * Park, Y; Subar, AF; Hollenbeck, A; Schatzkin, A (2011). "Dietary fiber intake and mortality in the NIH-AARP diet and health study" . Archives of internal medicine 171 (12): 1061–8. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18 . PMC 3513325 . PMID 21321288 .
    * http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/83/5/1055.full.pdf+html
    * http://www.jneurosci.org/content/23/13/5928.full
    * http://www.nature.com/jcbfm/journal/v33/n2/abs/jcbfm2012151a.html
    * MedBio.info > Integration of Metabolism Professor em. Robert S. Horn, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved on May 1, 2010. [1]
    * Pichon, L; Huneau, JF; Fromentin, G; Tomé, D (2006). "A high-protein, high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet reduces energy intake, hepatic lipogenesis, and adiposity in rats". The Journal of nutrition 136 (5): 1256–60. PMID 16614413 .
    * Tighe, P; Duthie, G; Vaughan, N; Brittenden, J; Simpson, WG; Duthie, S; Mutch, W; Wahle, K; Horgan, G; Thies, F. (2010). "Effect of increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized, controlled trial". The American journal of clinical nutrition 92 (4): 733–40. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2010.29417 . PMID 20685951 .
    * Food and Nutrition Board (2002/2005). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids . Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Page 769 . ISBN 0-309-08537-3.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (2003). [2] (PDF). Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 55–56. ISBN 92-4-120916-X.
    * Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation (1998), Carbohydrates in human nutrition, chapter 1 . ISBN 92-5-104114-8.
    * a b "Carbohydrates" . The Nutrition Source. Harvard School of Public Health. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
    * Jenkins, David; Alexandra L. Jenkins, Thomas M.S. Woleve, Lilian H. Thompson and A. Venkat Rao (February 1986). "Simple and Complex Carbohydrates". Nutrition Reviews 44 (2).
    * DHHS and USDA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010

    By the way, this poster got this list of credible references from *gasp* Wikipedia! Oh Noes!!!

    Are those unreliable?

    You're a joke ruiner. You ruin people's jokes. You're like Regina George.
  • How Rude!!!!! Get some common sense and yes ask the homeless guy under the bridge because he probably has more tact and common sense than you have.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    The answer is that McDonald's is delicious and parents should let there kids have some from time to time.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Carbohydrate is also a bit of a catch-all term. If a food isn't fat, protein or alcohol, it gets called carbohydrate by default.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Well, sugar is defined as 'sucrose' which has a different molecular structure than other carbs.

    Here is what I got when I Googled:


    Use your own fingers then and stop being so lazy. As others have said, that was a perfectly good article about carbohydrates with scientific references.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yeah, I'm not going to trust Wikipedia. I'll just ask the homeless guy under the bridge. Thanks anyway.

    Is there a scientific paper that shows carb consumption increases rudeness? Geez. Someone spent time writing back and offered a perfectly good answer and that's how you reply? :grumble:

    Sugar is a carbohydrate. Fiber is a carbohydrate. You see them listed on food labels because of regulations, laws, etc. You don't see other carbohydrates listed, like starch, because again, the food manufacturer is not required to do so by regulations, laws, etc. Thus the discrepancy between sugar plus fiber grams and carbohydrate grams.

    Now go ahead and ask that old guy under the bridge if he agrees.

    Wikipedia is not a perfectly good answer unless the question is "Would you please give me a mountain of possibly false information?"

    All information is possibly false. All of it.
    Wikipedia happens to be reasonably structured, it's a good starting point.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Wow. Some people need to take the stick out of you know where. Overreaction alert!
    Still failing at interpersonal communication.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    Wow. Some people need to take the stick out of you know where. Overreaction alert!

    Says the pot