40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    You can knock off the 6 lbs in 3 weeks time. Be tough but you can do it. :-)
    The last few are the hardest and they say the best way to do it is a calorie deficit that represents .5 - to 1 lb loss in a week which equates to 1750-3500 cals below your TDEE. That would mean 6 lbs would take 6-12 weeks however.

    Me, I run a lot and lift 4x a week. I am at the point now where I will run 32 miles a week. I am currently at a 1.5 lb/week deficit and plan to bump it up to a 1 lb/week deficit after how I see how this new plan goes. At least that is how I have my mfp goals set right now. I still haven't managed to eat back ALL of my exercise calories yet, but I am eating more than I did than the last few weeks.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Happy Tuesday morning cool kids.

    Welcome newcomers! Wow, there is quite a group.

    Alf - welcome back. I have been on here intermittently lately, but I am hanging in.
    WE got a huge dumping of snow this past weekend, so husband and I went out snowshoeing on Sunday. It finally warmed up enough to play outside. We had a grueling 2 hour hike - breaking trail in the thigh deep snow in some places. The poor dog (140lb Alaskan malamute) was having a hard time not sinking - even with us breaking trail in front of him! Felt so good to do it though.
    Temps plummeted again Sunday night, and we are once again in a deep freeze, so have been relegated to running on the dreadmill.
    Florida is going to feel wonderful next week!
    Running has not been going well, although I keep trying. I am struggling to get my miles in. Am not sure how I'm going to do in my half marathon - guess it is going to be a walk/run. I am going to enjoy myself though, Despite my lack of training, I am going to enjoy the day...and the warm weather (I hope)

    I have decided to hire a personal trainer. She is online (my gf sees her in person regularly and highly recommends her). We have had some preliminary discussion and have agreed that I should start when I am back from Florida. She will create a meal plan and workout schedule for me (mainly weight training). I will have daily check ins with her which should help keep me accountable. How silly that at this age, I still need that accountability otherwise I get lazy and fall off, but it is what it is! We are going to try it in 4 wk blocks to see how it goes.

    sdereski: what half are you doing and when?

    I have my very first half that I am training for in April. The Bridgestreet 1/2 in Huntsville, AL.

    Good luck on your training. I just ran 12 miles for the first time last Saturday. I did it slow (2:19:37 @ avg 5.2 mph) but ran consistently. That was a big deal for me. I will try again this Saturday a little faster.

    I also have a 10K in March. My very first race ever. Kinda excited.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    bump to keep up with our group!!:laugh:
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    What kind of crap is this?
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    You can knock off the 6 lbs in 3 weeks time. Be tough but you can do it. :-)
    The last few are the hardest and they say the best way to do it is a calorie deficit that represents .5 - to 1 lb loss in a week which equates to 1750-3500 cals below your TDEE. That would mean 6 lbs would take 6-12 weeks however.

    Me, I run a lot and lift 4x a week. I am at the point now where I will run 32 miles a week. I am currently at a 1.5 lb/week deficit and plan to bump it up to a 1 lb/week deficit after how I see how this new plan goes. At least that is how I have my mfp goals set right now. I still haven't managed to eat back ALL of my exercise calories yet, but I am eating more than I did than the last few weeks.

    Thanks, I only got 4 lbs to go after the first week. I knocked off 10 lbs August to Sept in 2012 with 1500 cals and CF, but kind of lost my way on the calories after. I just have get tough on the weekends and stick to the calorie plan. I am cranking in down to 1200 by not eating BF (Intermittent fasting and scheduled eating (11 am and then dinner)). It's actually not too bad. I have less cravings and I don't really get hungry in the morning until around 10 -10:30 AM. I try to wait until 11 AM to eat. Plus CF burns tons of cals.

    32 miles a week nice. I ran in my teens and twenties. It kind of wears me down mentally. I need some kind of action to keep me interested like a chasing a ball or being pursued by maniacs with sticks on ice or getting chased by a dinosaur etc.... for a long distance run to be fun.

    Bama is in the teens wow. I'd wish it get that cold here with some snow for a couple weeks. That would be fun.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    What kind of crap is this?

    Fun group of middle agers talking fitness and life in general. :-)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Bama is in the teens wow. I'd wish it get that cold here with some snow for a couple weeks. That would be fun.

    Yeah, it usually doesn't, but it happens every so often.
    Snow? That is another rarity around here. They don't know what to do when it snows. They close schools the night before around here on the THREAT that it may dust. They just don't have the equipment to deal with it around here. Back in NJ, we get a delayed opening for 6 inches of snow.
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    Thanks for thinking about us :laugh:

    Hey everyone, I am an hour away from Montreal, Quebec. I am a survivor from a car accident and had 3 heart attacks so far. Hope it is the end of it :wink: I am a sailor but I have several bodily issues such as a very partial paralysis, a problem in my spinal cord that is waiting to be diagnosted and a partial knee replacement. Moving is not the easiest thing to do but since I want to be on a sailboat as often and for as long as possible, I have to force myself and do somekind of training. For today, I am going to climb on my incline trainer and sweat a little.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,125 Member
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks for the roll whitebalance!

    Thanks Story and no, sorry, only had room for one g & t.

    raw_meal - good luck on your quest... 1200 and cardio til you drop might make it happen for you, good thing it's short term.

    Got my incline intervals in after work and am nestling in with a tea and hockey game... have a greatnight peeps!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Morning All! Worked out- did arms, shoulders and abs today. Also did some time on the elliptical- makes it sound like a prison sentence!! I do enjoy it though!

    Weighed in after for our "Biggest Loser" challenge for work. 189 on the dot! It's a .6lb loss from last Friday. I know that it will sound like a lot to some of you, but from where I started it is a big accomplishment! This time last year I was at 259lbs and was at 269lbs in Sept of 2012. That is a total of 80lbs! It hasn't always been an easy road, but the pay offs have been immense! I have been able to get off from several medications and have dropped my A1c from 11.2 down to 6.1. I have more energy and I feel really good- most of the time! I have dropped from a size 22-24 down to a 14 and from 3x shirts down to large or x-large. I am excited to see what this year will bring and where I will end up when the challenge ends at the end of March!

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    sdereski: what half are you doing and when?

    I have my very first half that I am training for in April. The Bridgestreet 1/2 in Huntsville, AL.

    Good luck on your training. I just ran 12 miles for the first time last Saturday. I did it slow (2:19:37 @ avg 5.2 mph) but ran consistently. That was a big deal for me. I will try again this Saturday a little faster.

    I also have a 10K in March. My very first race ever. Kinda excited.

    I am running a half in the Florida Keys. on Jan. 19th.

    Good luck on your first half. I am sure you will do very well, as you are being consistent with your training, and that is key, as are your long runs. Two things I have not done for this run. I have only done two 7+ mile runs and that was a while ago. I can't seem to get a good few days of runs in. :tongue:
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member

    raw_meal - good luck on your quest... 1200 and cardio til you drop might make it happen for you, good thing it's short term.

    Thanks. Not a good day yesterday. Was at 600 calories until I went to the Ducks vs Bruins in Anaheim kind of blew it at California Pizza Kitchen. I haven't added the calories up yet. Cross Fit is cardio until you drop, maybe harder.
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    I just finished 25 minutes on my Incline Trainer. Later today, I would like to do some Pilates and a little more incline trainer. I really must work on my cardio.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I guess I belong in this group! Hi all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,125 Member
    KellySue - you are ON FIRE and I feel very, very positive about 2014 for you! BOOM!

    WhataBroad - just saying "hi"!

    sdereski - a half-marathon ~ is that your sweet-spot?? January 19 is coming right up!! (Happy New Year!)

    I'm going UBER-low in calories, today, in part because "date night" is now Wednesdays and I want some tid-bits of yummy food for supper! I'm also going to lift, today, so because I'll be completely fasted and no hope of eating calories (until supper), I don't think I'll be banging out any PR's today....

    My "NO EXCUSES" challenge is keeping me VERY HONEST for January, 2014 - which I really like. No, I do NOT think my human condition could have me carrying on this sort of challenge forevermore, but I TOTALLY think I can do it for 3 more weeks!

  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    KellySue - you are a rockstar!! been consistently losing every week, EVEN OVER THE HOLIDAYS and your dedication is amazing! congrats on 80 lbs GONE!!

    sdereski - a 1/2 in the Keys, how awesome is that! You will have a couple days to acclimate before the run I hope, considering the weather you've been having. I have a 'vacation run' as a 2015 want to do... maybe not Florida but somewhere nice and warm!

    raw_meal - Crossfit for cardio... love it!! body fat won't stand a chance.

    Beeps - HI!! and enjoy your date night yummy food! You have the strength and determination to see yourself through for this challenge... I am cheering for you!

    Today was heavy lifting day for my glutes and hamstrings. I upped my squats and dead lifts again, YAY! I felt so strong this morning, that's the feeling that keeps me coming back. RawR!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am running a half in the Florida Keys. on Jan. 19th.

    Good luck on your first half. I am sure you will do very well, as you are being consistent with your training, and that is key, as are your long runs. Two things I have not done for this run. I have only done two 7+ mile runs and that was a while ago. I can't seem to get a good few days of runs in. :tongue:

    Thanks. Wow, the Keys. That is quite a bit of a change from Ontario. Yeah, I am been doing real good. Lucky the complex I live in has a gym like 400 yards from my door. So TM is a big option for me when the weather is not nice. I hope you do well.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Welcome Brige.

    Have fun on your date night Beeps. We got one planned for Saturday night.

    Good job Missou.

    Congrats WhataBroad. You are looking great and it's all the hard work you are putting in showing off. :-)

    Last night was my leg/ab night. felt it this morning trying to get my 4 mi TM going. I took the speed down slightly which made it a little longer of a workout. Nothing tonight.
  • danascott798
    danascott798 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 45 years old with 3 kids, youngest in college. I started out on this journey when I hit the 200 lb mark on my birthday. I had lost 10 pounds since August, got a little side tracked( as a lot of us) during the holidays. Now back at it, wanting to get down to 145 which is 10 lbs heavier than I weighed before my last son was born. I think that is attainable, maybe even get those last ten if it works since I want to be a healthy me not just a skinny me. I walk mostly ,would love to do yoga but my acid reflux says no way!
  • plf1219
    plf1219 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all from Ohio! I too am wanting to get back on track. I lose and re-gain because of my diet. I really need to clean out the cupboards and get rid of all of the things I shouldn't eat. I have no will power....love fruits and vegetables...anticipate "officially" starting my plan on Saturday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,125 Member
    I got my lifting in-and-done....now I'm going online to try and plan a calore-reduced supper for date-night at the restaurant my husband chose....wish me luck!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I got my lifting in-and-done....now I'm going online to try and plan a calore-reduced supper for date-night at the restaurant my husband chose....wish me luck!

    Enjoy that date night Beeps. Love to hear when couples do date night. :happy:

    my husband left today - back to work after 3 weeks off. I leave before he returns and then get back from my trip right after he heads back to work, so I won't see him now until the 29th. But then he is off again for 3 more weeks as we are heading to the Quebec winter carnival! Really excited about that!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Yes sto, it will be a change from Ontario - a welcome change! Am certainly looking forward to some warmer weather. it has finally warmed up here today, it is now 6 above or -12C. :happy: We are supposed to have much milder temps for the next week. Thank Gawd! We need the break from this dang cold.

    Am still feeling really crappy. This cold is just hanging on and hanging on. ugh! That too makes it tough for me to get a decent run in, when I can't breathe. :tongue:

    Welcome to yet more new cool kids.

    Kelly - you must have been so thrilled to weigh in today for the Biggest Loser! Wow, you certainly have done well this past year. As Beeps said, 2014 is going to be your year!!!

    good job on getting your workouts in folks!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hey cool kids! I'm giving myself a pat on the back for getting up this morning and getting in to the gym before work. Of course, the woman I saw running outside as I was walking there probably deserves a bigger prize, but..... I am so amazed anyone can run and breathe in this weather. Very much looking forward to it going back up above freezing tomorrow.

    Gotta be good for the rest of the week--going away with the hubs for his birthday this weekend and there will definitely be some eating involved.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,125 Member
    sdereski - Quebec carnival is something I have NEVER done, but for SURE it's on my bucket list!! GOOD FOR YOU AND GO HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!

    ....my (date-night out with hubby) supper will be "Mixed Greens, Slow Roasted Tomatoes, Caper Vinaigrette, Fried Capers" followed by "Grilled Beef Flat Iron Steak Applewood Smoked Sea Salted Caramel, Bourbon & Herbed Mushrooms"...OH YEAH, OH YEAH!!
  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello, I hope its not too late to join... newbie here to the thread/MFP community. Been doing MFP for 20months now. Lost exactly 50lbs. At goal, actually reach goal a year to the day of starting MFP in May. Maintained more or less for a few months, then decided to lose a bit more. 110-115 give me the range I need to stay in my clothes, have a number that prompts me to pair back for a few week, that being 115.

    So went from 162-->112. I am 5'2" and 40 years old. Used the Bob Harper Skinny Rules principles and MFP. Ate 1200 net a day. Did weights the whole time. Really focussed on that now. I am a runner, half marathons. I am Canadian and live in Toronto.

    Hello and looking forward to chatting with you.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Alf- Thanks for the welcome I am really excited to be part of this group. I love all the support & cool people.
    astronut- I am also trying to get up and do early morning workouts so I know what you are going through. I have never been a morning workout person but have found this is MY only time nothing else can get in the way. It will get easier!
    it is freezing here in Wisconsin so this has been a challenging week to stay motivated.
    good night to all.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good morning everyone! I just got done with my 40 minutes of cardio before heading to work
    YEAH. I actually pulled myself out of bed & did it. I hope you all have great day & get a chance to workout ????
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to more new people!!!

    Yeah! Thursday! One more day to the weekend. This week has been killer for me. I haven't worked a full five day week since the second week in December! I woke up with a head ache this morning so I decided to lay back down for a bit and didn't work out. Doing better now. We'll see what the rest of the day brings! Maybe I can sneak in a brisk walk at lunch time or something.

    Have a good day all!