Does black caffeinated coffee count as daily water



  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I've posted this dozens and dozens of times on MFP and I'm posting it again here for you all. Read, learn, and be amazed.

    Why the 8 glasses of water a day is a MYTH:

    Thanks for posting the link to this article. From a purely rational viewpoint this article makes a great deal of sense. I personally have not been counting water consumption, but between coffee (usually decaf), diet soda, sugar free drink mixes, and water I probably do consume at least 64 ounces in an average day. Even though I don't choose to guzzle plain water all day long, it doesn't seem to be a roadblock to successful weight loss for me.

    Another myth busted?

    Decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine in it, just lower amounts. It's also typically processed using benzene (a carcinogen). There is a process that uses CO2, but I don't know how widely used it is yet. I just wanted you to be aware of what you're putting into your body.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    ok, I will share this one more time...

    Coffee... Log it as Coffee
    Tea .... Log it as Tea
    Soda / Pop .... Log it as Soda / Pop
    Apple Juice .... Log it as Apple Juice
    Milk..... Log it as Milk
    Water.... Hello log THAT as Water

    Its really not that difficult to remember that. Why must you try and give yourself "excuses". Water is Water is Water.

    Thank you!! I completely agree that by documenting coffee and soda as water, people are making excuses not to drink water. I am extremely sensitive to caffein and it makes me urinate more frequently. Some may not experience it like I do, but it is a diuretic. If you are working out consistently, why not give your body what it really needs? You can still enjoy that cup of coffee or soda (which I would not recommend if you're trying to lose weight, since there are around 17 Tbsp of sugar in a 20oz soda). Why not just drink water as well? I really don't see why people have such a problem with drinking water. It's one of our most basic necessities (3 minutes without air, 3 days without WATER, and ~3 weeks without food).
    Clearly you ignored the factual information on this thread.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I've posted this dozens and dozens of times on MFP and I'm posting it again here for you all. Read, learn, and be amazed.

    Why the 8 glasses of water a day is a MYTH:

    Thanks for posting the link to this article. From a purely rational viewpoint this article makes a great deal of sense. I personally have not been counting water consumption, but between coffee (usually decaf), diet soda, sugar free drink mixes, and water I probably do consume at least 64 ounces in an average day. Even though I don't choose to guzzle plain water all day long, it doesn't seem to be a roadblock to successful weight loss for me.

    Another myth busted?

    Decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine in it, just lower amounts. It's also typically processed using benzene (a carcinogen). There is a process that uses CO2, but I don't know how widely used it is yet. I just wanted you to be aware of what you're putting into your body.
    Just so you know, coffee, caffeinated and decaffeinated , has antioxidants and has been linked to decreased rates of some types of cancer. Coffee is also linked to decreased rates of diabetes, Parkinson's and depression.
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I'm not necessarily saying that you need to drink exactly 8 glasses of water per day because I do know that we get much of our water from the foods we eat. However, our culture is the most obese in the world and I attribute a lot of that to the fact that people aren't conscious of what they drink. I also think that drinking diuretics and thinking they are the same as water is a fallacy. I am not an expert and I don't claim to be one, but my common sense tells me that anything that causes your body to expel water is not equal to water.
  • Actually cafinated drinks dehyrate you so technically its a negative -1 water drink if logging carfinated drinks in the Diary.
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    Cut out sodas etc and your water intake will go up...I believe coffee cannot be included as your required water intake...
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Actually cafinated drinks dehyrate you so technically its a negative -1 water drink if logging carfinated drinks in the Diary.
    Actually that's 100% wrong. Refer to the fact based information in this thread...the diuretic effect of caffeinated drinks does not exceed the hydrating effect of the drinks they are in by a LONG shot.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm not necessarily saying that you need to drink exactly 8 glasses of water per day because I do know that we get much of our water from the foods we eat. However, our culture is the most obese in the world and I attribute a lot of that to the fact that people aren't conscious of what they drink. I also think that drinking diuretics and thinking they are the same as water is a fallacy. I am not an expert and I don't claim to be one, but my common sense tells me that anything that causes your body to expel water is not equal to water.

    I'd say people are obese more because people are not conscious of what they eat. in regards to content and portions.Yes, water has no calories so better to drink that than non diet soda or copious amounts of juice. But people have done studies on coffee consumption and have found that especially for people are are used to drinking coffee that the duretic effect is minimal. Links were posted earlier in this thread f you wish to look at them.
    Sometimes things that seem like common sense get disproven.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    oh goodness, I'm commenting simply because that was a very amusing 5 minutes of my life reading that.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I've posted this dozens and dozens of times on MFP and I'm posting it again here for you all. Read, learn, and be amazed.

    Why the 8 glasses of water a day is a MYTH:

    I call BS and this retired professor is the ONLY person I have ever heard say this.

    Water is vital to our existence. No soda, tea, juice, coffee, etc............ Water is vital.
    Actually a lot of people have said it. ( Look up post by HMonsterX)
    But if you're calling BS I guess you have a lot of scientific studies/data, right?
    BTW no one disagrees that your body needs water; we're just saying your body can get water from coffee, juice, milk etc

    I don't believe that we need drinks such as coffee, juice, milk, soda, etc.............

    I don't NEED coffee but I enjoy it so I have 2-3 cups of water in the morning, before and after that, I drink water.

    Water in the simple form is needed so much more than you all want to realize. This country has an obesity problem and juice, soda (both regular and diet) are contributing to the obesity problem and other issues such as Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

    High blood pressure is caused from the body being in a chronic state of dehydration, not sodium as they try to tell you it is. The body being dehydrated causes an sodium one eats to be more prominent in the blood and causes a higher blood volume, therefore high blood pressure.

    I prefer water.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    No because it is a diuretic.

    Wrong. Where do you get this information? It does not make you pee any more so than any other liquid.

    Coffee (and tea) are duiretics, it is nothing to do with making you pee.
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    when i drink coffee it seems to make me want to go pee a lot more then drinking water! what my body goes through in mornings anyways! ever since i stopped drinking coffee & just plain water i only go once in the early mornings! Science or no science thats my result

    also coffee dehydrates you so my vote is no
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I know many people with high blood pressure. None of them developed it from being chronically dehydrated.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    when i drink coffee it seems to make me want to go pee a lot more then drinking water! what my body goes through in mornings anyways! ever since i stopped drinking coffee & just plain water i only go once in the early mornings! Science or no science thats my result

    also coffee dehydrates you so my vote is no
  • sooooo, what is the answer!??!

  • alhal22
    alhal22 Posts: 2 Member
    You should ask a nutritionist. Doctors are required to take only ONE class in nutrition in med school.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I don't count my coffee as water
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Zombie thread!
  • Let Me reason this through with Me, Myself and I....If I Distracted/Separated ALL of the Soda Ingredients (with or without caffeine) from the 'Water' ....I would have a ...uhhhh...a 'Weird Tasting, Dry Soda Flavored Powder' ....AND...a glass of 'WATER'. In layman's terms....(because I am a layman),....I have heard that the the main difference is that pure water goes through the system with much less filtering effort and/or processing...However, every Non-Water Ingredient Added has to be separated and processed differently which causes the kidneys and liver to work harder than if it were only plain water....(Which, on the other hand to Me, Myself and I, doesn't sound so bad...because isn't that what the kidneys and liver are 'supposed' to do?....'Work'?....Which would cause the body to burn more calories?

    Well, Wisdom from the past remains true for the present, "All things (food & exercise) in Moderation" and we should be OK.

    For me a couple cups of coffee won't hurt...If I feel unsure, I might drink an extra cup of water just to be on the safe side.