Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies! Day 4 of week 16 is in the books. Added Fire 30 to the scheduled Core 20, Stretch 10 because w/o it I thought "why bother" know me and my addiction to getting my sweat on. Bodybugg said I burned 364 calories.

    I've never done BBL so I have nothing to contribute but I'm so glad you all love it so much.

    Have an amazing day and push play!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!!! Well, today I did Fire 60 again but my HRM was acting up again!!!! GRRRRR!!!! :explode: So, my HR wasn't reading in my zone like it was the other day but nonetheless, I was sweating bullets!!!! I know I brought it!

    Hope you girls are having a great day! This is going to be a short post but I'll be back later! Have a good one!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    one hour treadmill check
    core 20 check
    Tone 30 check
    jello arms check.

    I am all tuckered out. Keep pushing play ladies.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I gave Fire 60 a second try today, since that darn UTI stopped me from getting past 25 minutes into it yesterday. This is the first time I've done this one all the way through. I really liked it, I still think Fire 55EZ is my favorite, but this one had great music and it REALLY worked my abs!!! All those knees and kicks and stuff, I'm still feeling it in my abs now. I'm gonna do Sculpt 30 before I leave for Jersey tomorrow, I'll be lacking in workouts this weekend when I'm home with family, I'll be focusing on eating decent and I'll be walking around and stuff.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! def been MIA on here for a while.. I kinda fell out of the TF schedule the past couple weeks, but the days when I didn't do it, I went for a run, and am now able to get through 4 miles!! I'm just so sad I got into running late in the year, since it's getting dark so early now, along with the winter coming in soon.. I def think TF has a lot to do with making the running easier.. plus the fact that i'm now 30lbs lighter! lol.

    trayn, hope you're feeling better! i know those things can be painful! i think my fave workout is Fire 45 EZ, or HIIT 20. I don't like how this second month is HIIT-less, so I'm gonna squeeze a couple in myself, I miss them!

    today i did Fire 30 and Tone 30, and was feeling really good at the end. one day last weekend i went running and did 3 miles.. i decided to push myself the next day and try for 4, which i did, and at the end was soo freakin excited i wanted to do a cartwheel in the parking lot lol... after getting home and into the shower, i noticed that the vision in my left eye went wavy, and i felt a bit dizzy... after about 20 min or so it went away, leaving me a bit freaked out. after seeing the eye doc today he said it was most likely a migraine.. kind of a weird way for one to mainfest, since i fortunately don't get them, but hey at least everything is ok, and my retinas aren't detaching or anything! the next day i did absolutely nothing, and while it was nice to recover, i felt completely lazy. time to get back on track! i have a pair of size 8 jeans in my closet which i'm aiming to fit into possibly by the end of the year... i can get into them, but can't button lol.. maybe 10 more lbs??

    yay for friday and the weekend! sat starts my 9 day vacay and i need it like no tomorrow!

    does anyone else follow Chalene on Facebook? today she put up a status which basically challenged everyone to NOT gain weight during the holiday season, but to instead intensify their workouts.. gonna be keeping that in the back of my head til Jan 1st!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Welcome back Allie! Switching in running for Turbo Fire is a good combo. I really need to pick up with running again. I started running outside in sept. and oct. when it was warmer and still light out in the evening but I could only get as far as a mile without stopping. I'm sure all this Turbo Fire-ing has helped with my stamina, I'll have to make a point of getting to the gym more often to use the treadmill. I have a free gym at work.

    That's amusing your fave workout is my least fave! I guess it really depends on what you like. I don't really know why, but I don't get into Fire 45EZ. Although I do really like HIIT 20. It's HIIT 25 that I'm not a fan of. I just do HIIT 20 when it tells me to do HIIT 25. And Fire 45 for Fire 45EZ. I'm hoping to get in a shorter workout tonight after work if I have time. Then I need to take my bedroom mirror off the dresser and get it in the car by myself (the store I bought it from is gonna repair it), pack, and do a few odds and ends before I can head up to Jersey. Hopefully I'll get out of work around 4:30 today so I have time.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys! Happy Friday to you all!

    Today I pushed my way through 55 EZ. Bodybugg said I burned 494 calories. You ladies with your 600+ calorie burn results are making me jealous!

    Welcome back Allie! You were missed so I'm glad to hear you're back on track.

    Sara - good luck with your plan for Jersey. I'm originally from Jersey...Princeton area. What about you?

    Friends in town so we're going out for Italian food tonight. I'm going to try and make good choices but I think a glass of wine is in my future!

    Enjoy your day!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Hi all,

    Did Burn It Off this morning - I was surprised at how tough a workout that was! I was breathing HARD! It felt a bit like a mini-Insanity workout! I am constantly amazed at how good every singe Beachbody workout program that I have tried is!

    Have a great Friday!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm from the Newark, NJ area. My town isn't too sketchy, but it is close to Newark and Elizabeth so it's gotten kinda cruddy in the past 20 years. My whole family lives in that general area, plus some down the shore (like Manalapan area). And my little sister goes to school in Lawrenceville (Rider University).
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Small world. My husband grew up in Perth Amboy. I know exactly what you mean about that area. My grandparents used to live in Manalapan (Covered Bridge) and both of my cousins went to Rider. Wow! :laugh:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! I'm here! Didn't get to push play at my usual time this morning but I will push play! I plan on getting my rear downstairs here real soon! Think I'm going to do Tone 30 and HIIT 25. How is your guys' day going?

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Working my tush off trying to get to Emerald...oh and burn off the last 6 freakin pounds to reach goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all thanks to Turbo Fire, my friends on MFP, Shakeology, and Chalene!:love:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Sharon, you're doing amazing girl! Keep up the good work! You only have 6lbs to your goal?!!!!! Woooo hooo!!!!!!
  • shimacrema
    Hey everyone!

    I definetly have been missing in action but it didn't stop me from pushing play. I have been staying on track with the TF/CE hybrid mostly but I have been adding in more TF. I go through withdrawal lol. This was my 6th week of the program. I also stepped up my ab work out. I am releasing weight from my head down lol so I am going to put mor emphasis on the areas that need it.

    I see a lot of new faces here. Hey to everyone and keep up the great work.

    I will be consistant with coming on.

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey Hey, fellow Jersey girl right here! and I'm from Roselle Park, which is a neighbor of Elizabeth. Believe me I know how things have kinda gone downhill in some areas. Even around me things aren't as great as they used to be when I was younger. I guess it just happens.. Today I did Fire 55 EZ, and my HRM, (I got a Polar) said I burned 668! I def needed it today since I had friends from RI in the state today and we had thai for dinner. Granted I didn't need those fried spring rolls, but they are oh so good, and I saved all my calories for that meal lol. Working nights does have it's advantages.. Last night I ate on break, then got home late b/c I had the doctor after work.. Thus I woke up later than normal..Worked out, showered then off to dinner, which left not much time to snack or anything... My vacay officially starts tomorrow!! Gonna be a busy weekend, but I'm gonna do my best to keep on track... Everyone enjoy your weekends!!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Hello!!! I'm 'sort of' back hehe hope everyone is doing great!!! I've been very sick going to the hospital since tuesday...a looong story, I posted what happened on my wall in case you want to read it...anyways, I can't exercise for about 1 more week so I'll just try to recover as fast as i can, but I really need some time off...the pain I was feeling in the past days was really hard to handle but thanks to God I'm so much better today after all the medicines and shots, besides vomiting, my lung is ok now. The doctors I visited kept saying that even a healthy person like me who does a lot of good exercise and eats right, can suffer from tough exercise and stress.

    Anyways, I received a call on Monday from the Human Resources Manager of one of the greatest bank companies here in Costa Rica, she saw my resume and wanted to talk to me about a position they just launched. So I went to the interview on Tuesday (before I got sick so I think that affected me as well) and the position and the place are just soo wonderful that I felt amazed...she wants to hire a psychologist to improve some things inside the dept., anyways, I passed the interview and now the next step is an assessment centre :embarassed: on Friday 20th with all the other candidates to see which one has the abilities to keep the position. I'm excited about the fact that she called me and I passed the interview, only that means a lot to me, so we'll see how it goes, I wont fake anything, I'll just be myself and if she considers I'm the one for the job then I'll have it, if not, I'll just get the feedback and continue with my studies...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Prixy. sorry you have been ill but good luck on the job.

    So I went real old school today and did Turbo Jam Punch Kick and Jam. I was really surprised how easy it seemed. I remembered it being harder.
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I havent been on here too much the past coule of days, but I have been keeping up with my workouts..on friday I did Turb Fire 45 and Stretch 10 and yesterday I decided to go for a run because it was so beautiful outside! Today I have to do Burn it off and Ab Burner...I just have to find the time to fit it in today!

    Been off the eating the past few days, getting all stocked up on my healthy items today and will be back in full force tomorrow....I have learned that I just cant let my cupboards get bare cause that is when I end up eating I always have to have the good stuff around, I need to get more organzied!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Afternoon girls!!! Killer workout this morning! I did Sculpt 30, HIIT 15, Abs 10 and 3 sets of 20 rep push ups! I am loving my arms! Woo hoo! Thank you Turbo Fire!!!!

    How are all you girls doing today? Ready to make this a great, healthy week?!!! Let's do it!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Look at Deb all fired up after the National Coach's Call. You go Girl! Way to kill it today!

    Started week 17 this morning with HIIT 30 and Lower 20. All I can say is WOW I made it through the entire thing (4 HIITs x 2 and 1 HIIT x 3) without any problem. Bodybugg said I burned 331 calories and my hips and adductors are still burning 7 hours later. Looking at the rest of the week I get both HIIT 15 and HIIT 20 but now, after going all the way through the Mother of all HIIT workouts, I have to say I think the shorter ones may be a bit too easy. I can't believe how my endurance has increased because of this program. I swear I've noticed improvements in my jumps and, although I'm still taking breaks throughout, its for water and not because I'm tired. This program works!

    Hope you all have an awesome day!