
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well tomorrow is my annual physical. I have several questions about blood sugar and calorie allotment. Also he hardly ever orders an A1c on me and I feel like I need to have that checked. I am so anxious to see his reaction to my diet.

    I have talked about my family members with drug and alcohol problems. I wonder what it is in our culture today that it is so rampant. I agree with Rose that you need your own help Allison to help you with coping through this.

    It's warming up here also. But I still have this new ting going on with me about being so cold. Just going from my house to my car my hands are freezing. Gloves don't help. I need to pull my fingers out of the glove and make a clinched fist inside my glove to warm them up. Just getting my carrots out of the package from the fridge leaves them freezing for an hour. Holding a remote control is hard to do. I have thought about Raynauds disease but I don't have the right symptoms. My husband has been like this for a couple of years but he goes around with an insulated hoodie with a hat and hood tied real tight. I don't know how many times we have had to move seats or leave a restaurant because he is to cold. We are both on thyroid medicine. Charlie hates to have blood work drawn, well be stuck for any reason, and was several months late in having his thyroid level checked after his dose was first started. I will get my first recheck done after my physical. But it's 32* right now at 9 PM.

    As you can see my ticker shows 54 pounds gone now!!!!! I was so hoping it would be 55 pounds for my appointment. But we don't always get what we want. But I haven't had a good bowel movement in several days and maybe that would help on the scales:laugh: :sad: HMMMMM, I thought sure it was 54 pounds. Well, that's a bummer. But 53 pounds is OK to. After I get my bowels moving, it might be 54!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • stannamcd
    stannamcd Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to MFP. I am 52 and trying to lose 35 pounds. Hope we can encourage each other.
    It's harder to lose over 50, but I don't want to be in the same place next year.

    Hope you ladies are doing well so far.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. I put myself first today by doing laps around my office while printing, going for my 10 minute after lunch walk, and swimming 1/3 mile. Now I am so tired I can hardly hold my pitiful head up, so I'm off to bed.

    Alison: I'm so sorry about your brother and I'm sending you prayers and hugs

    Linda: glad the pups are better; after his pancreatitis the only food my dog would eat was deli turkey, which the vet staff went out and bought him. They hand fed it to him. Maybe yours will eat some too.

    Welcome all the newbies. This is a fabulous group.

    OK I'm off to slumber land. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Joyce - I don't put the wat IN the cereal, I have the cereal dry and then take a drink of water. Sorry for the confusion. Do you ever find that the egg yolk runs when you put it into an English Muffin? One of the things I've started doing (mainly because I need to finish up some of the tortillas) is fry an egg and some egg substitute and put that in a LaTortilla tortilla. But I'm finding that the yolk runs. So I'm wondering if what I need to do is just use egg substitute.

    tazgirl, what I do is I have a timer plugged into the wall for the crock pot. Then I plug the crockpot into the timer and set it for when I want it turned on and off.

    Allison - I feel your pain. Even tho you know it's for the best for your brother, it still hurts to see. Prayers for you

    Linda - I'm so glad the dogs are fine

    Renny - Congrats on the fantastic loss

    Melodie and Linda and stannamcd and anyone else new that I may have missed- welcome!

    katla - I didn't realize, either, that sugar would cut the heat in spicy foods. I knew that milk would

    Did an hour of a total body Bosu workout DVD today, then had the Newcomer general meeting, then senior bowling. Now I'm home for a bit then back to the alley for Newcomer bowling.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a DVD that I got for Christmas Jillian Michaels Hard Body.

    Viv - so sorry about hubby. Vent all you need to. That's the reason I exercise my shoulders...so they are big enough for people to lean on.

    Patty - that's wonderful that you signed up. Are you going for ACE certification or AFFA or another one? Good luck to you

    Rori - I just accepted your friend request on Facebook

    Joyce - good luck at your physical. Do you have to fast and then they take blood that day, or do you have to have your bloodwork done before your physical? You've done just wonderful with your weight losss. Let us know the MD's reaction...I'm betting its very very favorable.

    Meg - I bought the expensive Hormel turkey, the cats prefer the cheaper Aldi's brand. Go figure!

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm falling asleep as I type, but wanted to say hi and, even though I'm not responding individually in type, I did read the posts and am eagerly following everyone's lives.

    My day started off not so great--Wednesdays are hectic days at work and I don't get to sneak out and walk my laps around the sanctuary (job 1)/youth room (job 2) like I like to do. I did manage to get my 10,000 steps in and enjoyed coffee with a friend this evening. Well, he enjoyed coffee and I enjoyed the conversation. :bigsmile: I have my meals logged for tomorrow and tomorrow is my last long work day of the week (Fridays are such a breeze at 5 hours!) so I am all set.

    Someone's post reminded me that I forgot to tell y'all that my doctor was thrilled with me on Monday. I'd lost 18 pounds since I saw him last (about 3 months ago) and I get to drop my Lisinopril! He recommended that I keep taking my little diuretic pill just to keep from retaining fluid but no more "big" blood pressure meds!

    Good night!

    Carol in somewhat warmer NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I eat an egg 'fried' hard. I spray a saucer with Pam, put it in the microwave then break my egg onto the saucer. I poke my finger in the egg to break it and nuke it for 1 minute. Now sometimes I hear some exploding in the microwave and have to clean a mess but it generally works fine. By using the Healthy Life English muffin, I have to cut the egg in smaller pieces to make it fit. I also have to fold in the edges of the cheese. But it's all yummy in the end. I'm glad that I know you don't put water in the cereal. Dry cereal is my favorite, has been for years. My doctor will give me a prescription for blood work and I fast for it. My nuerologist has me do labs every 6 months and hers is due in March. So I will see if the doctors will compromise and let me do them all in February. I can't see my insurance company paying for a CBC and full Chemistry panel study in January and March.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Did Bodypump class at the gym today. I tried increasing the weight for the bicep part, and aggravated my tennis elbow. One step forward, two steps back.

    Katie, thank you for the iPad tip. I will check that out for sure! I feel that my logging has not been terribly accurate. I find something in the database that is close, and make a rough estimate on portion size. Hopefully, I will get better as I get the hang of things.

    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • Hi Everyone,

    Alison - I will, indeed, pray for your brother that he'll rise - and stay risen - from the ashes! I'll say a word for you, too, while I'm at it... Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    The fronts of my thighs are aching since Monday evening's gym workout. My regular walking gait has become stiff and awkward. :sad: 'Course, if I had followed Coach's post workout advice I may have avoided these problems. :blushing: (He said to drink lots of water and do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio each day after to get rid of the lactic acid build up.) Ah, well... Live and learn! :bigsmile:

    Thanks for all the encouragement around dealing with my Coach. I'm not the bravest person but your words really helped to support me. :heart:

    Tomorrow night is choir practice night. Lalalalala! Friday night is another session with the Coach.

    Have a great Thursday and Friday ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Anne, from wet and rainy Vancouver area, BC, Canada

    A few goals for me for January 2014:

    - To lose 6 lbs by January 31 (to be well on my way to my personal Goal #2 for March 31)

    - To exercise a minimum of one hour, three times per week under the guidance of a personal trainer (already hired)

    - To stick as closely as I can to the low-fat, high-fibre vegan diet I'm trying to follow for the month of January
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just a quick good morning, everyone! Going to be gone most of the day, including dinner out with people from work. ("step awAY from the bread basket..")

  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies: Dr's appt went well, she said I actually lost a pound since I saw her last, I thought I gained:ohwell: , but she was happy, now she says 6-8lbs is healthy loss for the next four weeks,( easy for her to say) :tongue: .

    Had talapia, brown rice and fresh broccoli (out of our garden) last night, DH does not like fish much, but he said it was pretty good as long as we only have it once in a while, wish he would eat more fish. :frown: Tonight I am trying Rotisserie Chicken in the crock pot.

    Alison: So sorry about your brother, prayers for you both. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: My hot flashes are worse at night, so they help keep me warm. :laugh:

    Katla: Only very very little sugar, or you will end up making it to sweet tasting. :tongue:

    Michele: Great idea about the timer on the crock pot. :bigsmile:

    Anamika: It's nice to be back. Thank you. :bigsmile:

    Linda: Thank you for the advice, I will remember that. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a Blessed & Wonderful Day! :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Florida, where it will be in the upper 70's today :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my lovelies

    I hope you are all doing well. I'm saying prayers for those with problems and sending good wishes to everyone.

    This morning I had to go back to bed for half an hour. I really thought I was going to pass out or throw up. Not sure what was going on but I have now made it into work, although slightly wobbly (and for once it's not just the saggy bits that are wobbling!)

    Yesterday I had some quality time with my grandtwins. I took them out to lunch while my DD got some housework accomplished. It's lovely to see them eating well and healthily. Long may it last.

    DD#2 has now started her maternity leave and I would really love to be over in Germany with her. It doesn't help that her father (my ex-husband) telephoned last night to ask if I wanted him to take anything over when he goes next week. Fortunately my DH got to the phone first so I didn't have to talk to him. You would think that I would be able to put my life with him behind me - it's 34 years since we split up - but not a day goes when I don't think of the abuse my daughters and I suffered at his hands.

    Enough of that, I'm in a different place now and sharing my life with a wonderful man. Gratitude in abundance for that!

    Must catch up with some work.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, It has warmed up here in Cincinnati and tomorrow it's suppose to be up in the 40's.

    Sandy ON- Thanks for the good wishes, I will need them as I get test anxious.
    Michele NC- It is the AFAA certification that I will be testing for.
    Joyce IN-Good luck with your physical
    Meg Omaho- Great job exercising, I bet even though you were tired, it was a good tired.

    I read over my resolutions and realize I need to work harder at these. I also have a horrid habit of starting to log my food in the morning and not going back the rest of the day. Today I've logged breakfast, lunch and snack and I'm sticking to eating what I've written already.

    Working both jobs today and I give blood at 3 o'clock.

    Have a healthy and happy day all. Patty from Cincinnati
  • Hi, pleased to see this topic.

    I am 52 in my menopause and a yoyo dieter for many years! My health is not so good and the hospital have advised me to lose weight, no surprise to me, but does shock one into action!:embarassed:

    I have gallbladder/blocked bile duct issues being investigated. Going in for an endoscopy ultrasound tomorrow, hideous experience but has to be done!

    My son gets married in Sept this year so determined to look good in those photos!:happy:

    We go on a cruise in June so aim to lose 2 and half stone for that, then have time to get the weight off for the wedding, oops!:embarassed:

    My daughter then gets married June 2015, so plenty of reasons to lose weight and stay healthy!:laugh:

    I go to the gym 3 times a week but have to take it gently, compared to some people there!

    Here's to a positive 2014 for everyone:smile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!!

    Alison:smile: So sorry to hear about your brother having to be restrained :cry: , what a terrible shock it had to be for you:brokenheart: ! Will keep you both in my prayers!

    Wish I had more time this morning, but it is not to be:sad: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in getting warmer :happy: NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies,
    the last couple of nights i have slept alot, I am not killing myself with exercise though I did get to the gym yesterday, havent gotten there yet today, I am sorta babying myself during this tough time, I am going to try and stay on the eating part,and get my exercise in,but try and stay strong for my brother..
    my dad goes to a friday night meeting of al-anon every week for the last 40 yrs, maybe I will go with him tomorrow night.
    maybe I can get Jean to go to
    thanks again for all your prayers, it does help alot knowing that Sean(my brother) and I and Jean have so much love surrounding us.
    have a a load of laundry going,and then I have to make a dump trip and go visit my friend Doris. then probably over to the hospital for awhile..
    not much I can do but be there for him..It is so hard to see what people do to themselves
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Alison: I hope the photo of your brother will be helpful, but I have no idea whether it will or not. I’m thinking about addictions. We all have experience fighting addiction to overeating. My parents were addicted to smoking and is shortened their lives. Mom died of emphysema and dad of heart disease. Nothing I said or did made a difference or reduced either of their cigarette consumption and I started asking them to quit when I was a small child. I never wavered from my position and they never wavered from theirs. Maybe you will be able to make a difference in your brother’s struggle with addiction, and maybe he’ll tell everyone to butt out. Be sure that you don’t take on any guilt if he doesn’t try to change or tries and fails. Going to al-anon with your dad is a good idea. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: Good luck to you and everyone with subzero weather.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: I was never able to manage my eating while I was actively teaching. I was chronically exhausted and ate for energy. Of course over eating didn’t give me more energy, but it felt like a little boost. I hope you will be able to do better. I don’t have an ipad, but I use my iphone app for all of my logging. I love it because I can enter the food as I go along and don't leave anything out. I love the name Kay. Let us know if we can use it.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Congratulations on your weight loss and health improvements that allow you to drop the blood pressure medicine!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Good luck getting your doctors to compromise on the timing of your blood testing. It would be nice if they could both get necessary test results from the same blood draw.:flowerforyou:

    Anne from Vancouver BC area: Good news that you’ve gotten started with your coach and are making progress. Aching thighs are evidence of hard work.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Tina in FL: You may get an influx of visitors if you advertise 70 degree weather.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’m happy to hear that your daughter will be on maternity leave. European countries seem to do a much better job caring for the health of pregnant and new mothers than we do over here. It was nice of your DH to take care of the call with the ex. :flowerforyou:

    Patty from Cincinnati: I do all my logging on my phone app because I always have the phone with me and am able to log accurately as the day goes along. Some people log in advance. In the end, we all have to do what makes sense to us. :flowerforyou:

    Palmscj: Welcome. Where are you from? That you are measuring your goals in stones leads me to believe you’re somewhere in the British Isles. We have people from all over the world and it is nice knowing where people live.:flowerforyou:

    I woke up, came downstairs as usual, set up the coffee and headed to my desk to post. Then I heard my dog yip and decided to be really quiet so he’d go back to sleep. He yipped again, so I went out to the garage to let him in. He wasn’t there. He was outside on his lead. He must have spent the night out there, poor little guy. He’s conked out beside me now. It is a good thing he has a dense double coat for insulation. Our low this morning was probably about 40 degrees.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” Leo F. Buscaglia

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning to all! :flowerforyou:
    I was here before, several months ago, and then I let the holidays take over my brain. And now my body is screaming, "HELP!"
    So, I am back. Yay! Ready to feel good again, in every way.

    2014 goals:
    If it isn't working, change it.
    Try new things.
    Give myself a break (cut me some slack, forgive, etc.)
    Laugh more- have more fun!
    Develop my creativity more, in taking more classes, trying new things and continuing to improve painting.

    So far I have had my acrylic nails removed (had them on for many years), and am working on getting real nails strong again.
    Changed my haircolor, I had gone red/auburn (like in my youth,my real color), but gray roots showed too fast. Back to brown/blonde combo, I call it "striped", it works better. I love pretty, natural gray/white hair, but mine is not that way.
    My youngest (daughter) is a senior in high school, and is probably going away to college, she has not chosen yet. So hubby and I downsized my car from a van to a crossover, only 2 rows of seats. Coming to terms with the empty nest will be huge for me this year.
    And, back to healthy eating, all the time.

    Thanks for this board, it is so nice to come back to see women in my age bracket, with similar issues.

    Nancy from sunny (but chilly) Gilbert, AZ (Phoenix area). It is nothing compared to the cold some of you have, but 39 is cold here!:ohwell:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good morning,

    Deedee drank water first thing this morning.:drinker:

    Welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Because I am at DSIL in Chicago I browsed the posts but unfortunately don't have time for individual responses.
    Hugs and prayers for those in need.:heart:

    I am realizing the maintenance calories in MFP are too high for me. I need to cut back about 100-200 cal a day. I am up a pound or two. So it is time to cut back. That's what I love about MFP it gives me the tools and knowledge to keep me on track. Your on help this forum is invaluable too. Thank you.:heart:

    Cut back on TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of cofffee.:drinker:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Wow! After saying I was falling asleep as I typed last night, I ended up not getting to sleep until close to 3 a.m. I'm TIRED this morning! I think I inhaled caffeine from spending time in Starbucks last night. :smile:

    Have a good day, ladies! Don't forget to log, drink, walk, and whatever else you need to do to feel good and be healthy.

    Carol in NC
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Wow! We must be getting close to our 500 posts already--will this month take up 3 topics instead of the usual 2?
    jb2011-thank you for your eating mindfully post--wonderful tips for watching what we eat!
    NSV quickly here--My HgbA1C was 5.5, all lab levels were wonderful, so my goals of being healthier are being achieved.

    Less cold, cloudy northwestern Illinois