Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ha ha Becky, when I first got my boxer I had to have her spayed and was told to "keep her quiet" after the surgery. :huh: Um, yeah. She was a year old and totally insane. I had to give her benadryl to knock her out. :laugh: Not sure if you can do that with a teeny kitten or not. Tom? :laugh: Maybe shave some powder off the tablet and give it to him. :tongue:

    A kitty that size only takes about 2 mg, 1/12 of a 25 mg tablet. It also comes in pediatric liquid, 12.5 mg/ml = 0.16 ml, about three drops, but I bet he won't like it:tongue:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh, and Kechie, I am Octoberfest bound tonight! I have like 900 calories left after lunch, so I think I can squeeze one it. Bottoms up! :drinker: Have you had Sam Adams' Chocolate Bock? They only sell it in the 12-pack sampler, if you could buy it by itself I would be over on calories every day! It is really, really good!

    I am the one woman on the planet who does not like chocolate. So, no I have not had the SA Chocolate Bock. Sounds uh chocolatie.:ohwell:

    I am looking forward to an Octoberfest tonight too. It is pizza night at my house and you just have to have a cold beer with a slice.:drinker:

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Kelynn- If you want me to stalk you I'm pretty good at it, remember I stalked my doctor for 3 days haha

    Leash, I set my food diary to "locked with a key". I sent you a PM with the "key" so you can stalk away :wink:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    I am the one woman on the planet who does not like chocolate. So, no I have not had the SA Chocolate Bock. Sounds uh chocolatie.:ohwell:


    Weirdo.....not sure you are from this planet. Oh, wait... there a bunch of guys in black suits knocking at my door.

    I totally understand how there is one person on the planet that likes pumkin potatoes, but anyone not like chocolate... nope, ET for sure.

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    OK FYI the pumpkin mashed potatoes were a HUGE success, they are very yummy!!! In fact I think I'll bring them to thanksgiving to go along with the regular ones...

    If anyone wants the recipe let me know, yes Ray I know you definitely don't want it.

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Ok seriously people...WTH is going on today?!?!?
    I was reheating potato soup for lunch...all the soup/recipe talk made me hungry!
    Anyhow ~ how many people do you know who get burned on the forehead when dealing with soup?????
    I mean really!?!?! WTF? WHO does that?:huh:
    Oh yeah.............apparently me. The same person who can drop and break a glass and get cut on the TOP of the foot!
    Don't ask, I'm still not completely sure what happened.
    Swear to God! Un-frigging-believable.
    More proof that I do not belong in the kitchen! EVER! :noway:

    Tom~ thanks for the Benadryl dose! I have been known to use it on my dog, but didn't know if kittens would tolerate it. He is very, very quiet anyway. I'm guessing, just like a baby, the vaccinations are making him feel a little punky.

    22 miler tomorrow followed by an ice bath.
    Then it is taper time! Yeah! :bigsmile:
    I say yeah now...wait until the crazies set in and I go on a posting free for all!:laugh:

    Have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    too much fun on here, i can hardly keep up. trying to maintain my tittle as the little piggy for this week. all that talk yesterday, and when i finally walk through the door late last night after some after-work meetings at church, guess what's sitting on the kitchen counter??? a big old Krispy Kreme box!!!! "where did that come from???" oh, that's what the girls got for their good grades at school. seriously?!? :noway: oh brother. so i held out last night, but had one for breakfast this morning...then a fat bleu cheese burger and a couple frosty mugs of root beer for lunch with a friend. sweet potato fries are healthier, right? :wink: i didn't see any pumpkins on the menu. odd :huh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all-

    Just have to check in... for those of you stalking my food diary you'll see that I was a good girl today :bigsmile: :noway: I even have enough calories for a glass or two of wine :drinker: ... hey, it's Friday :wink:

    Had a new gluten free pasta today- it's made from corn- with diced tomatos, shirmp, and garlic for dinner with some home made cole slaw :love:

    I've managed to convince my other half to do our walk along the trails and take a picnic lunch tomorrow... it's supposed to be 62* tomorrow- a record high for my Birthmonth... so excited :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello!!! Late check in for me, but I RAN today!!! I got in a great 8 miles!! Woohoo!!!!!!!! I ran 3 miles and then a friend joined me for the last 5 miles. Felt GREAT, it was actually hot today! Can't believe it's November and I'm running in shorts and a t-shirt!!

    Then we did P90X Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X while watching Elf. Oh, fun times at Jessica's House of Pain (the nickname of my *home* gym). Anyone want to come work out with me?? :laugh:

    Oh, and BTW I am a certified personal trainer and Team Beachbody Coach to answer my *job* title. Also, mom to 3 girls ages 11, 9, and 7 which is my full time job. Lots of activities and things to take care of for them and I love it!!! So I do feel like I get *paid* to work out. Perfect job for me!! :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Got in 4 miles this morning-- out of desperation. Sick kid yesterday -- 102.5 -- finally got to bed to be woekn by projectile vomitting all over me and the bed -- ahhhhh the joys of motherhood. oh -- and hurt my back yesterday. Still hurting today but couldn't stand to skip another day -- definitely a sanity run!

    Oh -- and Becky -- I have been burnt to a blister by soup out of the microwave. Popped and hit my on my face! Yep -- big giant blister on my face!

    Kelynn- congrats on the healthy day! and thanks for your generosity. I used all 48 of your extra calories...and then some! send my your password -- I'll try to join Leash on the pastry police patrol. And mine is open for all to see -- bad choices and all!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Got in 4 miles this morning-- out of desperation. Sick kid yesterday -- 102.5 -- finally got to bed to be woekn by projectile vomitting all over me and the bed -- ahhhhh the joys of motherhood. oh -- and hurt my back yesterday. Still hurting today but couldn't stand to skip another day -- definitely a sanity run!

    Oh -- and Becky -- I have been burnt to a blister by soup out of the microwave. Popped and hit my on my face! Yep -- big giant blister on my face!

    Kelynn- congrats on the healthy day! and thanks for your generosity. I used all 48 of your extra calories...and then some! send my your password -- I'll try to join Leash on the pastry police patrol. And mine is open for all to see -- bad choices and all!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Got in 4 miles this morning-- out of desperation. Sick kid yesterday -- 102.5 -- finally got to bed to be woekn by projectile vomitting all over me and the bed -- ahhhhh the joys of motherhood. oh -- and hurt my back yesterday. Still hurting today but couldn't stand to skip another day -- definitely a sanity run!

    Oh -- and Becky -- I have been burnt to a blister by soup out of the microwave. Popped and hit my on my face! Yep -- big giant blister on my face!

    Kelynn- congrats on the healthy day! and thanks for your generosity. I used all 48 of your extra calories...and then some! send my your password -- I'll try to join Leash on the pastry police patrol. And mine is open for all to see -- bad choices and all!

    Oh, that is NOT fun! Hope your little one is feeling better. The stomach flu is going around in my dd's school and I am NOT happy about that!! So far so good for my girls...

    Good job getting it done!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Good Saturday morning!! Rainy here today. Glad I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and ran outside y'day! Hit the gym for 50 min AMT + 1,200 yard swim + some aquajogging w/ my buddy who has a foot injury. :frown: She's training for the AZ Rock n Roll marathon so hitting the pool hard like I did when I had my stress fractures. Glad to get it done early!!!

    Have a great Saturday!!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Morning everyone! I've been up since 6:30, lame... I told myself last night that I was going to sleep in until at least 8, that didn't go so well. Oh well I'm pretty awake! I am going to be working on a powerpoint presentation for most of the day... probably go sit at a starbucks, I get too distracted at home. I hope you guys all have a beautiful day, we have vball tryouts allllll day tomorrow so I gotta get stuff done today.

    Nice 4 miler Julie, running is therapy!

    Glad you got a nice run in yesterday Jess, sounds like great weather.

    Hope your 22 miler is going well becky or went well!

    Everyone else, I'll catch ya lata! :smile:

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member

    Here I am at starbucks procrastinating and changing my entire topic on my presentation which means I'll be heading to the library, whos idea was that?! Oh yea mine, I just didn't care about what I was doing so I changed it to something vball related which as you all know I'm obsessed with. And when I say obsessed I mean OBSESSED, I'm one of those people who doodles all over there notes, I have at least 5 volleyballs on every page.. I'm quite good at drawing them. haha

    OK back to work... maybe.

    ~Leash :drinker: (thats coffee today)
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Today was *THE ONE*
    *THE ONE* I knew was out there
    *THE ONE* I knew was waiting to ambush us
    *THE ONE* where the aches started at mile 2
    *THE ONE* where the aches graduated to pain by mile 5
    *THE ONE* where I got physically ill at mile 10
    *THE ONE* where pain transcended into something else entirely by mile 15
    *THE ONE* where I got physically ill again from the pain at mile 18
    *THE ONE* where we threw in the towel and said WTF ~ 21 is good enough, the program only had us scheduled for 20 anyway!
    *THE ONE* where I came home and got sick for a 3rd time

    it was NOT the one that messed with my head
    it was NOT the one that made me question running 26.2 miles
    it was NOT the one that defeated me
    it was NOT the one that made me want to quit
    it was NOT the one that made me freak out because it was so slow (4 hours)

    so, all in all, it was still a great run! :bigsmile:

    and as a bonus, I figured I should get on the scale again and sure enough, down another 3 pounds from yesterday! :laugh:

    I have had my recovery drink, ice bath and hot shower
    DH is taking me to Outback for dinner
    I figure I should be into negative calories already so time to indulge :wink:

    I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on everyone else
    Have a great night! :flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all-

    Just back from our walk and picnic lunch- it was beautiful here today. It was perfect, except my BF brought a beer, but not a bottle opener, and cut his knuckle open trying to open his beer on a rock :laugh: So, other than a little blood, it was great. Plus, on the way home, we stopped at the puppy store and looked at Beagles. We're getting one from a breader, but I just like to look.

    Out for Hibachi tonight for a family birthday dinner (not for me). Hibachi isn't that good without soy sauce, so I'm getting sushi instead (it's healthier, too) :wink: Although, I probably will (HAVE TO) indulge in a drink or 2 (or 3) in order to survive dinner ... oh the joys of family :huh: So, def. might be over on calories today... but that's ok- it's not often that we go out.

    Will probably check back in later tonight.

    Becky- Yikes! Sounds dramatic.... gold star to you for sticking out the run... you're my hero! :flowerforyou:

    Leash- I used to get all my grading done at Starbucks when I taught 5th grade- even spilled coffee on a few spelling tests on occasion :noway: Enjoy your coffee, and I'm sure you'll do great on your presentation.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hey everyone, no running today, but heavy cross training with turning out 17 horses, shoveling lots of poo and teaching 2 lessons. Then to my mom's to walk back and forth to the stream carrying water as she forgot and left the hose on and ran her well out of water. 8 horses drink a lot of water, and they really can't go without, so I have been hauling water all afternoon. Just wolfed down a roast beef sandwich without even tasting it, I was so hungry. Been a long time since breakfast (9 hours to be exact.). :ohwell: Husband has been out hunting all day and will probably be hungry when he gets home, but that's too bad. :bigsmile: He'll either have to take me out or "cook" (i.e., but pizza or Chinese).

    Have a great night everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sounds like a darn good workout tabby!

    Yea I was at starbucks for 3 hours kelynn and but ended up talking to a vb parent on the phone for an hour.

    I haven't been able to do anything today except work on my project, I keep changing my idea so I did a whole presentation and then realized I hated it and started over, uhh... I'm in a lot of pain today due to all the sitting, I really can't take it anymore, I was an athlete and I consider myself to have a pretty high threshold for pain but when it never goes away I just can't take it... please keep me in your prayers that they can help me this week with my injection (still scared of that word).

    I'm a thread hog today.

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Girls... and guys if you're interested... I uploaded 2 pics to my profile of the birthmonth hair-do. They are blurry because we were in the car and I took them on my phone but you get the idea. :wink: