Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Girls... and guys if you're interested... I uploaded 2 pics to my profile of the birthmonth hair-do. They are blurry because we were in the car and I took them on my phone but you get the idea. :wink:

    You look great! I love the color!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Girls... and guys if you're interested... I uploaded 2 pics to my profile of the birthmonth hair-do. They are blurry because we were in the car and I took them on my phone but you get the idea. :wink:

    You look great! I love the color!

    Thanks. It's my natural color with .light blonde highlights
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey kids,

    Just in from Richmond...Best. Race. Ever. My time goal was 2:30, which is the qualifying time for the National Marathon in March...completely smashed it, and PR'ed in the process. So excited. Official time was 2:19:23! Can't believe it. What happened to the not-all-that-fast girl?

    Made no attempt to log my food today, but I'm making sure to refuel and hydrate well.

    Ready to drop now, so good night!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Kelynn~ I :heart: the hair!

    Leash~ sorry to hear you're hurting so much today :frown: I know the injection will help. I believe it will help! (((hugs)))

    Jess~ I'm so glad to hear that you got in a pain free run! :happy:

    Julie~ yuck! What a horrible way to wake up! :noway: Great job on getting the sanity run in! Thanks for reassuring me that I am NOT the only one who can burn their face with soup! We really must be *brothers from another mother!* or *sisters from another father* :laugh:

    Shuntae~ woohoo!!!!! That is so awesome:bigsmile: ! Way to go! :drinker:

    Tabby~ you make me miss the days of stall cleaning and water hauling! I think you can definitely have some Sam Adams tonite! :wink:

    Back from dinner ~ holy mother of God! I just logged my calories ~ over 3000!!! just from dinner and one drink! I think I may have to do all Muscle Milk tomorrow because I was way over yesterday. I don't think I'll be over too much today, if at all, but still! UGH!

    Talk with you tomorrow!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Girls... and guys if you're interested... I uploaded 2 pics to my profile of the birthmonth hair-do. They are blurry because we were in the car and I took them on my phone but you get the idea. :wink:

    Looks great!!!! You are gorgeous, girl!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey kids,

    Just in from Richmond...Best. Race. Ever. My time goal was 2:30, which is the qualifying time for the National Marathon in March...completely smashed it, and PR'ed in the process. So excited. Official time was 2:19:23! Can't believe it. What happened to the not-all-that-fast girl?

    Made no attempt to log my food today, but I'm making sure to refuel and hydrate well.

    Ready to drop now, so good night!

    That is AWESOME!!! PR and qualifying time??? WOOHOO! :bigsmile: Sleep tight!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess~ I'm so glad to hear that you got in a pain free run! :happy:

    Back from dinner ~ holy mother of God! I just logged my calories ~ over 3000!!! just from dinner and one drink! I think I may have to do all Muscle Milk tomorrow because I was way over yesterday. I don't think I'll be over too much today, if at all, but still! UGH!

    Talk with you tomorrow!

    Thanks! Nice to be feeling like I'm getting over the darn injury! Hope dinner was yummy! Wow, where did you eat?? It was a close call for me tonight, just 17 leftover! I've been extra hungry the last couple days!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Haha, I had 400 calories left over tonight, and that was AFTER the Sam Adams! My weight is up, because I was over in cals yesterday and ate lots of sodium, but that's the way weekends are, and why I like having weigh in on Friday. :bigsmile:

    Kelynn, love the hair! :heart: You're smokin'! :smokin:

    Jess, glad you got a good run in. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't run. :flowerforyou:

    Leash, the injection WILL help. I have known tons of people who have had different joints injected (which is what the SI is) and it helps in just about every case I have known. Not EVERY time, but almost every time, so I feel good that it will help you. It won't be *pleasant* but they do give you a local anesthetic first, so it won't be too bad, just keep thinking happy thoughts of feeling better and running in your head while they're doing it. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Becky, I feel like you today, ready to fall into a coma!

    Shuntae, awesome time! Good job girl!! :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes, you guys really are the best...

    Tabby- I'm glad to hear that you've heard of so many success stories, some people say no don't get the injection its just stopping the problem temporarily but they don't understand the pain I'm in, I get that too but if the pain stops I can do the necessary therapy to heal whatever the eff is wrong.. so thats for the reassurance :smile: Can I have those 400 calories? haha, nice job!

    Shuntae- You KILLED IT!!!!!!! Nice job girl, this is the stuff that keeps me going, seriously thanks for reminding me why I love running even though I forgot what its like haha... congrats :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Becky- 3000 CALORIES!!! Well hell you earned it!... I'm sorry your run didn't go great but how many people do you know that can run 22 miles... um probably VERY few :bigsmile: Nice job!!!!

    I don't appreciated how Ray checks out on weekends, so freaking rude, and wheres Tom? I think I remember him posting something vet related so I'll give him a break, come to think of it.. wheres bg, whats with the men in our club, slackers!!!! haha

    Jess- As always great workouts... your also an inspiration but you know that :flowerforyou:

    Kelynn- I'm about to stalk your food diary... ha!

    Tryouts tomorrow... eeeekkkk

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Wow you've all been busy.

    First of all time to fess up - weighed in this morning and I've put on TWO POUNDS! AGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. Didn't think I was doing too badly this week. So swine it is for me! This week can you all kick my butt and 'encourage' me to go to running club on Tuesday and Thursday evening as I didn't manage it week just past and I don't really have an excuse other than being a tiny bit tired and VERY lazy! I did manage to get in 5.5miles very slowly yesterday, bit of a mental run for me as I've not been able to run past 4 since the half marathon a month ago. I'm a bit achey today, but I'm sure it will pass. Band practice this afternoon (must stay away from the tea and biscuits at break time).

    Leash - So have you finished your project now? Hope you got through it ok. Can you remind me when your injection is scheduled for? I hope it helps with the pain so as you say you can do some therapy to get better.

    Tabby - Wow! That sounds like a hard days work. You deserved your beer definitely!

    Jess - Glad the run went well and you are pain free.

    Becky - Your run sounds like quite a journey. Well done for not letting it get to you mentally. I'm sorry you were sick, hope you can figure it out so you don't have to go through that again. Don't worry about the dinner, I'm sure those muscles needed lots of food.

    Shuntae - Wow! That is so speedy. WELL DONE!! Hope you've got a good rest and are not too sore today.

    Kelynn - you are so pretty and your hair looks lovely. You've made me bite the bullet and book an appointment to get mine cut. I've got till the 2nd December to agonise about it!

    Wendy - Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day.

    Julie - Sorry about the sick kid, I hope everyone is better soon.

    That reminds me, Dad is much better and will probably be back at work (he's a Headteacher) on Monday.

    Whew - I think I've covered everyone. I'm sorry if I missed you, I love checking in here and seeing how everyone is doing. Here's to a swine free week next week!

    Erika xx
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning :flowerforyou:

    I broke another one of my weigh in rules this morning b/c I promised you guys I would weigh in this morning. Of course, I had already eaten breakfast when I remembered my promise. So, I broke the never weigh yourself after a meal rule. To my surprise, all 3 times my scale answered 171.8! That is down a little from last week.

    Of course, I skipped my run this morning and am not planning to get it in today. I'm just not in the mood to head out now. Partly b/c I plan to run 4 days instead of 3 next week. That is a lot of running for me. Just knowing I have that much planned kills my motivation to head out today.

    chat soon,
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Shuntae- Way to rock it, girl :bigsmile: You rock! :drinker:

    Had a little too much fun last night :drinker: I think I actually drank more calories than I ate :blushing: I NEVER do that- not a big drinker, but I guess I was just in the mood last night :laugh: Anyhow, back on track today. Doing some major cleaning and yard work before football comes on later.

    Hope you all have a great day... I'll be re-hydrating :wink:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Got in a painful 4.7 miles this morning. Well, it was nice, a beautiful day out but painfully slow. I am not properly hydrated, and it is HOT out by November in VT standards. It is also deer season, so I had to wear something with red or organge so as not to get shot. All I had was a fleece vest (except for some wool hunting vests) so I was WAAAAAY over dressed. There was tons of traffic because of the "road hunters" and it is a bit unsettling to know that 9 out of 10 vehicles that go by the occupants are armed. I had to walk up part of a couple of big hills, and had to leap off the road to avoid being hit at one time. Sheesh. Anyway, it is done, but it wasn't pretty! I ran four days this week, and my legs were tired from yesterday. It is the first crappy run in a long time, so I won't whine. Plus, the sun was shining, and it is way to pretty out, and I was just happy to be out there! :heart:

    Getting something to eat and then outside to do some gardening. Got to dig up the dahlias before they freeze and today is the perfect day to do it. Can't wait for tomorrow to go back to work so I can rest. :laugh:

    Havve a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    well, since Leash is calling us out, i thought i should put in a post for the other half here :wink: please don't think we just leave you girls over the weekend only to return on monday. we just want you to feel like you're getting in a little "girls night out" time. that's important, right?

    so, i convinced grandpa to come over and play with the kids yesterday afternoon (mommy was at work) so i could get in an easy 10K. changed up the route a little because i got tired of running head on into 20mph winds, but did get the miles logged. not an impressive week, by any means, but all part of the process of building back up.

    so, big brother (sister :wink: ) does that count as a post for the weekend? (i'll be back later to make sure you're watching)
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Sunday!
    Husband is home -- kid is well -- all is right in my world -- well, as right as it gets!
    Got in 12 miles this morning -- they were unusually hard - but done! Then we packed up and went to york River State Park -- took a picnic and hiked for about 2.5 hours. Some much needed family time!

    Kelynn -- you are absolutely gorgeous -- makes me want a new do!!! Oh and no worries about drinking your calories -- IT'S YOUR BIRTH MONTH!!!! Happy Birthmonth!:drinker:

    Becky -- your run sounds -- well -- tough! Congrats on pushing through -- the meal sounds amazing!!!!

    Tabbydog -- sorry to hear you had a bad run. You can hunt on sunday? In Va. you can't -- which is a good thing or I would NEVER see my DH!

    Erika -- don't worry about the 2 pounds -- I'm sure it will leave as quickly as it arrived. We'll keep on you about running club -- tuesday right???

    Leash -- hope you got your project done before you overloaded on caffeine!!!

    bgood -- well well well....nice of you to show up!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Julie, In VT you can hunt Monday -Sunday for the 2 weeks (inclusive of 3 weekends) of rifle season, after is muzzleloader (1 week, 2 weekends) and prior is bow (3 weeks, 4 weekends). I haven't seen my husband since the beginning of bow season (first week of October).

    Leash, you can have all of my leftover calories. 400 from yesterday and 165 from today. Funny how on the weekends I seem to lack time to eat. :bigsmile: Especially when the weather is good.

    Tom, you get an A for effort. :laugh:

    Happy Birthmonth Kelynn. Glad you are enjoying it. Personally, it has been a while since I have enjoyed to that extreme, but when you are in the mood, you have to go for it. ESPECIALLY in a birthmonth! :flowerforyou:

    'Night all! :heart:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Back in town after a weekend on the road. No running, sort of OK on the diet, except there was this gluten-free bakery as part of this restaurant, so I had to try some of it, didn't I? It was research, really.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    The *boys* are checking in! :laugh: We didn't scare them away!

    I've been on the go all day! Started off w/ ChaLean Extreme Burn Intervals... good quick total body workout. Church, then went to family spin w/ my dd. Although I found out that she's not old enough so she decided to go run on the track (that girl loves to run!) and I did the spin class and she came to hang out/ watch after she ran. Then went to my hubby's friends' house for our martial arts/ self defense type class. Ended up getting smashed in the nose/ face (accidentally of course, he felt AWFUL!) but I survived. Saw stars and think I might be a bit sore in the neck/ nose tomorrow!! I told him that I'd pay him back... :laugh:

    Hope you all had a good one!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Wow I'm tired! Tryouts allllllll day. I picked my team and we are going to be kick *kitten*!! I'm super excited :smile: Sorry but I'm too tired to respond to everyone so put me in the swine club.... Have a great night all!

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all-

    First off, thanks for the compliments on the new do... you girls make me blush :blushing:

    Great night w/ family tonight. Didn't log because we were busy entertaining, but didn't go crazy, either. Only had 2 tacos- usually eat 9 (at least)4 :blushing:

    Anyhow, busy day at work tomorrow- really, really wish it wasn't Sunday night right now :ohwell: This was my BF's 1 weekend off per month, so it's always tough to go back to work Monday knowing that we don't have a weekend off together for another month :ohwell:

    Anyhow, I'm hitting the hay- didn't sleep well at all last night :yawn:

    Edit: I didn't officially weigh-in this weekend until today. I weighed in after I had eaten breakfast though- and I was 159.2 - probably 158 and change before I ate, but that's alright- I'll go with 159.2 and the title of SWINE QUEEN.