I need friends who will stay on MFP



  • shainabotwin
    shainabotwin Posts: 8 Member
    I'm here for the long haul, around 65lbs to go. Everyone feel free to add me! Looking for encouragement, as well as passing it along!
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I will be your friend :)

    Anyone else can feel free to add me!
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    current streak is 582 days, I'm not going anywhere ;) any active, non-judgemental friends with shared diaries are welcome to add me!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    current streak is 582 days, I'm not going anywhere ;) any active, non-judgemental friends with shared diaries are welcome to add me!

    Active? Check.
    Shared diary? Check.
    Non-judgmental? Oh. Never mind.

  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    I've been around for a while. Feel free to add me :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I log on everyday :) I'm about 15 pounds away from my goal weight (had my second baby almost a year ago).
  • dmaert
    dmaert Posts: 8 Member
    :smile: I would love to be your friend. I too need someone to stay with it and our goals are close. I have about 50 to lose but even when the weight is lost this is still a great tool to maintain that loss. I just bought the fitbit one so if you are experienced with it that would be helpful for me. It seems easy enough to use but two heads are always better than one.

    I am not sure how to add you so maybe you can just add me.

    Have a nice evening
  • Would love for people to friend me! I'm new to this:)
  • Hi, I just found out about this weight loss site today. I am new to MFP. I am just learning about the site.. I have the goal of losing 30 pounds by May 23rd which is my birthday. I am very determined to do this. I plan to post here everyday. I know we can reach our goals together.
  • Im here for the long haul add me if ya want to
  • OneH1
    OneH1 Posts: 4
    I hear you. I also need some accountability, support and encouragement from people who stay committed. I gained 45 pounds over past 7 years. A result of returning to school, then work stress, etc.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    I am here for the long haul, been here for 600+ days, all friends welcome
  • I am in this for the long haul, even though I'm a newbie (again) because I need the accountability, the support, the information, inspiration, and people who understand what it takes to achieve a healthy lifestyle!

    Please feel free to add me if you're looking for a friend who will be here every day to log, share, and hopefully motivate!
  • I started my fitness pal on January 2nd Started at a whopping 284.4 lbs. I have tracked every day since. I weighed in Last Monday at 268 lbs. I will be recording my progress as I try to take off a total of 120 lbs and claim my body back.

  • Also let;s all make a pact on here. Track every day and hold our-self's accountable. After 1 yr we can all reward our self's by taking a group cruise together.:wink: Who's with me ... Larry
  • I have been on here for a while, but am newly committed. I have a pretty great group of people on my friends list, but always have room for more =) Feel free to add me!
  • KitaT92
    KitaT92 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm always on MFP!! Let's do this.
  • Add me :)
  • jwalters0616
    jwalters0616 Posts: 50 Member

    Check out my video

    I am not going anywhere and could use some dedicated friends to share the journey with.

    Feel free to add me.

  • soniaw77
    soniaw77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I am in the same boat. My daughter is 5 and losing the baby weight has been real hard this time around. I would like to lose 30lbs by my birthday also which is in Oct. Sending friend request now.