

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: It’s a rainy day here but my raingear keeps me dry and the poodles like the rain. Jake does a great job of drying the dogs off when we get home. We’re watching our favorite NFL team in the playoffs. We record the game on the DVR, start watching the recording about 30 minutes after the game starts so we can fast forward through the commercials and pause the game as needed if the phone rings or we need a break.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, you are so fortunate to have so much storage space. I love having room to put my important things away safely. Getting a Christmas card from Bryan is better than nothing….the lines of communication are still sort of open.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, that is so great that they replaced your fitbit. You’ve had a bunch of bad breaks…..it’s time for a good break.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, you are amazing the way you can create big chunks of the test bank after a full day at work.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, it took me a long time to figure out that it didn’t matter if I wished I could eat moderate amounts of treats…..now I accept who I am and go from there and stop wishing for what will not be.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, limiting my time at the computer and looking for opportunities to be active are behaviours that have helped me lose weight and keep it off…..I am on Facebook….I joined recently so I could see Michele’s Christmas decorations……I don’t post much…..but I’ll message you my name.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I hope you enjoy “Willpower” as much as I did. It is a book I’m likely to reread in a year or so.

    :flowerforyou: Linda C. my mother gave pills to her dog in a blob of ice cream and we use peanut butter. When only one dog had to take a pill, we gave peanut butter to both dogs but only one got the hidden pill.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, here is more information
    Willpower : the rediscovery of humans' greatest strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney

    :flowerforyou: Renny, whenever it takes me a long time to recover from something I have to remind myself that I’m not as young as I used to be and then be grateful that my body is able to heal itself even if it is a bit slower than it was decades ago. It’s always amazing to me how much better I feel when I de-clutter an area.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, we inherited some rentals from my mother and I was so grateful when we sold the last of them. There was always some problem to deal with. When my parents had the rentals, they enjoyed the work……my mother loved the bookkeeping and my father loved fixing things and interacting with the tenants. To Jake and me the rentals were just one constant headache.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD. That’s good news to wait and not rush into the biopsy.

    :flowerforyou: Jill, one celebratory meal being careful will not derail your long term plans. I’m so glad you enjoyed it and aimed for moderation.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, congrats on your weight loss…..you’ve worked hard for it.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, sorry you’re so restless but it’s good that you chose to come share with us rather than seek a food filled solution.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I’m glad your day was mostly good……plumbing problems make me crazy. One time we had a big plumbing problem and ended up packing a suitcase and the dog and going to a motel.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful rainy NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good evening from “balmy” Omaha. It was 43 today and people were in shorts. I spent the day at work…ugh…but I got a ton of stuff done and I’m ready for the marathon first week which is basically 7-5 each day, so at least I can go home and not have to worry about getting ready for the next day. This first week of the first two classes we “Upload” all the skills they need in the course. We start a week prior to the other students, go one spring break a week earlier, and come back for the2nd course while everyone else is on spring break. All that to ensure we have the skills labs all day, every day. But it is very draining.

    Joyce: I’m glad I don’t really like chocolate, so that is not hard for me to resist. But I do love ice cream, donuts, and chips of all kinds. Sounds like that zumba class is there for a reason!

    Kay: I must have missed it…what is the Finkelstein thumb test?

    Ann: sounds like you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you.

    Viv: I love the puzzles, especially the soduku. I big no to facebook LOL

    Amanda: It’s amazing what parents can do for or to you! Good for you to seek therapy

    Katshe: welcome to the group and back to mfp

    DeeDee: new lipstick is always fun but I would crawl back under the covers and snooze! That rain always puts me to sleep!

    Katla: feel better soon!

    Cynthia: I have a coworker who has suffered from hot flashes for a couple of years and always goes sleeveless and does NOT look good, but I love her attitude….she says “this is what I want to wear to stay comfortable. If you don’t like it, don’t look!” Gotta love that!!!

    Linda so glad the doggies are better! We always put Benny Beagle’s pills in his “doggie deli” (plain turkey) and have a second piece, so he wolfs the first one down to get to the second one!

    Nancy: your lunch sounded great! We don’t have that restaurant here.

    Margaret: I love museums. I seem to remember you went to a conservatory once and talked about it here?

    Yanniejannie: 5.5 pounds is manageable. Don’t give up! Sending you (((hugs))) so you find some peace

    Renny: I sure hope you are feeling better

    Heather: Your rental does sound frustrating. We stopped supplying all appliances except the oven/stove years ago. IF someone really was down and out (we do a lot of assisted rentals) we will buy them a refrigerator at a second hand store to get them started for not much money. Then they are happy and loyal renters for a couple hundred bucks.

    Sue: seems like the hospitals around here are all trying to come up with really tasty and healthy food. That chicken dish sounds yummy

    Sue in TX: wait til you here this….a couple years ago I went to work late in September early in the morning. We were in a tornado warning and it was hot…in the high 80s… and very humid. When I left work 12 hours later it was snowing!!!!!

    Jill: your meal out sounds great! Odd weather is everywhere!

    Sandy: YAY for you!!!

    Jane: glad you pop in here being so busy with the grandbabies! It’s nice to see you

    Sylvia: good grief! What a mess. I hope it all gets put back together soon

    Barbie: I like college ball much better than pro, but this time of year the pros are a lot of fun too. Did you see the game a couple weeks ago in all that snow?

    MMM I hear that dinner (salmon) is ready. Today I am grateful that my 17 year old daughter does all the cooking. That frees me up to do the books. I do love to cook, but I like to take my time in doing it. Take care everyone! Meg from Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Renny: Thanks for your good wishes. They mean a lot. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I understand your concern about falling back into old bad patterns. I’m experiencing a bit of that, too. My weight was up this morning, but the calories don’t make sense as the cause so I’m thinking it may be a sodium issue. I did have some things that were on the higher end of salty. I’ve never owned a rental, but my parents cautioned me about the idea. They did own a rental and could hardly wait to sell it. It cost more to maintain than it produced for them, and I can see a similar pattern for you. They finally sold the place at a small profit. I hope you’re able to do better.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I agree with your advice to Michele that she needs to cherish contacts from Bryan. I wish you luck in heading back to your old church. I bet you’ll be welcomed warmly.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in Western MA: What is flourless cake? I’m intrigued.:huh:

    Sandy from ON: Congratulations on the loss!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m sorry to hear about your water problems. Good luck for a simple repair.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations to those who are making progress. For the rest of us, and all Plateau Princesses, keep doing the right thing. The results will eventually show.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: It sounds like you’re off to a good start. I hope it is a great term for you and your students.:flowerforyou:

    I’ve had a low energy, semi-sick day today. :sick: I started off feeling awful, and eventually got most of the way to neutral. :tongue: I think I’m fighting a cold and hope to win. Wish me luck.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” Leo F. Buscaglia

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie for leading me home.....
    :heart: Been very busy with paperwork I brought home from work so not much time to respond
    :smile: I did read the posts and am sending congratulations for weight loss and goals met
    :heart: Prayers and hugs for those having health issues and broken pipes.
    :love: Sending much love from Delaware, Rose :love:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sorry about everyone's broken pipes! I talked to my mother last night and found out they have been without water all week due to a pipe bursting right at the well. Plumber can't get there before Monday because there were so many broken pipes in the area. They're hauling jugs of water from my niece's house every day to get enough to cook, wash, and occasionally flush with.

    Today started off with a bit of hitch. My 13-year-old car wouldn't start! I have a brand new battery and it wouldn't even click. :angry: A friend came and helped me jump start the car and followed me to the dealership (only place I could drop in on a Saturday) and then gave me a ride back to pick it up this afternoon. They couldn't find anything wrong with it!

    As a result of the car troubles, I had an enforced afternoon at home without the grocery ingredients I needed to do my weekly bulk cooking. Guess I'm stuck eating soup a lot next week. :ohwell: Thank goodness for friends who are willing to come out in the rain to help!

    We had torrential rain here today, complete with thunder, so no walking outdoors. My son wanted to go to the mall, so I took him this evening and mall-walked while he wandered around. By the time I got back home, I had completed my 10,000 steps, but still needed some more minutes of vigorous activity to meet my 30 minute goal for the Fitbit. I walked up and down the street beside my house for ten minutes to get that done. While I was walking, my cat kept running out and trying to lead me back to the house. I'm sure she thought her human had lost her mind and couldn't find her way home. On the downside, my left knee and hip are paining me. I hope it's a temporary flare of arthritis and will go away with some ibuprofen.

    My daughter's first graduate school class begins on Monday. I'm thinking I will take her a 100 calorie pack of cookies and a pint of milk since I'm not going to bake tempting cookies for the first day of school! My son has Celiac disease so I haven't baked him cookies for the first day of school in years. I kind of miss some of those traditions.

    I shall quit rambling now. I need to figure out what I'm wearing to church tomorrow (can't remember what fits and what doesn't) and change my sheets before bedtime. Rest well, my friends!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, our Saturday saga continues...

    We packed up the van and headed home. Out in the middle of nowhere we had a blowout! We waited 45 minutes for AAA on the side of the road. When the tow truck guy got there, we took the dogs out on leashes into the field next to the road, so they weren't in the van barking at him. Plus he had to get in the van to release the spare. So they were barking in the field instead. The tow truck driver didn't know how to get the spare tire down from it's hiding place under the van, so that took a very long time. It was dark and getting pretty cold. There was surprisingly a lot of traffic on that deserted stretch of road, too. At one point Bruno backed out of his collar, but luckily, instead of running toward the road, he backed right into hubby who caught him. I just about had a stroke!

    What else could possibly go wrong?

    After about 45 more minutes the guy was just about finished putting the tire on, and "sniff, sniff, sniff". "Bill, I smell a skunk!" Then the dogs were barking at the skunk, which is never a smart idea. The tow truck guy jumped back in his truck. Finally the skunk moseyed off and we got the dogs in the van. Nobody got sprayed, but it was close. It was 2 hours total before he finished.

    Finally we got back on the road and very gingerly drove home. We just now finished dinner. I hate to eat so late, but we didn't have lunch either, so we didn't have much choice. So, tomorrow I have to go get some new tires. I can't believe how bad that one was. There were steel belts showing. No wonder it blew out. I know the one on the other side is just as old.

    So, I will stop bothering you all for tonight. We are home, safe and warm. And at every point in this disastrous day we were telling ourselves that it could have been a lot worse.

    Goodnight ladies.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    The new year has started well. Down 2 pounds. Did some closet purging today in anticipation of a consultation with a professional organizer in a few weeks. DH and I looked at catalogs of different closet designs and to my delight, he’s really interested in the project. Good thing, since I’m counting on him to do the installation. :happy:

    My personal trainer and I reviewed my long term SMART goals for the year. MFP and this community were prominent in those. The intensity of the workouts has really picked up, and I love it, especially the work with bands. I’m doing 15 minutes every other day to compliment the hour I do with the trainer every week. She has everything written down for me in 20-40 minute segments I can take when my business travel starts again. The goal sheet she had me complete asked how I would reward myself if I achieve my goals. I wrote “A trip to England”. :love: :love: :love: Even if it’s for a very short visit, I want to get myself to Europe before I turn 60.

    January is when I get a lot of annual medical visits done. Have scheduled chiropractor, integrative medicine, dental, and vision. Tuesday is my birthday, and I’m celebrating with an hour long therapeutic massage. :glasses: Health is my wealth, and I am feeling like a million bucks. Now, I just need the Broncos to win 3 more games. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Isn’t it interesting how a sports team can unify a city and totally transcend all the politics and bad news of the day?

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills where we’re United in Orange

    Goals for January:
    > Reduce carb consumption to 30 grams 2x per week
    > Five face exercises every day
    > Schedule three weeks of vacation
    > When in doubt, chose vegetables (from The Happiness Project)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did the DVD "Seriously Strong with Gin Miller". I was surprised that the time seemed to really fly by. I did the whole thing (I wanted to watch the entire DVD to be sure there wasn't anything wrong, so might as well kill two birds with one stone...) Her cueing is good, but at times I did have to see what it was that she was doing. She does give modifications, just wish she gave them for using dumbbells instead of the bar because I don't have the weighted bar. But that's OK, because I figured it all out. I would recommend this video to someone.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do a "Weight Loss Pilates with Kristen McGee" DVD (another Christmas present)

    I was saying to Vince yesterday how I used to always sent his parents anniversary, birthday, etc. cards and he said to me "well, Bryan sent us a Christmas card". I just said "that's because I sent him one". Vince didn't even know I'd sent it! Well, he didn't sign it

    Anne in BC- sounds like you're getting your money's worth from Coach. Glad he's now making it to your sessions

    KatShe - welcome back!

    It was really raining. lightening and thundering this morning. I'm a heavy sleeper, but it actually woke me up! But by the time I went out to get the paper, there was just a real fine mist in the air.

    katla - get better fast. Sending you a virtual heating pad

    Tina - yup, that cookbook has all crockpot recipes. There's also a revised and updated edition. I know I got that one from Amazon. What I like is that it includes the nutritionals.

    Linda - I remember once taking Bryan to ice hockey practice. They practiced at such ungodly hours. Vince was in FL (lucky duck) so I had to take him. I think he had to be there something like 6 in the morning. I just slept in the car. Do they have the pill pockets up there (to give your pet his pill)? Honestly, we don't have any problem at all giving it to them in one. Many times our vet puts the pill in some of that Cheese Wiz stuff. I don't, but when he did use it the cats seemed to like it. And we've had to give lots of pills to lots of different cats. I don't think Spanish rice for breakfast is weird. There are many times when I have soup for breakfast!

    Well, Vince has almost finished his cake so I made some Jello for him. Actually, I wanted to get the boxes out of the pantry. Plus, it was lemon jello and that and the vanilla pudding are both in a yellow box, I don't want to get the two of them mixed up.

    I'll probably make a fruit salad for us to have tomorrow. After the holidays I'm SOOOOO ready for something decent.

    Sue in SD - every month (well, just about) there is a "healthy cooking" demonstration. The chef there is the chef at the local hospital. That food must be pretty good. Thankfully, I've never been in that hospital

    Joyce - we have a friend who used to go to Planet Fitness. Yes, they are cheaper. But then he changed to another gym, even tho it's more expensive he was pleasantly surprised that they had a spa and pool. I do hope the zumba gets you back to the church. Hey, bearing everything here is a whole lot cheaper than a psychiatrist!!!!!

    Sandy - good for you on that loss

    Renny - it always feels so good to clean out. I really wish Vince would clean some things in the garage. Like there is this filing cabinet, he doesn't have the key to it, but we don't know what's in it. I wish he'd break it open and get rid of it. Not that that would give us a lot of room.

    Sylvia - it's good to let the kids use their imagination. Who knows? You may have a budding architect or interior designer there! So sorry to hear about your floor.

    barbie - somtimes I wonder if Bryan didn't send that card out of a feeling of obligation. But he sent one to Jessica but so far we haven't received one for Denise. I've pretty much given up trying to figure out what's going on in his head. Loki gets the medicine in a pill pocket, but the three other cats want their "treats". Those small bags of treats can become awfully expensive! So what I do is get a bag of fnacy feast dry cat food or this cat chow dry. It comes in about a 3 lb bag. I use that as "treats". They don't get it with their food, so I guess in a way it is a treat for them.

    Meg - I'm in awe of all you do at work

    NCCarol - How frustrating about your car!!!!

    Sylvia - what an adventure you had! Glad the dogs didn't get skunked, that's for sure.

    Rori - happy birthday! Have a great massage

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all.

    Poerava- what did you mean by your carb intake "30 grams 2x a week" ? Will you eat carbs on the other days? I try to limit my intake to 1200 cals a day plus my exercise calories which I earn. My carbs are usually 45 gms./day...pretty sure .
    Katla-I saw a heated bedpad at KMart today..I almost bought it, think it was between 29-34$ for a twin. I remember going for a massage and when I laid down on the table, it was heated and felt soooo good!

    Did my 30DShred and some yoga from YouTube today as well as walked 8,000 steps. Wish I had made it to 12,000 but DH did not want to walk with me this evening so I don't go out alone at night to walk.
    Just waiting to hear from insurance about my living room flood zone. Ugh. Nothing I can do being here. My Dad says everything is settled down, now we just have to make the repairs.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Thanks eveyone for your good tidings. I appreciate your input and experiences. Like they say, "we are not alone."

    Barbie- Thank you for your MFP history. I think we all are interested in what triggers a change in our patterns. I truly believe I have some sort of aberrant food tendency. I like to "finish" my food.Even if the food is appropriate for my health, I will overeat those foods. It is so difficult to leave food on the plate or even have left-overs lurking. I told my husband that I have to remove food from the house in order to control my eating. I cannot have food around, I will eat it! When I was young, I never thought about food, it wasn't on my radar. Now, I think about it ALL DAY LONG! Argh. And it's dumb food, I was thinking about a bowl of popcorn all day. I didn't have any, but as I walked past the snack aisle at Kmart today I said to myself, "Don't look, Keep walking!" I did it! Walked right by the Pringles and chips. I know my best approach is portioning and realize I can leave food on my plate.

    Seasons- I eliminated glutens, sugars and booze from my diet. I read where sugar contributes to aging and feeds inflammation. So if one has arthritis, sugar would feed that inflammed joint. I do get sugars naturally through fruits although I stay away from cakes, pies, candies as best I can. I'm not going to lie, I do have bites on occasions, but when I am good about staying the course, I feel an improvement in terms of fewer aches and joint limitations. It's subtle, yet amazing.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Lovely. Ladies,

    It took a bit of work but I have found you all again. I so have fallen off the healthy choice wagon gain back weight, knees are so sore can barely walk. It hit home how much damage I have done to myself today. I went with a friend to signup for St. Luke's
    10,000 weight loss challenge. Not sure why I don't normally enjoy group things like this. I am doing this for myself .. but with the weight in I gain back more than my scale said so and also took a glucose test the number wasn't good there advice was to seek medical help soon. Sort of depressing but at least I am coming from a place of knowledge and truth now.

    I allowed life situations to stop me from eating healthy instead of seeking healthy positive ways to deal with life. My goal is to take this one day at a time retrain myself in thinking and eating goal is to get to 40 days and I will expend it after that. With my knees exercise will need to be gentle but can still happen.

    I realize this post is all about me (a selfish post) :(. I am looking forward to catching up on those who I know and getting to know those I don't.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    liz, glad you found us, for whatever reason. I think in the beginning of the journey you do have to be all about you for awhile. That's your main focus. 40 days for a first goal may even be to long unless you see some results. Those results really get the adrenalin going and the desire to stay with it. As far as an 'all about me' post, I have MS and many times I can't remember what others post so I do talk about me but I use this forum here with these lovely ladies as my sounding board, my psychiatrist couch. I have found that I have solved a lot of problems that way!!!! And it's free. Just like we always told our kids when they ask us for advice. sometimes if you get them talking they find out they already had the answer. You are on the right track, just one foot in front of the other, then the next foot. Back and forth, each day at a time. Good luck. Tell us a little more about yourself.

    I have really tried hard to get rid of all my calories I overate with my chocolate. I am riding my bike pretty much 10 miles/day. I bumped it up a level and find I can't do a 10 mile at one time anymore. But I do do 3 miles. It was easy to ride tonight while watching the figure skating national championship. The faster the music they skated to the faster I went!

    Boy we have had the disasters here today haven't we???? Water, tires, animals running, skunks. Whew, makes me tired. Our big problem was a bad odor in the kitchen. My husbands sense of smell is way off so it takes a really bad smell for him to know something is wrong. I had been telling him that something was stinking in the trash can. With just the two of us we don't even fill up one trash can during the week so it's not emptied but once a week. Monday is our trash pickup day so he always takes it out on Sundays night. But it was bad enough today he went ahead and took it out and put in this humongous barrell that the city decided every household needed. Well the bag had leaked and there was this accumulated stuff in the bottom. So it had to be something from our Christmas dinner last weekend. After all the cleanup he took it out last Saturday so I don't know what leaked. So his intelligent self thinks all he has to do is to wash the inside of it outside, dry it and bring it back in. It didn't take much of a whiff to tell him that just running water in it outside wasn't enough. It needed Lysol. So it has now been soaking in Lysol and will be cleaned again tomorrow. I have sprayed the kitchen with Fabreeze, have a vanilla Renuzit sitting out and it smells OK in there now. MEN!!!!! I guess they say the same about us though if they have their own forum.

    A whole bed heating pad???? That sounds so good. Monday I will need it. If I start my two classes on Monday and try to ride my bike I am done, scrape me off the bed with a spatula. Send one of Mollys dogs in to lick me till I wake up. I am still holding reservations out on whether I can do this Zumba. But I will try. My sister days they have a water Zumba. OH MY, how sore would a person be after doing it in the water. OK< I didn't mean doing that???? I know some of you were thinking it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • AnswerintheSky
    Hello Ladies,

    Here's my late night report; my summary of the day. It's 11:40 pm PST as I begin.

    Morris, my cat, yowled all the way to the vet's office as usual. In the examining room, after he was weighed by the assistant, he wandered about the floor while we waited for the vet. Then he pulled open a cupboard door enough to squeeze in and lay down beside the garbage can. I had to point out to the vet where he was. He looked so cute backed into the cupboard looking up at us.

    I saw my Spiritual Director. We tried a different restaurant this time. Italian. They were serving traditional central Italian breakfasts at lunchtime. I had a breakfast of eggs on greens on a large soft round flat bread with hollandaise sauce on the side. (I know! Not vegan again!) I enjoyed talking with my Spiritual Director.

    Coach phoned to ask if he could change the time of our appointment from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm because his favourite Seattle team was playing this afternoon and he wanted to watch. I said OK. Later he texted me to say he was sick and then to say he was in Emergency at the hospital... (Another "valid" excuse.) I texted him to contact me when he is better.

    I only had two pairs of stretchy pants/leggings to wear for workouts. So I popped into Pennington's and took advantage of their sale to pick up two more pairs of leggings and a long sleeved t-shirt.

    I went to my daughters' place and had dinner with them and played Balderdash, which they had given me for Christmas. There was one particularly funny moment when one daughter was Dasher and tried to read out something I'd written and just burst out laughing. Hmm... Guess you had to have been there!

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies!

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada

    A few goals for me for January 2014:

    - To lose 6 lbs by January 31 (to be well on my way to my personal Goal #2 for March 31)

    - To exercise a minimum of one hour, three times per week under the guidance of a personal trainer (already hired)

    - To stick as closely as I can to the low-fat, high-fibre vegan diet I'm trying to follow for the month of January
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good morning!
    It's dull and drizzly out there, but I'm watching my favourite programme! Of course it includes cookery!
    The other thing that is on it today is Michael Moseley of the Fast Diet 5:2. He has written a new book, Fast Exercise, basically extolling the virtues of HIIT. I have ordered a copy. I know Michele does it. Any others of you? I had a couple of goes some time ago, but never stuck with it. I don't think my knee likes it. However I am open to any new ideas to add to my repertoire!:bigsmile:

    Sylvia - what a saga! I am so sorry for for everyone's burst pipes. But next time I have a flat tire I will remember to be grateful there is not a skunk in the vicinity!:laugh: Definitely something to add to my gratitude list.:wink:

    Katla - I bet some of that water weight is because you are feeling under the weather. I definitely retain water when I am sick.

    I agree with Joyce that talking about our problems on here is a grest way of figuring out what you really want. I have decided as a first step to ask my freeholders how much they charge to extend the lease on my rental. It currently is down to 70 years, which is too low if I wanted to sell it and someone needed a mortgage. A baby step, just emailing a question, but every time I make a positive step I feel better. Doing nothing feels so disempowering.

    I have some filing to get on with today and book keeping. That will make me feel better as well. I am inspired by some of you doing clutter clearing.:flowerforyou: There is a cupboard in the kitchen calling me! I will follow the five minute rule and vow to spend five minutes on it. My memoir writing has been going well on that principle.

    Sea bass tonight. As I have extra calories these days I will do a little chorizo and tomato salsa with it.:bigsmile: Lots of delicious veg. I always do carbs for DH.

    He had a truncated night last night, waking up about 3.30, but he seems more positive about it and not making such a big deal. He managed his exercise today. When I went downstairs I found he had been writing down his CBT homework so he is trying. I always know when he is really bad as all the colour drains from his face. He has been pink this morning and can laugh at himself.:love:

    My knee is still not happy. Sooooo annoying. It's not terrible, but stiff and uncomfortable. I'm finding alternative ways to build up muscle strength in my legs, reverting to an exercise my old physio gave me when I was crippled, 57 lbs ago.

    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry I have been out of the loop so to speak..
    Joyce- yes we have heated mattress pads~ they are wicked awesome:wink:
    yesterday I had to work, then go to my FIL, then out for pizza, and then to the hospital as I got there the Dr was in the room.
    as if Sean(DB) doesnt have enough going on ,you in the medical field will know this he has C-DIFF which is an infection/bacteria that is caught in hospital's and nursing home facilities.
    He really needs the tube in the nose again,but they will have to put heavier restraints on him .. it just breaks my heart ,but I gave them permission to do what they needed to do, told them I dont want to lose him at 49 yrs old.
    I am eating ok ,but not a ton of exercise.,and under a tad bit of stress.
    the not so Darling Hubby and I had a a big fight before I left for the hospital.. I really dont need all that while going through this.
    I will try and get to the gym today, and grocery shopping, get Tom's dinner together and then over to the hospital.
    now with this infection we have to gown up and wear gloves.
    I did go out and buy another book.my mom when we were younger read us the Chronicles of Narnia and if you have never read it,it is and awesome series, so when I got to Sean's room, I asked him if he wanted to hear about Mr Tumnus, and he smiled. it keeps him calm so we read to him..
    sorry I cant keep up on the posts right now. Keep Sean in your prayers please.
    Love ya all lots
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Rori:smile: Congrats on being down 2 pounds:bigsmile: !!! I always enjoy your posts!

    Lizmil:smile: So very nice to see you again:flowerforyou: !!!! I`ve missed your posts!!!

    Sylvia:smile: What an ordeal you`ve had:noway: !!! Hope today will be fabulous for you:flowerforyou: !

    Michele:smile: Did you get the torrential rain yesterday around noon? I swear I needed a boat instead of a car:noway: , it was horrible, I pulled into a parking lot and waited until it let up a little, still the roads were flooded on my home, it was not fun driving yesterday!

    Alison:smile: Keeping you and Sean in my prayers:flowerforyou: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny today NC:glasses:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Happy Sunday lovely ladies & I hope you are all well.

    Welcome to more new friends. You truly have found a wonderful group here.

    So many new posts since my last visit. I have read them all but cannot reply individually so I send hugs, prayers & good thoughts to all who need them & a big woohoo to those who celebrate. I managed another loss of 1.4lbs on Friday which surprised me after the week I've let myself have.

    Does anyone else have loved ones that try to sabotage their efforts unintentionally or otherwise? For example, yesterday while out shopping I picked up some crisps (chips) & DH immediately says "can you have those?" My answer was yes, as long as I account for them. To him "dieting" is deprivation & doesn't get that I'm not dieting, I eating healthily. Then on Tuesday he orders pizza. He thought he was helping by getting dinner & I felt I had to eat it (cop out on my part). Lets say cooking is not his forte!

    I've reset my ticker to reflect my increased weight & the restart my healthy way of eating. I really feel different mentally this time so perhaps I've finally got my head together.

    Have a fantastic week everyone.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Woohoo! Done my filing and book keeping. :drinker: Took me all of ten minutes!:blushing:
    Then, inspired by you ladies I tackled the kitchen cupboard. Discovered lots of things I'd forgotten I had! Nice and tidy now. Took me 20 mins.:happy:
    Then I emailed the freeholders about the lease extension.
    So I can cross my tasks off my list.:drinker: Thank you, wonderful women!:flowerforyou: :love:
    Now to get on with my memoir.
    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NCCarolb: Where does your mom live? I hope she gets her water system put back together quickly. It sounds like this is going to be a good year for plumbers in North America.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: The phrase “what else can go wrong?” is one that seems to lead to disaster. I’m glad you eventually made it home safely & that nobody got sprayed by the skunk.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: Congratulations on all the good things happening in your life, especially the good health.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I once opened a locked file cabinet at work using a “Stephanie Plum” trick. I used two heavy-duty paper clips bent to have a long tail. I inserted one tail in the top or the lock, the other in the bottom of the lock and twisted the lock using both. It worked. It might work for your locked filing cabinet, too. If it doesn’t work, you can call a locksmith.:flowerforyou:

    Lizmil79: Welcome back. I think the idea of doing a weightloss challenge with your friend is a good one, as is posting here. A woman needs all the support she can get when she’s trying to change her life and get healthier. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I think you’re doing a good job taking care of important matters by researching the best way to deal with your rental. Action is always better than anxiety in my book. :flowerforyou: My goal was to do some research about health insurance options once I reach 65 and go onto Medicare. I did the research and have a plan. I feel like I accomplished something important and reduced my own worries at the same time. You're dealing with a worry by gaining information, too. Good news that your DH is doing productive things to help himself with the night terrors. :flowerforyou: Regarding skunks, you’re free of them in the Eastern hemisphere but I believe you do have their relatives, the polecats. Sorry your knees are acting up. You seem to have a good plan to deal with the issue.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m sorry your brother has developed an infection. Hospitals are scary places, but sometimes needed. I think reading the Chronicles of Narnia to your brother is a great idea. I am keeping your brother in my prayers. You’re there, too. Being a support person is a tough job.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Geri: I am lucky that DH is on this weight loss journey with me and we support one another. He’s learning the same things I am and it is easier for both of us to make good choices. It sounds like your DH wants to be supportive, but doesn’t know how. Perhaps he’ll learn as you both go along. His good intentions are a terrific starting point.:flowerforyou:

    I’m not over this illness yet, but I’m feeling just a bit better today. I’m reading a book by an author who was a past favorite and enjoying it. Her writing took a turn from the romantic suspense I enjoyed to a harsher balance that was too violent for my tastes. This book is a murder mystery/romance, and the balance is better for me. I’m enjoying it. I hope I have her back as an author and there will be other books I’ll enjoy again.:flowerforyou: I found a great new quotation and hope you'll enjoy it.

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
    Thomas A. Edison

    Katla in beautiful and wet NW Oregon

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: good afternoon ladies, just checking in, hope everone is having a wonderful Sunday.
    :bigsmile: Got on the scale this morning and much to my great pleasure.....I am down 3 more pounds....:bigsmile:

    :huh: I am in for a very stressful week at work and am praying I can stay within my calories:huh:
    :grumble: I still have alot of paperwork to do to prepare for our annual survey so I better get to it:grumble:
    :heart: Everyone stay safe and warm:heart:
    :smile: Rose from Delaware:smile:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: