Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Good morning ladies. Ok, well, not so good morning, but that 's why I'm here. I need HELP!! The school / daycare drop-off thing is driving me so crazy that I am nearly in tears on my way to work. My 2 year old cries EVERY morning and I'm ready to pull out my hair (ok really, I'm ready to stuff my face with bad foods). And I'm not talking a sad boo-hoo feel-sorry-for-me kind of cry, this is a mad scream throw-herself-on-the-ground or daycare-worker-has-to-restrain-her kind of cry. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her to stop, or on how to cope? I know it only lasts 30 seconds for her, but the effect it has on me lingers for hours!! I am actually thrilled that I am away for work overnight on Wed night, so I am not doing the drop-off on Thurs morning - how pathetic is that?!

    Off to fill up my water, mix my protein powder into my rice milk and pray for serenity.
  • maytanewfie
    Good morning ladies. Ok, well, not so good morning, but that 's why I'm here. I need HELP!! The school / daycare drop-off thing is driving me so crazy that I am nearly in tears on my way to work. My 2 year old cries EVERY morning and I'm ready to pull out my hair (ok really, I'm ready to stuff my face with bad foods). And I'm not talking a sad boo-hoo feel-sorry-for-me kind of cry, this is a mad scream throw-herself-on-the-ground or daycare-worker-has-to-restrain-her kind of cry. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her to stop, or on how to cope? I know it only lasts 30 seconds for her, but the effect it has on me lingers for hours!! I am actually thrilled that I am away for work overnight on Wed night, so I am not doing the drop-off on Thurs morning - how pathetic is that?!

    Off to fill up my water, mix my protein powder into my rice milk and pray for serenity.

    I am by no means an expert on this, but I do know that 2 year olds have tantrums, and I do know that they eventually outgrow them when they either 1. figure out it doesn't effect the outcome, and/or 2. they develope better communication skills. I'm not sure what you can do about it except reassure her that you love her and can't wait to see her when you get done with work. Remind her everyday. She will still throw a tantrum, but the last thing she will hear is that her mommy loves her and wants to come get her as soon as she can.

    What I do know for sure is that nothing you eat or drink is going to make this situation any better. You can't really control your daughters behavior in this, but you can control yours. I know it isn't easy, but you can do it. Can you bring a travelers mug with hot tea or coffee to drink after you've dropped her off? Or maybe try chewing some gum. When I'm really stressed or anxious, I chew harder, but that doesn't hurt anything. The fruitier flavors are usually a little sweet tasting, so that can taste like a naughty treat, and the mint flavors usually leave me with not wanting to put other things in my mouth for a few minutes (many things don't mix well with mint). Keep reminding yourself that her reaction only lasts 30 seconds, and so should yours (you can handle anything for 30 seconds). After 30 seconds remind yourself your daughter is fine and playing happily, and has moved on with her day, and follow her example. At the end of the day you can't control her reactions only your own, but you can be very proud of yourself each day that you cope with something other than food. You will have the double benifit of not sabatoging yourself, and knowing you are mastering good coping skills to prevent later self sabatoge. I always give myself a pat on the back and some recognition to myself when I handle a situation that I want to handle with food, some other more healthy way. I know it is tough, but I have complete faith in you get though this part of each day in a healthy way.

    I am actually doing prettty good this month. I started all over Nov. 1st, I hadn't weighed in who knows how long (way to long really) and was way off tract, eatting all wrong, Whey I dont' log my food on MFP I really don't pay attension to what I'm doing. I've actually lost 10 lbs this month, but that said, I have to acknowledge that it is probably skewed. I weighted in Nov 1st, (which almost caused a newvous breakdown, I hadn't seen numbers that high in a very long time), but on Oct. 31st I was at a halloween party, and too much garbage, and I'm sure too much sodium, I expect that some that number on the 1st was fluid. Even so, I have overall done pretty well this month, Most days I've been under my calorie goal, and making very healthy choices. On the days I've been off, I still haven't been off nearly as far as I was for the months preceeding November. I'm actually going to give myself credit for no falling into the once I'm off, I may as well chuck the whole plan, and eat whatever I want until next monday when I will (if I remember) get it under control again, trap. (I live in that trap let me tell you). I think that huge number on the 1st helped me stay focused. It's going to be tough trying to lose weight during Nov. and Dec. but so far I managed to refuse cake my nephews B-day party, and not eat the amazingly awesome tiramisu when my friend brought it to dance class. (social eating is a huge downfall for me too). So while my sucess is skewed on the scale, I'm really proud of some good choices in places I don't always make them, and not letting myself fall into some of the pits that usually do. Oh yeah, one of my goals is to not only log my food on MFP, but to engage in at least conversation, or comment on at least one thing a day, that way I have to stay engaged in the process. Today might have been enough engagement to the week. Sorry to length of it.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    11/01- 170.4
    11/08- 169.8
    11/15- 174.2

    Had a SUPER bad week, TOM showed up AND I just let everything go. Didn't work out, ate like I was trying to gain.
    Here's to next week.
  • lisafrancis629
    Just checking in:

    Nov 1 - 199.2 SW
    Nov 15 - 197.0 CW = 2.2 lbs loss

    This has turned into a slooooww month and I'm not even to Thanksgiving yet. :grumble: But I'm going to keep on keeping on and do my very best to lose 3 lbs before 12/1.

    Seems these past 2 weeks have been such a struggle for me. It's like I can't get my head and heart back into this 100%. First 3 months I was determined, focused and really enthusiastic but I've been slipping lately. I have to get my mo-jo back!!!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I'm back in...I know it's mid-month but I've missed all my challengers and know this group/challenge helps keep me in check. I'm restarting and will post my November beginning weight tomorrow.

    Have a beautiful Monday everyone!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    11/01/10 : 207.4 lbs
    11/08/10: 206.6 lbs
    11/15/10: 206.0 lbs :grumble:

    I just can't seem to get my mojo back! I didn't work out at all this weekend - unless you count cleaning yesterday, but I didn't log anything. I ate out all day on Saturday since I was out of town with my dad. I even had a few Amber Bock's with lunch....:drinker:
    I did ok yesterday, however CJ wanted to go to A&W-Long John Silvers for lunch....I only had a cheeseburger & water. Dinner was at home last night & I made a pot roast with carrots & tomatoes & potatoes. Yummmmyyyy!!! I only ate about 3 oz of the meat & CJ ate the rest! :noway: :bigsmile: :laugh: He LOVED it!

    Anyway - my plan for this week: Gym every night this week - yep...even Friday! AND first thing on Saturday!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    maytanewfie, I had hoped my daughter's tantrums would subside after the first few weeks at daycare, but here we are in our 3rd month. I found out that I have to leave very early on Wed morning, so hubby will be dropping the girls off TWO mornings this week! Yay for me! I will try your advice about telling her I love her (or I guess it will be "je t'aime" considering she is in a French daycare!)... And thanks for all the great coping ideas - I thought of another idea I might try: music. My work is only a few minutes from the daycare, but maybe if I cranked up one of my favorite dance tunes on the way, it might brighten my mood. I did manage to cope today without turning to food, and you're right, I am very proud of myself! I almost felt sick to my stomach and was tempted to eat to see if it would help, but it passed, which proved to me that I only need to wait it out. A huge thank you to you for taking the time to post your thoughts and suggestions - you have no idea how much I truly appreciate it!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    More for maytanewfie - Congrats on your renewed focus this month, and the great progress you're making by not falling into your personal traps. I suffer from the same traps as you.

    My challenge this week will be the 2 days away from home, with work-provided meals. I am thinking of packing some stuff from home to have available as a substitute snack for those coffee breaks with the muffins the size of your head! I need to stay focused on proteins and veggies. I don't trust myself with any sugar or refined carbs, as I'm not sure what triggers me (bread, pasta, etc). Does anyone have any ideas for easily tranportable protein snacks? I'm thinking cheese string, turkey slices wrapped around pepper sticks with a tiny bit of mayo (these are really yummy!), for day 1 but day 2 is more of a challenge due to no refrigeration...???

    JustPeachy, dust yourself off, hon, and get back on at it. You know what you need to do. We're here to help!

    Lisa, I had a hard time last month with motivation. Try reading a fitness magazine, or some kind of health book, or even the posts on MFP - I find that the more I batter my brain with healthy eating and exercise, the more of it sinks in, and the more my brain wants to do it! PS. Your mo-jo is hiding out at the gym - go get it!! :wink:

    Randi - glad to have you back!!

    Kelly - your mo-jo is at the gym hanging with Lisa's... Let me know when you find it! :laugh:

    Day 3 sugar-free complete. No cravings at all. I only log my food on occasion (I get weird obsessive / frustrated), but would like to make note of it, so that later on, when I tempted to stray, I can remind myself how good I am feeling right now... So please indulge me on this part of my post: Turkey slices with pepper sticks for breakfast, protein shake for morning snack, lean beef meatballs and mixed frozen veggies (mainly brussel sprouts) for lunch, cottage cheese and raspberries for afternoon snack, 4 louisiana style wings (~20g protein, but almost as high in fat so limited to 4) for supper with the leftover veggies from lunch and cucumber slices, and a cheese string and sunflower seeds for evening snack.
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    :bigsmile: GOOD MORNING!! Weighed in today at 136.5lbs..so a 2lb loss :noway: I cant believe it lol.

    Today's a good day, going to see Paramore in concert tonight and I'm sooooo excited (Y)
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Checking in. No weight loss for me

    11/1/10 ===== 209lb
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    The scale finally moved - 126 lbs! My last official weigh in was 127, but I was up to 128.5 when I rejoined this site about a month ago. I'm happy, happy, happy!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening ladies....checking in mid month weight 170 down 1 lb since the beginning of the month....but I will take it, only 5 more lbs. til goal, slow and steady I go....can't believe I am going to be 160 something....never when I started this journey back on Apr 2nd did I ever believe I would be saying hey, I weigh 160 something lbs.....
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Day 4 sugar-free almost complete. I made it through a restaurant meal at lunch time, and stuck to my protein / veggie goal, however I did eat a limited amount of the carbs I had been avoiding, since I had dinner at my mother in law's tonight. Again forgive my "diary" post: protein shake with rice milk for breakfast, avocado salad with grilled chicken breast at Mexi's for lunch, a cheese string for afternoon snack, and fish, vinegar coleslaw, 10 homemade thick-cut french fries, and 2 digestive biscuits for supper. Still no cravings. Other than some water right now!! :drinker:

    I tried not to let the daycare drop-off get to me today. I had a hot water with lemon waiting for me in the car, but I forgot my MP3 player with my dance tunes.

    Beky - great loss!! How was the concert?!

    Karin - congrats on your loss!

    ifychudy - keep at it; don't give up! at least you're not gaining!

    Tina - way to go on your loss! I always love getting to that 'new' number on the scale! Here's to seeing a 160-something on your next weigh-in!! :drinker:
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Good evening! I've been MIA for awhile.... things have just been a bit crazy at work -- but I've missed you guys! :smile: I don't post much, but do try to catch up and read everyone's posts often.

    I know it's only Tuesday, but have exercised for two days in a row, so I'm feeling pretty good about that... It's been a long time! One step at a time, right?

    I have discovered time and time again that I REALLY struggle with tracking my food. I start out great at the beginning of the day, but when lunch doesn't include something that is quick and pre-packaged, or I make a poor choice (typically when someone brings homemade goodies to leave in the workroom) or when I don't have enough time to think about everything that went into supper, it just seems a bit overwhelming. It is a rare occasion for me to complete an entire day, let alone a full week. Has anyone ever had any success WITHOUT tracking their food? (It is obviously not a good strategy for me.) :embarassed: Maybe Im just looking for the easy way out.

    Did not weigh in this week. Both of the kids were gone for the weekend, so the hubby and I had a couple of days to ourselves. :love: We went to the city and ate at restaurants without Happy Meals! :drinker: It was a great time away, and I was so grateful for some time alone with my man, but I'm afraid that all of that wonderful food will result in some ugly consequences...

    As we are nearing Thanksgiving, it seems natural to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for. For me, the support and encouragement that I have found here is one of those things... I know that sounds terribly corny, but it is true! You guys are great. :flowerforyou:

    Wishing you all multitudes of blessings! Continue to have a great week!
  • debbiepringle
    debbiepringle Posts: 76 Member
    Posting my weigh-in for November 15th. Total lost for November so far is 6.1. YAY!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Posting my weigh-in for November 15th. Total lost for November so far is 6.1. YAY!

    WOW, that is FANTASTIC<.....quite the motivator...keep up the great work

    Heading off for a day of shopping...have a GREAT day everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Checking in. No weight loss for me

    11/1/10 ===== 209lb
  • ANNIET2006
    I am in. Just what I need to help motivate me
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sorry been gone so much this month. Nov and Dec are crazy months. Not sure how I will get everything done before the holidays with the sports and church and company....it is crazy I have not had time to work out in 2 weeks. Working 11 hour days and running my daughter to swimming and back or church and back leaves very little time for me. I am hoping to maintain at this point. I started the month at 183 was down to 180 and now hovering in the 182 range.

    Hopefully I can get back on track again. SOON!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member

    Beky - great loss!! How was the concert?!

    It was AMAZINGGGG thanks :laugh: I had such a good time :love:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow congrats to everyone on their success this week!

    I'm happy to report that so far I have made it to the gym every night! :bigsmile: I'm headed there again tonight & I'm hoping to get some more gym time. I gotta break it to my bestie that I'm not going to be picking her up any longer to go to the gym on Monday & Wednesdays for water aerobics. I told her Monday that I wouldn't be picking her up as I was going early & staying later after class so she would have to drive herself there. Guess what - she was a no show! REALLY? :noway:

    I've decided that I need to continue with putting myself first and the last few weeks I've been really kinda bummed that I have to ride with her or pick her up in order for her to go. I need more of a workout than just the water aerobics and since she depends on us riding together....that's just not for me anymore. Does that sound selfish?