Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • jlh526
    jlh526 Posts: 3 Member
    I just found this thread, very interesting!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ok, today's the day... i did horrible over the weekend...ugh! and i think AF is approaching, so we'll see how well this goes. I am thinking about fasting 3 days this week. The other option, is I might do the 16 hour fasts each day (except Thursday). Also I'm thinking maybe I should move one of my fasting days to Saturday, because I tend to eat so much junk on the weekend, by fasting, that would really control it. I am going to get through today and figure out what to do the rest of the week. I'm not on track to lose the 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, but that could also be that I'm retaining water - the scale shows I've gained 1 lb, but I don't think it's possible to have truly gained a lb. I didn't eat THAT much! lol... probably just too much sodium and AF water retention..
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    jenjabbour: I believe that when she started this thread I remember reading that the fast starts to work at 18 hours so anything less than that would be a waste of time, I'd look into it. Also, I would really reconsider doing it three times a week, two is the max that they suggest in the actual program because your body needs more calories than that, it's up to you but I wouldn't.

    Anyway, I started my fast last night at 8, I like doing my first fast from Sun-Mon to make up for the weekend when I don't drink enough water and am more lenient with what I'm eating. So tonight at 8:00 I will eat my homemade spaghetti, yum! And I will be going to Kickboxing and Core Pole tonight, lets see if I can make it through both while fasting. I'm also really sore from skating on Sat for the first time in prolly ten years, lol. I fell 4 times so I'm pretty bruised and sore, but it's not too bad! One of my reps (it was a work thing) shattered the bones in her wrist when she fell and is in a cast, so it could definately be worse!

    Good luck to those who are fasting today! :bigsmile:
  • jojogirl
    I have read a few pages in this thread although not ALL so forgive me if this has been said...on my fast days I feel fantastic and really enjoy my dinners because of it. I do it 2 days a week from 6 pm- 6pm as well. I just wanted to add that if I am feeling that I want something I will have an 8 oz. cup of non fat plain kefir milk.
    Good luck to all that try it, I started doing one day for awhile and worked my way to 2.
    My workout varies but always includes MMA, strength training and yoga :)
    Good Luck
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    jenjabbour: I believe that when she started this thread I remember reading that the fast starts to work at 18 hours so anything less than that would be a waste of time, I'd look into it. Also, I would really reconsider doing it three times a week, two is the max that they suggest in the actual program because your body needs more calories than that, it's up to you but I wouldn't.

    thanks, i know I've read in several places that some people do a 16 hour fast on a daily basis. basically, they eat for 8 hours and fast the other 16 and they've had good results from that. maybe the 24 ESE fast has better results, though...

    The reason I think I would do 3 days (which i wouldn't do regularly) is because I think I"m getting too many calories on my nonfasting days. I think 3 would allow me to create the calorie deficit I need to lose my weight. Two days a week only creates about a 2,000 calorie deficit... Three days would create a 3,000 calorie deficit. Obviously, that's not undereating by any means. I would still need to cut/burn 500 cals...

    I need to sit down and work out a plan. This is why counting calories while doing this is so important - I do not understand how people can do it and lose weight w/ out counting calories.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ok, plan worked out. i really don't see why 3 days would be a problem if I do it right. I'll let you all know how it goes. Here's my plan though:

    My maintenance calories per day are 1550 cals, which comes out to 10,850/wk. I want to create a deficite of 3500 cals/wk, so I get 7,350/wk.

    Here's my daily calorie breakdown:
    Mon - 500 cals
    Tues - 1500 cals
    Wed - 500 cals
    Thurs - 1500 cals
    Fri - 500 cals
    Sat - 1500 cals
    Sun - 1500 cals

    I will do my best to eat my exercise calories, but they will not be transferrable to the next day if I cannot eat all of them.

    To me this seems like a very solid, doable plan that gets me the calories that I need to lose 1 lb a week. I wish I could customize MFP calorie tracker to track this for me. This just means more work for me - making sure I'm staying w/ in my calorie range. I know some days I'll eat more or less calories, but by the end of the week, I'd like to hit the 7350 mark NET.
  • SkierElle
    jenjabbour, I've been doing 3 days a week for about 4 weeks (minus last week, i only did 2) and I haven't been hungry, in fact, less hungry than I was before I even started ESE. I lost about 3 lbs within those first 3 weeks and I think it was because I was eating too much on the non-fast days, so I limited those days to about what you do, 1500 cals. In the last week I lost 2 lbs. The only reason the author of ESE says not to do 3 days per week is because he thinks it is too hard to do that in the real world, but if you are really dedicated and want to, I don't see why you shouldn't, it is not bad for you and may even be better for you!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    jenjabbour, I've been doing 3 days a week for about 4 weeks (minus last week, i only did 2) and I haven't been hungry, in fact, less hungry than I was before I even started ESE. I lost about 3 lbs within those first 3 weeks and I think it was because I was eating too much on the non-fast days, so I limited those days to about what you do, 1500 cals. In the last week I lost 2 lbs. The only reason the author of ESE says not to do 3 days per week is because he thinks it is too hard to do that in the real world, but if you are really dedicated and want to, I don't see why you shouldn't, it is not bad for you and may even be better for you!

    Are you losing more calories this way than you would eating the same amount of calories doing the traditional diet?

    That's something I've been trying to figure out - is this way of dieting much more efficent than the traditional way of dieting?
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    jenjabbour, I'm glad that you're looking at it at a weekly basis to make sure that you're getting enough calories in. Your plan seems sound, and really, you can try it and decide how you feel. I count cals and eat pretty normal on my non fast days so this keeps me in check pretty well, maybe this will work better for you.
    SkierElle thanks for letting us know why they don't suggest 3 a week in the plan, I knew I'd heard it but wasn't totally sure of the reasoning, if that's the only reason I don't see what it could hurt. :bigsmile:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    bump- i am intrested in this just not at this moment- i am bf my 7 month old. i will read a little later when i have a minute......
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Done, finished with a healthy spaghetti reward, AND I burned 1300 calories today, woo hoo, but man am I tired!!
  • pecket83
    I have actually tried a 800cal for 3 days then 1100cals for 4 days then 1400cals for a week then the rotation again (the whole time working out and NOT adding my work out cals back in) and dropped 6 pounds the first week and 3 the next and 4 the week after that. It seemed to work for me.. doing the switching.. everyone has their own plan,,, do what works for you as long as its safe.
  • shelled
    This is like a LIGHTBULB just lit up over my head!! A big thank you to the thread starter! :flowerforyou:

    Apparently it seems I've been doing intermittent fasting for years now. I eat when I'm hungry, and I don't eat when I'm not. 4 out of 7 days a week I actually only get max 800 calories through the day (mostly through green tea as I don't drink coffee). But I do have 2000-3000 calories on 2 out of the 7 days.

    In early September I started to eat 3 square meals a day (1500-2000 cal per day) because I was told it makes me healthier and will help me manage my weight better. But all that happened was that I put on 1 kg every week, for 3 weeks consecutively! I initially only had 3kg to lose (and a lot of post-baby toning up to do), and now that's become 6kg in total. :(

    All my attempts to lose weight since then have been futile. Which led me to MFP.

    I'm going right back to where I started: Intermittent fasting. Except this time round I'm going to use MFP to help me chart my calories on eating days.
  • SkierElle
    Nice Jenn, you got a good deficit today then!

    jenjabbour, I think I have more of a calorie deficit than the "traditional way" I dont really know what you mean by that, but I am assuming if i was to eat like 1200 per day and that would make 8400 per week. With ESE I have about 7500 per week... which may be a little low, but I think having those days of 1500 will prevent the starvation mode from happening, as Brad says it wont happen unless you don't eat for 72 hours, or are continuously eating less than 1200 per day. I am still a little confused on that.

    But i think there are other benefits to ESE rather than the calorie deficit, like giving your digestive system a break. learning how to sense when youre really hungry and I know there are many other benefits of fasting 18-24 hours. I,personally, feel really great towards the end of my fast, really energized. And I know I couldnt stick to a diet of 1200-1300 per day because ive tried it, and it didn't work. This method seems to be the only one I can stick to.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    But i think there are other benefits to ESE rather than the calorie deficit, like giving your digestive system a break. learning how to sense when youre really hungry and I know there are many other benefits of fasting 18-24 hours. I,personally, feel really great towards the end of my fast, really energized. And I know I couldnt stick to a diet of 1200-1300 per day because ive tried it, and it didn't work. This method seems to be the only one I can stick to.

    I agree. Even though I have reached my weight loss goal and am eating about 1600 plus calories a day to maintain, I still like fasting as it gives my mind a chance to reset and concentrate on more than food (I feel more focused on life on days I am fasting) and also gives my body a break.

    That being said, today is my fast, but 20 hours til 4 p.m. So only 11.5 hours for me to go :)

    P.S. i LOVE the support here. Thanks guys.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks SkierElle, I'm hoping for a good loss this week!
    Congrats lulabellewoowoo on reaching your goal!! That's awesome, it must feel great! I totally agree about fasting to give your system a break, I feel so much better after. I have a lot of tummy issues and I find this helps a lot too. AND I too think twice about eating when I'm not hungry now, it's easier to say no when you realize you're not really hungry! :bigsmile:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Nice Jenn, you got a good deficit today then!

    jenjabbour, I think I have more of a calorie deficit than the "traditional way" I dont really know what you mean by that, but I am assuming if i was to eat like 1200 per day and that would make 8400 per week. With ESE I have about 7500 per week... which may be a little low, but I think having those days of 1500 will prevent the starvation mode from happening, as Brad says it wont happen unless you don't eat for 72 hours, or are continuously eating less than 1200 per day. I am still a little confused on that.

    But i think there are other benefits to ESE rather than the calorie deficit, like giving your digestive system a break. learning how to sense when youre really hungry and I know there are many other benefits of fasting 18-24 hours. I,personally, feel really great towards the end of my fast, really energized. And I know I couldnt stick to a diet of 1200-1300 per day because ive tried it, and it didn't work. This method seems to be the only one I can stick to.

    by "traditional" i mean by eating the 1200 cals a day every day... i know that supposedly while fasting you are able to burn more fat helping to become more lean, so i would assume that fasting helps you lose weight more quickly. not sure though. i guess i'm just hoping so...LOL... I do know that the day after fasting I feel so much skinnier...LOL... I guess if I fast 3 days a week, that should help to keep that look.

    I also agree that fasting is beneficial in other ways. I feel great when fasting and I love that I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat!

    I am finding coming off of a fast to be quite difficult though. I might need to change my fasting hours. I am at home when I come off the fast and sit down to a dinner and am tempted to snack and eat dessert as well. I went over my cals by 500 yesterday (even at my exercise cals) so today I have to eat 500 less than i had planned. however, I don't think it will be a problem to only eat 1000 cals today, even though yesterday it was tough to eat less than 1000... lol... maybe that's just the way it's going to be and I have to adjust my calorie distribution accordingly... what do you think?
  • kargreen
    I was only able to do it once last week (the full 24 hours), and then most of another day (22 hours). Tonight at 7pm i am starting again. My husband and I are going to Frankenmuth for the weekend in two weeks (two weeks from this weekend). I want to feel and look good. I am on day 16 of the 30 day shred. I'm trying really hard not to eat junk. It's not easy!!!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    it's not easy, that's for sure!!! i personally do so much better with my diet when I'm at work than when I'm at home... why do i eat so much and so much junk when I'm at home????

    I'm starting my 2nd fast of the week today at 6 pm.

    i need to have a plan in place for tomorrow when I come off of my fast though - planning a chicken and veggie dinner, that should help.
  • s_sanchez