

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    Rain, rain, rain here today, all day. Main job was getting a wheel cover put on the Camry to replace the one DD lost when she had that blow out going back to college after Thanksgiving. DH kept telling me it's just cosmetic and we didn't need one but it looked so awful!!

    Meg.........If you are reading the thread, please know that lots of good thoughts and hopes for the best are going out to you.

    Barbie..........Hope you are having a fantastic anniversary.........and many more!

    Heather.....Barbie........Pat........Kevrit.........Janehadji......Vicki......Katla.......and anyone I might have missed: Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and personal experiences.......your empathy and understanding is appreciated more than I can properly convey.

    Joyce.........yay on the zumba!

    Sylvia..........Very sorry to hear of your son's condition; hoping for a good result with the treatment.

    Linda..........What a shock; no wonder you ate badly...........I'm sure you will regroup once you have more information and a plan to deal with the new diagnosis.

    Heather........Please, please post pics from the party!!!

    Janehadji..........I ran over to the cabinet and pulled out my lemon pepper; yep, salt was the first ingred. listed---who knew? Thanks for the info. Also, I used jarred whole mushrooms tonight and there was salt listed in the ingred. right after water! Why do they do this? Grrrrrrrrrr..........

    G'nite, sleep well, everyone
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Joyce - Check eBay for the extra part for your Fitbit. I got my entire Fitbit Flex on eBay--in pieces! Saved about $25 that way. Also, ended up buying an extra dongle to keep at work.

    It's been a long, long day. Year-end is miserable! I am definitely retaining fluid. My hands already feel tight. :grumble: My sodium intake today was below goal, so it must be something else. Ah, well, it'll figure itself out soon--or the doctor will!

    Good night from a VERY sleepy Carol in NC. :yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you for all the kind anniversary wishes. Since we have a weekend trip planned to celebrate we didn’t do anything special today. I had errands to do so I was out for awhile and our big meal was “find it and fix It” and now Jake has gone to the movies with a friend. There are so many movies that he wants to see that don’t interest me so I’m glad that he found a friend to go with and then I can have the house to myself for a few hours.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, we buy a lot of Mrs. Dash seasonings that are salt free……there’s a great lemon pepper that I use a lot.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy from NJ…..it’s never too late to become part of our supportive family…..we start a new thread every month and hope that we’ll make new friends and keep the ones who have been here awhile

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ----
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Meg- Your family and your dad are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all is going well.

    Allison- You are being so supportive of your brother as he goes through this challenge. Be sure to take care of yourself as well. Although I have people close to me that have gone through similar situations, They were not living near me at the time and my support was long distance. I never actually saw how difficult it was for them. After reading your posts, I wish I had been able to be there in person for them, but at the time I was pregnant or taking care of very young children as well as working full time and couldn't travel to where they were.I am sure that your being there for him is making a big difference in his recovery.

    Amanda- My daughter had gallbladder surgery a few years ago and recovered fairly quickly. Within three weeks she was on a plane to Poland to take part in an archeological dig. She was only 21 at the time though. Best of luck to you. Hope it all works out so that you can be with your DD to meet your grandchild.

    Would love to respond to more, but must get some sleep.Congrats to those with victories, hugs and prayers to those with challenges.

    Deb A in CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Viv - so sorry to hear about your colleague's mother. That's very nice of you to go in for her.

    Very dreary here in NC right now. Raining on and off, not real warm (but not freezing either). Just real dreary.

    Did an hour of Step Aerobics by Gilad DVD today. Just found out that the Y isn't having their board meeting in the aerobic room tomorrow which means that I can go to the yoga class and then to deep water

    Amanda - yup, that's the title of the book. I find it quite useful since it has the nutritionals in it. Some things you think are low in calories really aren't and others that you think are high aren't. Also, sometimes the sodium can be a shocker or a pleasant surprise.

    Pat - my cousin's MIL was in an assisted living facility. My cousin's hubby passed away, her MIL was in her 90's and my cousin didn't have the heart to tell her that her son died. How do you tell someone that she outlived her three sons? So when my cousin went to the hosp and her MIL asked where Joe (her son) was, Patty would tell her "oh, he's cutting the grass" or "he was here earlier (there was a janitor there who VAGUELY resembled him)" Patty one time went away so she'd have her twin sister visit her MIL. Well, they looked enough alike!!!!

    Barbie - happy anniversary! One year Vince and I got each other the exact same card for our anniversary!

    Carol - it'll be so great to get together! Whenever I do a Leslie Sansone video, I'm always surprised at how much I'm working but it really doesn't look like it at first.

    Tia - you know, when I'm exercising at home, no one sees me. Many times I'm wearing just my sports bra, underpants, socks and shoes.

    Linda - sending all my best wishes for Thursday.

    Jane in CO - vince said that when we go to FL this Feb., we'll talk to a realtor. He's sad, too, to be selling it, it's almost like his last link to his mother is going. But we may need to do it. When my father was real sick and dying, we had this absolutely wonderful lady living with him. She was from Poland, didn't speak much English and I don't speak Polish but it worked because my father spoke Polish. This lady washed his walls, when he couldn't control his bladder she would wash out his dirty underwear! Talk about an angel!

    Patty - doesn't it feel just great to only want a little bit of something and then throw the rest away? That's just so wonderful for you!

    Kathy from Cherry Hill - It's NEVER too late to join

    Vicki - auto insurance companies are just about as difficult to figure out as health insurance companies. I love hearing about Heather's party, too. I do hope she posts a picture.

    Sue in SD - I remember one time having to chase down our garbage can (when we were in PA. No fun. Glad you got yours. Hope everything works out for kitty.

    yanniejannie - one time I went to WalMart for some applesauce. Did you know that there is salt in their brand???? I was shocked. I know that there isn't in Mott's.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my spot. Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake. I read an interesting item in the paper today that I'll share tomorrow
    Sue inTX
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening Ladies, well I did my Leslie Sanzone 3 mile, took a shower and just finished another 2 hours of paperwork preparing for this AR meeing n Baltimore on Thursday. :huh:
    :smile: The best part of going to Baltimore every month is my Dad lives 10 minutes from our Corporate office.
    :smile: The next best thing is they pay for meals, tolls and 55 cents a mile.
    :heart: Wishing Barbie and DH happy anniversarry
    :heart: sending hugs and prayers to Meg, Sylvia, Allison , Amanda and anyone else who is having a rough time with illness for themselves or family member.
    :smile: Congratulations for weight loss and willpower
    :yawn: guess it's time for me to go to bed. I'm getting mighty sleepy:yawn:
    :yawn: so goodnight from Rose in Lower, Slower, Delaware:yawn:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Happy anniversary, Barbie.

    On my tablet, struggling to type...not working very well. Had Chinese food at lunch, thanks to my boss (so not good to refuse). I restricted myself to shrimp and veggies, and beef and veggies, but nonetheless, not my regular fare. Sigh.

  • Kayzoola
    Let's see...yesterday, I did Bodypump class, and today, I did Bodycombat class. My sis hosted tea at my parent's house for a gathering of female relations. I got to hear so many old family stories! What an interesting lot.

    Linda, so sorry about your bad day. It feels like a such a betrayal, when our bodies fail us in some way. I hope that learning more about what you need to do will help relieve some of the stress.

    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake

    :flowerforyou: I bought a new fitness DVD on Monday and tried it out yesterday. It's quite fast - but interesting. It's not like any of my Rosemarary Connley DVDs :bigsmile: It's filmed in what looks like an old warehouse/shed and the TV celebrity keeps interrupting the trainer but it's fun and she looks fabulous - not sure if she still looks like that now though. Not sure if my pals outside the UK will know Jessie Wallace, she's in "Eastenders" it's her DVD that I have bought.

    :flowerforyou: I'm trying to limit my time on the computer, it's difficult some days when we are so chatty that the thread goes over many pages :smile: :laugh: I will just have to make sure I don't miss a day.

    Logged my steps for yesterday and not done quite as many as I did at the weekend when I did 2 dog walks. I meant to make a note of it, but logged off the fitbit site so check later I need to know what to aim for today. Once the lighter nights are here I will start walking the dog with DD again. At the moment it is too dark for me and I am at work when DD walks Frank at around 4pm.

    Take care

    Viv ( Wet, wet, wet York UK) Roll on spring/summer!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Grandmallie: lots of stress for you; hope you also have a little time to rest.

    Pat: hope you have a great time in Florida (and soak up a little sun)!

    Barbie: Happy anniversary!

    Michele and Carol: Bojangles biscuits; that takes me back. I did used to like them.

    Linda: You’re having a rough time. Will be thinking of you on Thursday.

    Meogge: about the doughnut: I did that last week. Decided I was allowed some chocolate, but the kind they had at the train station (where I was at the time) turned out not to be very good. I threw it away after a bite! Felt good not to just scarf it down anyway.

    Katla: hope you’re feeling better today.

    Joyce: have you checked the Fitbit forum to see whether you can get what you need cheap?

    I’ve been pretty busy with work and a couple of social things, including a meal at a very nice Italian restaurant. I enjoyed the meal very much and the “water pound” I had the next morning is already gone.
    Haven’t had much energy, but I’m going to the gym later on. It’s drizzly weather and not very pleasant to go out; even my dog thinks so.

    Hope everybody has a good day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hi there!

    I hope all those suffering along with their relatives and friends are finding some peace.:flowerforyou: I think sometimes that it is harder for the people who love them.

    Amanda - I had the laperoscopy gallbladder removal. I had a gallbladder chock full of pyramid shaped yellow stones. They gave me them in a pot. I still have them. So weird! I was able to teach at home within a week, but was gentle with myself for two. I know you have had abdominal surgery before so there may be more problems, adhesions etc.

    I have just bought some resistance bands as on another thread someone suggested they are good as an exercise for dodgy knees. They come with a sheet of instructions. I have only been doing a bit of underpowered HIIT on the bike and elliptical as I want to protect my knee. The exrcise book hasn't arrived yet, but it will soon.
    Yesterday my new journal arrived. It is so beautiful - a Paperblanks one - that I hardly dare use it! DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.
    Do you know, that motto, attributed originally to Voltaire, the French philosopher, (though I haven't checked it out), has been the most use to me of anything.

    Today I will print out a map of where our restaurant is for Friday night and the invitation from my friend so I know where the party is.:laugh: She is also hosting a breakfast on the Sunday, but we have paid for breakfast at the hotel so we might just call in for a coffee. DH took a sleeping pill last night so was still in the bed st 7.45!:bigsmile: :heart:
    I might lay out the clothes I am going to take as I always get neurotic about it.:blushing:

    Love to Lin and good luck with the doc on Thurs. You are right, Lin, losing some weight certainly can't hurt.

    Dull and damp here. I didn't feel like exercising this morning, so many aches and tiredness, but I did it and I am soooo glad I did.:happy: I like to eat :noway: so I have to exercise!

    Hesther in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry i wasn't able to check in last night.. Sean went for his procedure yesterday afternoon, now we wait. he is a bit more awake,but drugged enough where we cant really understand what he says, alot of mumbling.I did end up going back to see him last night for an hour or so. left at 8 and got home and went right to bed. didn't sleep well last night,but what can you do.
    on the way over to the hospital I stopped at Burger King, and got 2 small sandwiches,:explode: I shouldn't have done that..i didnt weight myself and i didnt log, but will probably go back and do so:huh:
    going into work again for 9, yesterday didnt have to go in until 10:30.
    having my lemon water and icing my heel, because it is bothering me.
    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake:heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Happy anniversary to you and Jake:heart: !!! Wishing you many more years of happiness:flowerforyou: !!!

    Linda C:smile: Will be keeping you in my prayers my dear friend:flowerforyou: !

    Michele:smile: Wasn`t it great to see the sun yesterday afternoon:glasses: :happy: !!!

    Heather:smile: Your outfit and the party sounds wonderful! I hope you`ll post pics of it! Isn`t it interesting, we get a beautiful new journal and then think it`s too nice to use:laugh: . I have a couple in my bookcases right now:blushing: !

    Kay (PNW):smile: Sounds like a lovely time listening to the stories!

    Grandmallie:smile: My thoughts are with you and your brother:flowerforyou: ! Don`t be so hard on yourself during this stressful time:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia :smile: My dog is not wild about going out in the drizzly, icky weather either:noway: , her reward for going out in the pouring rain is she gets to be blown dry with the hair dryer, she absolutely loves it:laugh: .

    Time to get off the computer, I, like Viv, am trying to limit my time on here:frown: . Did everyone see the beautiful moon last night and this morning:love: , it was just gorgeous!!! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • mkd1955
    mkd1955 Posts: 22 Member
    Just having picked up this thread yesterday, I am not up on everyone, but I send out good wishes and support for everyone to celebrate your triumphs and wish well for your struggles.

    Had a quiet night at home last night as DH was out of town on business, so I cuddled up on the couch and watched Sunday night’s Downton Abbey. After all of the football over the last 2 months (college and pro), it’s so nice to have the TV to myself.

    I did not get up and work out this morning, but I am planning on walking at lunch time. It’s foggy, but warmish in South Jersey today. I can take this for January. I have been faithfully logging my food since Monday and feel better each day about what I am eating. Keeping myself accountable, that is the key.

    I found this quote from Valerie Bertinelli on line today, it speaks to me:
    After a lifetime of losing and gaining weight, I get it. No matter how you slice it, weight loss comes down to the simple formula of calories in, calories out. Valerie Bertinelli

    Here’s to a great Wednesday, everyone!

    Kathy in Cherry Hill, NJ
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.Slow by slow the lbs are coming off.
    Have a good one.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place.:flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Good morning,

    Welcome newcomers.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee drinking water as I type.:drinker:

    Marie 02013 When I went back to respond to you your post was gone. I did e-mail you because the book you recommended is the type of book that keeps me on track. She recommended The End of Overeating by Dr. Kessler. I find the more knowledge I gain about what I eat the better the decisions I make about what I eat. An example for me is cheese. I used to eat large portions of cheese. After reading Salt, Sugar, Fat by Micheal Moss I read the labels and realized how much fat there is in it even the low fat variety. Now I use it as I would butter. Sparingly if at all. I am not advocating a low fat diet. I do eat a lot of avocado. I am just trying to be more aware of what I put in my body because of the consequences to my health.

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee. :drinker:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm having a hard time getting around this morning. It's nearly noon and I'm still in my Jammie's. Some days I just can't seem to manage to put one foot in front of the other. No real reason. Just feel bummed and tense. Too much on my mind. My mind races and flits from one thing to the next.

    This is the third day with exactly the same readout on the scale. I'm really ok with that. I take it as proof that that last pound is really gone. I think of it as short term maintenance. That seems to be a pattern with me. I lose a little, level off, then lose a little, level off, etc. hopefully tomorrow will be another down day, weight wise. I still have not gotten back to my real workout routine. At cardiac rehab they have me doing baby steps. Hopefully today I can do a little more. Once I get to work out more I think there will be fewer level off days. I'm going to ask to switch from afternoons to mornings. That would give me an incentive to get around earlier, at least three days a week. I'm not sure they will let me though, because mornings are for something different.

    I have calls in to three different plumbers and none has called me back. It's a good thing it's not an emergency. It's really hard to deal with those people sometimes. I wish hubby would deal with it, but he seems to think I have nothing else to do. Hah! I am very busy. These computer games are not going to play themselves!

    I started crocheting scarves for the three grandkids. One is finished except for the fringe. I was working on it last night till Bruno got in my lap and started chasing the yarn. Sometimes he thinks he's a cat. I took the little matchbox cars over to grandson yesterday and he was pretty happy. I found one that was green with red stripes (as requested) and got a red one to keep it company. It's so cute how happy he gets over such a little thing. $2 is awfully cheap for so much joy! But I don't know who enjoyed it more, him or me.

    Well, here I go. Off to the shower. Wish me luck.

  • marygettingfit
    marygettingfit Posts: 49 Member