Just some new photos....I've lost 100.4lbs now



  • Krimicri
    You look fantastic! Congratulations on your success :) Keep up the good work.
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    looove ur story great motivation....thank u
  • clipsychic
    WOW!!! You don't even look like the same person! Congratulations!!!
  • tamilou
    HOORAY FOR YOU!! You look great, keep up the good work. I am just starting this journey & I have about 110Lbs to lose....can you share any of your tips & Tricks??
  • Mrsfoxtrot
    Mrsfoxtrot Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on your success! Triple digits that is amazing!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Looking great!! :drinker: I bet you are feeling great, too! :bigsmile: That's amazing to think how much 100 pounds represents - a whole person! WTG!!
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    You have done a amazing job! I can't wait to be at 100lbs off. I must comment on your boobs though. (LOL) Those were the one, well two things I wanted to keep. Wish my butt would have went flat as quick as they did! ;-) Keep up the great job sweety! You look amazing!
  • JAGWIRE13579
    You are an inspiration and you look fantastic, congrats.
  • Denita
    Denita Posts: 28
    WOW! Awesome job!! You are an inspiration to us all.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    fantastic. way to go! you look great.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Wonderful Job! what a difference! Keep it up!:smile:
  • travindra
    travindra Posts: 7 Member
    AMAZING! AMAZING. I have no words to tell you how impressive this is. Way to go!!
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Amazing transformation! How long did it take?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    WOW!!! You don't even look like the same person! Congratulations!!!

    Thanks!! I totally don't even feel like the same person (in a good way!! )
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    You have done a amazing job! I can't wait to be at 100lbs off. I must comment on your boobs though. (LOL) Those were the one, well two things I wanted to keep. Wish my butt would have went flat as quick as they did! ;-) Keep up the great job sweety! You look amazing!

    THANKS!! I am so glad the boobs are going.....I hope they go more I'd like to go down at least another bra size or 2!!! I'm actually happy with how much of my butt has left too (and thighs).....I credit that entirely to the c25k program!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Amazing transformation! How long did it take?

    9.5 months so far to lose this first 100 lbs.....but I still have 60+lbs to go......so it's gonna be awhile yet before I reach goal.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    you look amazing! congrats! may I ask how long it took you to lose 100lbs?

    It has taken me 9.5 months. I started my weight loss journey on January 25th 2010

    Wow that is really great. You look awesome and in such a short time...that's great. SO inspirational. I can't wait to get there. Keep up the great work!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    you look amazing! congrats! may I ask how long it took you to lose 100lbs?

    It has taken me 9.5 months. I started my weight loss journey on January 25th 2010

    Wow that is really great. You look awesome and in such a short time...that's great. SO inspirational. I can't wait to get there. Keep up the great work!

    sometimes it feels like this weight loss has taken me forever.....but I guess that's because I'd been yo yo - ing for the last 10 years.......but I have to say this last 10 months has gone by quickly and I'm loving the results......I can't wait to see what I look like this summer......I soooo hope I am bikini worthy!
  • kweingust
    How inspiring! Congratulations!
  • Live_Aloha
    Live_Aloha Posts: 28 Member
    WOW, look at how far you've come!!! Thanks for sharing & keep it up :bigsmile:
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