Anyone here over 50?



  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm 48 and it's tough NOW....
  • player30
    player30 Posts: 65 Member
    55yo-Glad to be a part of this group. I just joined MFP yesterday. Two days ago, my size 20 pants arrived from LL Bean and they were still tight around my waist. I went through menopause at 36, and so it has been a struggle since then. But the last three years completely changed my body and my middle has just gotten huge. I joined Anytime Fitness yesterday and plan to get in better shape and renew some of my little used muscles. I have been a vegetarian since I was 17 yo, and protein has always been a concern for me. MFP has already given me some good ideas.
  • donnarooty
    donnarooty Posts: 4 Member
    57 here (58 on 2/8...that's the first time it popped into my head that it's almost one year older time...phooey!) LOL. Same problem as everyone else here. Got sedentary at my office job and always running errands (and I mean in the CAR) so never made time for exercise. Got a puppy a year ago and walk her for 30-60 minutes EVERY day and loving it! (BTW-I live in Florida). Haven't lost any weight though because I have been allowing myself to eat junkily (word?) because the church I work at ALWAYS has pastries, etc in the frig. I now eat a bowl of oatmeal BEFORE I go to work or worship on Sunday morning so I am not tempted by those goodies. Already, after a month, feeling a difference. We CAN do this. Let's check back about once a month and report on how we have done. Of course it will have to be the honor system, but if we do lie we are hurting no one but ourselves. Good luck to us all and let's make 2014 THE year!
  • lgumert
    lgumert Posts: 20
    Going on 53 this year. I definitely have noticed my metabolism slowing down! I've never eaten huge amounts nor junk food, but I'm only 5'1" and wasn't getting enough exercise so I gradually added pounds. I had my daughter rather late (age 39) after years of fertility treatments, followed in rapid order by an appendectomy and other abdominal surgery, and I think all that made it harder to lose the post-baby weight and regain abdominal muscle tone. On the plus side, I've lost 19 pounds since I started here in August, logging my food every day and exercising at least 4x a week, so I know it is possible! Feel free to add me as a friend; I'm on every day!
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    ROFL...everything is slower at this age then before. 57 now and growing more experienced...I would love to say wiser but....
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 53. Last year I started weight training and have now been lifting heavy weights for approx. 5 months (Stronglifts 5x5). I feel younger and stronger than ever.
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    We started a group called:

    Fifty, Female and Fun!

    It has over 100 ladies in it...and it's a GREAT support group with some fantastic women!
    Come and join us!
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 52 and reading all these posts about it being harder post-menopause is worrying me!!! I've not started getting any signs of the change yet but I'm finding it harder than I did when I was younger when I just cut the calories (in food only I drank like a fish!) and did no exercise!!! :ohwell:
  • reginamom
    reginamom Posts: 5 Member
    I will be 54 (ack!) in March. I have found this past year that I have been having a lot more issues with my body not doing what I want it to (haha). A lot more strains and sprains, and my balance isn't as good (I actually fell off a ladder this past year and broke my elbow!). For me, it is more the activity level than anything else.
  • 2SpoiledHuskies
    2SpoiledHuskies Posts: 1 Member
    Yup, it's harder for sure. I will be 58 in a few months and I am in better shape than I have been in 30 years. . I've been heavy most my life and decided to get in shape "once and for all"-just to hard to keep doing this. I've lost over 75 lbs and am 8 lbs to goal. I live in Colorado and am finally very active. I am a big hiker, kayaker, biker, stand up paddle boarder, weights....... I just try to keep moving. I rarely weigh myself and can usually just tell if I've gained any weight. I've eaten clean for so long and when I give myself permission for a "cheat day" I rarely eat that much more.

    I wish you much success in your journey!! Don't beat yourself up if you slip (it's like your are giving yourself permission to fail) just say you will do your best the next day. Soon it will be a habit and you'll be surprised how well you will do.
  • minigirl2
    minigirl2 Posts: 61 Member
    I am 51 and struggling with my weight for really the first time in my life and I hate it. I am through menopause and also went through a divorce a little over a year ago. All the changes that came along with that sent me reeling and I picked up some very bad habits as coping mechanisms. I relied on alcohol and caffeine as my "escapes" when things got progressively more intense with the split. And 20 pounds went onto my 5'3" frame before I knew it.

    Now, here I am, recovering from the huge change in my life and the new little friends I adopted - booze and Starbucks - don't seem to want to leave me! I went from have willpower of steel most of my adult life to giving into every craving. I look at myself and can't believe where I am and how lousy I feel physically. Workouts went by the wayside too when insomnia hit me hard and sapped my energy to do my usual morning workouts.

    I was an avid MFPer a few years ago and just came back this week to look for inspiration and to make myself accountable. And lo and behold, I find all of you guys here in this over 50 board to motivate me and help me feel less alone in my struggle!

    I would love to be friends with any of you! Friend me!

    Thanks for being my inspiration. We cannot give up - there is so much of life to live and enjoy!

  • suetorrence
    suetorrence Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! I am 66 . I began my weight loss journey on MFP last July. In the first 20 weeks I lost 41 pounds - due to eating healthy food, working out twice a week at the gym and walking with my husband the other four days. Then we decided to join a C25K group and my weight loss slowed down. A little discouraging but the inches are still coming off. And I keep reminding myself that it took more than ten years to pack on the 80 pounds. When I began on MFP I was so encouraged by others who had accomplished their goal to be healthy and get to a healthy weight. That became my goal too. Best wishes to all of you as you continue on your journey.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm 49. I just spent the last 10 yeares gettingin the best shape of my life. I don't think it's harder at all.

    I think it's just never easy.
  • donnarooty
    donnarooty Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for those wise words and the encouragement that we CAN do it!
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    56 here.

    I have never lost so much weight and kept it off as I have since I joined MFP.

    Lift heavy
    Eat at a deficit
    Up your protein

    The weight will come off no matter how old we are, we can do this.
    ^^^ THIS. I am 50 years old. After 18 years of failing diets on my own, my son set up an MFP account for me and I have never looked back. 35 lbs lost since July 1st - and desire to lose at least 25 more. Keys to success: LOG EVERYTHING - including weigh and measure portions. LOG EVERYDAY. Use the data to see what is working and what needs adjusting. It is easy to think you are eating healthy until you start logging and see how all the "bites of this" and "tastes of that" add up.

    Is it hard? Yes. Losing weight at any age is hard. Putting it on is the easy part. Losing weight takes dedication, disciple, consistency, and patience. Exercise will boost the metabolism to help the process happen faster and will help reshape your body as you go. Cardio for fat burning and weights for retaining lean muscle mass (also needed for healthy metabolism).

    Feel free to add me, and good luck to you!
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    Hey there I'm 51.

    As someone pointed out the ladies have it bit harder because they tend to have a lower BMR.

    And ya BMR drops with age too.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I just turned 50 and I find that I can still lose weight if I work hard at it -- I've found it's hard work at any age..............

    Anyone, please fell free to "friend request" me. I find my MFP friends make the difference for me. I try to be supportive for you as well. You can't have enough friends or support on this journey.

    Have a great weekend!
  • jpeach
    jpeach Posts: 2 Member
    This looks like the place for me. I've used MFP for awhile and it helps me track my goals; I'm working with a wellness coach to get on track and stay on track. I've not participated in any community forums anywhere so maybe it's time to try on something new.
  • dixeyk
    dixeyk Posts: 20
    I can't recall if I did this already but I'm over 50 and on a mission to get back to my college weight of 165.
  • Katz135
    Katz135 Posts: 22
    I am 57 and it is definately harder as we get older. But I want to be able to have fun with the grandchildren and get the most out of my life now I am finished raising children. This site seems to work and moral support is always a good thing.

    Good luck on your journey