Tips for a first date? (guys only..)



  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I believe that men should go in for what they want, which is sex. If a woman likes a man, she won't punish him for being sexually aggressive. In fact, it will build attraction even if sex doesn't happen the first time. It would set up sex the next get together if there's resistance in that moment. She'll see him as a guy who knows what he wants and gives off a masculine aura. This builds the attraction and physical chemistry.

    The only women who are turned off by aggressive sexual overtures are women who are not truly attracted to a man. These women are unlikely to be legit prospects anyway, so it is no loss if they aren't liking the advances.

    Oh Jesus Christ. Take your pick up artist alpha male psychobabble back to reddit where it belongs.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    all those muscles and you're nervous about a first date?! a little hard to believe...
  • nutellabrah
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    clearly those girls had a ton of respect for their dads and themselves.

    And thats all that mattered to me. The respect they had for their father.

    I planned to marry all those girls I slept with.

    Till I found out there weren't good enough servants to the men in their lives who control them.

    How was I gonna marry her and have her obey me in our marriage, if she doesn't obey her own father.

    Needless to say, I had to let them go after I slept with them.

    One day I will meet a perfect virgin and she will be a good Christian girl. I will say to her: will you b my wife?
  • nutellabrah
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    And you clearly grew up in a different part of the world. Around here, if we beat the phuck out of some phag like you, the phags parents will ask that they did, then beat their *kitten* again themselves.

    Thats freakin illegal dude!! You're nuts!!!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    And you clearly grew up in a different part of the world. Around here, if we beat the phuck out of some phag like you, the phags parents will ask that they did, then beat their *kitten* again themselves.

    Thats freakin illegal dude!! You're nuts!!!

    So is beating a kids *kitten* with a belt, technically. But we still do that, too.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    No flowers. It's a first date. That will come across creepy.

    Pay for her dinner. If you don't you'll be seen as cheap. Sorry.

    The rest of it, just relax and have fun. Geez. Don't over think it. It's just a date.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I believe that men should go in for what they want, which is sex. If a woman likes a man, she won't punish him for being sexually aggressive. In fact, it will build attraction even if sex doesn't happen the first time. It would set up sex the next get together if there's resistance in that moment. She'll see him as a guy who knows what he wants and gives off a masculine aura. This builds the attraction and physical chemistry.

    The only women who are turned off by aggressive sexual overtures are women who are not truly attracted to a man. These women are unlikely to be legit prospects anyway, so it is no loss if they aren't liking the advances.

    how vile... but not a surprise coming from this poster/troll
  • nutellabrah
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    And you clearly grew up in a different part of the world. Around here, if we beat the phuck out of some phag like you, the phags parents will ask that they did, then beat their *kitten* again themselves.

    Thats freakin illegal dude!! You're nuts!!!

    So is beating a kids *kitten* with a belt, technically. But we still do that, too.

    You're a crazed lunati --from the south Im assuming!!???
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    And you clearly grew up in a different part of the world. Around here, if we beat the phuck out of some phag like you, the phags parents will ask that they did, then beat their *kitten* again themselves.

    Thats freakin illegal dude!! You're nuts!!!

    He's nuts? Have you read your own posts, Hun? Good luck finding your virgin servant. Wtf?
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member

    DO NOT bring protection.....really? It's a first date! Don't go there yet. If she comes on strong and wants me when I tell you, you don't want her.

    Bring protection. Always bring protection. Don't like toss it out on the table mid-meal in a flashy show of wink-wink I'm prepared but foster the habit of having it always. First date, second date, any day of your life that you don't specifically want to either A) be offered sex but have to decline because you don't have protection and don't want to father a child (or get an STD) or B) father a child or get an STD

    Also, check the expiration date on the package. If you've been "prepared" for rather a while, refresh your stock. They do have a shelf life.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Bring protection. Always. I understand that most dates don't result in meeting Ms. Right. In the event that she's not Ms. Right, how much would it suck to have to turn down Ms. Right Now because you don't have a condom?

    What's that you say? She wants to horizontal mambo on the first date but has a latex allergy"? LOLNOPE RUUUUUN
  • nutellabrah
    Respect, yes. And also, as the dad, it is my God given right to torture the little prick and convince him that he is always one short breath away from his body never being found if he ever does anything that I remotely disapprove of.

    Pls go.

    Every time I have dated a girl with an overly protective father we always have that moment where we make fun of you for how embarassingly crazy/insecure you are and think its cool to be a badass. Then we hook up.

    Making that same trite over-protective dad joke from the 80s. Yawwwnnnncopters. What am I supposed to act scared? Shy?

    End up coming home from work one day and see me having a barbecue with your wife and daughter by your own pool throwing em in the pool and all that --Oh hi Mr Kirkpatrck, come and join us!! :)

    And you clearly grew up in a different part of the world. Around here, if we beat the phuck out of some phag like you, the phags parents will ask that they did, then beat their *kitten* again themselves.

    Thats freakin illegal dude!! You're nuts!!!

    So is beating a kids *kitten* with a belt, technically. But we still do that, too.

    You're a crazed lunati --from the south Im assuming!!???

    Yep, in Huntsville, Alabama. One of the most intelligent cities in the nation, home of the densest population of rocket scientists you will ever find in one city. I suggest you not come around. With your dumbass attitidude, you probably wouldn't make it out alive.

    Ill take that as the crazy threat that it is....
  • RobbinRL

    You have some fabulous responses here and honest ones. Absorb and your date will be just fine, every time.

  • RobbinRL
    YA WOW..............WTH? Get a life....................OMG.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I like threads like this. Shows me exactly who to ignore.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    This guy.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    what would you do, if you don't go to her door?? Text her to let her know you're there? Honk your horn? Call her? What the Hell? Man up and knock on her door, like a gentleman.

    As the father of a little girl...if any guy ever comes to my house and honks the horn he better be dropping something off. Because he sure as hell ain't picking anything up.

    Yup. And I've raised my son to behave better than that too. No freaking texting from the car saying you're there. Though I have to say, the girls that have picked him up text, rather than come to the door. Like I'm too intimidating to meet.
  • bperkins88
    bperkins88 Posts: 357 Member
    I think instead of flowers, a stuffed animal or something that will not die is a better gesture. If it works out, they will have something to remember the first date too unless the Dog, or children get to it and destroy it.

    Just my 2 cents