
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone, What a beautiful day here; we hit a new record of 65 degrees! I got tons done so I feel good about that. DH and DD#2 got all the outdoor Christmas decorations down and put away. That leaves only the upstairs to do.

    Ewww…DD#2 just came to say goodnight and she looks like the walking dead. She says she is nauseated and boy does she look it. Good thing she doesn’t have school tomorrow.

    Thank you all so much for your sweet words regarding the old man. I miss him terribly and the other cats are trying to fill his spot.

    Carol: I’m so glad you had some good news about your son. I missed your post about his diagnosis but I sure hope things are going to get better!

    Heather: your new photo is gorgeous! I bet you were the talk of the town at your party. I’m glad you had fun. I ‘d love to hear more about your acting in the past!

    Rori: I think I will be reunited with all my fur babies in heaven. That is my idea of what it must be like. I love that quotation from the Happiness Project about choosing vegetables.

    Renny: I love your attitude about the cycle of life. You are so right. Keep up informed about your mother.

    Katla; sounds like you have been sick and I’m sorry to hear that. I love chicken soup especially homemade. Enjoy. You will love the smoker

    Michele: what about a nice spinach and chicken roll up for your friend? Or just spinach, sour cream, and water chestnuts in tortillas rolled up. You cook so much I’m surprised you need advice LOL

    Jill: thank you for your kind words too. Looking forward to seeing you this spring.

    Joyce: sending good thoughts your way for church

    Anna: sorry things are not working well with the personal trainer. I hope you get your money back. Believe me, the earth won’t crack open if you go over your starting weight. This is a journey with many starts, stops, and detours

    Viv: so sorry about your beloved dog Tara. Is that her picture?

    DeeDee: did you wear your new make up and polish to boss the boys? I bet you look fabulous!

    Grandmallie: hope your gymming was productive! I love the rainbow bridge thought. I’m glad things seem to be looking up for your brother; I’ll continue to keep him in my prayers

    Gmom sounds like you have some good goals. I didn’t say welcome before so welcome from me now!

    Kay and Carrie: welcome to both of you too. This is a wonderfully supportive group. All you have to do is look around and see
    how kind every one has been over the death of my kitty to realize how supportive and loving everyone here is.

    Yanniejannie: wow what a road trip!

    Kay: my husband and I have flipped houses and have rentals and decided the one thing we should stay far, far away from is plumbing! Good plumbers are worth their weight in gold!

    Jane: wow 1200 days??? That’s amazing! Congratulations

    Redladee: welcome to the group!

    Jane: so glad you had a great time with the CO contingent!

    Canookie: “blabber fingers” ….that cracked me up

    Sandy: good for you to keep up with the water activities

    Gail: I’m glad we aren’t the only ones whose house is not quite back to the pre-holiday state!

    Margaret: I Love the blurt board and kindness board. What great ideas.

    Cynthia: those extra calories won’t be hanging around you for too long, I’m sure!

    Genhosaddict: welcome aboard!

    Well I need to start on the menu for next week. I did the elliptical, circuit training, a new pilates tape, and yoga today so I am wiped out! Tomorrow is not a holiday for me either, so early to bed. Take care, meg from Omaha where it was gorgeous today
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Congratulations to the virtuous Colorado ladies who met for lunch! You’re all awesome individually, and in a group I’ll bet you’re amazing. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: It looks a though you may have found a new Church home. Yay!:flowerforyou:

    Marnie: Speaking for myself, your “blabber fingers” are a welcome addition to the conversation. :wink: I love the Churchill quotation: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ~ Winston Churchill Thanks for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I think you are an excellent judge of character to consider me sensible. :bigsmile: You may be one of a very small group to hold that opinion. I consider myself complimented. Good luck on your situation with your mom. I hope it all works out.:flowerforyou:

    SandyKendrick: Your goal is achievable. MFP is an excellent place to work on improving your health.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m so glad your brother was noticeably better today, even though he was still a bit in his own world. Music is such a great way to make people feel good, especially familiar and well liked music.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I think a blurt board may work better in a classroom. I can’t see how to make it work at home without DH teasing me unmercifully.:noway: I'll have to keep track privately.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Are you thinking of going to the yoga class your instructor will be offering at the church? I wonder what the people at the Y were thinking when they cancelled a class and didn’t let the students or instructor know about it. That really seems like poor management and poor manners, too.:grumble:

    We spent the day brining and smoking chicken legs. They’re okay but we’ll do things a bit differently next time. This was our first effort. When we smoked the Salmon last fall our neighbors actually did all of the smoking. We just brined the fish. We did okay with the brining today, too, but will leave the next batch in the smoker for a shorter period of time and cook it in the oven longer. We also missed the direction to wrap it in foil before moving it to the oven. It would probably have been more moist if we’d done that, which would have been a big improvement. :ohwell: :smile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have decided that I am in love with the designer Vera Wang!!!!:laugh: :heart: My daughter and I went to Kohl's tonight. I needed more jeans and I also wanted to look for a sensible, comfortable pair of shoes I can wear to church. My orthotics can only fit in a certain number and type of shoes. If I do't wear it they have to be really comfortable to wear for a couple of hours. I used to have a pair of low heels, and the heel was fairly wide that I loved. The leather was good, looked good and most important, they felt wonderful. Nut somehow one is lost. It is somewhere with all the socks that seem to go poof in the night. So I wear a very old pair of really uncomfortable shoes that look bad and feel worse. For those of you who remember I wore them for my mother in laws funeral. During visitation I wore them and took breaks frequently so I could go in the break room and put my tennis shoes on. These were my only shoes I wore for 'dress'. I can't wear heels at all. The MS just won't let me. Tennis shoes and Crocs is what I wear. So jeans and shoes was my quest for tonight. Right now I am in my size 16 boot cut which runs a little snugger. When I put them on today I realized I could now pull them off without unzipping them. I didn't realize Kohls only had these expensive designer jeans. So I tried on Elle, Apt 19, Jennifer Lopez and Vera Wang. Fel:laugh: :laugh: t so special!!!! But I always have fun shopping with my daughter. And she loves taking me shopping cause she knows I have more money than she does and she knows exactly what to do to get me to spend it on myself. Which is very hard for me to do. It's not in my nature at all but she does it. Anyway, back to my story. I was trying on everything in size 14. :heart: :smile: I ty these Vera Wang ones on and I can pull them off without unzipping them! So she goes out and gets a 12 and they fit! Oh my, pick me off the floor. I tried the Elle jeans on next and could harldy pull them off. I don't think Elle and Vera get along well. :laugh: :laugh: So with the sale price and a $20 Kohls cash I got two pair , regular $50 a piece for $42. And the Kohls cash was expired. But i have never had a problem with them taking expired Kohls cash. couldn't find a pair of shoes though. We did have fun trying on stupid shoes.

    Her next big thing she had to get me to do was to buy some underwear that wasn't grandma underwear!!! So I bought some midrise. That's a big step for me. But with midrise jeans my previous ones weren't working well even though I like my shirts out and a little long.

    The sun was out today! Oh glorious day. How good it felt. Still wasn't a warm day but to just see the sun. And it showed how dirty the car has gotten driving in all this slush and salty roads. So it got a bath today.

    I sent a personal face book message to my brothers and daughter and neice about me getting back in church and finally being able to verbalize why I stopped going. It took me a long time to even understand why myself. So I have gotten a lot of encouragement back from them. My brother the chaplain of course said the most meaningful words tome that I will treasure. He says that now I have to release my own guilt from my heart about not going. So God and I have some work to do. I guess I should step back and stop being the controlling one and let Him do the working and me the listening. Hard for me to do.

    See you all tomorrow. Have a good night.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Good morning! The sun is shining for once! Rain later - - - again.:sad:

    Joyce- Whoo hoo on the size 12s!:flowerforyou: :drinker: Vera Wang indeed!

    Alison - hope all continues to go well with your brother. It sounds hopeful so far, but, as you know, he has the hardest part ahead of him because only he can do it for him. You are a wonderful sister.:heart:

    Renny - I hope all your decisions become clearer. It's always difficult when several conflicting things are up in the air. Best wishes to your mum.:flowerforyou:

    Gail - many congrats on successfully hosting the party.:flowerforyou: I know what a lot of work it entails. Have some "me" time now.

    Sandy - sorry about your shoulder! My superfit DH recently pulled a muscle in his back putting on his trousers! ! ! ! ! :laugh: It lasted for ages.

    Gloria - big, big HUGS for you going through this with your mum. Very, very hard. :heart:

    Marni - It's wonderful to see how you support your mum. It must be heartbreaking to see her going through this. Thinking of you.:heart:

    I have managed to get my gymming done this morning, but it wasn't easy :noway: Apart from the knee I think I'm suffering from a mini virus as I feel a bit achy and nauseous. I am giving the strength training a miss for today. At least I've made room for a few more calories. It didn't help that DH decided he would break his personal records this morning.:sad: I HATE him and told him so.:laugh: :tongue:
    Chinese style fish tonight. With shiritaki noodles and broccoli. Not very arduous as I dont feel like fiddling around. I was going to start prep for the Burns Night today, but I am going to take it easy and send DH out for shopping. I've got loads of time. I did buy some lumpfish roe at the weekend to have with blinis and creme fraiche for some of the starter. The other will be salmon and cream cheese rolls which i have to make and blinis with home made pesto and parma ham for non fish lovers. I don't want them to eat TOO much before the haggis!:noway:

    Definitely feeling off colour now. Yuk!

    Love Heather, taking it easy in Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    The haggis is kind of grossing me out. :laugh: Maybe it's just me.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my Vit F ladies!

    Brr, it's a chilly one in London today - for once it's not raining though, which I'm grateful for as I spent ages straightening my hair and one drop of rain ruins it completely.

    Yesterday was not a particularly nice day. I was suffering with my IBS and my gallbladder. This meant I didn't succeed in getting much done as far as my plans went. We had to go to see my dad and re-hang his bedroom curtains. They had fallen down in the night. Hmm, I think he may have been swinging on them. Then he got my DH to sort out his laptop and after that he got him to fix the computer in the shared dayroom of the sheltered accommodation house that he lives in. Didn't leave much time for either of us and I missed facetiming my DD#2. Grrr. Won't get a chance again until next Sunday which is my next day off.

    Last night we had a lazy time playing cards. I had really wanted to go for a long walk, but only managed a forty minute stomp (TMI - couldn't be too far from a convenient loo!)

    I had intended to prepare lunches for myself in advance for the week so that I could bring them into work, but didn't get time so I'll make do with soup each day. We have a small kitchen with a microwave here at the gallery, so at least I can get something hot. I've brought in a bag of apples too.

    Anyhow my lovelies, have a good week and be well. Don't forget that it is just as important to look after yourself as well as others.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Morning ladies,
    I am being sorta lazy this morning, I wont go to the gym today, I will race walk.. then get the dogs out for a walk and ,get my DH lunch together.
    I dont go into work until noon today. so I better do the floors this morning also.will go over to the hospital this morning before work and see whats going on with my brother
    talking on the phone with my DGD at 6:15 in the morning,it is wonderful...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin:smile: Congrats on 1200 days:bigsmile: !!!!

    Meg:smile: Hope DD#2 feels better:flowerforyou: !

    Heather:smile: Hope you feel better too:flowerforyou: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!!

    I`ve read all the posts:bigsmile: , and I have tons of things to say:tongue: , I just have zero time this morning:sad: ! Maybe I`ll get back here in the middle of the day and chat a little, but please don`t hold your breathe for it:noway: , my days seem to fill up and I barely find time to breathe:frown: .

    Have a wonderful Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    Good Morning everyone!
    Looking thru these posts and there are some amazing success stories and progress here!! congratulations to all of you!!

    I started using this program when a group of us are getting together at our workplace and doing a Diabetes Prevention program. I am doing something I have not done in awhile and that is staying low fat. For quite some time now I have been trying to only watch carbs. So I am making the switch to low fat/ low calories.
  • Hi from sunny Bristol - I've rejoined last week after a couple of years break, I know it works. Trouble is I love cooking and baking, it part of my lifestyle, so it's going to be a long haul journey again. Saying that 2lbs has disappeared in one week!

    All the best.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Four pages since I last posted a 'bump!" Looks like we are almost to page 3 this month!

    Welcome to all the new people!

    Been in a real 'funk' the last 2 weeks, not sure but think it is the seasonal affective disorder (sad) I get in the winter. Even though the weather hasn't been really bad, just not up to doing what needs to be done. I don't know.... Could be this ongoing sinus infection I have....

    Well, I didn't get to read all the posts, just skimmed. To the person who lost their cat, I am so sorry. I know how you feel. I had to put down 4 dogs in 2 years because of different things, 2 with kidney failure, 1 with pneumonia (he was really old), and 1 that just quit eating. The youngest of these was 7 years old, and I raised them all from puppies, a couple from birth. It was the hardest thing I had to do. You have my sympathy.

    Alison, I am so happy to hear your brother is improving! Still praying he makes the right decisions now for the rest of his life.

    Have to get back to work now.

    Rita from CT

    My SMART goals for January: 
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year. 

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes. 

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed. 

    Week 1 steps average: 6315, Curves 3 times (closed do to snow and holiday). Did my video once to make up for it. 
    Week 2 steps average: 7800, Curves 5 times! Too much salt, candy, and junk food this week!
    Week 3 steps average: 5793, Curves 5 Times! Not walking enough, not watching my diet enough. Not going to make the 5 pound loss either.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Busy week-end and haven't read many posts today, hopefully I can catch up tonight. I work both jobs so won't be home until after 7 tonight, maybe later since I have no food in the house and nothinbg decent to pack for lunches.
    We went dancing Friday night and it was OK but the music was out of control loud so you couldn't even converse at all. Some of the songs just wern't dancing songs and then it was more like a concert because it was so loud.
    I did get up and go to cycling and ab class Saturday morning at 8 am even though I didn't get home to bed until 2 am.
    I watched my grandkids Saturday and had to take them home in a snow storm, talk about stressful. My stomach was a mess by the time I made it home.
    Yesterday I shoveled my self out and went to work, so not much else got accomplished.
    I hope all is well and everyone has a healthy and happy day,
    Patty from Cincinnati
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Ladies,

    Only time to check out the last page. I said that once I was moved and somewhat settled I'd be back and be faithful and today is that day.

    Busy weekdend. I was unable to get to the lunch with the Colorado ladies:sad: but I did get my kitchen and my clothes in order so I feel like I live at my new home.

    Made lunch last night and logged it right away.

    I don't know what it is about Sunday nights but I never sleep like I should so getting up this morning to exercise before work didn't happen but it will when I get home.

    Hoping everyone his having a good new year so far. Have a good day and let's keep drining our water:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado

    PS GO BRONCOS:wink:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Welcome newcomers.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    KayKalsen sound like you are in another great group. I have been reassessing the fat I get from animal product like cheese, ice cream, butter, and meat. I still eat these foods but in much smaller portions.

    Deedee I saw your post and immediately got a glass of water.:drinker:

    Alison hope visit with brother goes well.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda x sorry about gallbladder and IBS do you notice if certain food aggravate it or the stress of you dad have an effect. I agree we need to take care of ourselves.

    Heather what a feast!

    Joyce what a fun day shopping. Size 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Katla yes somethings do work better in the classroom the objective of the blurt board was not to keep score. (I might have given that idea in another post because we had more kindness than blurts.) It was to get student to become aware of their behavior and make better choices.Reminds me of logging in MFP. I hope you only have to use the kindness feature for your DH. I find with my DH I do better if I speak up right away. I don’t like that. It is part of my communication goal for the year.

    Meg glad you are having such a gorgeous day. Hope daughter feels better.:flowerforyou:

    Michele hope you liked the movie. It was not what I expected. I love the movie Marry Poppins. For me it explained the magic of it without ruining the magic of it. I thought Emma Thompson was great. When I go to the movies now I take an orange. I used to drink water but it goes through my too fast and I don’t want to miss some of the movie.

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • debbyl
    debbyl Posts: 10 Member
    Does 48.5 count? I've started with younger groups but found that I don't even know what "shred" means! I've tried MFP before without the community and it worked for a little while, but now I think I need the support of others going through the same thing. I'm at a time in my life where the weight is really sticking very easily! I think I have gained 15 pounds in the past 6 months and I really don't think anything about my diet has changed. I want to increase exercise, and of course, eat smarter.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Does 48.5 count? I've started with younger groups but found that I don't even know what "shred" means! I've tried MFP before without the community and it worked for a little while, but now I think I need the support of others going through the same thing. I'm at a time in my life where the weight is really sticking very easily! I think I have gained 15 pounds in the past 6 months and I really don't think anything about my diet has changed. I want to increase exercise, and of course, eat smarter.

    Sure enough! and welcome to the thread! getting in shape before 50 is a smart move.

    And a glorious Monday to all! Beautiful here in Texas; plan to enjoy it.

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • sandykendrick
    sandykendrick Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I got my husband off to work this morning. Glad its him. (I think). I do miss working though. We went out and looked for a new box spring and mattress this weekend and think we have decided. We have until the end of the month. I hate what we have now, its so uncomfortable. We have only had it for about six years. The only thing I know its got to be cheap. I let my husband get it. Last time that happens. Guess you could say I'm a little more picky. But also know that January is the month that a lot of these places have them on sale. Kind of like a white sale.

    I have just started MFP Dec. 2013 and just getting use to everything. I need help with my eating very much. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Smaller sizes are the best possible NSV and proof we have accomplished what we thought could never happen. CONGRATULATIONS! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good luck on finding comfy shoes that also are suitable for church. Shoes are a challenge for me, too. I have moderately narrow feet, and really narrow heels. Sandals are easy enough but boots are tougher. When taking riding lessons I discovered the power of thick socks to transform slipping boot heels into comfortable ones. :smile: I’m tall anyway and do not wear high heels. I don’t believe it is a good idea to make myself uncomfortable. For church or dressy occasions, I either wear sandals or dressy boots. If you have wider feet, Dansko may have suitable shoes for you. Not cheap, but they last a very long time.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope you're feeling better soon. Congrats to your DH for breaking personal records.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: DD facetimes me so I can see DGD. It is so lovely. I’m sorry you missed your chance to “see” your DD#2. Soup and apples sounds like an excellent lunch strategy. Have a good week.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Enjoy your day.:flowerforyou:

    Kay: I’ve learned a LOT in the year+ that I’ve been here, and one of the big lessons is that although everyone is different, calorie counting and exercising gets the job done for all of us. Carbs aren’t evil, nor is almost any food or beverage in moderation. But some things trigger overeating for a person and need to be avoided by that person. Some things cause allergic reactions for an individual and need to be avoided. Some of us have to abstain from foods that trigger binges, and others are able to handle things by using portion control. You’ll eventually figure out which strategy works best for you. Stick around for lots of moral support.:flowerforyou:

    Elaine from Bristol: Welcome. There are a couple of women here who do lots of cooking & baking, and still manage to hold the line and/or lose weight. You’ll likely be able to do it, too. Congratulations on your loss.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Former SAD victim, here, with suggestions. Many years ago I read about light therapy, and installed solar temperature florescent lights in my laundry room. At this point, nearly every light in my house is solar temperature. I also learned that it is important to have adequate Vitamin D3, and the D3 needs calcium citrate to help it metabolize. This D3/Calcium citrate combination also fights osteoporosis and MS. DH is taking it now, too, on his MS doctor's recommendation. I no longer experience winter blues. Do you have a summer birthday? I’ve heard SAD is more common among those of us who are born in summer. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Laura in CO: Welcome BACK! I look forward to hearing more from you.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: You zeroed right in on the pertinent issue for me, which is communication with DH. I’ll follow your lead and try to speak up right away. Thank you.:flowerforyou:

    DebbyL: Stick with us a while and find out whether we’re the right group for you. We don’t require a birth certificate to prove you’re old enough.:wink: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    I’m feeling more human today! WAHOO! DH would like to go out and look at an RV to possibly rent later in the spring. I’m not sure I’m ready to be away from home for several hours, though. I don't want to push too hard and end up with a relapse.:noway:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: Our weekend trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary was perfect. We wanted to spend time together without interruption and without chores to do. We wanted to see two ice hockey games but not add extra activities so we could relax and spend time together. We made meals as simple as possible
    Isagenix bars and shakes in the room and one restaurant meal a day (Friday at the hotel coffee shop and Saturday at Denny’s a block from the hotel). I made sure to walk enough to meet my minimum walking goal for each day but resisted my usual inclination to aim for huge step numbers. I aimed to eat according to my usual guidelines but agreed with myself to be off the path, if necessary to be a good sport. I sneaked in Isagenix bars into the hockey arena so I could resist the fatty, salty, sugary fast foods. The home team lost 2-1 on Friday and won 4-3 on Saturday in a shoot out after an overtime period.

    :flowerforyou: We came home in time to watch the two big NFL games and enjoyed watching our team win.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: This morning we picked up the pets from boarding just after 8 AM so we wouldn’t have to be without them for any longer. In a few minutes I’ll be meeting a friend for a walk and talk. She had surgery in December and may not be able to walk as much as she wants to, but we haven’t seen each other since April and there will be a lot to talk about.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    How nice to have only 2 pages to read, since I posted yesterday. I actually have time to respond! Hubby is getting back from Vegas this afternoon, so I'll be making an airport run. I do miss him when he's gone. They didn't win the soccer tournament, but had fun playing anyhow.

    Well, Denver is going to be in the Super Bowl! I just wish it wasn't against Seattle. My daughter and her husband live in Washington state, and get some grief about wearing their Broncos clothes there (SIL is a raving, avid Broncos fan). With this new development, I told them to be careful that they don't get lynched! :wink:

    I'm turning 55 tomorrow, and debating the birthday cake. I've had the same kind each year for my entire life, and am not sure that I'm willing to forgo it. I'm thinking that maybe I should just make a small cake, instead of the full-size version, so there will be less damage. :ohwell: I realized that I hadn't reported on a few things from this past year, since I dropped out for so many months. I've been doing acupuncture for my foot for nearly a year now (sesamoiditis), and it's better. Not cured, but better, so I'm no longer looking at fusing it surgically. :smile: Also, I had most of my age spots removed with IPL. It's tough to look in the mirror and find that the face staring back at you doesn't match your mental image.

    Yanniejannie – I’m keeping my fingers crossed for your daughter’s vet school admission! It sounds like you had a lovely trip, despite the snow.

    Marni – Sending positive thoughts for your mom’s visit with the surgeon today. I sure hope that they can save her leg. I’m glad that she has you to help her through this!

    Renny – I hope that you get to talk with your mom’s doctor, and learn what you need to know – hopefully positive.

    Alison – Glad to hear that Sean is so much better!

    Carol – Good for you, doing the Shred! I’ve never tried it, but know that several of the other ladies were doing it last year. I hope your son is feeling better.

    Michele – How was “Saving Mr. Banks?” I was considering seeing it, too.

    Meg – Wow! What a great exercise day! I’m definitely impressed with your energy. :drinker:

    Katia – We’ve never tried brining or smoking. I’ll bet it tastes great! My husband did invest in a smoker once to do fish. He never even used it once, and eventually gave it away.

    Joyce – Size 12! Whoo Hoo!!! And you were brave to try on clothes at Kohl’s. I was completely traumatized the last time I did that, and I swore “never again!” They have some type of fluorescent lighting in their dressing rooms that shows everything. I discovered a bunch of wrinkles going down my cheeks that I had never seen before! (Or since, since I swore off Kohl’s dressing rooms). :laugh:

    Laura – Welcome back! We missed you on Saturday, but are glad that you’re getting settled.

    Jane in Colorado