Eat before a workout?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You totally posted this at just the right time because I just got done with a nutrition class on pre and post workout fuel.

    The gist of the whole thing is that if you aren't fueling (and with the proper things) before and after workouts (ANNNND in a correct tie frame) then your workout is considered a bust.

    Oh no! All my workouts for the past 6 months have been a bust!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You totally posted this at just the right time because I just got done with a nutrition class on pre and post workout fuel.

    The gist of the whole thing is that if you aren't fueling (and with the proper things) before and after workouts (ANNNND in a correct tie frame) then your workout is considered a bust.

    Oh no! All my workouts for the past 6 months have been a bust!

    sounds like we are both screwed...
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    It's going to be up to you. Try both. You'll know. I cannot lift a feather without eating something an hour or an hour and a half before working out. I have guys on my list that do it in a fasted state and look amazing. Bottom line, it's your call.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You totally posted this at just the right time because I just got done with a nutrition class on pre and post workout fuel.

    The gist of the whole thing is that if you aren't fueling (and with the proper things) before and after workouts (ANNNND in a correct tie frame) then your workout is considered a bust.

    pre and post workout nutrition is apparently EXTREMELY important and I myself witnessed the help the proper foods/timing provides to my own workouts tonight.

    Since you are working out in the early morning like I usually do, you will want to eat something lower in fiber and quickly processed about 30 minutes before your workout. I.e. 1/2 a banana or 1/2 scoop protein in water.

    post workout your window to replenish your glycogen is about 30-45 minutes and some top choices here would be 2 rice cakes, 4 oz sweet potato or 1/2 an apple.

    Of course these are not your meals, but simply fuel. Today was my first day following this 100% and OMG did it make a HUGE difference in my workout. Hope it works well for you too :)

    what school do you go to? University of Broscience? geez….lolz
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    eat when you're hungry, whenever that is
  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    You have to eat something before working out. It's the most important meal of the day: Post and pre-workout,.
  • jorralee
    jorralee Posts: 74 Member
    Is does not matter if you eat before a workout or not. As long as your daily caloric intake and macro intake is correct, it is mostly up to you what you prefer. Personally i like to have a coffee and 2 slices of bread with some chocolate spread before lifting. On the other hand a gym buddy/friend of mine always prefer to go the gym fasted. He likes to eat a bigger post workout meal and does not like breakfast anyways. We are both making progress on our lifts in the gym.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member

    reliable references on this information???

    LOL I'd ask the same of you and the false information you put out.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You have to eat something before working out. It's the most important meal of the day: Post and pre-workout,.

    the broscience in this thread is amazing...
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member

    Quoting this again for anyone who missed it - absolutely wonderful article from two of the smartest fitness people you will ever come across.

    And the POINT of this peer-reviewed journal article (which reviews many other peer-reviewed studies) is essentially: No conclusive evidence. Do what works best for YOU.

    At most, there *may* be a *small* advantage to post-workout refueling for those trying to gain muscle mass. Small, and again, a theoretical advantage.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm hypo-glycemic, so I have to be mindful of that, but I haven't carb cycled or scared myself about protein before or after a workout. So far, so good.

    I eat when I'm hungry, drink when I'm thirsty, workout when it fits my schedule, and have recomped fairly well.

    That isn't to say that if I get a hankering for a protein bar mid-workout that I won't stop what I'm doing and eat it.

    There's science out there. There's bro-science out there. I'm a fan of science, but the "just get to the gym and work out and eat when I'm hungry" approach seems to
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    There's science out there. There's bro-science out there. I'm a fan of science, but the "just get to the gym and work out and eat when I'm hungry" approach seems to

    And the science backs you on that!
    (ETA: although eating when hungry doesn't work for everyone - it's YMMV)
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    I normally wake up and then do my work out then grab something to eat after a shower, is that right or should I be eating before my work out?
    Can a car run without gas? No it cannot, so why do you expect this from
    your poor body ?
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    I prefer doing my LISS first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. anything else (weights, HIIT and sports training/matches) i always make sure i've eaten properly beforehand else i find that i don't have enough energy and struggle to complete my workout.

    This is just what works for me though. Don't know about anyone else
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If you feel weak, tired or like you could do your workout better, think about grabbing a snack beforehand. Otherwise, carry on with what works for you; the timing of your meals won't affect your weight loss.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I normally wake up and then do my work out then grab something to eat after a shower, is that right or should I be eating before my work out?
    Can a car run without gas? No it cannot, so why do you expect this from
    your poor body ?
    Unless you've just run a marathon, your body has plenty of readily available energy stores.
  • ReverendNewman
    ReverendNewman Posts: 23 Member
    I normally wake up and then do my work out then grab something to eat after a shower, is that right or should I be eating before my work out?

    I guess it's all personal preference. I never could hit the weights first thing in the AM. I always felt I needed some calories in me in the AM. I'm sure I may be stronger if I trained later in the day. BUT, all I do now is take my pre-workout drink and I'm fine. Plus they say training on an empty stomach really jack's up the fatt burning metabolism. As soon as I'm done though, I have a protein drink consisting of at least 40 grams of fast absorbing whey protein. then an hour or so later, I'll have some egg whites and Quinoa.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You should eat within 30-60 minutes before and after. Combing a protein source with a carbohydrate source.
    You totally posted this at just the right time because I just got done with a nutrition class on pre and post workout fuel.

    The gist of the whole thing is that if you aren't fueling (and with the proper things) before and after workouts (ANNNND in a correct tie frame) then your workout is considered a bust.

    pre and post workout nutrition is apparently EXTREMELY important and I myself witnessed the help the proper foods/timing provides to my own workouts tonight.

    Since you are working out in the early morning like I usually do, you will want to eat something lower in fiber and quickly processed about 30 minutes before your workout. I.e. 1/2 a banana or 1/2 scoop protein in water.

    post workout your window to replenish your glycogen is about 30-45 minutes and some top choices here would be 2 rice cakes, 4 oz sweet potato or 1/2 an apple.

    Of course these are not your meals, but simply fuel. Today was my first day following this 100% and OMG did it make a HUGE difference in my workout. Hope it works well for you too :)
    Nope. Eating is personal preference.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Whatever works for you, I can't eat before an early morning workout but that is just me. If it is in the evening it doesn't bother me so I always eat prior.
  • Buksh12
    Buksh12 Posts: 203 Member
    im a wimp and struggle if im hungry... i feel tired and i try to eat something before i workout. but i know its different for everyone. some people love working on an empty stomach. my empty stomach makes me feel sad inside! saying that since dieting hungry is the norm for me! so i guess maybe that might change now... i'l try a workout without eating and let you know! haha