Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • jesse14472
    Good morning ladies. Ok, well, not so good morning, but that 's why I'm here. I need HELP!! The school / daycare drop-off thing is driving me so crazy that I am nearly in tears on my way to work. My 2 year old cries EVERY morning and I'm ready to pull out my hair (ok really, I'm ready to stuff my face with bad foods). And I'm not talking a sad boo-hoo feel-sorry-for-me kind of cry, this is a mad scream throw-herself-on-the-ground or daycare-worker-has-to-restrain-her kind of cry. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her to stop, or on how to cope? I know it only lasts 30 seconds for her, but the effect it has on me lingers for hours!! I am actually thrilled that I am away for work overnight on Wed night, so I am not doing the drop-off on Thurs morning - how pathetic is that?!

    Off to fill up my water, mix my protein powder into my rice milk and pray for serenity.

    I currently work in a preschool of 3-5 yr olds. Something that we have for those children that have trouble seeing parents leave is a picture wall of all the families. If the kids get a little sad and missing mom/dad, we can go over and take a look a the picture....sometimes we even help the kids write a letter to the parents. Can she take a family picture with her to school to have to look at when she needs it? Also, have you tried the book "The Kissing Hand"? It is a book about a young raccoon who is afraid of going to school for the first time. His mom kisses the inside of his hand and then closes the fingers over it so that he will have the kiss when ever he needs it. Some kids can make a connection with the character when you kiss their hand. Do you go inside to drop her off or is there a drop off line? If you go in, a lot of our parents will take the child around the room to check out the activities for the day, help them get started, then do a final hug/kiss/goodbye. Don't ask her if it is okay to leave, just say "It's time for me to go", give hugs/kisses and leave. The big thing is developing a drop off routine that you stick to, which is soothing to the child...kids thrive on routine. Good Luck!!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kelly, not really selfish, you need more time to work out...I guess she wasn't for adding more time to her workout??? It is hard when you go to the gym with a friend because you are not always on the same page with what you wish to accomplish....maybe she will come around...

    dmgaloha--reguarding the daycare situation....my son didn't go until he was 4 and he only went to attend the preschool there and he did fine at age 4....now my daughter was always the unsettled one and in the beggining I would send her with a blanket or shirt that I had slept with ( I know it sounds crazy but they say the smell calms them)....anyway that was over a year ago and now my daughter is pretty well adjusted at age 3, I just give her hugs and kisses then blow kisses goodbye (though she is a little clingy when we first arrive)...but hopefully it will get easier for you.....sending your strength (and usually when I sneak a peak back at her, she is off having fun with her friends)..:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaB4588
    dmg--- My nephew started going to daycare 2 days a week in July (I have him the other 3 days.) Before that, I had him Mon-Fri during the day. He had the same reaction to being dropped off as your daughter did. It was so bad that my sister made her husband drop him off because she couldn't handle it! He is just now reaching a point where the drop-off is not so bad. Hang in there, and things will get better!!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    dmg Altho i never have had my kids in a daycare I havehad\ my family watch them and my son around a year old would do that same thing. he would cry sooo hard and when i left i was pretty stressed wondering how he was doing and after a few times of that i couldnt' handle it anymore and i would call about five minutes after i left and 99 percent of the time he was already playing and having fun. he cried like that from about 9 months untill about 2 years and still does rarely if i leave him with a friend ....He is 3 years old.

    I really found that calling to find that he was already calmed down calmed my nerves pretty good. I always knew because my family had told me before that he was always fine after about five to ten minutes but it just helped to call ........

    I wonder if the daycare would let you do that?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK well I told my friend yesterday that I am going to be going to the gym straight from work from now on & staying after water aerobics as well to continue my workout. She goes to water aerobics with me from 6pm-6:45pm on Mon & Wed. So I am now arriving at the gym by 5:30 & staying till at least 7:30pm. So I told her if she wants to fit that into her day, then call me and I will gladly pick her up. Otherwise I will see her in the pool at 6pm. (She didn't go again last night):angry: REALLY?

    My regimen this week has been working very well for me. Mon & Wed I did the elliptical, water aerobics, then back to the elliptical. Tuesday I did the elliptical then Zumba. I have no class on Thur & Fri so it will be whatever I choose when I get to the gym. I'm really trying to work the elliptical alot lately, as my butt is getting smaller & I want to build it up since my mom has NO BUTT. I actually like having a butt, so I don't want to lose it! :laugh:

    I also need to get back to my running. I haven't ran for over a week! :grumble:

    In other news...CJ bought a house this week & closes next week. His current house has sold already & he was in a serious time crunch to find a new place! He has to be out of the current house by Tuesday! He's been pretty stressed about it, but now hopefully that will subside quite a bit. He will sadly no longer live in the same town as my parents. :cry: However he will only be 10 min away from them, and he is 10 min closer to his work. Now he's just gotta find places to store all his boats & toys till he gets a new building put up for them! He already found a place for the Baja, apparently he will probably have to store the yacht outside for the winter since its so big & no one has a place to store it. Unfortunately my dad has too many semi's in his sheds with no room for the yacht. Oh well. Then there is all his cars.... :laugh: He has too many toys! :bigsmile:

    Anyway - I'm hoping with all my workouts this week that the scale favors me well. :wink:
  • AmandaB4588
    Today isn't my normal weigh-in day but I wanted to share my joyous moment on the scale this morning with everyone. I have been aiming to get into the 140's before my brother gets here (on Monday,) and I weighed 150 this morning! I am soooooooo close, and I just cannot believe that I am really doing this.

    I have officially lost 25 lbs, and I have 20 more to go. I am more than halfway there! I just can't believe it. Thanks to all of you for the support you have given me along the way!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Shameless plug alert ;)


    I haven't been very active in any threads lately, I do apologize. I've been busting my butt to find a job as well as exercising. My MIL is hounding my hubby about my lack of job and I know he's stressing out. She's being worse than the typical MIL now, and I understand that she did just lose her parents back to back, but lashing out on just Nick and I and playing nice with her middle son and his babys mother makes me feel like crap. But, I just keep moving along, playing it day by day and stearing clear of her for now.

    Hope you all have a great day and I'll be back tomorrow with my scale results (even though I weighed in early today and had a loss, I still plan to weigh in tomorrow)

    XoxoxoxoX Bru
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Good morning ladies. Ok, well, not so good morning, but that 's why I'm here. I need HELP!! The school / daycare drop-off thing is driving me so crazy that I am nearly in tears on my way to work. My 2 year old cries EVERY morning and I'm ready to pull out my hair (ok really, I'm ready to stuff my face with bad foods). And I'm not talking a sad boo-hoo feel-sorry-for-me kind of cry, this is a mad scream throw-herself-on-the-ground or daycare-worker-has-to-restrain-her kind of cry. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her to stop, or on how to cope? I know it only lasts 30 seconds for her, but the effect it has on me lingers for hours!! I am actually thrilled that I am away for work overnight on Wed night, so I am not doing the drop-off on Thurs morning - how pathetic is that?!

    Off to fill up my water, mix my protein powder into my rice milk and pray for serenity.

    I currently work in a preschool of 3-5 yr olds. Something that we have for those children that have trouble seeing parents leave is a picture wall of all the families. If the kids get a little sad and missing mom/dad, we can go over and take a look a the picture....sometimes we even help the kids write a letter to the parents. Can she take a family picture with her to school to have to look at when she needs it? Also, have you tried the book "The Kissing Hand"? It is a book about a young raccoon who is afraid of going to school for the first time. His mom kisses the inside of his hand and then closes the fingers over it so that he will have the kiss when ever he needs it. Some kids can make a connection with the character when you kiss their hand. Do you go inside to drop her off or is there a drop off line? If you go in, a lot of our parents will take the child around the room to check out the activities for the day, help them get started, then do a final hug/kiss/goodbye. Don't ask her if it is okay to leave, just say "It's time for me to go", give hugs/kisses and leave. The big thing is developing a drop off routine that you stick to, which is soothing to the child...kids thrive on routine. Good Luck!!!!

    Follow your motherly feelings...
    I had a daycare (many moons ago) where my daughter cried and begged me not to go. She was there for three weeks and I just didn't get a great feeling. Once the school I work out closed early I went to pick her up early without calling first, no one came to the door for a long time. Finally when she did come to the door (looking like she had been sleeping) she tried to not let me in saying "I'll go get her, wait here" ummm... NOPE! Pushed my way in and my daughter was in the back room in a play pin she was way to big for, wet diaper, crying, and no room to move. I was so mad! We left and never went back. Not trying to scare you, but if she is not happy you might want to just show up and see how things are when mom is not expected. Some times kids just want mom and stop crying after a few minutes, but it is worth checking into IMO.
  • obrien821
    I am already aiming for the same goal...so I'm definitely in! I would be happy with losing 4 lbs in the next 4 weeks! (since Nov. is almost over)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I've been a little tormented by 55tolose's post, so thanks Jenn for saying what you did. 55tolose, this is one of those training moments of Motherhood to listen to your own voice. If what I or others say to you doesn't resonate then keep listening to your child and searching yourself.

    Sometimes kids are manipulative and we need to not get sucked in Sometimes they are working through a painful but necessary developmental step and we need to support and guide them forward. Sometimes they are genuinely suffering and trying to express something that they do not have the words for and we need to hear them and speak for them.

    You'll regret some of your choices in hindsight - guaranteed. For me personally though, the choices I made when I didn't listen to my child are more painful today than the choices I made when I didn't listen to family, friends and experts.

    Jenn offered good advice - to arrive unannounced. And maybe it's just not a good fit - it could be something as innocuous as there's a dog next door who barks alot - know what I mean? Adjusting to the bigger world is a process we must all go through and you will do your child no harm in being thoughtful about how that happens. If this is not the right situation, you will find other options.

    Good luck.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    A student gave me a cupcake today. I looked it up on the web and found that it is 485 calories! For one cupcake?
    So glad I looked before I ate it, I gave it to a thin friend who can eat anything and loves chocolate. Better for both of us this way!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    SW: 184.5
    CW: 181.5

    Jennplus... I love your story. Good for you!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I've been a little tormented by 55tolose's post, so thanks Jenn for saying what you did. 55tolose, this is one of those training moments of Motherhood to listen to your own voice. If what I or others say to you doesn't resonate then keep listening to your child and searching yourself.

    Sometimes kids are manipulative and we need to not get sucked in Sometimes they are working through a painful but necessary developmental step and we need to support and guide them forward. Sometimes they are genuinely suffering and trying to express something that they do not have the words for and we need to hear them and speak for them.

    You'll regret some of your choices in hindsight - guaranteed. For me personally though, the choices I made when I didn't listen to my child are more painful today than the choices I made when I didn't listen to family, friends and experts.

    Jenn offered good advice - to arrive unannounced. And maybe it's just not a good fit - it could be something as innocuous as there's a dog next door who barks alot - know what I mean? Adjusting to the bigger world is a process we must all go through and you will do your child no harm in being thoughtful about how that happens. If this is not the right situation, you will find other options.

    Good luck.
    I completely agree with 100% of this post. When my son started daycare (also at 2) he screamed and cried and begged me not to leave, he would stand in the window, beating on it and yelling for me, it was awful & it broke my heart. I cried the entire way to work (and for a while after I got there) for several weeks. One day I decided to turn around and go back. Do you know that little monster was was running around, happy as can be, without a single thought as to my having left him?! He was playing me. Well too! (btw- this woman wound up being his "Nana" and watching him 5 days a week for about 5 years, it only stopped because we moved, and losing her was the worst part of the move!!)
    Listen to your instincts. Go back, just drop in. You'll feel better about it once you see for yourself what's going on and if something is wrong you'll be able to pull her out faster if you need to. Good luck and I hope your daughter is just manipulative like my son!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Nov 1st 201.6
    Nov 5th 199.8
    Nov 12th 199.2
    Nov 19th 197.6
    Nov 26th
    Nov 30th

    I'm at 4 lbs!! I might actually hit the 5lb goal this month!! I haven't done that in months!! Woot Woot!! LOL! Hope you all have a great weekend!! TGIF!!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I have gained. :sad: I'm not going to change my check-in just yet though. I will see how things go over the weekend and update on Monday.
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Hi there, I'm back. Been out of touch for a month or more. Lost my focus and feeling sluggish. I thought I could stay for accountable to myself without logging in my food or reading up on the community. Boy was I wrong. I need that outside influence. We are leaving for our kids' house for Thanksgiving after the storms have come through and roads cleared. I'm hoping we can leave Sunday or Monday.
    Well, anyway, I'm back and need some encouragement here. I haven't even gotten on the scale. I don't think I could face it. right now. I don't think I 've gained much cause my new size still fits...I just feel sluggish.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Jacque, so great to see you! I was gone for a while too and have to say now that I'm checking in every day my weight is going down again. Welcome back!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    shorthand - I also have a hard time tracking my food. If I've eaten over, then I get discouraged and want to quit. I'm trying a strategy that doesn't involve tracking my food: going sugar-free. It's only been a few days, but it's working well for me so far. I guess you need to find what will work for you.

    Terri - try to keep eating healthy, and you should do ok over your busy-season.

    Kelly - I don't think you're being selfish. I would just tell her when you're going and when you're coming back, and if she wants a drive with you, she can either work out extra like you, or bring a book while she's waiting. Oh... I just saw your next post, and that is exactly what you did! So, yay! I totally support you! That's exactly what I would have done.

    Bru - congrats on your weight loss!! Stay strong over Thanksgiving! You're almost there!
    WOW! I had no idea that I would start such a huge discussion about my daughter's trantrum's for daycare drop-off. You guys are such an amazing group of friends. I feel so supported and loved. Thank you! And here are all my comments / responses:

    Michele - thanks for your post about the drop-off routine. I will definitely look for that book - it sounds sweet! We do go inside for drop-off, and the room does have a place for family pics - I guess I just need to bring one in! I don't think she misses me *after* I'm gone - she just doesn't want me to leave. It's almost like her "routine" just includes crying right now, whether she actually is upset or not. I've had a few days off, so I'm hoping to start next week on the right foot.

    Tina - thanks for your support on the drop-off too. She usually sleeps with a blankie, and I have been thinking of giving her one in the morning as a trade-off when I leave. However, where I have a 5 year old who is still addicted to her blankie, I'm also afraid to encourage her dependence on it.

    Amanda - that is exactly what I was thinking last week: that I would need to send my hubby, because I wasn't sure how much more of it I could take. I think that typically a mother's heart is broken so much easier than a father's. [PS. CONGRATS on your loss!! I know you will see the 140's VERY soon!!]

    55 - I remember my first daughter was typically very good about dropping her off, but if she was ever crying for any reason, my cell phone would ring before I had even arrived at work, and it was my daycare provider just letting me know that she was fine. The daycare lady had gone through a tough time with her son, and knew what it was like! There are days with Kara where I hang out in the hall, and wait until she stops crying. I don't think the daycare would mind me calling, but it's almost like I feel silly because I know it only lasts a minute.

    Jenn, thanks for expressing your concern, but I do know she is in a safe and fun environment. It is a regulated public daycare, with tons of amazing staff and very strict rules and guidelines. I have come in at various times and she is always playing and never, ever crying. When we're home, she's excited to go and even asks about her teachers on the weekend. I really do appreciate your concern - it's a valid and smart question, and one I would ask as well! That is terrible that you had that happen to your child - you did the right thing!

    Karin - thanks for echoing Jenn's concern. I think it is more of a developmental / manipulative thing in her case. Bedtime is a similar freak-out. (And on most days, bedtime completely stresses me out as well! Typically that is my biggest over-eating temptation of the day! Just to prove my point, I should have put her down for her nap an hour ago, but I am procrastinating because I hate to make her cry...) I also try to be understanding, as she is attending a french daycare but we speak mainly english at home, so I'm sure there is a bit of a language discomfort for her as well. I have talked to her teachers and they are willing to translate anything she doesn't seem to understand, and I gave them a 'translation guide' so they would understand what she was asking for (for example, 'nack' = snack, etc).

    Just-Peachy - oh my, your son really played you, didn't he? How did you get him to stop? Maybe I am over-reacting?! Kara is not as bad as some of the stories that have been shared - it's not like she doesn't want to stay - it's more like she wants me to stay with her.

    Thanks again for everyone's support. I'll let you know how it goes next week.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, my challenge is still to stay at 119 pounds (or as close as possible) for all of November...... I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! .............stayed the same this week :ohwell: and i'm going out for a meal tomorrow night :smile: but after that i will try real hard lol

    10/31/10.......119.5 pounds
    11/5/10 ........121....pounds

    Good Luck to you all .
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    evening all, not alot of time to respond to everyone individually, I just want to say how great it is we all jump to help someone out (daycare stories) we are all a caring bunch here...I am sooo thankful for you all...:flowerforyou: ....so glad everyone seems for the most part to be doing great with either maintaining or loosing lbs...everyone keep up the great work. and I hope you all enjoy the weekend....good night!!:bigsmile: