5' to 5'4'' women whats your goal?



  • 5'4.25" lol. My goal right now is 170lbs which sounds high, I know, but I have a larger frame and I'm muscular. Last time I was 170lbs I was able to comfortably wear a size 12 and fit into a size 10. My goal after that is single-digit jeans, so whenever I can fit into a size 8 :) I also need to lower my consistantly-high BP, so a healthy BP range is necessary and to end on a vain note, I'd love to have more of an *kitten*. Its kinda flat now so I need to get to squatting :P
  • I'm 5'4" almost 5'5". And my goal is 120-125 lbs. I have about 20 pounds to lose, and I also have a terrible time with self control. Mainly packaged, sugary foods are my weakness. When I see a pack of hostess cupcakes, I just have to eat it. I've been keeping those types of things out of my house and replacing it with hummus and whole grains. I replaced white rice with brown rice. I highly recommend this, because brown rice will fill you right up.
    Good luck with your weight loss, if you want to add me, I just joined and need more friends on here :)
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    5ft 2 , 160cm. Current weight: 184lbs
    Goal: 140 -136lbs with great body curve for a mother of three ; )
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    5' 2" and my ultimate goal is 120, if I get down to 130 dieting I can do the rest with exercise, then I can go back to the high intensity stuff I can't do while I am on a 1000 calorie diet.
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    I am 5'1. Currently my weight is 116lbs and my goal is 110 lbs tentatively. My main goal is to lower my bodyfat to about 20%.

    I was stuck in a plateau despite exercising more and realised after 3 weeks that I was eating too little (less than 1200 calories net) so I figured that caused my weight loss to stall. So for now, I've upped my calories to 1,350 and will see how it goes ;)))
  • rslcarson
    rslcarson Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'3" started at 145lbs currently at 136lbs. My goal is 119lbs but that's really to give myself enough room to gain up to 7lbs. Once I reach my goal it will be strength training and ditching the scales as far as losing weight is concerned.

    I have terrible sweet tooth and love food. I prepare exactly what my meals are going to be the day before and stick to that. I also allow myself some really low calorie sweet things but limit them to one or two a day. for me thats Pink and White's (marshmallow in between 2 wafers) are only 51kcal and Snack a Jacks are under 100 kcal. I just wouldn't suceed if I didn't have some sweet snacks.

    Keep yourself busy and focused, if your having a massive craving go for a walk instead!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm 5'2" (29yrs old). Started off 156lbs, now 139lbs and my goal weight is 120lbs. I'm hoping to maintain between 120-125lbs.

    However I have never been that light so I'll have to wait and see how I feel when I get there!
  • sandit60
    sandit60 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5'4 and I should weight, for my height and frame and age (58), 145. My doctor said this would be the perfect weight for me. I would be happiest at this weight for certain! I have a long haul though but it can be done! Did anyone ever go on a diet and lose weight and got to the point where they wanted that wonderful feeling of losing weight at the beginning? It's called boredom with the way you are eating. That is why you should try different foods to awaken your taste buds :0) That's what I'm going to do. More hot sauce or at least mild if you don't like spicy. I hate bland food. I need taste!!
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    I'm just under 5 feet, 39 years old. My goal is 105-110.
  • heysix
    heysix Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5', when I was 132lbs my doctor said he didn't want me to loose more because of my age (42), something to do with menopause and something else. I've gained weight and am trying to get back down to 130. I've gained 10lbs in the last few months more to stress than holidays. I'd really like to get down to 123. just sounds like a good number to me, but i'd settle for 130.
  • I'm 5"4 and my goal is 120lbs.... getting there slowly
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal is 130.
  • TwoCRoll
    TwoCRoll Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'0 (well, if truth be told 4'11")...my starting weight was 123 - the highest I've ever been. I'm now at 110 and my goal is 105. I'm 40 years old and want to finally say that I lost my baby weight! If I can make it to goal, I will weigh the same as I did when I got pregnant with my daughter (who is almost 17).
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is, presently, 110 lbs. I started out at 120 last summer, lost a lot of it doing a huge amount of hiking for my job, and gained a lot back during the fall because of grad school. I've now decided that I want to get to, and stay at, 110. If I could be strong and have nice muscles at 105-108, I'd be happy there as well, but being in good shape with little enough body fat that my muscles show is more important than getting below 110 lbs.
  • I'm 5'1 and my goal is to get down to 120 and have toned abs. I'm 22 and I last time I knew my weight was 122 and a half. I'm trying to become more active and eat less junk food.
  • NKoz82
    NKoz82 Posts: 25 Member
    5'3" and I am shooting for between 120 and 130. I have been as low as 100 and looked way too thin. I am doing some weight training now so the weight isn't as important to me as getting down to a healthy body fat percentage.
  • fabfitme4
    fabfitme4 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'3". Currently, I'm 149 lbs. I was 172 lbs just a few years ago. My goal would be to reach 140 lbs to start with. That would make it a BMI of 24.8, making it the healthy range. Ultimately, it's not the weight I'm after. It's how I feel that makes the difference.
  • tattooedmomma93b
    tattooedmomma93b Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 5'4",I'm 220 right now but my goal is 140. But I won't stop there once I hit that goal I will continue to be healthy and try to lose more!
  • nclancy77
    nclancy77 Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2015
    @ochibi91‌ - I am 5'2" and have a lot more to lose to even get to my first goal of 135, currently @ 154. I was on 1200 cals a day, but I can't seem to move the scale much. Did upping your caloric intake work for you?

    "I am 5'1. Currently my weight is 116lbs and my goal is 110 lbs tentatively. My main goal is to lower my bodyfat to about 20%.

    I was stuck in a plateau despite exercising more and realised after 3 weeks that I was eating too little (less than 1200 calories net) so I figured that caused my weight loss to stall. So for now, I've upped my calories to 1,350 and will see how it goes ;)"

  • Nectere
    Nectere Posts: 24
    5'2" with small bone structure, aiming for 110.