

  • AnswerintheSky
    It's getting late but a quick post!

    Joyce - I'm glad that the singing at church touched you. I, too, am an alto and I sing a lot of harmony in my church choir. It is nice to know that good singing speaks to people and, hopefully, draws them closer to God. Hope your future experiences are just as positive.

    The BBB case and the Visa case against the personal fitness trainer are in process. I sent a long email yesterday to Visa - as requested - which included all the details. This has now been forwarded to Visa's chargeback department for review.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

    Anne, Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Vit F friends

    :ohwell: Just a quick one this morning I must get my exercises done before work !

    :noway: Well the rain has stopped, we now have thick freezing fog!! :noway: :bigsmile: I will have to set off for work a little earlier this morning, I hate it when it's slippery - I'm scared I'll fall.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Jane in Colarado hope you have a fabulous day :drinker: :drinker:

    :indifferent: Nothing much to report from my end, still maintaining instead of losing :grumble: but I know I snack too much so until I can get that under control I'll probably stay the same weight.

    Quote on my calendar "write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year" Ralph Waldo Emmerson.

    Take care everyone :heart: :heart:

    Viv Foggy York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Off to yoga in a minute. Feeling better in myself, knee stiff but improving! Here's hoping!

    Vicki - if you think your eating was off this weekend, you should have seen mine! I weighed myself this morning and I'm only 0.5 lb up. We just pull our socks up and get back to it! I left a couple of dsys before I weighed in so the water weight would dissipate!

    Cynthia - you are not alone in your haggis phobia! A lot of English people think it is the spawn of the devil! I used to buy the veggy version for my DDIL. I only eat McSweens, which to me is nectar of the gods! When I was at school we were told the haggis could only run one way round the Scottish mountains as one leg was shorter than the other! :laugh: :laugh:
    And yes, Carol, we do the whole thing with the bagpipe music to bring it in on a large plate, the reading of the Address, in a very bad Scottish accent and the plunging of yhe knife into it. We have tartan hats with ginger hair, Scottish pound note napkins and a tartan table runner.
    I love the idea of your mum flirting wifh the handsome surgeon. My mum was a terrific flirt right into her eighties.

    Must run!
    Heather in foggy Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cynthia - you are not alone in your haggis phobia! A lot of English people think it is the spawn of the devil! I used to buy the veggy version for my DDIL. I only eat McSweens, which to me is nectar of the gods! When I was at school we were told the haggis could only run one way round the Scottish mountains as one leg was shorter than the other! :laugh: :laugh:
    And yes, Carol, we do the whole thing with the bagpipe music to bring it in on a large plate, the reading of the Address, in a very bad Scottish accent and the plunging of yhe knife into it. We have tartan hats with ginger hair, Scottish pound note napkins and a tartan table runner.
    Heather in foggy Hampshire UK
    Run away, run away! :sick: :laugh:

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    P.S. I love all these Kohl's stories. We live in Europe and go to Kohl's to buy clothes every time we visit family in the US. :bigsmile:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Canookie - thank you for that link! Just reading it now x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am staying home today and keeping my 7 yr. old granddaughter:love::bigsmile: !!! Although I`m sure it will as busy or busier than working:tongue: ! She has informed me she wants a new pair of boots, so I guess we will venture out and try to find a pair, she is a little diva, loves clothes and shoes as much as toys:laugh: ! My brother had some chalkboard paint so he made her a chalkboard to draw on, she will love that! We are supposed to have snow today and tonight:noway: , only a dusting to an inch, not enough to make us southern people crazy:laugh: ! Yesterday it was so beautiful and warm, I`m so ready for winter to be over!!!

    Jane Hadji:smile: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!! Hope your day is fabulous!!!!

    The munchkin will be here soon:love: , and I need to get myself ready! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to all, I hope this post finds everyone well. I am behind in reading but tried to skirt over this last page.

    Sylvis, Grandchildren are awesome, so glad you got to spend some time with them.

    Carol NC, Great job with the 30 day shred, I just got my DVR player hooked up and I have a Biggest Loser and a Jillian Michaels to try out. As for your calories, I wonder that myself. When I exercise I get back more than it seems I should be eating.

    Kimberly, SC Remember it took 20 years and don’t get discouraged, sounds like you’re on the right path.

    Canookie, Down 5 is wonderful and you’re being sensible about it, good for you. Sorry your Mom is going through so much, prayers for you and the family.

    I've noticed numerous mentions of Yoga, we are planning to add it to our Y and I'm thinking of taking it. Seems like lots of people do and like it. I really lack in the flexibily area though.

    I am still studying for my test and not feeling real good about it, already starting to panic again. I don't have any trouble training people but doing this test in front of a camera is stressing me out.

    We have snow again today and our temps are suppose to drop to 0 again, I am over this weather. Saturday we ended up with a heavy snow fall right when I was taking home all four of my grandchildren I could barely see, the baby was tired and fussy and I was sliding all over on the country roads. Thank goodness for the twins (they are 12) they did their best to keep the baby and the three year old happy and ocupied.

    Well, God bless all, have a healthy and happy day.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. Have a great morning.:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning ladies,
    had my lemon water ,and having my puffed kamut cereal with blueberries and unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a cup of tea.
    I have been slacking lately in the exercise department,I am not going to beat myself up about it,I will get back on the right track once my brother is out of the hospital. I didnt know it would take such a mental toll on you..but it does.
    So I will baby myself through this and try and eat as well as possible,and then get my butt moving:wink:
    we are supposed to get 6-10 inches of fluffy snow this afternoon through tonight,so I am hoping they dont call off work tomorrow. we only get 3 personal days and I dont want to have to use any if I dont need to.I am only working 30 hrs a week and will have to find something to supplement our income.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,
    WOW, lots of chatting after I went to sleep last night!

    Yay for hot doctors, especially when they are good at their j-o-b. Makes things just a little less stressful.

    I'm steaming angry right now. Dropped my son off at school and came back to work out LIKE I DO EVERY MORNING to find someone else in the home on the treadmill. Um, if you're going to jump on the exercise bandwagon, carve your own time niche or COMMUNICATE. My whole day is screwed up now. I've made my commitment to work out and take care of myself regardless of whether or not my mom's in the hospital or what's happening in life and I am not happy when someone messes with what's very hard to schedule in the first place. Going to somehow regroup my morning, figure out how I will work out and meet my job deadlines....and not punch someone.

    For those who asked, my mom's CT results did indeed show additional cancer progression and growth. The "good news" is that it just keeps bypassing the liver and the other vital organs. This cancer has been metastasizing to various areas for a good 9 months. Why it does not want to stop by the liver (right next door to the pancreas) is beyond me. What is IS doing is causing more pain (if that's possible) in the areas it is invading and there's just no quality of life, whatsoever, in the meantime. They are going to attempt a nerve block on Friday to see if that will help with some of the pain.

    Darn, there were things I read and wanted to comment on but can't remember even one. Maybe later when my head is back on straight.

    Happy day. xo
    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Gloria, much strength to you! :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    OK guys...just got a new pair of jeans: a size smaller! Think I'm going to put some Prince or Michael Jackson on and get DOWN! :laugh:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    :mad: :mad: I am upset!!! got a call from the office manager to not bother coming into work today because all our patients are canceling..and wait until I hear from Mary tomorrow before coming in, Good God I am only working 30 hrs a week with 3 personal days, I dont want to have to dip into any of that because of the blessed snow.
    Oh well I am waiting for the dryer to finish will stop at the car dealership to pick something up for the DH and then over to visit Sean. come home around noon and wait for the damn snow.. did I mention I hate snow. yes I know I live in New England, born and bred here,but geesh, I am soooooooo ready for Florida
    ok enough of the rant. upward and onward:laugh:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    First of all, Marni - thanks for that link, it made interesting reading. Clearly my problem is due to dropping the weight quickly. Let this be a lesson to everyone who is impatient to lose several pounds a week - you could end up with gallstones!

    I've actually given in and taken tomorrow off work. I was in such pain all last night and am barely functioning today so I'm going to stay home tomorrow. I have a huge pile of Latin translation to do anyway, so I can plough through some of that.

    My DD in Germany sent me a message earlier to say the baby cot that I had shipped over to her arrived safe and sound this morning. Phew, I always worry about shipping large items to her. At least everything is there for when our new granddaughter arrives. Still cannot believe it. All those years of trying and failed IVF (15 years and 8 IVF rounds) and she fell pregnant naturally! God really does work in mysterious ways.

    Didn't fancy my soup for lunch today so I've had an apple and a yoghurt over a pile of grapes. Kill or cure as far as my tummy goes - sometimes fruit is good, sometimes it's a killer. We shall see.

    Work calls!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • MAZofOZ
    Hi all, Just joined up and am hoping for HUGE changes but all in good time of course!! :bigsmile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello all just marking my spot, finally back to normal after the dreaded crud and lots to catch up with.

    :drinker: Happy Birthday Jane enjoy your day

    Best wishes to all and Prayers for those in need.

    Juanita in Sudbury (-30 celcius this am it is beyond cold)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday from Sunny Colorado!

    Just did a quick reading of the posts since yesterday. Sounds like many of you are on the right track, down pounds, down pant sizes and exercising to lose and firm it all up:drinker:

    Gloria-so sorry to hear about your Mom and her receint CT. Hoping that the doctors are able to get her pain under control. You are right that is no quality of life when stuggling like she is.

    Jane in Colorado- Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOO YOUUUUUU:flowerforyou:

    Heather- When we visited Scotland in 2009 and they did the bagpipes and had a whole ceremony to bring in the Haggis I just thought it was for us tourists....so you are saying that it's a tradition that is done all the time? :ohwell: I never knew. Of course we only had a taste but I didn't think it was too bad, not sure if I could eat a meal of it as it was so rich.

    Since I was last logging faithfully much has happened in our lives. We sold our house, lived with our #2 DIL & three grandsons for 3 months, finally moved into our townhome last week, our beloved Peanut died in June and our #2 Son was given 1 weeks notice to report to Camp Shelby in Mississippi and is now in Afghanistan. The exciting news is that #2 DIL is expecting baby #4 in April and it's a GIRL:tongue::tongue: We are over the top with the prospect of finally having a girl in the family. It's so much fun looking at "pink stuff".

    Yesterday I buckled down logged my food went home from work and got on the exercise bike and it made it so much easier to get up this morning and exercise before work today. Already have logged my food for the day so I'm feeling like I can get this back on track. I have too many clothes that are calling to me for the summer ahead so it's now or never to get it totally together:smile:

    Hoping everyone has a good day. Take it one day at a time and we will all see the results that we are working towards.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good morning to all:flowerforyou:
    Amanda x
    Hello ladies

    First of all, Marni - thanks for that link, it made interesting reading. Clearly my problem is due to dropping the weight quickly. Let this be a lesson to everyone who is impatient to lose several pounds a week - you could end up with gallstones!

    I agree. I have been reading a book called Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski. She also recommends a low-fat, low meat, high fiber diet, and low sugar diet as a way to prevent gallstones. Sounds likes the diet I am trying to achieve. Some days I am better at it than others.:laugh:

    Deedee drinking water as I type:drinker:

    Happy Birthday Jane!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Viv 7 pounds!!!!!

    Anne I agree when I sing I try to think of someone I am singing to. It helps me add emotion to my singing. I too was glad our message is heard.

    Joyce what a lovely letter to your DD. She is lucky to have you for a mother. I wish she could realize her dream of being a vet. When growing up I too was that taller overweight child. Now with a more managed weight as an adult it gives me compassion for all of us who struggle with weight issues.

    Meg I do like a good comedy. I"ll try to check it out. Thanks.

    Patty remember we are all thinking of you when you take your test. We believe in you. Take a breath. You can do it. As I said when I sing I think of someone to sing to. If it helps you as you do your test do your test think you are giving the test to someone you love. Think of that person not the camera.

    Jane M prayers for Thelma:flowerforyou:

    Marni prayers for your mom and you.:flowerforyou: Cancer affects everyone surrounding that person. Take time to take care of you.:flowerforyou:

    Kimber 27 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol proud of you and how far you have come.

    Sylvia your day with you family sounded wonderful.

    Rita hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Katla learning to communicate better with DH is an ongoing learning experience. I keep in the back of my mind just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite. It has saved an argument or two maybe three.:laugh:

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning.
    Happy Birthday Jane in CO:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Another cold one -temps in the teens.
    Thanks for the prayers for Thelma,haven`t heard anything today.