I just have to accept that I will always be fat



  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    Well after finding out that a tiny wee bit of choccy is 300 calories I won't be eating it again .

    Thanks for the TDEE thing that's interesting but I didn't really get what I was supposed to be eating.

    I think I just want to try being happy and see if that makes me lose weight

    you can actually have a lot of chocolate for 300 calories, that's the usual amount in a candy bar like a twix. make that fit in your daily macros by making lower-calorie choices somewhere else, or you could start daily exercise to have some leeway for a treat when you want it. if you don't want to exercise or watch calories somewhere else, then just eat half the candy bar today, and half tomorrow,

    seems like you may have a binge eating issue. 5:2 is NOT the diet for "comfort eaters" and what you have described about the different fullness you feel from "bad" food makes me think that this is tied to emotional eating. you have to be very, very controlled and disciplined on 5:2 - i couldn't do it.

    everything in moderation. and YES you are on to something when you said you want to work on being happy - emotional eating, binge eating are all tied to your mental health
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have tried so many diets, I dont have the discipline, I LOVE food that is bad for me, it makes me feel full in a different way to anything else.

    This makes me think you cut your fat too low when you "diet". Fat has a lot of calories but it is SO important for satiety. At least for me it is.

    Just exercise and eat less. You can still have "bad" food too. Just balance everything out. Some good, some bad.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Hun it’s a balancing act! You have to find what "life style" change is right for you!! It’s about portion control and substituting things, for other things! I restarted this journey so many times because I was rushing it! Don’t rush it Hun!! When you lose the weight slowly it stays off longer!! I found this quote today that I needed. “It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body change, It takes 8 weeks for your friends and family, its takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world, keep going” Don’t give up because you don’t see results!! Also the scale lies, doing measurements is way more accurate! I hope you wont give up on yourself!! Eat what you want but in smaller a portion, which works for me, maybe it’ll work for you!!!
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    My issue is comfort eating and not knowing when I am full.

    I think 5:2 was hard because it just made me pig out more.

    I just want to be a good mum and person

    I think being miserable because I am hungry and desperate is just no good for me as a person.

    It sounds to me like you're trying to completely change the way you live too quickly. This is a recipe for failure for most people.

    How about for the next week, you eat what you want, however much you want, but track it on here. Don't try to eat at a deficit to start. Next week, start cutting back on your portions. Do that for another week. Slowly work your way into a calorie deficit. Do not deprive yourself of food you enjoy.

    Really, though, the biggest thing is the emotional eating. That is not an easy thing to conquer, and it requires a level of self-awareness that is difficult to come by without a lot of help. If you think you might have depression, go get treatment and try to be forgiving while your mind gets into the right place. This isn't a sprint to the finish line. This is a long slow stroll down a long windy road. It's going to take years to transition into the person you want to be both physically and mentally.
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well after finding out that a tiny wee bit of choccy is 300 calories I won't be eating it again .

    Thanks for the TDEE thing that's interesting but I didn't really get what I was supposed to be eating.

    I think I just want to try being happy and see if that makes me lose weight

    It sounds like you are tired of dieting. Maybe a short break where you can just feel happy and eat till satisfied but not full and not worry about anything seems like a good idea. For a week or two. Maybe during that time you can look into TDEE eating for yourself and just be very honest with how much time you intend to spend working out. Or use MFP settings for the same. Just when you put in your workout intentions base them off off recent workouts not future plans you have to "knock it out of the park". I feel you you are getting overly emotionally "gung ho" with it and so then your fails feels like fails. Rather than just the natural consequence of too lofty or rigid a goal.

    that 5oo cals a day sometimes thing whatever it is, it's not for you. clearly. throw that out the window. and don't feel guilty ONE IOTA about not sticking to something so rigid and arbitrary. it may work for some and GOOD FOR THEM, you just do you. Be "happy" as you said for 2 weeks not overdoing it on the eating, and then regroudp and come back to a moderate but solid plan. One that you can live with. I SWEAR you will be HAPPIER with the outcome. YOU DESERVE IT!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    first of all, with that attitude, maybe. So, start by changing your attitude into a can do one.

    Second, and more importantly, increase your calories!!! No wonder why you're hungry!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    nvm...question was answered.

    If 5:2 isn't working, try just eating at a set calorie goal daily.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Well after finding out that a tiny wee bit of choccy is 300 calories I won't be eating it again .

    Thanks for the TDEE thing that's interesting but I didn't really get what I was supposed to be eating.

    I think I just want to try being happy and see if that makes me lose weight

    As counter-intuitive as this sounds, I honestly say I agree with this idea. Learn to be happy with yourself. In the meantime, while you're learning to be happy with yourself, work on some fitness. Assuming you don't have any medical issues, go for a run. Pick up a weight or two. Don't worry about what you're eating, eat what you want, but improve your cardiovascular health. Improve your strength. When you decide you're ready to lose weight again, here's the key: eat what YOU want. Not what some diet site tells you to eat. Just make sure you're under your calorie goal. My goal is 1850/day, and I've been known to drink alcohol, eat chocolate, and drink soda. As long as I'm at goal, it doesn't matter (again, barring medical issues).

    Obviously 5:2 isn't working for you. Dump it. Find what does work for you.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I hate dieting. So instead I eat a TON of food, including chocolate, pizza, and all the other good stuff. And I just burn it off. Running and weight lifting facilitate my love of food. And you know what? I lost 70 pounds doing that.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I can't afford a therapist. I have one counsellor I go and see but she's 30 miles away and I can't afford to take the time out right now. That's my only option for a counsellor.

    I think people forget that things like 'nutritional HCP' and counsellors are not easy to come by in the uk.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    It will be hard to stick with if you are not ready to change. I have had many little ups and down. I give up to easy too. :( But if I can do this, so can you, maybe take it small amount, x amount each time. Just learn portion control and small bits of exercise. Go by the lose 0.5lbs a week opt. Slow weight lost, but easier to keep up with. Emotional eating, sleepy eating, bored eating, gosh, eating to much, I have been working on getting over. It has taken me months. I fell off being good to me because life was horrible over the summer, when I should have worked harder. It thought me that no matter what, I should not give up. Take a break and eat maintenance calories for a while if you need that break. I have yet to stick with one idea on how to do this. It is a learning process for you. Be healthy, strong, and beautiful for you. Do not diet, but live. ^_^
    Wishing you the best of luck!!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I could possibly get up at 6am every morning and go for a run.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    1. Being a good person is more important than being thin.
    2. Being fit is more important than being thin.
    3. That diet you were trying is more for 'expert dieters' not beginners.
    4. If you have eating issues, try the 'No S Diet' at nosdiet.com, for a very simple (and free) diet plan.
    5. Use MFP to count calories and get support to get fit.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    My doctor doesn't give a ****, I have sat and begged them to help me and they have just ignored it time and time again.

    I don't mean to sound like a jerk by yelling, but oh my god, don't stay with a doctor that ignores you about your health. heaven forbid you ever feel you need to get tested for something serious and they ignore you about it!
  • sticksandtwigs
    sticksandtwigs Posts: 20 Member
    Not to barrage you with advice, but giving it up now - when you've been working for so long - sounds a bit sudden. You can totally give up, but I'm afraid that won't do wonders for your self esteem or waistline, even if you think neither can be improved.

    This is a community of encouragement. So I'll mention the truckloads of people on here (myself included) who are all willing to lift you up on the cheat days and the cheat weeks and the crappy phases. :wink: We have them too but you don't let them bog you down. Stay with us!! :smile:
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Feeling hungry is going to be normal the first month or so. Your body is adjusting. You have to learn how to say no to certain foods. You can have them every once in a while but not gorge them. Keep your calories at 1500...that's plenty to feel full as long as your eating the right stuff. Not just eating fruits and veggies and things like that. Protein is a big must. Dont give up. Just try harder. All those thoughts that you can't do it will haunt you and make you not do it.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    You've lost a great amount already so that doesn't make you a loser...but someone who might need to try to maintain for a bit and give yourself a break. Sometimes when we approach it as restricting the things we like, we burn out. There have been many good suggestions given. Maybe going to 5-6 smaller meals will help because you'll eat every 2-3 hours. Include some veggies and protein at each mini-meal, throw in some fruit and at one meal maybe a small treat. I plan out meals but if I crave something I just rework my meals so it fits in. I go over at times but work on only having that happen every now and then. Good luck to you!
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Dieting sucks. Restriction makes me hate myself.
    It is all about moderation. Reasonable portions 80% of the time.
    Fit exercise into your hobbies, dancing, hiking, cooking, cleaning, every activity counts.
    You don't have to bore yourself to tears running in the gym for two hours a day staring at a TV.
    You don't have to make all good choices, just try make MORE good choices than you did before.
    I still stuff my face to the point of "fat girl" full at least once a week, and get "frat boy" wasted a few times a month!
    And I'm in better shape than I've ever been before ^__^