I just have to accept that I will always be fat



  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Don't give up. Change your approach to eating. As others have said, work out your TDEE and make sure that you are eating enough, diets leave you feeling weak and miserable.

    Try to concentrate on getting fitter rather than getting thinner. Look at my profile photo. My genetics are far from great, but a small step forward each day is how I've approached the past three years.

    You'll do this. You're doing it already. :smile:
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    I could possibly get up at 6am every morning and go for a run.

    get up at 630 and go for a walk/jog until youre bored with that and want to do more.
  • tospaa
    tospaa Posts: 8 Member
    I don't understand how you can become discouraged after losing 22 kilos! You could lose that amount, why do you now believe you can't lose the rest?
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Ok, Enjoy your obesity!

    LMAO... so mean, but funny at the same time lol... but as all have said this far, cut out all the DIET talk... it really does NOT work... just take the baby steps, watch your portions, minimize your caloires, chose HEALTHIER FOODS.... and really the most important.....EXERCISSSSEEE..... you'll get there, I know the frustration.
  • johnny7625
    you can do it stay focus on your goal i believe you can please have more faith in yourself.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    oh and i eat a butterfinger everyday, im far from deprived. and im not talking mini size either.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    No, you just have to accept the fact that you just don't want to lose the weight badly enough. What's your motivation? Health? Looks?

    It may just not be the right time for you. You'd make it a top priority otherwise.

    First this....because if you are going to do it...You will need to want to do it.

    Where there is a will there is a way. If you really want this, you'll do it. If you really don't, you wont. easy peasy :flowerforyou:
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    don't give up, or do, its up to you

    I have days that I just want to throw the towel and stop fighting to get the body I desire. in those moments I look for 1 reason, only 1 reason to continue to push.

    take small steps, it takes 21 days to establish a habit (good or bad) so try going for longer walks, cut out soda. make yourself lunch instead of buying,invest in a slow cooker.

    giving up is not a habit you want to build, fighting like the warrior you are born to be is.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Why do you assume that dieting is the only way to stop being fat.

    I ate a box of brownie batter this weekend and 2 whoppers.

    dont look at me like that, there was no raw egg in it.

    anyway, I dont wont diet. I occasionally limit my sugar and dairy to keep myself in check, but i wont diet. I wont even cardio.

    I just lift weights so I can eat bacon and chocolate and burgers and pizza and all teh foodz.

    Give up if you want to give up, dont give up cause there is no hope.

    Cause if there is no hope, then you're just looking at it the wrong way.

    Salmonella be damned, I'm going to eat me some brownie batter!!!!
  • waltbran
    I hate dieting. So instead I eat a TON of food, including chocolate, pizza, and all the other good stuff. And I just burn it off. Running and weight lifting facilitate my love of food. And you know what? I lost 70 pounds doing that.

    same here - but make that 100 pounds.

    Add me to this list. The crazy diet of food in/exercise out seems to be catching on...expect it on Dr. Oz soon! :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Yeah, I made the same statement 2 years ago, but for some reason it didn't take. Decided diets don't work...cuz well they don't and started making smarter choices about what I put in my mouth. Still have the "bad" things, but just less of them, and more of the good stuff, got off my *kitten* and started working out (never set foot in a gym). 2 years later and 110lbs lighter, I have accepted that I will always be FIT.

    ETA: BTW had a giant burrito for lunch today. Yummmmmm!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have tried so many diets, I dont have the discipline, I LOVE food that is bad for me, it makes me feel full in a different way to anything else.

    I will just always be fat, there is no other option for me.

    I have been trying this 5:2 diet, I got so hungry and found a galaxy bar and ate it at about 4pm

    I've also had a bowl of granola and a yogurt and a banana today.

    well over my 500 calories, so I have basically been hungry all day for no reason what so ever.

    I give up, this is the end of my weight loss journey because I am just not good enough and I never ever will be.

    Off to throw away my 'skinny' clothes.


    Stop telling yourself that yummy food is *BAD* for you!

    I was put-off at the idea of trying to lose weight because I believed these things, and look at me now, down almost 80 pounds without giving up anything or feeling any guilt. So just stop it!

    Check out the OP of this thread:

    Free your mind, and your *kitten* will follow! Seriously, get a grasp on basic nutrition and how to keep an accurate food diary. Once you have your head on straight, you will realize that it's *easy* to lose weight because you are no longer trying to conform to the dieting myths that the media and diet books, etc. have drilled into our heads. They are all liars, trying to get money from suckers.

    This 1000 times!

    Stop the diet yo-yo. Eat less, move more, it really can be that simple.

    So many people who lose weight seem to think they can and should eat differently to lose weight. Then they can go back to eating the way they eat now and it'll stay off. It doesn't work that way. Really, just eating less of the same things you already eat is enough.

    My advice to people just starting out is to eat NOW like you'll need to eat to *maintain your goal weight*. Figure out the calories needed to maintain whatever weight you want to be and that's your new daily calorie goal. Forever. No special foods, no cutting out food groups, no twice per week of 500 calories. It'll take longer than a "crash diet" to hit that goal weight but you'll never be starving and miserable and you'll never fail because there's always tomorrow to go right back to eating the way you'll be eating for the rest of your life.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    I too really like food! And I have ridden the weight roller coaster up and down 30 lbs or so since I was 16 (I'm 51). This time around I'm looking for success, so I set a program that would allow me to succeed fairly easily each day.

    I set my goal to lose 1/2 lb per week. That;s 1580 calories a day which is only a 250 cal. deficit daily for me. I love MFP because it helps me be totally honest about my intake (and yes, I'm a bit obsessed with logging everything as soon as I can). For me, the intent is to be under goal each day, but i insist on being under average goal each week.

    One important lesson I learned recently is that one really bad day can blow your whole week. However, if I deny myself any particular category of food I will "rebel" against myself & eat too much of it, Makes no sense, I know, but that 's how it is ;) So I sometimes have to ask myself if what I want is really worth it. More food earlier in the day makes for a slim dinner & I don't like that because the rest of my family can & does eat whatever they want.

    The added bonus is that it will take me a year or more to lose the weight at this rate. The hope is that any changes I make will stick if I do them for a year. It would be so nice to want to get in the pool with the kids or to not dread shorts season every year.

    So pull up those big girl panties, devise a program that you can live with for a long time, and have at it. And when you totally blow it on occasion (because we're all human) accept your temporary failure, don't beat yourself to death over it, and move forward.

    I read a great line recently "No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.:

    Go for it and good luck!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have tried so many diets, I dont have the discipline, I LOVE food that is bad for me, it makes me feel full in a different way to anything else.

    I will just always be fat, there is no other option for me.

    I have been trying this 5:2 diet, I got so hungry and found a galaxy bar and ate it at about 4pm

    I've also had a bowl of granola and a yogurt and a banana today.

    well over my 500 calories, so I have basically been hungry all day for no reason what so ever.

    I give up, this is the end of my weight loss journey because I am just not good enough and I never ever will be.

    Off to throw away my 'skinny' clothes.

    Firstly, 500 calories? I do hope that's per meal, not all day. If you are restricting to 500per day, THAT is why you aren't losing.

    Secondly, you do NOT have to accept that you will always be fat. You can decide that you want to be FIT. THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN. Eat healthy, exercise, research what works and try new things.

    If you give up then you are right, it will not happen.


    You will fail. It will happen, You have to be able to pull up your bootstraps and cowgirl up. Otherwise, you are right, and you will always be fat.
  • oakley556
    oakley556 Posts: 3 Member
    That diet sounds awful! I know I'd sure fail on that. Focus on eating real, clean foods. Fill up on low calorie things like cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, etc so you aren't as hungry. If you feel snacky and are craving something (but you're not really hungry) find something to do, clean the house, go for a walk, etc. Stop buying the bad food so it's not as easily accessible. Don't limit yourself so much, just make sure what you're eating is healthy. I think just about everyone loves the bad food, you just need to try an stay away from it as much as you can!
    And there are plenty of delicious healthy foods, salmon and broccoli, chicken breast, avacados, eggs, smoothies, eating healthy doesn't have to mean eating cardboard flavored protein bars!
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Stop. Just stop. Take a step back and breathe and start listening to the people posting instead of making excuses.

    You don't need to diet. You just need to eat less than you currently are and get up and move a little bit more. When I get home, I have cookies on the menu. I've lost 30+ pounds. Could I do that if I was on a crappy diet? No. Cookies would be forbidden. Thus, logically speaking, diets are evil. 5:2 is obviously making you miserable. Miserable is bad. Stop doing things that make you miserable. "The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results," correct?

    Being happy isn't going to help you lose weight. Wanting to lose weight and doing something about it will make you lose weight. If you don't want it bad enough, you won't do it. I said for years that I was going to lose weight. I even started saying that as a kid. It wasn't until I TRULY wanted to do something about my life that I actually did it.

    You can't afford a new Healthcare Provider or a therapist. Okay. There's TONS of information on MFP to help you out. People have posted the information to a TDEE calculator and you brushed it off. Figure it out and learn what you need to do. Input your numbers (height, weight, how much you work out in a week), decide what kind of deficit you want to eat at to lose weight (10-20%, I think), don't consume more calories than the number it spits out. Not hard. At all.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Of course you're going to be starving and probably binge if you're only eating 500 calories a day (or trying to). No one can stick to that. You can eat a lot more than that of filling, healthy foods along with some treats and exercise and lose weight.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    on the upside you can now focus on other more important things......one less thing to not worry about \m/
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Well after finding out that a tiny wee bit of choccy is 300 calories I won't be eating it again .

    Thanks for the TDEE thing that's interesting but I didn't really get what I was supposed to be eating.

    I think I just want to try being happy and see if that makes me lose weight

    being happy doesn't help you lose weight.

    eating at a regular SMALL deficit does. Stop trying to force it. there is a reason dieting doesn't work and regular CONSISTENT SMALL down ward trend does.

    SMALL Deficits are manageable. - eating 200 calories a day less than maintenance is much more palatable and manageable than whatever ridiculous 500 calorie diet you are trying to cram yourself into is.

    Consistency brings the results.

    do more research and stop trying rubbish diets.

    You can do this if you want to. You just have to decide that- I would also support seeing a therapist as well though. Many people have unhealthy relationships with food- now or in the past- it's not uncommon at all.