Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    No Thursday run for me - had to get my son to school too early today. But I did do my running clinic last night, whcih totally kicked my butt. Went to the gym after to do my shoulder rehab stuff, and tried to do some treadmill work, but was dying after the first mile, so I went home. (That's the problem with treadmill, you are never more than two blocks from home. If I had been running outside and died after the first mile, I would be a mile from home and would have to make it back somehow).
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Julie, I didn't know you had a Boston Terrier. I think they are so cute. If I had a small dog that is what I would have because they look like mini-boxers, which are, of course, my favorite. :bigsmile: Come visit ANY time. The snow will be flying soon! Glad the kitty is hanging in there. :flowerforyou:

    It is so hard for me to choose pets. I fall in love too easily! One of the horses I have now was the first horse I looked at. I MADE myself look at others, and went back and ended up buying him anyway. My other horse was given to me. They are BOTH difficult. :huh: But I love them.

    I wouldn't be able to run 5 minutes on the treadmill. I think I would die of boredom. I am so impressed by you folks who log miles and miles on one.

    Looking forward to my 11:30 run. It is chilly out there, but it has stopped raining for the moment.

    More later! Hope you are all having a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well lost last night and the team that we needed to lose actually won, EFF!!!!! We still go to playoffs at a good spot but I HATE losing, if you didn't know already I'm insanely competitive, yea I'm one of those people that gets pissed off when they lose a board game or a pickup game, whats the point of playing if your not playing to win, I hate when people say... "Let's just play for fun and not keep score." Ok yea, I'll keep score in my head then hahaha... anyways that was a small rant if you didn't notice.

    One more day til my injection! EEEK, tonight I'm going to watch some hs vball to recruit for my team... I'll get to go watch my old hs, should be fun.

    Julie- Take the 131!!! I hope your cat is ok, a fighter for sure!

    Tom- Treadmills suck! I don't know how people last on them.

    Tabby- Enjoy your chilly run... I won't depress you with how nice the weather is here.

    Have a great day you guys!

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Kelynn!!!! Theres a dog on the Today show named "Truffle." She was sooooo cute, I don't know what kind it was, not a beagle but I thought of you... so cute!.. makes me want a dog but I don't have time/room. OMG they just brought out "Snitzel." I'm moving!!!! haha

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Kelynn-- good luck with the dog! what a fun adventure. Our dogs have always come to us in the weirdest ways....our golden retriever was from a litter of about 6 -- and she picked us. She came and sat on my shoe and has been by my side ever since. our boston terrier -- well someone had a hand in us getting him. we decided to start looking --found one, last of the liter and he has been the best dog ever. We knew instantly when we met him that he was the dog for us! he is so full of personality and is truly like our 3rd kid! I'm so excited for you! But I could NEVER start looking now and NOT take one home -- which is why I have been banned from the local SPCA -- I want to bring them ALL Home!

    I want to take them all home, too. I'm SUCH a softie when it comes to dogs :heart: My friend told me a statistic that he heard and I try to keep it in mind so that I don't try to save the world by adopting a billion dogs... In order for America to control the dog population (in order for every dog to have a home), every American would have 9 dogs... so if you're a family of 4 your family would have to have 36 dogs :noway: So, I try to keep that in perspective to help myself NOT want every dog I see. Easier said than done, though :wink:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Well lost last night and the team that we needed to lose actually won, EFF!!!!! We still go to playoffs at a good spot but I HATE losing, if you didn't know already I'm insanely competitive, yea I'm one of those people that gets pissed off when they lose a board game or a pickup game, whats the point of playing if your not playing to win, I hate when people say... "Let's just play for fun and not keep score." Ok yea, I'll keep score in my head then hahaha... anyways that was a small rant if you didn't notice.

    Leash- I watched a few minutes of the Today show, but must have missed the pups... bummer :ohwell:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Tom~ you made it about .999 miles farther than I would on the dreadmill! :smile:

    Kelynn~ awesome news about a puppy! Good luck on your search! Our golden was a gift from friends who breed show dogs. She is awesome. The chow/lab before her adopted us. Before that we had mixed luck with German Shepherds. One was crazy like Kechie was talking about. We DID try Prozac, didn't help. The other one was amazing but we lost her much too early.

    Leash~ sorry to hear about the loss :frown: You crack me up with your competitive streak. I always try to tell myself I'm not competitive. I've been informed that is a lie! :laugh: I am my own biggest competitor.
    Big day tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed that you get immediate relief!

    Tabby~ I hope you had a terrific run! Keep bringing the horse stories!

    Julie ~ yeah!!! Good news about kitty! :bigsmile: I hope today is going better all around! :flowerforyou:

    A great class last nite, except I came home with a fat lip, bruised chin and cheekbone ~ kind of busted myself to DH that I obviously didn't keep it non contact. Oops! :ohwell:
    Today was my last long Thursday until after the race. Hopefully DH won't notice that the other side of my lip is also swollen now.
    Small classes so we were able to work on some fun moves. I'll be backing way off for the next 3 weeks though.

    Still have to get in 5 miles and some yoga.

    Have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well lost last night and the team that we needed to lose actually won, EFF!!!!! We still go to playoffs at a good spot but I HATE losing, if you didn't know already I'm insanely competitive, yea I'm one of those people that gets pissed off when they lose a board game or a pickup game, whats the point of playing if your not playing to win, I hate when people say... "Let's just play for fun and not keep score." Ok yea, I'll keep score in my head then hahaha... anyways that was a small rant if you didn't notice. ~Leash :drinker:

    You sound like my younger son. In his T-ball days, one of his team mates asked the coach 'are we winning?' coach answered 'are you having fun? Yes?, well, then you're winning.' My son turned to me and grumbled 'we're really down by two runs.'
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Got in my lunch time run. Was having such a hard time catching my breath, and I thought it was just becuase it was super windy and the wind was blowing my air right back into my lungs when I was exhaling. Then I looked down at my Garmin and the pace we were at was 8:54. :huh: How did that happen? :tongue:

    I hope to go home and sit next to the fire and knit tonight. Hoping my family won't grumble if I make them eat leftovers. I have a whole stash of yarn that I bought last winter to make Christmas gifts for certain family memebers, and was sooooo proud of myself for being on the ball and planning ahead. Alas, have I knit anything? Nooooooo, and what is the date? November 18. :huh: When did THAT happen? I know what I'll be doing over Thanksgiving break.....

    Julie and Becky, do you run with your dogs?
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    You sound like my younger son. In his T-ball days, one of his team mates asked the coach 'are we winning?' coach answered 'are you having fun? Yes?, well, then you're winning.' My son turned to me and grumbled 'we're really down by two runs.'

    :laugh: now that was funny!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    no run for me today. work day just didn't allow it. but i'm already at 3 for the week, and tomorrow + Sat would = 5 (how do like them math skillz) and that would be a much-needed improvement for me, compared to my 3x weekly average at this point.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    HAHAHA Tom that is hilarious! That was me as a kid... in some pre season stuff we were allowed to keep score, pshhh I kept score damn it and it MEANT something! lol

    Going to go watch my old high school team play tonight and do some recruiting.

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Tabby~ good gawd woman! no wonder you were breathless! that is awesome!!!!!! :drinker: No, I don't run with my dog. I had started to last year and had her up to 2 miles when she sliced her paw pad open ~ then it got cold, then hot...:laugh: I like to take her hiking though!

    Tom~ hahaha! That is so funny! I love it! :bigsmile:

    B~ sounds like you're going to have a great week when all is said and done! Nice job getting back out there! :happy:

    Leash~ have fun recruiting! Remember though ~ no bribes or payoffs :wink:

    Finished my run. It felt pretty good. I am getting insanely sore from last night (ahem)*NON* contact combat and grappling is showing itself...definitely have some bruises to camoflauge OOPS :ohwell:

    Enjoy your evening!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Don't worry becky I'll leave the 100 dollar bills at home! :bigsmile:

    I just made this recipe and its sooo good AND easy AND nutritious....

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello people!! What a crazy week, I just feel like I can't catch up on anything!! Crazy w/ kids and activities and getting ready for the holidays!!!

    I don't think I posted y'day?? Anyway... I ended up getting in an early 1,800 yard swim w/ my buddy.

    Then later on got in a shoulder + leg workout + 5 mile run!

    This morning I did the masters swim... 2,500 yards. Met a friend for a 26 mile bike ride, cold and windy yet again!! Long story but started out w/ a flat and thankfully a friend of ours that is an IronMan triathlete (he's actually getting ready to go to Cozumel for the IM next weekend!) is also a police officer and happened to be in her neighborhood so he fixed my tire. :bigsmile: Forgot my Mizuno Breath Thermo gloves and toe covers so I was even colder than I had planned. :noway: But so happy to get my ride in after all!

    Sorry I can't catch up w/ everyone tonight, hope all is going well!! :flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I got in a car accident tonight, some idiot rear ended me and was going quite fast, I then hit the person in front of me because of it. We stopped and then decided to pull over because it was dark and we were in the middle of the street. So me, and the guy, that I hit BECAUSE of the girl that hit me pulled over... guess what?! She didn't pull over, yup, she fled the seen, what a FU*KING BIT*CH. I mean seriously that is just so fu*ked up.... please excuse all of my cussing. I just can't take this *kitten* anymore!!!! As if my back and body wasn't already messed up enough, man it hurt bad when she hit me.. hopefully I can still get the injection tomorrow.... and PLEASE let it help... the guy that I hit said that he thinks he went to high school with her so he's going to track her down if possible and he knows that it wasn't my fault so thats good, he was really nice. Gloria (my car, remember) is not messed up too badly, her front is worse than her behind. I just reallllly need something good to happen to me.... seriously!

    I don't know what I would do without this site and this group... I'm really glad we started this and all have a love for turtles :laugh: .. it seems dumb to feel like you know people online but I do feel like we give each other great support even if it has NOTHING to do with exercise or weight loss so thanks for letting me rant, yet again! I hope you all have a better night than me... I believe that tomorrow will be a miracle injection... seriously I'm kind of counting on it!!!!

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I got in a car accident tonight, some idiot rear ended me and was going quite fast, I then hit the person in front of me because of it. We stopped and then decided to pull over because it was dark and we were in the middle of the street. So me, and the guy, that I hit BECAUSE of the girl that hit me pulled over... guess what?! She didn't pull over, yup, she fled the seen, what a FU*KING BIT*CH. I mean seriously that is just so fu*ked up.... please excuse all of my cussing. I just can't take this *kitten* anymore!!!! As if my back and body wasn't already messed up enough, man it hurt bad when she hit me.. hopefully I can still get the injection tomorrow.... and PLEASE let it help... the guy that I hit said that he thinks he went to high school with her so he's going to track her down if possible and he knows that it wasn't my fault so thats good, he was really nice. Gloria (my car, remember) is not messed up too badly, her front is worse than her behind. I just reallllly need something good to happen to me.... seriously!

    I don't know what I would do without this site and this group... I'm really glad we started this and all have a love for turtles :laugh: .. it seems dumb to feel like you know people online but I do feel like we give each other great support even if it has NOTHING to do with exercise or weight loss so thanks for letting me rant, yet again! I hope you all have a better night than me... I believe that tomorrow will be a miracle injection... seriously I'm kind of counting on it!!!!

    ~Leash :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Leash - first of all, good luck with your injection today. Second of all, I am sorry to hear about your car accident. You are right to be concerned. I was in a very similar accident three years ago and it did do a number on my back. I still see someone now about it. However, I don't want to depress you. A lot of my issues are to do with it healing badly because I didn't get treatment soon enough. The docotor I see now says that it is imperative that these kind of injuries are treated very quickly after the accident so that the muscles don't start to heal short. So - if you do feel like you are in pain from the accident, please go see the doctor straight away so you can get a physio referral sooner rather than later. Apparently these injuries can heal very well if treated ASAP.

    I hope I've not worried you, I just don't want you to go through what I have, especially as you already suffer with your back.

    Erika x
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Oh Leash! I am so sorry!(((hugs)))
    I am glad that you are relatively ok. It's a good thing you already have an appointment scheduled for today!
    Hopefully the other guy does track down that girl. That is just crap!
    Poor Gloria! :frown:

    I agree, I don't know what I would do without all of you either!
    (((GROUP HUG)))

    I think I'm getting sick. I was hoping my throat hurt yesterday from the bruises, but I think it's a little more than that today.:grumble: Oh well. I have 3 weeks so better to get it over with now than 3 days before!

    Either a rest day or a heavy bag class today. We'll see how I feel in a while!

    Happy Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Leash - So sorry about your accident! Why do people have to be such a$$es? WTF?? Seriously! I am thinking of you today and hope that the injection works to make you feel better. Remember, it won't be instantaneous, so don't be bummed if it isn't. It sometimes takes a few days for the full effect! Good luck!

    Becky, how I miss the days of being beat to crap every day, and beating the crap out of others. Talk about stress relief! :bigsmile: I remember when I tested for my blue belt I had to grapple a guy who was 50 pounds heavier than me (he was the lightest person in the club that could give me a run for my money) and I was bawling afterwards because of the release of all the pent up anxiety of the rest of the testing. It was totally uncontrolable and I felt like an idiot. :blushing: I did however, tap him out. :smokin: LOL I love jiu jitsu!

    Looks like my lunch time run will be solo today. My friend didn't bring her gear. It is even colder today, though the sun is shining. Can't wait to get out there!

    Later guys and gals! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Oh, and 140 this morning. Can it be that I will be "below" 140 NEXT WEEK? Haven't seen 130's in forever!