Husband does not get it??



  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    He gets it, all right. He gets that if you go out in -40 windchill without a hat, and your ears get frostbitten, then he gets the job of driving you to the doctor and listening to you complain about how it hurts.

    For the love of Mike, have some sense.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    So many martial problems....


    I am so mezmerized by the awesome of this tiny woman that I actually forgot what this thread was really about...

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    I was going to say something bad about Canada, but I just can't. You gave us Mario Lemieux...


    ... and Sidney Crosby.


    You people are beautiful.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    I was going to say something bad about Canada, but I just can't. You gave us Mario Lemieux...


    ... and Sidney Crosby.


    You people are beautiful.

    Speak for yourself...they also gave us Justin Bieber
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    I was kidding.

    And I'm also half Canadian.
    Frankly, I believe the US should use the metric system.
    Would've made all of my engineering and science classes better.
    Less conversions.
    For reals. And in the real world. Also, why the hell is the EIT in metric, but the PE in imperial?!
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    Dude! What-eva!!!

    Hey, you got $17,000,000,000,000 to help a brother out?
    Actually, I think your share is only about $54k, but the answer is still
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    I was going to say something bad about Canada, but I just can't. You gave us Mario Lemieux...


    ... and Sidney Crosby.


    You people are beautiful.

  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    I was going to say something bad about Canada, but I just can't. You gave us Mario Lemieux...


    ... and Sidney Crosby.


    You people are beautiful.

    YES WE ARE! Especially, me.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    My husband has said he is afraid I'll get skinny and leave him. I assure him I'll NEVER be a skinny woman, but I want to be strong and healthy to insure I'll have a long life with him. That being said, he always worries when I walk alone even though I carry pepper spray, but he just plain worries.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    seemed like he was just concerned for your well being. Is there more to this? running in -40 windchill is a bit extreme. Maybe time to invest in a treadmill or gym membership.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    Well give it to him!! Why you be holding out?? Mean, just mean I tell ya :/
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    whats -40c?


    Typical american answer - metric is not a "canadian" thing. There's only 3 countries in the world (US and 2 other 3rd world countries) that still use the backwards imperial system, maybe it's time for the US to step it up a notch.

    If you dont like it stay out.
    You need all the tourism you can considering your country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    thanks for some help and no thanks to the rude people on here attacking me!!

    He doesn't do it every time, just when i go out running in a sports bra.. I think he doesn't want others to see me?? I only started running since new years.

    Also not canadian lol! I live in michigan!

    It's too cold to run in a sports bra. If I saw a woman running in a sports bra with a -40F windchill (and I'm in MN), I would offer them a ride because they're obviously running from an attacker -- otherwise they'd be properly dressed for the weather. You risk frostbite even though you're moving. Google pictures of frostbite, it can be horrific.

    Don't allow whatever other issues you and DH have to override your health and well-being.
  • lol im in the same boat, my boyfriend gets so jealous. he wants me fat, because he worries that if i get thin, ill leave him. sometimes you just have to ignore them on those comments, and just communicate your love for them no matter your size. the only thing i do agree with his is you probably shouldnt be running in -40 windchill, frost bite will set in in around 10-15 minutes. next time its that cold, just try working out in the house. i bought wii active for the days when it's too cold to go outside, it gives me both strength and cardio to do, and its only 20 minutes of my life. if i dont feel challenged enough, i can always do one of the preset or custom work outs as well.
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    he tells you to wear a coat because its cold, and you think he is trying to sabotage you? women logic, i'll never understand it
  • SewSweets
    SewSweets Posts: 26 Member
    -40 windchill is extremely cold and extremely dangerous.

    I honestly cannot tell if this is a trolling post or if you are serious because this seems insane to me - and I'm from Iowa where it gets just as cold.

    Can't you buy a treadmill or something for when it is so cold out?
  • three years ago I had lost over 70 pounds and went from size 20 to size 10 over a year and still had more to go. One day I decided to surprise him when he walked in and I was in teddy. he said oh you look nice and went into the other room. I waited a few minutes and said does this not motivate you and he said NO. My heart sank I could not believe what he said. I got so depressed I I have almost gain all of it back. Now her am having do all this work again this time I told him not to say anything negative about me..I let him win then now no. I told him you may want to large and out of shape but I don't. I wont ask you to come to the gym and you don't stop me. So its been three weeks so far so good. Just tell him I know what I am doing good luck to you
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Girl, ignore him and do it for you. My hubby doesn't get it either. Or maybe he gets it too much. Now, whenever I eat anything (even just 1 bite) he asks me if I'm adding to my roll. Really? Umm, I needed encouragement, not that. Whatever, it makes me want to push harder. Us girls, we gotta stick together. Go workout. If you are comfy wearing a sports bra running, do that, too. BE YOU! He'll just have to get with the program.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    three years ago I had lost over 70 pounds and went from size 20 to size 10 over a year and still had more to go. One day I decided to surprise him when he walked in and I was in teddy. he said oh you look nice and went into the other room. I waited a few minutes and said does this not motivate you and he said NO. My heart sank I could not believe what he said. I got so depressed I I have almost gain all of it back. Now her am having do all this work again this time I told him not to say anything negative about me..I let him win then now no. I told him you may want to large and out of shape but I don't. I wont ask you to come to the gym and you don't stop me. So its been three weeks so far so good. Just tell him I know what I am doing good luck to you

    I would've cried...right then and there...and then proceeded to a date with BOB.
  • tongue in cheek, right?