I just have to accept that I will always be fat



  • LizMaddPear
    LizMaddPear Posts: 6 Member
    2 days of 500 cals., 5 days of normal eating, as long as one doesn't go overboard with an 'I can eat anything I want on these days!' mindset. It apparently works wonderfully for some people but not so well for others- can't imagine it's much good for people who have very physically active working days, but desk-sitters (like me!) can easily manage it. One low-cal day in two or three isn't going to result in actual starvation, let alone damage. Unless there's an underlying medical issue, of course.
    500 calories 2x a week? Seriously?? That's not even enough calories to fill one day let alone a week. If you think that isn't starving yourself than I feel horrible for you.
    You sound like a whiner. Nobody here is going to support starving yourself. You are weak and obviously don't care about yourself. If you did than you wouldn't be Starving yourself and killing your body. If you want and help from us than you need to make an educated and assertive effort to change your habits. Quite honestly I nor anyone else will want to read your complaining otherwise.

    Where is she starving herself?

    I work a physical job, I also workout daily, actual fast days are better workout days for most.

    Ah? I sit corrected. :-)
    Disclaimer- I don't do 5:2 myself, just know a couple of people who do, and if I wasn't in a situation where I could control my food intake as precisely as I can I would look into it. My opinion was a guess really, based on my own past experience of physically active work, but everyone is different.
    (When I was on my feet for 8+ hours a day my food intake was sizable but I lost weight. Moving to a desk but having similar eating habits... rather reversed the trend.)

    Bringing it back to the OP- I think the key to sustained weight loss or maintenance at goal weight is getting into the right habits. I have my food downfalls as well- for me, the trick is not to eliminate them but to defer them until I have spare calories.

    Fun fact (apparently)- the brain doesn't recognise negatives. If you warn someone not to spill something- they're more likely to spill it. Tell them not to trip up- they go base over apex. So if you're telling yourself 'NO biscuits!, NO cake!, NO doughnuts!', all your brain really hears is 'Biscuits! Cake! Doughnuts!'. Eating ensues.
    'Later' or 'Tomorrow', on the other hand, is more likely to get through.

    5:2 doesn't seem to be working for you, so try another tack- there's lots of good advice on here already which I can't really add to. Just don't give up- you're feeling down now but it won't last forever. You can do it- but if you are keeping to a calorie deficit and still not shifting anything there might be some medical issue and it would be worth going to a doctor.
    Good luck.
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    This really isn't place for you then. We're all here to support you if you're serious. But if you can't help yourself how do you expect us to help you. Stop the crazy talk and find your motivation ... good luck.
  • 3 things are wrong with this post.

    1.) you just admitted that you use food to fill other voids in your life. No "diet" will work untill you get help for your emotional eater, As a recovering binge eater I suggest the book Stop eating your heart out

    2.) your attitude.. If you claim you will always be fat, guess what? You will always be fat

  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yes you all go to therapy three times a week and talk about 'sharing' and 'nurturing your inner child'
    No one told me. :sad:

    Ahh, I hear you are hurting. It's ok, we can express that pain together in our 'sharing space'. Once we accept our emotions, we can learn to grow.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    you are not hypothyroid nor pcos nor any medical condition yet u want to complain about weigh loss ....:ohwell:
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    My heart goes out to you young lady. Weight loss SUCKS. THERE, I SAID IT. Changing this, manipulating that, blah blah blah. If you place you focus on that, then you will fail. I know about trying this diet and trying that diet also. Carb addict, weight watchers....i know. The bottom line is the 5:2 thing is NOT FOR YOU. The right plan will work for you. I promise it will. You are talking to a big ole, one legged former firefighter here who will turn 50 this year and I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend the rest of my life luggin all this weight around. You have the ability to lose the weight. It honestly is within you and you don't have to starve yourself. When you are TRUELY READY to engage yourself, check out some different plans online. If I can offer just a couple of basics to consider...


    I think deep down inside you are a decent person and I don't think you are ready to call it quits. There was a point when you wanted to lose weight. Think back about that and think of all the potential you have. Me and thousands of others believe in you but it means absolutely NOTHING if you don't believe in yourself. You have to believe it to achieve it. ROCK ON!
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    you must be doing a lot right to have already lost the weight, stick to a maintainable goal no silly fads, eat right and a little wrong but stick to your target :D
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    Fist off whatever you try it has to be something you can do forever. this 5:2 thing is so not that. 500 calories you be will be lucky to not collapse.

    Start with a small and manageable plan even a 1/2 lbs a week target and give yourself time to reach your goal. The change will be much easier to actually achieve. And by the time you reach your goal you will just be in the habit of eating a manageable calorie in take.

    Feel free to friend me I want to see you succeed.
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    Stop dieting!! Eating only 500 calories in a day is unreasonable. I would never even consider an option like that. Losing weight isn't always easy and you will have to make LIFE changes but you can do it. You will be surprised how much better you will feel when you start eating foods that are better for you. I love this app because it encourages me to work out and eat right. MFP is a way of life for me now.

    You are not Worthless! Just set reasonable goals; you can do it. It has taken me 6 months to lose 10 pounds and I'm fine with that because I'm not starving myself plus I know I can keep it off. If you diet and lose the weight too fast unfortunately you probably won't keep it off.

    Don't give up and eat what you like in moderation and exercise.
  • Hazelnut79
    Hazelnut79 Posts: 27 Member
    Try this for 2 wks: add "Sugar" as one of the macros you track daily. See what you are logging.

    Many people find success by changing their macro nutrients--whether or not it is with 5:2 plan or some other plan. For example, aside from the yogurt (and including the yogurt if it was flavored) your food choices were high carbs--especially sugars. Many people, including myself, have found that eating more natural unprocessed fats (dairy, flesh, nuts, avocado--NOT chips etc) maintains that satiated feeling longer.

    I'm going to second this. If I eat too many carbs, especially sugar, I have mad cravings and feel low energy even with relatively high calorie intake. If I focus on making carbs no more than ~40% of my calories, and getting at least 100g of protein I feel content eating a lot less. I sometimes have to force myself to eat those last few calories so I'm not too low.

    Also, in the past I've done some super restrictive diets with low calories. That also made me go on almost uncontrollable binges later. I think that it was my body's way of saying "What the heck are you doing to me!?" Maybe the 5/2 is affecting you that way?

    ETA: I just saw what you said about just trying to be happy. I've also found that just taking a break from counting calories, and just trying to make an effort to respect my body, has changed my mindset in way that's helping me meet my goals. I'm now motivated to eat better and exercise because I want to take care of my body and see what kinds of awesome things it can do, which will also affect any secondary goals I have about improving my appearance. I did this for ~ 6 months and while I didn't lose any weight I thinking getting my head in the right space is important for long term success. Some people can jump right into things which is great, but some people, like me, have a more complicated past with food so a little more reflection is needed. So maybe another approach is to focus on the choices you make over the course of the day as a whole without obsessing over each calories. Instead ask yourself broader questions: Am I eating enough protein to help me stave off hunger pains that happen when I don't actually need to eat, am I drinking enough water that I'm not confusing thirst for hunger, etc. Then at some point in the future, if you so choose, you can set some more specific goals.
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Amen Sista !
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Don't accept that ever. I battled my weight on and off since I hit puberty. My willpower is awesome and I was always able to get weight off...but the wrong way which resulted in it coming right back on and then some. I got to the point that I realized to do this forever it has to be done a different way than I've ever done before. And I have succeeded since 2009 now. Well I started in 2007 but have been at a healthy weight since 2009.

    Don't give up. Just look at it differently. It's not about "diet"..it's about finding balance. And fueling your body.

  • sandiuk
    sandiuk Posts: 11 Member
    Perhaps its just that the 5:2 diet isn't for you not that you are destined to be 'fat' forever. And when you feel hungry, it may be that you feel thirsty? Drink a glass of water, wait for 10 minutes and see if you're still hungry before eating (works for me 9 times out of 10)
  • Just take it one small step at a time. Have a few bites and get up and walk around or instead of granola have corn flakes. Never give up on yourself.