Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • anniec
    anniec Posts: 23
    I don't understand how I can do good all day but at night, over do it! I am praying that today will be different, that I can have the strength to start over. I feel like an addict. I need to do some serious thinking today because it's as simple as, do I want to live or do I want to die? But you see, its not really that easy. I feel like I'm self sabotaging myself. I feel so much like a failure and I want to have success in this life change. I suppose it is from thinking it's just a diet when infact I need to say it is a LIFE CHANGE. I'm going to work real hard today and hope I find my light again so that I may focus and return to getting healthy.

    By the way, Yesterday was the first time I have ever been able to put on a pair of jeans in years! Maybe I can use that as incentive.

    your attitude it awesome... "find your light again and focus" has to be that way.. its really the only way.. and the jeans are a great motivation!! congrats!!

    and the hair looks awesome.. wish i had your attitude.. i envy that!! stay that way... its a great thing ! :flowerforyou:

    SAME EXACT THOUGHTS. nights and weekends are my worst. i know i self sabotage.. and im trying sooo hard to stay in the moment and be AWARE.. ive been thru a lot of crap.. i'm seeing a therapist and TRYING to gain insight into my whacked out mind.. sigh.. and according to her, we are close to the core because the weight, for me, isnt about liking food.. its about stuffing emotions, hiding behind a wall of fat that i have built to protect myself.. and what im protecting, is the little girl that was abused who is afraid to come out and play.. to come out and enjoy life... man, it really is effed up (sorry, but it is).. i dont know me.. god that is pathetic to say... but i really dont.. ive just done my best to survive.. to be a chameleon and fit into different settings... adapt to whats around me, instead of knowing what i want.. sorry.. didnt mean to babble...

    but yes its a Life Change.. but its also a LIFE SAVED.. i HAVE HAVE HAVE to do it this time... cause if i dont get it... i will continue to kill myself... slowly, but thats what i am doing with the food... killing myself..

    we all have our reasons, baggage, life crap... but we also have each other.. and ive never leaned on anyone in my life.. never... :cry: but now i have to lean on you guys.. and i hope you will lean on me... WE HAVE to do this.. all of us.. i know that Annex1 knows exactly what im talking about.. im sure we can all help each other.. we have to keep on keepin on !!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey everyone. I am so sick this morning. My weight is the lowest its been which is nice but its cuz my body desided to flush itself out. :noway: . Anyways. 174.6. I am not recording it in the check-in part cuz I know its not true but it is still a nice number to see.
  • I love this idea! I lost 120 lbs before and then I got laid off, moved to a new state, started dating (cuz I was smokin!) and met my now husband. All of this made me just say "I'll worry about it tomorrow." Well, we're getting ready for a garage sale and I was going through my "skinny closet" when I realized I want to wear those close again and be that cute here we go. I lost 120 in a year so I'm hoping I can do it again for myself, my husband and my son! Thanks for all the support! 5 lbs down...lots to go! Good luck everyone and if there is anyone in the Nebraska area let me know!
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Having a low calorie shake for lunch along with some celery. It's crazy how something I never really liked can taste so good. I am referring to the celery.

    Just had a moment and decided to say hello to all.

    Back to work.
  • shawn1
    shawn1 Posts: 5
    I admit it, I LOVE ice cream. I have such huge cravings for it. I usually don't keep it in the house because I will just sit there and eat it till it's gone.

    I do like freezing yogurt and eating that instead (and is usually takes me awhile to eat because it is so hard)
  • I don't understand how I can do good all day but at night, over do it! I am praying that today will be different, that I can have the strength to start over. I feel like an addict. I need to do some serious thinking today because it's as simple as, do I want to live or do I want to die? But you see, its not really that easy. I feel like I'm self sabotaging myself. I feel so much like a failure and I want to have success in this life change. I suppose it is from thinking it's just a diet when infact I need to say it is a LIFE CHANGE. I'm going to work real hard today and hope I find my light again so that I may focus and return to getting healthy.

    By the way, Yesterday was the first time I have ever been able to put on a pair of jeans in years! Maybe I can use that as incentive.

    your attitude it awesome... "find your light again and focus" has to be that way.. its really the only way.. and the jeans are a great motivation!! congrats!!

    and the hair looks awesome.. wish i had your attitude.. i envy that!! stay that way... its a great thing ! :flowerforyou:

    SAME EXACT THOUGHTS. nights and weekends are my worst. i know i self sabotage.. and im trying sooo hard to stay in the moment and be AWARE.. ive been thru a lot of crap.. i'm seeing a therapist and TRYING to gain insight into my whacked out mind.. sigh.. and according to her, we are close to the core because the weight, for me, isnt about liking food.. its about stuffing emotions, hiding behind a wall of fat that i have built to protect myself.. and what im protecting, is the little girl that was abused who is afraid to come out and play.. to come out and enjoy life... man, it really is effed up (sorry, but it is).. i dont know me.. god that is pathetic to say... but i really dont.. ive just done my best to survive.. to be a chameleon and fit into different settings... adapt to whats around me, instead of knowing what i want.. sorry.. didnt mean to babble...

    but yes its a Life Change.. but its also a LIFE SAVED.. i HAVE HAVE HAVE to do it this time... cause if i dont get it... i will continue to kill myself... slowly, but thats what i am doing with the food... killing myself..

    we all have our reasons, baggage, life crap... but we also have each other.. and ive never leaned on anyone in my life.. never... :cry: but now i have to lean on you guys.. and i hope you will lean on me... WE HAVE to do this.. all of us.. i know that Annex1 knows exactly what im talking about.. im sure we can all help each other.. we have to keep on keepin on !!

    I totally understand. We all have demons but mine are alot like yours. I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, Depression and anxiety. I have had a traumatic childhood and I can relate. I am a compulsive over eater, I eat in the place of emotion and are quite shell shocked when it comes to displaying emotion. I use food as a suppressor. Anger was my best friend for along time and I feel like I have wasted ENOUGH of my life with it and with being over weight. There are so much things that I have missed out on in life.....
    Thank you for your kind words. I hope I can get it all under control...
  • I have decided to change my food by having my biggest meal for lunch and eating less at night so that I burn more calories before dinner of what I ate.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    I don't understand how I can do good all day but at night, over do it! I am praying that today will be different, that I can have the strength to start over. I feel like an addict. I need to do some serious thinking today because it's as simple as, do I want to live or do I want to die? But you see, its not really that easy. I feel like I'm self sabotaging myself. I feel so much like a failure and I want to have success in this life change. I suppose it is from thinking it's just a diet when infact I need to say it is a LIFE CHANGE. I'm going to work real hard today and hope I find my light again so that I may focus and return to getting healthy.

    By the way, Yesterday was the first time I have ever been able to put on a pair of jeans in years! Maybe I can use that as incentive.

    Christy, most of the time you do so well, and you are helping so many of us, by starting this thread and being so honest and open with your life. We are addict's and food is our fix. It pushes down all the hurt and pain for a little while, and then we have the rebound of guilt. You are not a failure and you will have sucess - so you slipped and ate at night, big deal today you're trying again and that takes real strength. Sometimes I think the problem with night eating is boredom, we're busy in the daytime and then at night all the stress and thoughts have a chance to come into our minds and then we eat. One thing I try is to stay out of the living room with the t.v. blasting food ideas - I have enough food ideas of my own. Take care of yourself, congrats on the jeans, and be Blessed. Connie

    Quote for the day - "Victory is won not in miles, but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.
    ~Louis L'Amour
  • I don't understand how I can do good all day but at night, over do it! I am praying that today will be different, that I can have the strength to start over. I feel like an addict. I need to do some serious thinking today because it's as simple as, do I want to live or do I want to die? But you see, its not really that easy. I feel like I'm self sabotaging myself. I feel so much like a failure and I want to have success in this life change. I suppose it is from thinking it's just a diet when infact I need to say it is a LIFE CHANGE. I'm going to work real hard today and hope I find my light again so that I may focus and return to getting healthy.

    By the way, Yesterday was the first time I have ever been able to put on a pair of jeans in years! Maybe I can use that as incentive.

    Christy, most of the time you do so well, and you are helping so many of us, by starting this thread and being so honest and open with your life. We are addict's and food is our fix. It pushes down all the hurt and pain for a little while, and then we have the rebound of guilt. You are not a failure and you will have sucess - so you slipped and ate at night, big deal today you're trying again and that takes real strength. Sometimes I think the problem with night eating is boredom, we're busy in the daytime and then at night all the stress and thoughts have a chance to come into our minds and then we eat. One thing I try is to stay out of the living room with the t.v. blasting food ideas - I have enough food ideas of my own. Take care of yourself, congrats on the jeans, and be Blessed. Connie

    Quote for the day - "Victory is won not in miles, but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.
    ~Louis L'Amour

    I love this quote you have posted. I need to win my battle each day and with that it wins the war.
    Tonight I had some fresh peeled cucumbers and a nice glass of Merlot wine. I feel better.
  • WE CAN DO THIS! I want to hear from everyone on how they are doing!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I am doing fine thank you:flowerforyou: . My weight is still going 3 steps forward and 2 steps back but I lost a clothing size and am getting ready to drop under the big 300....
    The next week will be a little difficult since the grandkids will be here but I'm planning to hang tight onto my little wagon and not fall off of it again...
    Hope everyone is staying on track:drinker:
  • I've been doing pretty well. Especially since at work it is a struggle. Unfortunately the candy bowl is at my desk, since I sit at the front, and the tootsie rolls are screaming my name, but I have ignored thier cries and resisted the temptation. I have been on this plan since July 21st and I have, as of this morning, lost 12 lbs. I'm pretty proud of myself. My husband has been on it just as long and has lost 10 lbs. We both are shocked that I have lost more than him. But I'm not complaining. :bigsmile:
  • mamaorvis
    mamaorvis Posts: 10
    I have 104 to go to get to my goal weight :noway: but I am so determined to get there!! I am so scared about acheiving it at the same time as being determined! does that make sense?? I am an emotional eater so when I am upset or stressed I mow down on whatever I can! I am trying really hard not to and the kids being home for the summer is making it more and more difficult lol as they stress me out on a daily basis, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT lol.
    My husband is a wonderful guy who supports me in everything I do and I really hope that he can continue to help push me toward my goal!
    I am so in need of as much support as I can get and I really hope that when I at least get off hte start I will be able to support anyone else who is on the same track :) Good luck to all of us "BIG" girls and guys :):)
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    Checking in for the day, still hanging in there but my fingernails are getting a little ragged. lol Today has been rough, I've been hungry all day, I know it is because I haven't eaten right, but it's been a day of running around getting things done. I have a good supper planned and bought a nice selection of fruit at the store for my snacks this week. Come on everyone let us know how you're doing, we can do this together. The more strands in our thread the stronger it will be. Be blessed Connie
  • I've been doing pretty well. Especially since at work it is a struggle. Unfortunately the candy bowl is at my desk, since I sit at the front, and the tootsie rolls are screaming my name, but I have ignored thier cries and resisted the temptation. I have been on this plan since July 21st and I have, as of this morning, lost 12 lbs. I'm pretty proud of myself. My husband has been on it just as long and has lost 10 lbs. We both are shocked that I have lost more than him. But I'm not complaining. :bigsmile:

    Have you tried taking a plastic refrigerated bowl with a lid and filling it up with tiny cut up pieces of fruit?
    That might help!

    I can't wait until sunday, thats when we get to go grocery shopping and I can stock up on healthy food!
  • Checking in for the day, still hanging in there but my fingernails are getting a little ragged. lol Today has been rough, I've been hungry all day, I know it is because I haven't eaten right, but it's been a day of running around getting things done. I have a good supper planned and bought a nice selection of fruit at the store for my snacks this week. Come on everyone let us know how you're doing, we can do this together. The more strands in our thread the stronger it will be. Be blessed Connie

    I agree, lately, having to stay at my parents until our apartment is done on Sunday has been horrid in the food area. All they do is eat out or bring home taco bell, ec.... I can't wait for Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm starting a 3 day fast, detox. I know that it has been done for thousands of years and it has worked to rid your body of toxins and to up lift the mind. For the next 3 days I will be on Water and my coffee every morning. After that I will go on to V8 and fresh juices for 2 days and on after that will be 2 days of fresh fruit and veggies and on the last day will be added in whole grains.

    I'll let everyone know how its going, but dont worry, I'm using vitamins and vitamin mixes for water!
  • melgirl1120
    melgirl1120 Posts: 51 Member
    What an Awesome, Inspiring and Motivating thread!!!:flowerforyou:

    I have about 70lbs to lose and would def. love to be part of this thread:bigsmile:
  • melgirl1120
    melgirl1120 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm starting a 3 day fast, detox. I know that it has been done for thousands of years and it has worked to rid your body of toxins and to up lift the mind. For the next 3 days I will be on Water and my coffee every morning. After that I will go on to V8 and fresh juices for 2 days and on after that will be 2 days of fresh fruit and veggies and on the last day will be added in whole grains.

    I'll let everyone know how its going, but dont worry, I'm using vitamins and vitamin mixes for water!

    Wow, Good Luck. I can't wait to hear about your progress!!:flowerforyou:
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Just checking in, last week I did great weigh in day is Saturday and I had lost 3lbs...with a total of 8. weight in on Wednesday to check in half way through the week and guess what? gained .5 pound, I know our weight fluctuates on a daily basis but come on, i've been working out like crazy, true i've gone a bit over my cal allowance but it should't increase my weight when comparted to the amount of excersize i do!, anyway i'm just venting, it just gets frustrating. tomorrow is weight day again, I'm a bit scare to go on that scale, it would be a month since I started again....we'll see go it goes.. =(...i'll let you know. I guess not loosing my patience it's the clue, I don't see the results quick i give up...but this time i'm determine I have to do it....i want to be able to wear a sexy red dress, or a mini skirt...I want to look good and feel good about myself, I want have self confidence and know that I deserve more than some guy who doesn't even appreciate me or care....I can do this....I know we can do this come on girls....we have the power!.
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