Shaun T- FOCUS T25....success stories??



  • Hi!

    I'm about to leave work and go do my first T25 workout!

    Wish me luck, I'll check back in post workout!

    Feel free to add me if you're doing Focus T25 too.

  • I'll be starting on monday sept 9th
    I had started it before the first week of august but i had stopped because work really wore me out by the end of the day and i had zero motivation to do anything...

    no more excuses... time to get my butt into motion!

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  • I started on Monday 09/09...EEK!

    I always start a program super excited, and I fizzle out before I complete it. I hope this is different. It's only 25 minutes. That is what I keep telling myself.

    Fingers crossed :ohwell:
  • I am right there with you. Good luck!
  • christinegarza
    christinegarza Posts: 4 Member
    Real success story right here. I purchased T25 at the Beachbody Summit that my sister (a BB coach) dragged me too. I only decided to go because it was hosted in Vegas and I was ready to hit up the buffets and free drinks. Haha. I had been working out 3-4 times a week and figured I was in as good a shape as I'd get. I couldn't lose weight and had written it off to a slow metabolism. Anyway, my mom, sister, and I decided to start T25 the Monday after we were back from the Summit. During week 1, I decided to follow the 5-day fast track meal plan to the T. If something I needed wasn't available at the store, I just swapped it for something else (i.e. chia seeds v. flax seeds). I ate the 1100 calories a day, and I also kept my strength training in 3 days. With a starting weight of 233, I lost 9 lbs the first week. After the first week, I just committed to eating clean and counting calories, and I continued to strength train 4 days a week. In total, the 10-week program took me 11 weeks, and I lost 21 pounds total!
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    i just started this programme and enjoying reading these stories
  • I'm starting this program today. I have a lot to lose, but so much more to gain :) Looking forward to the journey.

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  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Just started the program today! Boy did it kick my butt! I look forward to seeing some kind of results! I only have about 25 pounds left to go!
  • I have to say that this is absolutely the best workout I have ever done. I did insanity for over a year and didn't see results. I am in my mid 50s and am in week 10. The transformation of my body has been amazing!! It's also fun!!
  • Aleishia22
    Aleishia22 Posts: 11 Member
  • TuyenLe1125
    TuyenLe1125 Posts: 1 Member
    Once I saw this program late at night on the infomercials, I knew I had to get it. I am so glad that I did. I actually got my cousin who rarely works out but surfs and takes muay thai classes, and I also got my sister who usually works out at the gym to start the program with me. We started this program last month and we're in the second phase, Beta phase. For me, I am absolutely in love with this program. You cannot complain for not having time to work out since it's literally only 25 minutes of hard work and 3 minutes of stretching afterward. I love how Shaun gets to the point in every video and pushes you to do your best. I've only been doing this video for a month that is the Alpha phase which isn't too bad, but I've definitely noticed a huge difference in my body that even my family has even noticed. If you're looking for a home fitness program, then this is definitely it! You will not regret it. It's fun, different, challenging, and fast.
  • I am on week 4 of T25 and not really seeing any results. No weight loss and barely a half inch off of my chest.

    Granted I did two rounds of Insanity before I started T25 so I'm thinking maybe this intensity just isn't as high as Insanity so my body won't react as much.

    I'm still going to push it through and do Beta and Gamma and hope to see better results.
  • AliGilbreath
    AliGilbreath Posts: 18 Member
    I just finished my 1st week of T25 Alpha. I love all of the workouts and love that they are only 25 minutes. I've never worked out for a week straight before especially with this high impact of a program, I'm hoping I see a big change.
  • n8whit
    n8whit Posts: 2 Member
    I did over half the Insanity until I got bored. I will say the T25 is harder than Insanity!
  • riasntx
    riasntx Posts: 25 Member
    I'm starting T25 Monday. I'm hoping this is a good challenge for maintaining and building some strength. I did P90X for over a year and saw amazing results, but I'm bored and need to do something else.
  • I'm at the end of my 2nd week of alpha. I'm so out of shape lol
  • sheilastaggs
    sheilastaggs Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished the first week of T25. whew! It's very hard but I love it! I keep telling myself, you can do 25 min!
    I'm trying not to be discouraged because I'm actually heavier on the scale than when I started....... I'm hoping this is because my muscles are retaining fluid as they heal from the stress of the workout.......
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I did over half the Insanity until I got bored. I will say the T25 is harder than Insanity!

    They are 2 different programs, but in terms of intensity Insanity beats T25 because workouts are longer and for 2 months it's go go go. I did both, started with Insanity and T25 Alpha wasn't challenging - it focuses on form, but it's a much needed phase because gave me the results I was looking for, went down 1.5 size. T25 Beta is more like Insanity. And then there's Gamma which is all pretty much about weights.
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I'm starting T25 Monday. I'm hoping this is a good challenge for maintaining and building some strength. I did P90X for over a year and saw amazing results, but I'm bored and need to do something else.

    You should probably consider P90X3
  • I am 6'3" and weigh 255. Male/34. I have struggled with weight all of my life. I have had ups and downs with big weight loss and gain. I started t25 last week. I really like it and I plan on sticking to it given the 25 minute time line. The first week I gained 8 lbs. I ate about the same, actually better than before. I cut back on soda (eventually trying to cut it out.) and drank a lot more water. I feel tighter already after a week, but am not seeing results yet. I understand it is a process. I am not really looking for the answer that is going to lose 30 lbs right away. Really, the question is should I do anything along with t25? I was running a lot, but not working hard it seemed. I just need to know in my situation, is t25 going to be enough? Time is not on my side with three kids, but I am willing to consider something that is going to get me on the right track. Thanks