15 things a Big Girl looks forward to....Awwww yea



  • love it!
  • omg everyone this is so awesome i was like dying of laughter on some of them! :D

    i'm looking forward to not having holes in my jeans where my theighs have rubbed together!
    also having fun shopping with my friends again and not having to worry if the biggest size of jeans they have will fit me!
    and single diget size jeans!
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    I Love this whole thread!
  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    Love love love this, made me laugh :)

    1.) I'm looking forward to the day that my thighs say ta-ta to each other. They've had a very long and somewhat abusive relationship together...it's time for them to go on their own way hehe.

    2.) Looking forward to not worrying about the safety of my bf's back when he picks me up

    3.) Being more confident when I go shopping. I feel like I'm cute...but I can't wait to be hottt and show it off to my guy :)
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    OMG this made me laugh so much!! Totally identify!

    About the towel fitting - I finally reached the point last week where I can now cover up with a "bath towel" instead of a "bath sheet"...first time in about 7 years! Funnily enough I spent at least a minute in front of the bathroom mirror thinking how cool that was. Didn't ever think in terms of other people having the same problem, hahaha =D

    YAYness for BIG wins, rather than BIG winners!! ;)
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    OMG this made me laugh so much!! Totally identify!

    About the towel fitting - I finally reached the point last week where I can now cover up with a "bath towel" instead of a "bath sheet"...first time in about 7 years! Funnily enough I spent at least a minute in front of the bathroom mirror thinking how cool that was. Didn't ever think in terms of other people having the same problem, hahaha =D

    YAYness for BIG wins, rather than BIG winners!! ;)
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    There's too many for me to read right now but from the original list and a lot of what others have added that I read so far...these are amazing! Thank you SO much for posting this! You have no idea. This is actually the most motivating thing I have seen on here for me. The bath towel thing too! So funny! It is so true though...I want it to be huge around me! lol
    I am moving in a week and a half and I think I seriously may print that first list out then and post it up in my room so I can read it every morning to keep me going. I went from laughing my butt off reading them to getting kinda sad because I can't believe how many dumb little things there are we can't do simply due to our weight! I can't wait for us ALL to accomplish all of these goals! So glad to see I am not alone on a lot of these things...been trying to figure out why the heck my panties keep dropping and now I realize it's not just me LOL!!
    Some of the ones you guys listed just killed me...waaay too funny lol
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I can sooooooo relate. I've over come so many of them there are only a couple left...

    I'm looking forward to buying bras in "regular" stores

    I too am looking forward to sunshine thighs...

    and last but certainly NOT least-

    I'm looking forward to no more bellies slapping together when me and the boy are doin' the do. :bigsmile:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Heres the things i look forward to along my Weight Loss Journey...Please dont get all serious on me this was meant to be fun...

    1. I look forward to being able to wrap my damn bath towel around me while drying off

    2. I look forward to being able to paint my toes w out taking breaks b/c my stomach rolls too large to bend

    3. i look forward to waiving w/ out my arm fat jiggling and almost busting my eye out

    4. i look forward to my thighs not rubbing together and creating friction/FIREEEE HELLLP

    5. i look forward to walking up a few steps w out breathing hard and having to tell everyone to "give me a damn minute before u start asking questions cant u see i cant breath"

    6. i look forward to my boobs not bursting out the sides of my bras lol and and performing a TKO while working out

    7. i look forward to NOT always taking head shots b/c i think my face sometimes gives a skinny illusion lol

    8. i look forward to being able to drop it low in the club again "low low low low low low low"

    9. I look forward to not being the only sweaty person at a dance party. Give me a min dont hug me im a slippery slope right now.

    10. i look forward to not rubbing against the shower curtain in my shower lol ...

    11. i look forward to my panties not falling below my fat roll ha. workout, panties drop...sit down, panties drop...walk to fast panties drop...whats a girl gotta do to have my panties stay up.? oh yea loose the roll

    12. i look forward to being able to see my damn feet daily. shoooot i got cute toes i cant even see

    13. i look forward to not having sweat under my boobs (eww) ...i want to get romantical sometimes...i cant have sweaty boobs dude.

    14. I look forward to people not lookin at me crazy when i got in a store w out my size...im not here for clothes dammit im lookin at the jewlery lol geesh

    15. I look forward to Bob On biggest looser to STOP saying "C'mon , push it overweight lover"....what the heck is an over weight lover lol...

    These are just a few of the cute little things i look forward to....cant wait until i can shave my damn leggs w out breaking a sweat lol .


    U got most of mine...but I look forward to taking a nice, RELAXING hot bath...then when letting the water out...half of it doesn't stay behind me, cuz my big *kitten* is blocking the water from draining! :'/ and I look forward to peoples faces when they see me smaller :)

    shooooot I literally just shot water out of my nose. The one of the BEST days of my life was my first bath when my *kitten* wasn't touching both sides of the tub!! I probably sat in the empty bathtub fully clothed for about 4 people to show them my *kitten* didn't touch anymore! :tongue:
  • just thought of another one!

    im looking forward to the day that i can jog on the treadmill without my belly jiggling around like crazy! and without feeling like everyone is staring at my belly!
  • I'm looking forward to shaving certain places, without having to move my roll out of the way!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    This just made my day thank you lol <3
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    LOL OMG this totally totally just made my day.
    I hope some one has already said this but

    I cant wait to walk past a Lane Bryant store and say "Not any more, never again"
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    too funny!! and so true! especially the boobs and how they get in the way of working out!! One goal i have is to be able to cross my legs without having to turn sideways!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • morawjo
    morawjo Posts: 74 Member
    Love this post!

    I look forward to my back fat not pouring over my bra...sorry...I know...gross
    I look forward to cleaning off all of the dust that has piled on the smaller clothes I haven't worn in years sitting in my closet
    I look forward to wearing a bikini next summer and not feel like everyone is staring, laughing and making fun of me. I want them to be staring out of envy...lol.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    shooooot I literally just shot water out of my nose. The one of the BEST days of my life was my first bath when my *kitten* wasn't touching both sides of the tub!! I probably sat in the empty bathtub fully clothed for about 4 people to show them my *kitten* didn't touch anymore!
    Too funny! But I do understand!:blushing: ::laugh: [/quote]
  • Love your list. I can totally relate. I look forward to everything, the cuter clothes, the less expensive clothes, no more feeling like I cant go anywhere and do anything fun because people are judging me becasue of my weight. No more feeling like crap because Im a big girl. I wish all of you luck, including myself because I am gonna need it. I really suck at staying motivated and exercising my will power.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Love it!

    Looking forward to the day I can throw out the 2 hideous night shirts my boyfriend bought me for my birthday, size 3x.

    .... the day I have to move the car seat forward because my butt shrank and I can't reach the gas and brake.

    .... the day my boyfriend and I can both lay down on the couch at the same time and not be on top of each other (unless its on purpose!)
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I must add this one, when my wedding band is not the same size as my husband ( have had it re-sized 2 times since my journey and yes now it is!)
  • HAHAHAHA this is hilarious!!!!!

    I'm looking forward to the following things...

    1) for my husband to give me a piggy back ride. I've always been jealous of girls who get piggy back rides from their lover, I want that!

    2) I don't want to worry about "not fitting" into some of the rides!! I have a fear or not fitting into some amusement park rides, I want that fear completely gone!

    3) I'm looking forward to wearing a semi-normal sized bra that isn't impossible to find! I love Victoria Secret and my boobs just love falling out of those bras!!!

    4) I'm looking forward to being skinnier than my husband, and where I can wear his tshirts and not stress about them stretching!!!
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