40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Still managing my 40 mins on the stationary bike everyday... will moderate this once I get home and can assess how successful it had been. And food is good as I can manage too...
    It will be interesting to see what weight loss I'll hopefully have had when I get home, but will have to wait a day for what seems to be my normal post flight bloating to subside... it could of course be the champers I normally consume on the flight....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    It's Seattle all the way in our household!!

    I hope to bust through my plateau this week....but, since TOM has arrived, who the h*ck knows?!?!? It won't be for lack of trying, that's all I'm saying.

    Today, I lift!

    I also realized I haven't done scheduled cardio the entire month of January....my kidlets activities have interfered every single Saturday. So, I'm going to hit 1/2 of a cardio class tonight....I am TERRIFIED of the lung-burn, but I need to bite the bullet and try and get a little bit of cardio in. Hopefully Saturday morns are "more free" come February. If "no", I do know, by march, play-offs are upon us and Saturdays should be free from that point onward.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good mornign Cool Kids! A brief snow squall kept me home from the gym this morning. I worked out at home instead. Still a good workout though.

    My little guy is feeling much better. Yeah!

    Neither team is a favorite in my house for the big game, so unsure of who we will route for. We do go to a big super bowl party every year. Either way, it will be a good time!

    Have a good day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello cool kids,

    Am back from vacation and not liking the cold and snow any better than I did before I left.
    Florida was a nice break.
    The run in Key West was awesome! For not having trained, I actually didn't do too bad. As I suspected, my legs were getting tired at around 9 miles, so I walked when I had to.
    Loved Key West!
    Today I start again. I have reset my ticker and measurements! UGH! :grumble: :noway: :grumble: I am not surprised, as my clothes were not fitting.
    Did my Monday workout at home - Burpees, squats, pushups, weights, etc. 30 minutes and I was sweating buckets. M/W/F this strength training routine and T/T S - cardio. Am focusing on one month at a time.
    Diet is being changed as well - 6 smaller meals with protein at each meal.
    Here's hoping!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, BUST THROUGH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Sdereski, good to have you back!!! I am glad you enjoyed your break!! I love Key West!!! But I was only there for a few hrs because I got there on a cruise ship. :grumble: I am sure you will get back to it in no time. I am also taking it one month at a time, slow but steady.

    kellysue, glad your boy is doing better!!

    I have gotten a little lazy these past two days not wanting to log in my foods. I struggle with that and truthfully I would really like to break free from logging every calorie. :noway:

    I did my 3 challenges today plus teaching Zumba tonight!! Have a great rest of this Monday. Another cold front coming to SA tonight, I already feel it. :flowerforyou:
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    43 and happy to find such supportive folks. I have a lot to lose and it seems to go so slowly sometimes. Hopefully we can keep each other from getting bored.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    kellySue - so happy to read you worked out at home even when you couldn't get to the gym - NOW THAT IS DEDICATION!

    sdereski - re-setting tickers is HARD, HARD, HARD. Mentally plays me out. Which is why I shant do it again....2014 is the year I'm going to finish the "cut" and continue to "maintenance" where I can stay forevermore!

    alf - sounds like you are ON FIRE for a Monday! Nicely done....

    Hi Synamin!

    I'm off to hit a bit of a cardio class, with my daughter. I'm dragging my *kitten*, but it isn't about "perfection" it's kind of just about "showing up".
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    sdereski - Sounds like you did great on your run and you have a great plan to get back at it!

    KellySue - Glad your "little man" is doing better!

    Alf - Way to go!! Nothing else to say there!

    Beeps - Good job getting the cardio in. Somedays I feel the same way. I just need to show up and do what I can do for that particular day.

    So far this week has been much better for me. But it's only Monday - there's plenty of time for my diet and exercise plans to go right out the window! I'm determined to stay focused though! :wink:
  • White103
    Great work getting your weight down!! I love using this site as it keeps me on track. I started at 195 in January and now down to 188. I work out each day and keeping the focus! Keep up the great work!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    It's Tuesday! Worked out at home again today. Had some errands to run before heading into work this morning as well.

    I normally would get to hang with Jake for a bit today, but because of the cold weather my daughter doesn't have to be at school until 11:30 so he's not coming until later. Oh, Well!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    It's a "surprise" fasting day for me, lol!

    My formal function is on Friday and I simply want to be completely unbloated and feeling my BEST! So, will fast through until supper-time and then make healthy choices from supper- to bedtime.

  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    It's a "surprise" fasting day for me, lol!

    My formal function is on Friday and I simply want to be completely unbloated and feeling my BEST! So, will fast through until supper-time and then make healthy choices from supper- to bedtime.

    get it girl!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    morning everyone!

    sdereski - welcome home! what a shocker to come back to such chilly weather after being down in Florida. Resetting the ticker is humbling, lol but it's great accountability to yourself and I think the majority of us has done it a couple times! =)

    KellySue - getting a workout in at home is awesome and shows exactly why you have such success with your weight loss! =)

    Beeps - cardio class with your daughter is fantastic! I love it when my kids want to join me in some healthy activity... it's not too often, unless they come up with the idea! =)

    That being said, both girls and I went swimming last night. My youngest used to be in our local swim club and she is still like a shark in the water. We had much fun except I got bonked in the nose by my kick board!! lol Got in my circuits this morning, benched 3x5x75lbs, WOOT! and finished off with a little jump rope.
    I have managed to stretch my daily fasting out to 20 hours these last few days with little trouble. My tummy growls abit around 10:30/11 am, this was when I would usually have my first meal, but then it stays quiet until I break my fast around 3. I am finding I am not ravenous anymore either so I guess my body is adjusting. I joined a IF group, Ladies that Love to Fast I think it is and there has been ZERO activity in it for 4 days now =\ gonna look for a different one now!

    Have an awesome day peeps!!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    KellySue - Great job getting the home workout in again! I agree with WhataBroad, your dedication and consistency is why you are having the success you are!

    WhataBroad - Love swimming! And how fun to do it with your daughters! :flowerforyou:

    Short cardio session then lifting for me today.

    Enjoy your Tuesday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    ....and my fast is over. Ate a protein bar.

    When I get home, I'll do an omelette (with YUMMY BACON!) for supper and then a banana/peanut butter for dessert.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello cool kids!!! Everyone is doing amazing!!!! I just came home from teaching an extra Zumba class at Our Lady of the Lake Univ. I could have been their mother. :laugh: :laugh: and they were huffing and puffing, they liked it and said it was challenging. Yeah!!! :drinker: I was subbing for someone else, will do it again next Tue if my hip behaves...it was flaring up a little bit today and the cold weather doesn't help. I have my regular class tomorrow night and then I can take a break from cardio this week. I also did my three challenges this morning. That is probably the reason of my hip pain. :noway: When I hear you guys talk about fasting it makes me want to do it!! Whatabroad, let me know if you find an active group!!! My goal in Feb is to do IF and do an occasional 20 hr fast.

    Good night!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Alf, good job making them work at Zumba! I finally did get to a class, and I loved it. Haven't been able to get back though. :grumble:

    Beeps - good job with the fast. Love your dessert idea of banana and peanut butter. Mmm.

    Kelly - way to get your workout in. Am starting to do mine at home as well. Am so sore from yesterday's workout. Has made getting in / out of the car today a real chore.

    Got a snowshoe in after work yesterday. It was a bit chilly, even working out....uphill climb, but the bush was so pretty with the snow loaded trees.

    Had an appt in the city today for my mammo, so was on the road by 7. Drove into some NASTY weather! My son messages me to see if we made it as highways closed behind us. Not surprised. Visibility was virtually NIL in many places. So, am stuck overnight with nothing but the clothes on my back and a toothbrush (never leave home w/o that). Other than meandering through the mall, no workout for me. Ugh! What a way to mess with me. My plan was to get home early...get a 30 min run in and then go curling. Well that was all shot to hell. Hoping the roads open by morning so I can get back home.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Greetings! It has been hard the last couple of weeks with the Wisconsin cold weather. My morning workouts have not been going so good. I did move my cardio workout to my lunchtime doing 40 minutes of interval running/walking. I also discovered a water aerobics class last week & then went back on Friday & swam laps for over an hour. My eating has been so so & I am scared to weigh. The last time I weighed I had met my 1st goal & I am afraid if the scale goes up I could fall off completely! I love coming in to read what is going on with the cool kids & all of your motivation. Tomorrow we are supposed to come out of the sub zero temps. The last 2 days we have been 40 below zero with the wind chill. Great job to all of you pushing yourselves to new limits.:drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ruby, hang in there girl!!! Dont give up!! I know it is hard to do outdoor activity in this weather. Do the best you can. Try to focus more on your diet during times that you cannot exercise as much. If you gained a couple of pounds is not the end of the world, just keep going. It might not even be real weight gain anyways but water retention. :flowerforyou:

    I did a couple of my 3 challenges this morning. Might do the third later. I am also teaching tonight. Sdereski, glad you liked your zumba class!!! :drinker:

    Those of you who are in areas with icy conditions, be careful out there!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Alf, Thanks for the supportive advice that helps A LOT. Awesome on getting a couple of your challenges done this morning already! Whoot Whoot!

    I decided I should weigh this morning and I was up to 171.2. The last time I had weighed I was 169.7 & had accomplished the 1st goal of getting under 170. Today is a new day and I am picking myself back up. I have been doing some weights but I think I need to come up with a more intense weight workout & schedule to commit to a least 3 days a week. I am going to work on that today to figure out what 3 days will work the best.

    I have also been wondering it I should not try a weight supplement from GNC. Does anyone have any advice on supplements that would give me a boost to get some weight coming off? My sister does Isagenix but it is really expensive and 2 meals a day are shakes. She is a body builder and it works really good for her but I don't know if I can go that extreme but it is a thought.