What they don't tell you about losing weight



  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    I have definitely changed my plan and my exercise routine frequently just to jumpstart things again. I have learned to deal with a smaller choice of clothes until I reach my goal weight. I have been shopping clearance sales for the last 1 1/2 years on this journey. I recently had my wedding rings sized after they fell off in aerobics class - went from a 7 to a 5. I am currently .6 away from a 100 lb loss. :bigsmile:
  • 86myHeadache
    86myHeadache Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks I needed this to. I am way more critical of my body now than 10,25, or 50lbs ago. I have gone from noticing the small positive changes, to noticing how far I have to go. Which makes it harder to be patient and keep eating at a healthy level. I do see great things a head, and that I am on the right path.
  • jtyler83
    jtyler83 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks I needed this to. I am way more critical of my body now than 10,25, or 50lbs ago. I have gone from noticing the small positive changes, to noticing how far I have to go. Which makes it harder to be patient and keep eating at a healthy level. I do see great things a head, and that I am on the right path.

    gad i hear you on this one

    leads to whacky *kitten* eating habits like 1100 calories one day then 2200 then 1500 then 2900 then 1200 lol

    then wondering why i'm so moody now n then
  • Seabully
    Seabully Posts: 22 Member
    I had gotten really nasty pointers about my weight before I lost 65 pounds, and now that I have a few more to finish off, I keep getting comments like, "Oh, if you lose any more weight, you'd be too skinny." or, my favorite, "You'll look anorexic." Coming from someone who IS anorexic (she is literally struggling, and in and out of rehab) to someone who struggled with an eating disorder in high school (me). Very classy comments, I'll tell ya. I've been better at taking them lightly, or with a grain of salt, but sometimes there are the poopy days in which the comments get to me a little..
  • I have definitely changed my plan and my exercise routine frequently just to jumpstart things again. I have learned to deal with a smaller choice of clothes until I reach my goal weight. I have been shopping clearance sales for the last 1 1/2 years on this journey. I recently had my wedding rings sized after they fell off in aerobics class - went from a 7 to a 5. I am currently .6 away from a 100 lb loss. :bigsmile:

    Yay for you!!!! How awesome!
  • Thanks I needed this to. I am way more critical of my body now than 10,25, or 50lbs ago. I have gone from noticing the small positive changes, to noticing how far I have to go. Which makes it harder to be patient and keep eating at a healthy level. I do see great things a head, and that I am on the right path.

    gad i hear you on this one

    leads to whacky *kitten* eating habits like 1100 calories one day then 2200 then 1500 then 2900 then 1200 lol

    then wondering why i'm so moody now n then

    Moody?! Who's MOODY :grumble: wait...... ME!!! HAHAHAHA! You both are doing amazing!
  • I had gotten really nasty pointers about my weight before I lost 65 pounds, and now that I have a few more to finish off, I keep getting comments like, "Oh, if you lose any more weight, you'd be too skinny." or, my favorite, "You'll look anorexic." Coming from someone who IS anorexic (she is literally struggling, and in and out of rehab) to someone who struggled with an eating disorder in high school (me). Very classy comments, I'll tell ya. I've been better at taking them lightly, or with a grain of salt, but sometimes there are the poopy days in which the comments get to me a little..

    Man that stinks! People need to mind their own business! About 20 lbs ago a lady I work with asked just how much more I wanted to lose. I told her and she told me I would be way too skinny if I did and to stop losing. This from a lady who doesn't exercise. Eats whatever she wants, and is a toothpick. Seriously?! :grumble: my mom is now starting with the snarky comments like telling me not to lose too much more because it will make me look old (this after I dropped another size, she's pissy I can't fit in her clothes now. She used to give too tight stuff to me and it fit great)
  • Princess71117
    Princess71117 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this!! :) Informative and honest-and it's great to get all these pieces of information by people who are going through similar journey's!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    And you forgot

    #10 - The money you have to spend on new clothes... LOL
    People don't know about this? Hell, it's all I have been looking forward to!

    The novelty of it wears off when you get to the cash register. LOL
  • Thank you so much for posting this!! :) Informative and honest-and it's great to get all these pieces of information by people who are going through similar journey's!

    You're quite welcome!
  • And you forgot

    #10 - The money you have to spend on new clothes... LOL
    People don't know about this? Hell, it's all I have been looking forward to!

    The novelty of it wears off when you get to the cash register. LOL

    Very true! And after several sizes lost, it's just a bit annoying. That's why until I hit my goal weight and know my permanent size, I get lots of good steals at Goodwill for $3.99 each!
  • jtyler83
    jtyler83 Posts: 28 Member
    No joke about the clothes lol

    Spending loads on revamping wardrobe. I can't imagine going any smaller than a medium shirt so at least that should be set
  • No joke about the clothes lol

    Spending loads on revamping wardrobe. I can't imagine going any smaller than a medium shirt so at least that should be set

    Holy cats! You have made amazing progress! Way to go!!!
  • Kittie_Cat_89
    Kittie_Cat_89 Posts: 19 Member
    I'd personally add: your weightloss, your muscular improvement, your results are not going to be linearly connected to the effort you put in it. You might find yourself disappointed in the way your body works, this doesn't mean that you're body isn't working or you should not be proud of your improvements.

    This is such a good point! It can takes weeks for your body to get used to the extra exercise or less calories and then react how you would like and it is VERY demoralising to not lose it instantly!

    Stick at it though, it's worth it!!
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you for this post. I definitley liked number 6. :smile:
  • Thank you for this post. I definitley liked number 6. :smile:

    You are welcome! I love your profile pic :-)
  • Burkhart67
    Burkhart67 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new here and looking for support on my weight loss journey. I started on my weight loss journey Feb. At a weight of 310 pounds as of May 8th I am down 25 pounds. I have been trying to exercise daily and eating around 1500 calories a day. I will be 50 in July and it is going to be a great present to myself.