3500 calroies burned challenge



  • Fruit4dessert
    Fruit4dessert Posts: 150 Member
    Mon: 417 cal.
    Tues: 633 cal.
    Wed: 655 cal.
    Thurs: 285 cal.
    Fri: 473 cal.
    Sat: 446 cal.

    Subtotal: 2909 cal.

    591 calories remaining to burn tomorrow.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I did it! I burned 807 calories this morning for a total of 4,191 calories burned in my morning work outs this week! Woo hoo!

    Are we doing the challenge again this week!? Let's do it! :happy:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Yes I will post a new challenge for next week called 3500 + calories burned challenge (Thanksgiving addition).

    I slacked off yesterday so need to get to the gym today but it doesn't open for another 1.25 hours. Tap tap tap.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I was at a friends all night so I didn't get a chance to do a whole lot yesterday but I did get in a 381burn and my weekly running total is 2912. I've got some walking to do today, hopefully I'll hit 3500 today. Keep up the hard work all :) Be back this evening!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Yay! I'm glad we are doing it again this week. Thanksgiving is going to kick my butt but I wanna kick it back! :) Please be sure and post a link here if you start a new link for the new challenge. I'm terrible about reading the forums unless I am looking for something specific and I don't want to miss it!

    YAY US!!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Mon: 570
    Tues: 887 (hour with my trainer and hour watching glee on the treadmill and eliptical)
    Wed: 624 (half hour treadmill half hour eliptical)
    Thur: 0 (today is my day off from the gym since I need to go to the store and make cranberry salsa for the potluck tomorrow)
    Friday 723 (half hour with trainer and hour of eliptical)
    Sat 270 (so far half hour on eliptical) will try to get in some more forgot my headphones so got bored fast!
    Sun 454 (45 mins on eliptical)
    Total so far: 3528 (made it barely)
  • alohajillian
    Weeks total = 3900cal burned! Woot! I'm in for next week. :happy:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm thinking my total is just going to be 4120...

    My goal was higher but this cold is beating me down. At this point I just want to participate in next weeks! :o)
    Awesome job everyone! This is fun! :o)

    Are we ready to show Thanksgiving who's boss???
  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, I just found this thread so I didn't get to do the challenge :-( Who's up for taking me on in round two?...
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Monday: 1464 - TKD and Taido training and bicycling
    Tuesday: 0
    Wednesday: 363 - Some bicycling
    Thursday: 120 - Some bicycling
    Friday: 772 - TKD sparring and bicycling
    Saturday: 564 - Wall climbing and bicycling
    Sunday: 772 - TKD training and bicycling

    Total: 4055

    Challenge met! :smile:
  • Elaine_NZ
    Burned 4210 on my first week of MFP mostly cause I did a 3 & half hour Zumbathon on friday night which burned 2100 calories, back to normal workouts this week & will try aim to burn 3500! I love challenges!! GL everyone:)
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I didn't make it! Last week was my first week back into exercising though... so I thought I did pretty good all things considered. Plus I was sick early in the week. Below is my breakdown:

    Mon - 300 - C25K & Walk
    Tue - 300 - C25K & Walk
    Wed - 435 - EA Sports Active & Walk
    Thu - 401 - EA Sports Active & Walk
    Fri - 0 - 12 hour day @ work
    Sat - 481 - JM Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism & Walk
    Sun - 853 - JM Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism & EA Sports Active & Walk
    TOTAL = 2770

    I tried to make a come-back today, but I was too far behind! LOL

    I'm also out the next 2 weeks because I have federal exams Dec 1st & 6th.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Monday 788
    Tuesday 700
    Wednesday 1119
    Thursday 689
    Friday 404
    Saturday 672
    Sunday 1035

    Total 5407

    Wahoo that was an awesome week! I want to do this every week!
  • ginnyroxx
    monday: nada
    tuesday: 524 zumba
    wednesday: 176 pilates

    i have an uphill battle. but i will make it!
    thursday: 686 zumba

    total: 1386
    friday: 438 zumba
    total: 1824
    saturday: walking 3.5mph: 415

    total: 2239
    sunday: zumba & walking 3.5: 798

    total: 3037

    I got this! zumba tomorrow and I'm golden!
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
  • Fruit4dessert
    Fruit4dessert Posts: 150 Member
    I DID IT!!! (Barely, but this is way more calories than I would have burned without this challenge!)

    Mon: 417 cal.
    Tues: 633 cal.
    Wed: 655 cal.
    Thurs: 285 cal.
    Fri: 473 cal.
    Sat: 446 cal.
    Sun: 668

    Weekly total: 3577 cal.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I almost didn't make it!! 656 for the day and 3568 for the week :D
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Monday = 388
    Tuesday = 761
    Wednesday = 680
    Thursday = 866
    Friday = 366
    Saturday = 538
    Sunday = 633
    Total = 4,232

    Whoop!!! We rock!!! AND...weighed in this morning and I lost 3.5 lbs.this week! YES! I think I can safely say goodbye to my plateau! Now I am ready to kick Thanksgiving festivities in the booty. :)

    Thanks for posting the new link for next week! We got this ladies and gents!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Great job everyone!