25 To LIFE -- July



  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, weigh in day.
    157 for me. (mean scale says 161)
    Worked out today. Doing better. I like to eat those calories! I don't do much, usually between 250-480. But it'll cancel out my breakfast.

    We're having a big birthday pool party/picnic for my 5 year old on Aug. 9th. So I'm trying to prepare the yard and the day, and the food. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. There's gonna be over 50 people!
    Brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, marinated chicken, flank steak, sausage and peppers, cole slaw, baked beans, salad, fruit, chips, cake (I'm making the cake look like a pool! haha) ice cream.
    Trying to get some outdoor activities besides the pool.
    Gotta clean all the lawn furniture, set up the tents and tables/chairs. Hang some white lights around the pool deck, etc. whew! tired already! I have time, but I like to be prepared ahead of time so I don't forget anything.
    Plus next week we have parties to go to, so, between now and then I hope to get everything ready!
    And still hope to lose weight by then!
    Also, my 20 year reunion was changed from Aug. to Oct. soooooo, yeah! I'll be at almost fighting weight by then (hopefully!)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I have to go to a wedding in October, and I'm moving back out on the first (gap inbetween leases, but this place was worth it!).

    I'm going to use the wedding as a goal, those are useful! Hopefully that'll help break the plateau I'm on.

    Also, being back on my own I might slip, so here's hoping!

    It might be easier on your own, you will buy the food I have unhealthy stuff around because of the other two in my house so I tend to loose control sometimes. I understand the plateau they really make it difficult. But no giving up and Im not slipping any more, by next Monday I will loose at least a pound:grumble: We can break it. :drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I think that I am going to avoid the scale this week, thank you TOM

    but my goal over the next month is to do a little bit of pilates everyday, even on my cardio days.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    booo i just found out that this is one of the weeks that I will have no internet at home :( that makes it so much harder for me to stay on track.
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165

    Today was healthy eating day. The worst thing I had was a half a bagel from Timmy's.

    I have 600 calories left and I haven't put in my exercise yet and I've eaten dinner!

    Wow, eating healthy is great, really get to eat a bit more. I was pretty satisfied all day too. I think ice cream is due (it's my last week living on the beach, a splurge is in order ^_~)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    WTG kerridwen, I am staying on track too. I think this is the week I will break that plateau. I walked from the station to work instead of the bus. plus have my two walks later. Measuring my portions too. :drinker:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Nice job, Kerri and Sindy!

    I am finding it really tedious to start logging my food again. Does anyone else have this problem? My husband does most of the cooking, and it is pretty healthy (bless him!), but he gets irritated when I am asking him for every ingredient and how much and what portion size, etc. etc. So I've been trying to leave myself around 400-500 calories left for dinner, and then I just wing it. But if I don't lose this week, I will probably go back to logging every little thing again. Sigh! :grumble:

    My weight was up a smidge from last week, too - 168.4 - but it could just be settling back into my routine after vacation. I am getting back on track with my workouts, so I have high hopes for this week and next.
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Thanks CP and Sindy! (:

    I find the more strictly I log, the better I do. I get terribly bored of it every few months, but I get into trouble without it!

    The juicer and this amazing chickpea salad are real lifesavers! I never would have thought I'd call a chickpea salad delicious. It has about equal proportions tiny mozerella pearls and quartered cherry tomatoes.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    ok now I have upped my exercise and was reading through the posts and someone said that if you exercise in the am before breakfast you burn fat faster (but you have to drink a lot of water) and can not go too long like 20 min. So I started walking from the station a 22 min walk and since Monday I LOST A POUND :drinker: it has been 6 weeks now yeah I think I broke the plateau. I will check again on Friday. I am now walking 4 miles a day in 3 different walks. As long as I am loosing I will keep this up.

    Cp I have to log everything too just to keep on track it can be so hard because my hubby also cooks and I have to ask what is in it. It is kind of funny because he now just tells me what he added and cut a lot of things he used to add like sugary stuff. But it took a long time and him getting annoyed with me, but he understands I am now a diabetic and can not have certain things. You will get back into the swing.

    kerri that salad sounds yummy. I hope you break your plateau as well. Keep up the hard work.

    Have a great day. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    HI EVERYONE!!! I have been MIA for quite some time now. We have been so busy tyring to squeeze in a few last minute road trips to visit friends and family the past month! School starts in 3 weeks!!! YIPEE!!!!

    Well, I have been very diligent about running and weight lifting! I have lost 4 more pounds and I am now 162.5!! I am certainly not where I wanted to be at this point but oh well. I haven't gained and I haven't logged my food in over 2 months so I certainly can't complain! I went back and read the last 2 pages of this string and am so proud of all of you are starting to run!! That's awesome to try something new and scary! Plus, running isn't an easy exercise. Start S-L-O-W-L-Y and you will get there. I have been running now (seriously) since January and my shortest run is now 3.5 miles and I can do that in 30 minutes. My longest run is 7 miles and I did it in 65 minutes. I started at 12 min. miles and could only do 1/2 mile when I first started. If I can do it so can all of you.

    I am getting ready to post some pics...they aren't exactly current but one is about 2 1/2 months old so that's not bad. I know Jenn has been busting my chops about posting some so I will!!

    So, I applied for a full time position with the school district yesterday as a school Asst. Secretary. Say a prayer for me if you would....the interview went really well but it's an extremely competitive district and position to get!!! I should know by tomorrow afternoon.

    Last but certainly not least ....WELCOME ROSY GIRL! We are so glad you decided to join us and we hope that we can help motivate you and keep you from getting dissapointed in your journey!! Plus, we will keep you accountable!:tongue: If you really want us to!:happy:

    Everyone have an awesome day!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Wow You look great. Good to know you are doing great. Good luck getting this job. :drinker:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Ok. I have not been using MFP very seriously lately. I did just get back from a 12 day vacation where almost every meal was eaten out and managed to not gain ANY weight. I stayed exactly the same. I am , however very disappointed when going through the vacation pics. I dont like the way I look at all. I have decided that I need this site! I want to get serious about this! I have always followed the 25 to life thread and enjoy reading everyones progress. It is motivating! I am maid of honor for my best friend in May 2009. I have about 55 pounds to loose to be at my goal weight. Another 10 would be great. I know that is alot to loose but I need to do it!

    my current weight on restart day! 198

    Mini goal 08/16 192

    starting tomorrow I am getting back to the exercise! A nice walk in the morning. Start slowly! I sold my eliptical machine but do have a membership to a gym. I need to start going back. These are all things that I have wanted to do but have been making every excuse not to do. Now is the time to get back on track!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welcome Apseeley. Changing your life style is not easy. But it gets easier. You can do this. I have good days/weeks and bad. But you have to get up and do it. I dont always want or feel like going for that walk but once I get going I am so glad I did. I have lost 27 pounds and it has been a little over 4 months. As long as you are committed you should be able to make your goal give or take a pound. Go for it you can do this. :drinker:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Ok. I have not been using MFP very seriously lately. I did just get back from a 12 day vacation where almost every meal was eaten out and managed to not gain ANY weight. I stayed exactly the same. I am , however very disappointed when going through the vacation pics. I dont like the way I look at all. I have decided that I need this site! I want to get serious about this! I have always followed the 25 to life thread and enjoy reading everyones progress. It is motivating! I am maid of honor for my best friend in May 2009. I have about 55 pounds to loose to be at my goal weight. Another 10 would be great. I know that is alot to loose but I need to do it!

    my current weight on restart day! 198

    Mini goal 08/16 192

    starting tomorrow I am getting back to the exercise! A nice walk in the morning. Start slowly! I sold my eliptical machine but do have a membership to a gym. I need to start going back. These are all things that I have wanted to do but have been making every excuse not to do. Now is the time to get back on track!!!

    Welcome Apseeley! Good luck on your jouney! Stay with it and you will succeed. As Sindy said, it isn't easy and it will take time and dedication but it can be done. The only thing I would be careful of is setting too lofty of goals that will make you sad and dissapointed if you don't reach them. 6lbs. in 2 weeks may be a bit much...You should probably shoot for 2 lbs. per week...just my oppinion. Good luck, if you need some support we're here. Make sure you drink your water and log your food and by all means....eat all your calories!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Welcome Apseeley!

    Looking good Buckeye and good luck! (:

    I'm moving tomorrow and depending on the internet hookup might be MIA or not for a few days! At least all the cleaning ought to be a good workout!!!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome to the new faces!

    Sounds like you have been doing great, buckeye - and looking good, too! Good luck with your job application.

    I am excited because after having a slightly higher weigh-in on Tuesday, I promptly lost 2 pounds! I'm still not sure if I believe it, so I'll wait until next Tuesday to log it as an official weight. I cheated a little bit yesterday with a beer and a light frozen custard (and no exercise other than a midday walk), but otherwise have had a pretty good week. I was proud of myself on Wednesday because I had to miss aerobics class (forgot my shoes), but decided to walk/run around the block several times at home to make up for it. And I burned just as many calories as I do in class - around 450! I walked all the way for one lap, then ran one lap, then switched off between walking and running for 2 more laps to keep my heart rate in my target zone. Again, one lap was about 8 minutes of straight running, which is tough for me. According to Google maps a lap is about 3/4 mile. But at least I did it!

    And good luck with your move, Kerri - don't do too much lifting with that arm! :flowerforyou:
  • buckeyebabe
    I cheated a little bit yesterday with a beer and a light frozen custard (and no exercise other than a midday walk), but otherwise have had a pretty good week.

    Although I strongly believe in cheating...please tell me these two things weren't paired together!!:tongue:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey People!!
    Buckeye! You have a FACE!!! WOO HOO! I was staring to think you were a cartoon character with no face! hahaha!
    Well, sounds like everyone is doing great.
    Feeling much better about myself since I joined the Y. Been logging again. Scale doesn't seem to be moving, but it will! Can't get discouraged!
    Welcome newbies!! You'll love this thread. I promise to be on daily or at least a couple of times a week. (I did start it!)

    CP, great job on the jogging! Still can barely do 3 minutes without having to slow down. I was never a runner. My poor little heart can't take it!
    Kerri, good luck with the move!

    And as far as losing 2-3 pounds a week. I know it sounds great! And what I always hope for, (and what it says you can... or at least 1.5 a week) it's more than likely not what you're gonna get. I will lose if I'm lucky 1 pound a week (4 pounds a month), sometimes I'm lucky and will drop 2 pounds every now and then. So don't get discouraged if you don't see 2 or 3 pounds a week come off.
    As far as 50 by next May. That's 9 months away, if you lose 4 pounds a month, that's 36, 5 pounds is 45. So, that's not bad. I started in Jan. at 194, and am 157ish right not. (8 months, 36lbs.) I totally wanted to be at goal weight by now, but I can't complain. It's a lifestyle change, and will eventually be the HOT self that I want to be! Maybe by Christmas!

    p.s. today I'm going to a party and went to the gym to burn 545 calories so I could EAT and DRINK!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I cheated a little bit yesterday with a beer and a light frozen custard (and no exercise other than a midday walk), but otherwise have had a pretty good week.

    Although I strongly believe in cheating...please tell me these two things weren't paired together!!:tongue:

    Hahahaha! :laugh: No - I'm all in favor of a ROOT BEER float, but a BEER float sounds pretty gross.
    It's a lifestyle change, and will eventually be the HOT self that I want to be!

    Amen to that, Jen! :happy:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Ok Monday again the good new. I LOST 3 POUNDS THIS WEEK :drinker: After 6 weeks of loosing nothing very good day. Changed everything around and lost some. Hope everyone did as well.

    Kerri hope the move is going well. Cp I know you are waiting to log but :drinker: on the 2 pounds.