30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I've just done day 2. My aim is to be able to do 10 proper press ups because right now I'm on the 'easy' ones and they still hurt so much. The bits that ached this morning ached a bit more but because I'd signed up to this post I did keep going which was good.

    That first cardio is definitely the hardest one but it's good to get it out the way early, isn't it?! Or else I'd be dreading it and holding back on the others so I could get through it.

    I'm not sure whether to try and break this up with other DVDs and spread it out over a bit longer or try and stick to the 30 days. Any suggestions? I have a couple of yoga DVDs that really make me sweat and work hard and I thought they might be good to work different muscles.

    I have to do the easy press ups too, 10 'normal' ones is a good goal to set.
    Yeah, if that cardio was the last I'd be pushing the off button by set 3!
    I'm going to try and do the 30 days straight through, only because I tried doing it 3 days a week and doing other cardio on the other days, and I kept putting it off. I don't mind cardio, but its the strength that I really need to work on. By the time I did get around to doing it I was aching again so it would be another week before I did it again. But thats just me, you have to do what ever works best for you.
  • JRenee133
    JRenee133 Posts: 6 Member
    Weird! I just did the Level One ten mintes ago. I found it on On Demand for free and thought I'd try it out! I am definitely down to start this every day. I really liked it. I need to go out and buy the DVD and some weights though. I will do that today!
    So glad I saw this post on here...what a coincidence!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Morning everyone! Great to see some new faces! Feel free to keep joining, I know its going to take me more than 30 days to complete all 3 levels, so the more the merrier!

    How's everyone feeling today? I'm aching all over this morning! On Sundays I usually clean from top to bottom as I don't get much time for anything other than a quick tidy up of my daughters toys in the evening. So I think I'd better try and get my shred done early today, because if I leave it until after the cleaning I fear it wont get done. Although its going to be interesting with my 2 yr old 'joining in'

    Here's to day 3!!!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Completed day 3 this morning. It was the toughest yet! When does the aching stop?:ohwell:My lower abs are relly feeling it after todays workout, on top of everything else!
  • My shoulders and upper arms have been aching all day and I'd been putting off doing Day 3 but then it got to a 'now or never' moment and I couldn't give up on Day 3 so I put my workout clothes on and shredded.

    I think it made me sweat more today than before but that's maybe because I working that bit harder. My muscles definitely feel better for being warm but I ate so much today that I'm still over my calorie goal by a ton.

    A day at work tomorrow and then 4 days of leave so lots of time to fit the routine in this week and no excuses!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm really over my cals today too, I think its a Sunday thing! (is for me anyway!) Sunday is the only day of the week that I'm home all day, and staying out of the kitchen is tough! Some weeks are worse than others, but today takes the biscuit - no pun intended!
    Never mind, on to day 4 tomorrow! I just hope it hurts less!!
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I was feeling rather proud of myself after my Day 1 shred workout because I felt good the rest of the day, but I definitely felt it as I was tossing around in bed this morning. So, the best way to recover from the Day 1 soreness is to go right into the Day 2 workout, right? I just completed the workout, and it definitely felt a little easier just knowing that I had done it already. I so need something like this to change up my workout routine and wake up some muscles that have been dormant way too long.

    For those who do not do strength training regularly, what is the weight (lbs) of the dumbbells that you use for the strength portion?
  • I am so ready to try a 30 day shred. But uh... what exactly does this entail? I am usually really good at running 3-5 mi at least 5 days a week. My living situation has changed and all this change has affected my diet and excersise plan. Needless to say, I am ready for a challenge.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I was feeling rather proud of myself after my Day 1 shred workout because I felt good the rest of the day, but I definitely felt it as I was tossing around in bed this morning. So, the best way to recover from the Day 1 soreness is to go right into the Day 2 workout, right? I just completed the workout, and it definitely felt a little easier just knowing that I had done it already. I so need something like this to change up my workout routine and wake up some muscles that have been dormant way too long.

    For those who do not do strength training regularly, what is the weight (lbs) of the dumbbells that you use for the strength portion?

    Good job geting day 2 done!
    I'm using 5lb hand weights which I find tough but doable, but if I wasn't used to caryying a toddler around I think I'd have to start with 2 or 3lb ones.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am so ready to try a 30 day shred. But uh... what exactly does this entail? I am usually really good at running 3-5 mi at least 5 days a week. My living situation has changed and all this change has affected my diet and excersise plan. Needless to say, I am ready for a challenge.

    30 day shred is a dvd by Gillian Michales. Its only 20 minutes, but in those 20 mins she'll kick your butt!! You need the dvd, a set of hand weights and a mat if you have a hard floor.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Woke up feeling much less sore this morning. Last night I was really aching, to the point that told me to quit, but no chance I've come through the worst bit (surely that has to be the worst bit? Right? ) Actually looking forward to doing day 4 this evening!
  • Sounds like a great workout. I would have to wait until closer to Christmas. I am participating in a "Biggest Loser" Contest at the gym for 6 weeks. We are a little over 2 weeks into it. We have different trainings throughout the week. I am certain I couldn't handle this as well as a circuit training and yogalates planned by our leader/trainer. I will look into it later though. Good luck to everyone doing it. Sounds like you are doing a great job and not giving up. Woo Hoo!!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    I'm in! Starting a bit later than you all - Monday, November 22nd - but I am ready! I will be going to the gym tonight and then doing the shred afterwards, so wish me luck!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm in! Starting a bit later than you all - Monday, November 22nd - but I am ready! I will be going to the gym tonight and then doing the shred afterwards, so wish me luck!

    Good luck for tonight Bzbear2!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Today rocked! I completed every move, including the push ups! Ok, they were only the 'easy' push ups, but still, I think I only managed about 3 in each set on day 1. Bring on day 5, I'm ready for you!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    If it's not too late I would like to join...I will start tonight.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    If it's not too late I would like to join...I will start tonight.

    The more the merrier! Good luck with day 1!
  • @cricketkate - well done for rocking!

    I was due a Tesco delivery after 8pm so thought I had plenty of time to shred, shower and be decent to open the door. I'd just put my very unattractive workout wear on when the doorbell went and I had to answer the door in my dressing gown - such a good look! :embarassed:

    I am however now shredded. I think I'm working harder than I did on day one and I used my 5lb weights for a couple of the strength ones so felt like I was making progress. I keep nearly toppling over on the ?anterior squats because I'm trying to keep my knees above my ankles not over my toes. Not entirely sure what is going on there.

    I am really glad to be able to share it with other people.

    As you say, bring on Day 5.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I just completed the workout. The 20 minutes seems to go a little quicker w/ each workout. I am finding that the hardest part is getting through the 2nd strength set (with the lunges). I am literally dripping with sweat at this point, but I know that it is "downhill" after that point. Using 5 point weights is a challenge for me, but I'm pushing through it. On the third set of strength with the side squats, I can barely get my arms/weights above my eyes. This is the area that I hope to see some improvements on...

    I might have talked my husband into doing the workout with me tomorrow....

    Feeling energized with each day.
  • safari20111
    safari20111 Posts: 42 Member
    Day 1... i always see good results with Jillian. ..im ready
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