Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hey Folks! Its great to still see you all on here.
    Susan, great new pic! Those treats look deadly. I looked at the first one and I'm like mentally picking one out.
    Robin congrats on staying on track... it must be nice to feel back under control again. :)

    I've managed to stay on track, I've lost 2.1 lbs this week. Yay! I calculated according to total time logging on MFP and I lose about 1.6 lb a week. So it all works out even when I go stretches w/ no movements. It made me feel better. I was busy with my 6 yr old's birthday party on the weekend. 15 little ones destroying my house. lol! So fun and very cute. They are adorable at this age. :smooched: He asked for a rainbow birthday party and it was half boys and half girls. Made for a nice mix. I made a real cool cake with rainbow colored layers on the inside.
    I've been doing ALOT of Zumba lately. I'm kinda worried that I'll get burned out on it but it hasn't happened yet. I'm still doing 30 DS w/ hubby but he's taking a lot of rest days. :grumble: I told him I'd start doing it without him if he doesn't shape up! The man can do more pushups than me, after 10 days... :tongue: Guess that's what happens when you are not overweight.:blushing:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    @p1xy--glad you are still enjoying the zumba. I tend to get bored of the same routine pretty quickly. I'm taking a break from the heavy lifting b/c it just doesn't interest me at the moment. I'm sure I will get back to it again soon, just need to switch things up for a bit.

    @susan--thanks for sharing the recipe--it looks yummy and I think I've seen something similar posted on FB. Will have to try that soon. I do not envy your work environment. Those donuts and pastries, I could probably resist, but the brownies would be my downfall--I'm a sucker for anything chocolate. :blushing:

    @tracy--congrats on reaching those PB's with the lifting!! That's really awesome! :drinker: And yes, I think my grading load is a bit higher b/c of the honors and AP English, but it's a choice. The payoff is that the essays are of better quality and the students actually want to be better writers (well--most of them do). I also have a lot less classroom management issues and parent phone calls than when I used to teach the younger levels. Not that I mind talking to parents, but my colleagues with mostly freshman and sophomore sections have to spend a lot of their open periods on the telephone or responding to parent emails which is also time consuming. I would rather spend my time grading and planning lessons. :smile: I've noticed the teachers with kids at home tend to stay at school to grade b/c, as you said, they can't get it done at home.

    @hansea--feel better! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--glad you are getting those walks in--even with the gloomy skies. Hope you get some sunshine soon!

    @ushkii--when I'm faced with buffet style meals, I try to take teeny tiny portions of everything I want to taste. That way I don't feel deprived, and I know I can always go back and get more of something especially tasty. Usually I find I'm full and don't want any more.

    AFM--went to the gym and did some circuits alternating between weight machines and core work. Then I did 30 minutes of HIIT on the stationary bike. I finished everything except the journals which I will work on tonight and finish up during my opens tomorrow morning. I don't need to hand them back until 7th and 8th period, so no worries there. Hope everyone has a great evening. :smile:

    Our department meeting scheduled tomorrow has been postponed, so hopefully it will be warm enough to walk gunner after school and then maybe go to the gym again.

    Grading goals:
    1. x/16 AP analysis activities DONE
    2. post participation grades DONE
    3. x/51 JRP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Tues--gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Sounds like you had a great workout at school with the moving the books. That job is always a chore and a challenge.

    Susan- Great job on avoiding the treats, the doughnuts would have been my downfall.

    After my workout yesterday, I showed a 1 lb lose on the scale. I will record it later this week if it stays around. The daily variations could have it back up tomorrow so I will see what happens.

    Tonight, I am exhausted so I am heading to bed very shortly. I need to stop waking up at 4am and not going back to a full sleep.

    We are getting more snow tonight and I am praying it is LESS than 1 INCH. I have so much work to do at school tomorrow that I don't need another day off. We are at our semester break, so my year is officially half over-90 school days to go. The kids are off for the next 2 days so I have plenty of time to work on final grades, lesson plans, etc.

    I am off to bed since I can barely keep my eyes open.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm soo sorry that I haven't been making any postings. It's a real tough week or two. Things have not been going so well in RL. My furbaby made a turn for the worse and had lost his battle Sunday afternoon. To be honest I have been a real basket case since and can't seem to stop crying. Today I sat at my desk and cried and could hear people making comments like gee you would have thought she lost a family member not a pet. I bit my tongue and didn't say a word even though I really wanted to say something. Physical activity is pretty much gone and haven't exactly had the appetite for food but making sure that I get close to the required amount. For those of you that have lost a furbaby how did you get through the loss of them?

    Sorry for posting my sadness and possibly bringing you down.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~Thanks for sharing the recipe, looks like a keeper! I’m definitely making it, although using grapeseed oil instead of coconut oil since I’m allergic to coconut. Another treat-filled day, glad you were able to avoid them – I know it definitely makes this a challenge.

    @p1xyn1xy~Hooray for the loss, congrats!

    @Helena~Glad to you see you back and that Paleo is working well for you. I try to eat that way the majority of the time and I feel so much better when I do. I’m sorry to hear your mom is not doing well with her current treatment, I hope she can start the clinical trials at MD Anderson soon – they do amazing things there.

    @Karen~I told my trainer the other day I was getting bored, too. I told him I need a goal – a race or something to train for. One of the reason’s he wants me to add a spin class once a week and hopefully we can get our schedules together to play racquetball – I feel like I’m in a rut with my cardio. :frown: We emailed briefly last night and will discuss the Esprit de She more – if you haven’t heard of it, it’s a tri or duathlon for women. I’m thinking of doing the event that is here in Oct, they are all over the country so you might find one in or near Chicago.

    @Nettie~What an awesome day with your student!

    @Madeline~I’m so sorry to hear about your furbaby, they become such a big part of our lives that it’s hard to say good-bye.:sad: I lost two in 2012 and much as I love Zoe, I still miss them every day. When I lost Cocoa (she was 14) I actually missed a day of work, I couldn’t function – I think because it was sudden. When I lost Pebbles (she was 17) I was more prepared, her health had been deteriorating for some time – it didn’t make it any easier, but I was better able to accept it. It took me months to even go and pick up their ashes. People that don’t have pets don’t always understand what it’s like for someone that lost one – especially if they had them for very long. It gets easier with time - we’ll never forget them or the joy they brought to our lives, but we just have to remember the amazing life we gave them and know that they are no longer in pain or hurting. My vet sent me this poem when I lost both of mine, I hope it can bring you some peace…

    Rainbow Bridge

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    AFM~I didn’t make it to the gym last night, I was just worn out after a busy day at work. I needed to do some running around anyway. I have a session with my trainer tonight, so looking forward to that. My Wednesday wish is that this cold weather goes away!

    Monday~Gym, elliptical (or spin) DONE (arc trainer)
    Tuesday~Gym, treadmill (spin instructor on this day is pure evil!) Not done. :frown:
    Wedneday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Gym, arc trainer (or racquetball with trainer – or spin)
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running (or spin in afternoon)
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning.

    I was supposed to have an observation today with my boss and the admin who never sticks around. My boss told me last night that the admin cancelled. :grumble: It is so frustrating. I really want her to see all the great things that my students are doing. Also it would be nice if she saw me in action and realized that I am FT position worthy. :wink:
    naceto - That is great that you are still getting in your exercise. Even better that your BFF joined the gym with you. :smile:

    kah - My favorite Gevalia is the pumpkin spice one. Sadly I am out and I have to wait for it to come out again next fall. Great thread, thanks for sharing.

    Robin - Great job, congrats.

    Helena - Sorry to hear your mom is having a rough time. I hope the clinical trials do wonders for her.

    Skinny - That is frustrating that they didn't push back the date of the exam.

    ushkii - Glad to hear you have been doing well with logging.

    Susan - Great back to basics list! Those break throughs definitely do make up for the-not-so-great moments I experience from time to time with my students. Glad to hear Cyrus was ok with it. My cousin went through a drawn out separation which recently finally ended in divorce. When she and her husband separated her son (who was about 4-5 at the time) would often ask where his dad was. He has trouble with drugs and alcohol and would often disappear for days at a time. One day he asked if his father was dead. My cousin asked why he would say such a think. He threw his hands up in the air and said "Well then, where is he?" :cry: He is 7 now. I don't think he fully knows the extent of what happened as my cousin is very careful not to bad mouth his father in front of him. But you can tell he knows his dad has problems and not the best dad. It's sad.
    Oh my goodness to today's picture. I don't know how you resist. Is it wrong I want to snatch up that knife and lick the chocolate off of it? LOL

    Kaye - Boo to the synovitis. But that is a good spirit to have about being able to go for a walk!

    hansea - Congrats on the loss!

    Tracy - Congrats on your lifting! That is fantastic.

    p1xyn1xy - Congrats on the loss. Sounds like the bday party was a lot of fun for the kids. The cake sounds great too.

    Laurie - congrats on your post workout loss. I've noticed that if I step on the scale after a workout I show a loss too. I read in one of the forums that normally after workouts you are heavier because your muscles are retaining fluid. I don't know how true that is but for me, it definitely isn't.

    Madeline - So sorry for your loss. As much as they hurt, try your best to ignore the comments people are making. A lot of people do not understand when you have a furbaby in your life that they do become part of your family and are so much more than "just a pet". I completely understand what you are going through and feeling. Sending big hugs your way. (((HUGS)))

    Kah - I love the Rainbow Bridge poem. It has helped comfort me during some tough times.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm soo sorry that I haven't been making any postings. It's a real tough week or two. Things have not been going so well in RL. My furbaby made a turn for the worse and had lost his battle Sunday afternoon. To be honest I have been a real basket case since and can't seem to stop crying. Today I sat at my desk and cried and could hear people making comments like gee you would have thought she lost a family member not a pet. I bit my tongue and didn't say a word even though I really wanted to say something. Physical activity is pretty much gone and haven't exactly had the appetite for food but making sure that I get close to the required amount. For those of you that have lost a furbaby how did you get through the loss of them?

    Sorry for posting my sadness and possibly bringing you down.

    You have my sincere sympathies - and your co-workers are being insensitive to you! Losing a pet is a special and serious loss and should be respected as such. WHen I lost my cat Zappa, who was 16 at the time, I took a day of work. My boss thought I was crazy! But I did it anyway as I just couldn't bear to be at work while my heart was breaking. It took weeks for the pain to go away and I still (0ver 10 years) remember her with fondness and affection as a big part of my life. I did go out several weeks later and adopt again to heal my heart. I don't know if that is a choice for you.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My heart goes out to all the people in the South and the SouthEast who are inconvenienced by the weather - especially all the school children who didn't make it home last night and had to spend the night on school buses or in their schools overnight! It looks to have been a horrendous mess for everyone concerned!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Tracy- Nice job with your lifting! I agree that it definitely gets your heart pumping if you're doing it right! Hopefully, all your hard work starts to pay off on the scale. At least if the scale doesn't move, you're getting stronger!

    @Susan-I don't follow paleo, but that recipe looks yummy to me. :smile: And I love using my slow cooker, so I may have to add that one to the list of new recipes I want to try. Also, who are these people that keep leaving all those tempting treats where you work? The photos alone were killing me! Way to avoid them!

    @p1xyn1xy- Congratulations on the loss! If Zumba starts to get boring, you might try different instructors to mix it up.

    @skinnyjeanz-Thanks for the well wishes. I'm feeling a little bit better today.

    @Laurie- Hope your 1 lb loss sticks around!

    @madeline-So sad to hear about your furbaby. They really do become part of the family. Just like anything, it will probably take some time to grieve, but it should get better with time.

    @kah- I hope your Wednesday Wish comes true!

    @Nettie- That's frustrating about your observation being canceled. Hopefully they get to see you in action soon since it sounds like you've been doing some wonderful work!

    @Robin- I feel bad for the people in the south, too with this unusual weather. I'm in Wisconsin, and cold, ice and snow is so normal here...we're just getting more of what we're used to. Not having the equipment and systems in place to deal with the ice down there must be a little scary.

    AFM: This Wednesday, I have to report that one of my wishes has come true! We finally hired someone for one of our vacancies at work, and she can start on 2/10 already! Woo hoo! Hopefully, we will get our other vacant hours approved to hire someone and I won't have to pick up so many extra hours by April! :happy:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed wish--- More time in the day! I have already fell behind in the classes this semester due to not having a car which puts me at the mercy of those helping me and the flu I had. I just feel like there is never enough time anymore.

    The thread keeps moving very fast I am trying to keep up but I will say my studies and getting my home life in order is taking top priority right now.

    To all the people on here that are not use to the winter weather and you have been hit with it please be safe and smart about the weather.

    Robin - I haven't been able to keep up here much but prayers still going up for your health ...hope your feeling better.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--hope you get caught up on your school work. :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--that's great news that they've hired someone to help ease your workload.

    @robin--I heard about those kids getting stranded overnight at their school--that must be so scary for their parents. Garetie is traveling in the south with her mother. They left early Sunday on a road trip headed south--I really hope they are staying safe.

    @nettie--it's a national exam date, so there's really no way (and no expectation) that they can change it just b/c we've had emergency days. However, it does make it difficult to fit in all of the skills the students need to do well on the test. :ohwell:

    @kelley--I don't own a bicycle and am a terrible swimmer, so I will probably never do a tri or duathlon. However, I'm planning to do some sort of spring 5k with Brian and my usual summer Terrapin 5k. I will be on vacation during the Dirty Girl Mud Run, but plan to find something earlier or later in the summer to replace that. I would love to do the Rugged Maniac again, but it will depend on the local date. Last year it was the same week as the Terrapin and doing both turned out to be sheer insanity. :laugh:

    @madeline--I'm so sorry for your loss! :flowerforyou: And I agree with the others who've already said your co-workers are being insensitive. You have every right to grieve for you fur-baby. :cry: I know when gunner goes, I will probably be a complete wreck--it makes me choke up a bit just thinking about it, and he still has quite a few years left. Try to focus on the wonderful life you gave your little guy and be at peace knowing you did everything you could for him.

    @laurie--hope your sleep pattern gets back to normal. I had two really great nights Sunday and Monday; then, last night I couldn't fall asleep--of course, that has to happen when I need to wake up early for work. :grumble:

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that all of us move into February with wonderful attitudes and health. I don't even remember my January goal--just tried to backtrack in the thread to find it, but no such luck. I think it was just to get back to staying under my calorie goal and try to get more protein. I've done better this month than last, but still very little scale movement.

    Speaking of goals, what should we do for February? If I recall correctly, last year we did a "Groundhog Day" challenge where we each picked one healthy habit and tried to repeat it every day for the entire month. It could be nutrition (drink x cups of water, eat x grams of protein, eat x servings of vegetables) or fitness (x amount of steps/miles/push ups)--whatever you want to do over and over to make it a habit. It was supposed to be a take on the movie Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray wakes up to the same day over and over again.

    As you can see below, I have a rare day of absolutely ZERO grading!! That won't last. :laugh:

    Grading goals:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym (lift + HIIT) NOT DONE
    Tues--gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (it was still way too cold!)
    Thurs--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (lift + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I stay focused on this journey. I do not beat myself up when I have a bad day. I continue to log into this site daily, which is such a support system for me and remind myself on a daily basis that I’m worth it. I can do it!!!

    No picture today, BUT today’s was a marble sheet cake for a baby shower. I have not had one bite of ANY of these treats ALL week. I’m weak. God continue to give me strength!!!!!

    @ p1xyn1xy – Congrats on seeing the scale move!! Very good to see. 15 kids? Yikes!!! I bet there was a TON of running around, giggles, and food everywhere. The things we do for our kids, but wonderful memories you’re giving them.

    @ Karen – I can definitely see both sides. My good friend’s son is a senior and has all AP courses. I don’t think she’s talked to his teachers in years. While you do have a TON of grading, you do not have the other interaction other teachers face. I always love to read how you talk about your students. You truly want them to succeed and they are very lucky to have someone who cares so much. Congrats finishing your grading!!! I don’t know if we’ll ever see that again. LOL!!

    @ Laurie – Sorry you’re waking up because I know how frustrating that can be when you need your rest. If you’re up at 4:00, you could join me at the gym. LOL!!! I was on the elliptical at 4:30 this morning. I’m fortunate that I’m a morning person. I’m so exhausted after work mentally I just don’t like evening work outs. I’ll do them when I have too, but I function so much better when I get my butt moving in the AM.

    @ Madeline – My heart is just breaking for you. Our pets are part of the family. I know for many of you who are single these are just your 4-legged family members. Yes, I love my son differently, but I do love our Bichon/Poodle Izzy. You have every right to mourn and ignore your co-workers.

    @ Kelly – Grapeseed oil? I’ve never tried it before. Does it have a distinctive flavor? Do you use it for cooking or baking too? Not that you do much baking, but just curious. Thank you for sharing the Rainbow Bridge. I have never seen this before, but what a lovely sentiment.

    @ Nettie – Thanks for your kind words. There are so many stories out there, but ultimately we’re all just trying to protect our children and give them a chance at being good adults. Cyrus was only 2 so he really doesn’t know us being together. I guess after the last visit to Atlanta I’m glad we’re 2,000 miles away.

    @ Robin – I’ve spoken to quite a few friends in Atlanta. One girl ended up spending the night at her office with 40 other co-workers because they couldn’t get home. Another friend’s normal 1 hour commute took 5 hours. I blame the businesses and schools. When the threat is coming for cold weather and ice, Atlanta literally needs to shut down. They do not have ice trucks or the infrastructure to handle ice. A few years ago we had a major ice storm and did not go to work for 4 days. We worked from home the best we could. Shame on them for putting people in jeopardy.

    @ Hansea – I’m afraid my profession is around food. I spent 12 years working for the purchasing group for Arby’s in Atlanta. Now I’m the Director of Supply Chain & Quality Assurance for a company called Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop. We have 100 shops in 13 states. I oversea the sourcing, negotiating and maintaining all food items throughout our shops. We have samples ALL the time and right now is bakery and desserts. I love what I do and my company, but it’s definitely an extra challenge that I have to deal with on a daily basis. Congrats on the new hire!!! I’ve got a lady that works with me, but half her time is supporting accounting too. They are in the process of hiring someone so once they do this lady will be with me full-time and I can’t wait!! I’m not effective as I could be because I’ve got WAY too much on my plate, but I think that’s happening to everyone. Do more with less. Sigh.

    @ Holly – Girl, you’ve got so much going on. Hang in there. You’re worth it!!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I said eff it today and ran. Some tingling but not fully numb like usual....but more elbow irritation. Got a 13.40 mile in pretty easily doing the hiit style. Couldnt help it. The treadmill called to me. Now my glutes are sore but im feeling soo much better.

    Will do personals tomorrow.

    Wednesday wish. Im currently doing a 6 month long dietbet and it say i should be down to 211 in 6 months. My wish is to be under 190. Thats 35 pounds in the next 5 months and i think its definitely a possibility. Its tough when the weight loss starts to slow down.

    I noticed my old clothes fit differently. Its odd to think of myself beimg toned but even though i weigh more now than i did when i bought the clothes they fit better now because im actually smaller. Lol. Muscle tales up less space...but that also makes me nervous for when i get closer to my goal. :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    madeline- So sorry about the loss of your fur-baby. We had to put my cat down in 2013 and I also took the day off work. We had a little warning once the cancer was diagnosed but it was very hard nevertheless. I still miss my cat.

    Kelley- Thanks for the poem it is a good thing to remember. I hope you get to play racquetball with your trainer to change up the routine.

    The weight loss actually happened the next morning and not right after the workout. It also happened again this morning so I am now down to 194.2. I will wait a couple of days before I record it, even through the 194.2 is a new low weight for me. I really hope the weight stays off and doesn't show back up as water weight.

    Tonight trainer's workout was a mix of cardio and strength by alternating activities: walk, battle rope slams, AMT machine, (3 min high intensity) walk, knee to chest crunches standing, bike (3 min), wall push ups, bi-ceps and tri-ceps while walking, ellipitical (3 min), slam ball etc. It was a good workout and combine the strength activities with cardio for a change up in the routine.

    Tomorrow, I have a meeting after work plus a massage scheduled. The best part I get to leave work early the bad news is I get to drive home then head back up the road afterwards. Hopefully, traffic will be nice tomorrow afternoon and it will be an easy drive.

    Wish that the cold air would leave and take the worst of winter with it. I am very tired of the polar vortex's that keep making it down this far. I don't mind temperatures in the 20-40's but these 0's to 20's with a wind chill factor need to go. We had 3 more inches of snow last night so school opened 2 hours late today. We were surprised that B of Ed, actually called the delay since the kids were not in school today due to the semester break. The snow totals varied throughout the county, the southern part of the county had more snow that than the northern part. Usually it is reversed, but this storm came up the coast and from the south-same one that hit Georgia. It impacted the Eastern Shore of MD instead of the Western shore.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I was sure thinking of all of you who have been in the storms all winter this morning when I had to clean about 1/8 inch of ice off of my car to take GS to school. It was too slick to walk. I guess my wish from last week was partially answered. We got a little rain and snow last night and today. We need a lot more but it did break the inversion so maybe we can get more.
    Susan, congratulations on skipping those treats. We already know what happened to me when I made brownies. :blushing:
    Tracy, good job with the lifting. I can't imagine me doing that. I have some 1# weights that I sometimes use with other exercises.
    P1xy, great loss. The birthday party sounded fun. GS will be 6 soon. He is very excited. Its a fun age.
    Madeline, so sorry about your fur baby. I hope that you are beginning to feel better.
    Jeanette, I admire your dedication to your work. One of my daughters works as an aide in the elementary school with autistic children. It takes so much patience to see the small victories.
    Holly, hang in there. Glad that you found a minute to check in.
    Laurie, I certainly do sympathize on the lack of sleep. I hope we can both get it figured out.
    Karen, no papers to grade. Wahoo!
    Alupinsk, good run. I love when the clothes fit better.
    Today I went to the sleep specialist. I think that beyond monitoring my CPAP, he has given up on helping me get enough sleep. He did agree to order an oximeter to see if I still need the oxygen. He was impressed with the weight that I have lost.
    It was too slick out for walking so I did a 3 mile walk with Leslie Sansone.
    Have good evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Today I saw My main Dr.who increased the medication (Neurontin) given me for my tongue pain and it makes me sleep. When I got home from the appointment I took one more pill, and I have fallen asleep twice since then - both very nice naps! One from 4 to 6 pm, then I had dinner, and then again from 7 pm to 9:30 pm. And I don't feel I'll have any trouble going to bed tonight! I just want to make everyone who' suffering from lack of sleep feel really envious! :wink:
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you for all the support. Today I'm not feeling any better than the day before. My wish is that I could still be holding and cuddling him and of course him being alive.

    @Robin- I'm glad that you're able to get enough sleep now that the doctor increased your medicine. Hopefully you're not having anymore pain in your tongue. Right now I do envy you just a little on the sleep. All I want to do is sleep but I wake up a lot.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning everyone! Yesterday was cold and the snow on the ground didn’t help. It’ll be gone soon with temps forecasted in the 50s for the weekend.

    @skinnyjeans – Good idea on shopping at GW. I am not a shopper and have little patience for doing so, but since I don’t want to spend much on clothes for the trip, I’ll be checking it out. There’s also a consignment place near me that may be worth a trip. And I hope you’re right about me getting into them. I actually can get into most of them and get them zipped, but that’s when breathing deeply becomes an issue. Good luck on your AP grading and lessons. Both my kids took a bunch of AP classes in HS and I know how challenging it is from both a student and teacher perspective. And I know how helpful those credits can be in reducing the time spent in college. Not from personal experience of course. Both of mine had lots of credits (the youngest had 43 going in) and then decided to double major insuring themselves a full 4 years in the college bubble. Oh well, it’s just money and I can’t imagine a better use for it than education. Thanks for all you do!

    @susan – Glad I live in Charlotte and not Atlanta. They’ve had a real mess on their hands. Hope your family and friends are safe, warm and eating French Toast. Salted Carmel Brownies, oh my! I think if faced with those, I’d have to employ my “they’ll be around when I lose all the weight and I can have one then” distraction. It’s just like seeing a pair of shoes I crave and talking myself out of them due to budgetary constraints. “There will be pretty shoes next month too”. I know it’s weird, but it works for me. I survived candy corn and red/green wrapped Hershey’s kisses in this way and I plan to survive those adorable and delicious pink peeps at Easter as well. You got this!

    @tlh – I appreciate your belief that I can meet my next goal. It truly helps. WOW on your lifting! You are amazing.

    @madelinemel – So very sorry for your loss. Your coworkers were out of line and unkind. Be patient with yourself and realize it’s going to take time to heal. It took me years to get over the loss of my last dog and open my heart to another. I’m so very glad I did, but I had to do it in my own time and at my own pace. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel. That’s up to you.

    @kah – The Rainbow Bridge poem makes me cry every time. For the dog I lost and the one napping on my lap that I know will, one day, not be part of my life. I just bought the book “How Dogs love Us”. It’s based on a scientific study that proves what all dog owners already know: it’s about more than just treats and belly rubs. Dogs are emotionally attached to us just as we are to them.

    @robin – Glad you’re getting good rest. Hopefully that will help the healing process.

    AFM - Getting through the work week and looking forward to my oldest daughter being home for the weekend. The scale budged slightly this morning (a whole .2 of a lb), but it gives me hope that this weird no loss period is ending.
  • amandafauxpas
    Some days I weigh myself and I don't believe the scale. This is equally true whether it goes down or up.

    Anyway, somehow I seem to be having success this time around, again (even despite the birthday weekend), so I'm floored but also skeptical. I'm gonna weigh in again tomorrow to see if it stays around the same number, because I have a hard time believing I've shed this much already.

    Part of it is just doubting my ability to succeed, I think...

    In other news, I'm joining a gym with a friend who is very good at harassing me into doing things, so I'm excited to have someone pushing me to get active.

    We ran Act One for the first time at rehearsal last night, and it went really well! I have a chunk of three songs in a row in the middle of the act where I'm basically running around non-stop, and I sure was sweaty afterwards, but I wasn't huffing and puffing and feeling like dying as much as usual afterwards, so my body must be getting used to the activity. And bonus, I managed to do it all without aggravating my back. There is hope!

    Grateful to everyone for their support. Hope you're all well & staying warm.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sorry I missed yesterday. This head cold has developed even more. Last night I couldn't sleep because of the pain. I went to bed at 10. Finally got up at 11 and watched a bit of TV, laid back down and up again at 1 when my husband came home from work. Finally asleep somehwere between 2-3 and then my alarm went off at 6 to get Jacob up for school. (Robin, I am VERY jealous of your sleep yesterday!!! :wink: ) I'm pretty sure it's a sinus infection because my teeth, ears, head, nose, throat and head all hurt. It's a bad one as I've even cried twice and I think I have a pretty high tolerence for pain. Jacob is off to school. Emma is almost ready to catch the bus and then I'm headed to the walk-in clinic. Something needs to help me.

    With that said, I didn't get my workout in.

    @Madline...sorry for your loss. I am not an animal lover but married one. They even grow on me... When we had to put our Golden Retriever (Cody) down, it was a terrible time for me too. And now our Chihuahua (Pedro) is in congestive heart failure. Still okay and not in pain, but soon we will have to make a tough decision. It hurts. As far as moving on, I know it was easier for me than my husband, but we had Pedro already when Cody passed on and there was lots of cuddling. My friend, a huge dog lover, says to let yourself grieve before getting another one. And don't worry about other people's's insensitive and they obviously don't know the love of an animal. a day without grading????? :love:

    @Laurie...enjoy the massage. Envy green here.

    @Amanda...a "pushy" friend can help. My little sister is pushy in that sort of way and she helped me over a slump. It's too bad she changed gyms on me. :huh:

    That's all for now. Hope you all have a great Thursday!