Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Here's a recipe for lite ranch dressing, and it is pretty good.
    The whole jar of ranch is only 1.75 grams of fat and 255 calories!
    1 cup dannon oikos plain greek yogurt
    1 packet hidden valley ranch mix,
    1/2 cup 1% milk.
    Whisk together, pour into an air tight mason jar, chill 1 hour before use.

    Well, I did it! I bought a Fitbit, 25% off through Verizon so it cost me $75 instead of $100. I'm still trying to figure it out, but it seems easy enough, I think. It will be interesting to see how many steps I take in a day and maybe it will motivate me to increase them. I'm also curious about my sleep patterns.

    @skinny ~ I, too, need to clean my house. It seems something always comes up that prevents me from doing it. I keep thinking, "OK. Tomorrow, I'll get started." Then someone calls and wants to go do something, and off I go! :ohwell:

    @doug and sherry ~ I started MFP last July and had lost 22 pounds by September. I gained 18 of it back, so here I am again! Starting over! :frown:

    @those with sleep problems ~ my husband is a light sleeper and has a difficult time falling asleep. If he gets awakened then he can't get back to sleep. I can fall asleep easily, and hubby says I snore LOUD. If he goes to bed before me, I go to bed in the other room to avoid waking him up. He has sleep apnea. I have Periodic Leg Movement Disorder.

    @Laurie ~ I've made that chocolate/pumpkin cake before (into cupcakes) and taken them to work. Everybody likes them!

    @tlh ~ CUTE cake!

    @kah ~ I have a Pinterest account, but I don't get it either. It seems so disorganized to me and so overwhelming!

    @dobarber ~ Don't see how you get in A GALLON of water every day, but good for you! :drinker:

    @Anna ~ WTG, losing 5 pounds in 26 days! That's really good! :flowerforyou:

    @Laurie ~ Great job rock climbing!

    @toots ~ I need to clean out my closets. I have so much clothes and 3/4 of what I have, I don't wear. That is on my summer "to do" list.

    Have a good weekend! ~ Cath
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cath--thanks for sharing the ranch recipe. I'm not really a fan of ranch dressing, but I have a friend who's obsessed with it. She's been trying to lay off b/c of the added calories, so I immediately sent her your recipe. Also, I agree--it's so easy to put off cleaning. I've been trying to do a little bit every day, but admittedly, it doesn't always happen. Today for example, I really didn't do anything other than the everyday stuff like laundry and dishes. :ohwell:

    @toots--when we moved into our house, we decided to leave the largest "master" bedroom as the spare tv/workout room and put our bedroom in the medium sized room. My DH got the closet in our actual bedroom and I got the big double closet in the spare room. He also only has his nightstand and 2 drawers out of the 2 dressers. Up until a couple of years ago he only had 1 drawer--when he asked for the 2nd drawer, I seriously contemplated divorce. :laugh: Back then I had a lot more clothes than I do now. Since losing weight, I've purged a lot of the old larger stuff, and b/c I plan to continue to lose, I have tried not to buy too many new pieces.

    @kelley & cath--I don't get Pinterest either--so much so, that I haven't ever even attempted an account. Sometimes people share stuff they've pinned on FB and that's fine, but I don't know what I would do with all of those pics. Why would I want to make virtual bulletin boards of stuff I'll probably never make/use? I already have a whole folder of Self magazine recipes in my email account that I'll probably never go back and use. If I want a recipe or craft idea, I'm better off looking it up online WHEN I'm in need. To find random stuff and "pin" it for some possible future use seems like a hoarding behavior.:laugh:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner + run or gym + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Mon--walk gunner + run or gym
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + run or gym + 30DS
    Thurs--walk gunner + run or gym
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • karenswiftliebengood
    Hi, I'm Karen and this is so not my first time doing this. I can lose the weight but not keep it off. I am down 17 pounds and have about 40 more to go. I was so close to my goal the last time...I know its mind set but I still felt I looked fat. So, I can use all the help I can get.
  • karenswiftliebengood
    And oh boy....that picture was from high school almost 40 yrs ago...
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Happy Saturday!! Hope everyone enjoyed their first official day of summer. Its hot and going to be very humid today. If the weatherman is telling the truth we will be near record high today in the mid 90 but heat index will be at about 100. Gotta love the Midwest! I have discovered that there is a a temperature where self conscious disappears, meaning if its hot enough I don't care what I look like in my bathing suit- I am going to the pool and getting in it! Best part about the heat is that it is a great currency for the kids- after our jobs "chore" are done we can go to the pool. Earlier this week they helped me do the windows and mirrors, within 45 min the entire house was done.

    I have my next race next Saturday- its a 10K and I did a practice run this morning. 1 hour 25 min Felt really good to be out, the humidity is already a bit sticky and the last 2 miles were a bit of a struggle, Could have done with a little more salt in my system. The race is called the Firecracker FLight so I am trying to find a red white and blue outfit. May try and get to Party City to find a silly headband of something cute and patriotic to add.

    THe fish birthday cake is absolutely adorable!! Hope the party was fun

    I am completely scale obsessive as well, the way I deal with it is I do weigh myself daily- I know you shouldn't but write that down in pencil. THen once a week, Sundays for me when I weigh in I use ink to mark that and the weekly weigh in, in ink is the one that counts. I have tried to just stay away from the scale and just can't so this is the compromise that works for me.

    My profile picture is the sunrise I I got to see this morning, that is my best reward for getting up early to exercise.

    Can't remember if Saturday is share day or if that's Sunday. So if it's Sundya then I will do SAturday's comments then. But I really, really, really like the show Hoarders! I have no idea why, no one else in my family does but love it. It's always an incentive to do to cleaning and decluttering at home and no matter how messy my house is, I feel better about my mess.

    As the temps climb be sure and drink all your water, and if you're outside add a glass or two to your count.

    Have a great weekend
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Doug - Congrats on making the decision to walk further at work and upping your water - your weight is going to drop like a stone!

    Really cute fish cake - awesome - yum, yum!

    Mow - too bad the shelves won't work but I suspect would make your apt. look peculiar anyway...

    Skinny - I loved CATCH-22 and read it 3 times at least when I was younger - great book! Major Major!

    Anna - great progress pix - you're coming along nicely. Keep taking the snaps! :flowerforyou:

    Tina - 30DS and swimming - well done! so much exercise - aren't you glad you're out of school? YAY!

    Laurie - so happy to hear you are taking up jogging as your new exercise, and elated to hear you went to the top of the ladder, so to speak, on the rock walls - WOOT ! :heart: :heart: GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!!!

    Cath - I hope you enjoy your new FitBit - it takes a while to learn everything about a new gadget but online tutorials are really helpful - it will be especially nice for you to learn about your night-time sleeping patterns, won't it?

    Skinny - you made me laugh when you compared Pinterest users to hoarders - I'm a big Pinterest fan and so I had to look at myself in that light :laugh: :laugh: THANKS :wink: I don't do bulletin boards in real life - too messy, but I must admit I am a fan of having a "life goal" bulletin board and I have one on a virtual web site long before I became a Pinterest Pinterest came easy to me. I have separate bulletin boards on Pinterest - ones for Recipes, Sewing, Gardening, DIY, Future Kitchen, etc. But I have a "pretty picture" mentality - I always liked to look through magazines and currently don't subscribe to any to save money so this is how I get my fix.

    Karen - welcome, and my that's and "old" picture - :laugh:

    Sherriel - a 10K! That's stupendous - I'm so impressed. Running for 1-25min is incredible in my book. You are going to do so well and the pay off for your health is going to be tremendous as well. Consistency is the key. I'm so glad youre back :flowerforyou: I've watched that show HOARDERS a couple of times. Sometimes it shows a place so awful my skin just crawls. I have moved so many times since my divorce that I have divested myself of most of my junk and run a very tidy ship and I am very glad of it. When I was married my hubby had a bit of hoarder to him. Our basement was crowded, over-crowded, dusty and I could never get a handle on it. Now cleaning is one of my pleasures. My adolescent self would never believe it!

    Sunday - 32 squats
    Mon - nothing
    Tues - nothing
    Weds - 64 squats
    Thurs - 80 squats
    Fri - rest
    Sat - ?????
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--I used to be the same way with magazines. I would dogear pages with recipes, home decor, or clothing I liked, and then those magazines would sit in a basket collecting dust. I feel like if I opened a Pinterest account, the same thing would happen. Again, I'm sure part of it is I just don't get it. :tongue: Also, I agree with you that the cure to hoarding is moving often. When I was a kid I was a bit of a pack rat. However, moving back and forth to college cured me of that for a very long time. Admittedly, living in this same house for 12 years now has brought back those hoarding tendencies :blushing: which is why I've been trying to get through some of the Power Purge tasks. Oh, and Catch 22 is quickly becoming one of my new favorites. I'm only about halfway done, but Major Major is hilariously pitiful. :laugh:

    @sherrie--I don't know why people always think it's "wrong" to weigh every day. I see/hear that all the time, but all research points to the exact opposite--people who weigh daily do better at losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight if they are already fit). It also seems it's always overweight people who believe it's "shameful" to weigh every day. I've never heard healthy-weight people talk about weighing regularly as a "bad" behavior. I find it so perplexing. :huh: Good luck on your 10k--I always admire the runners who get into the spirit of the themes with "costumes." :drinker:

    @karen--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @tina & tracy--level 2 was a killer today! :noway:

    Saturday Success:
    Well I've had a few successes this week. I finished level 1 of 30 DS and started level 2 today. I went to my possible new gym and worked out. I was a bit nervous about going to a new place, but it was fine. Not sure if I will make the switch after the 30 day trial or go back to the old gym--will have to see how it goes over the next few weeks. Another success was getting through some house cleaning--the kitchen is now in proper order, the dining table is "better," and today I managed to get some of the filing done in the office. That room still needs a lot of work, but baby-steps.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run or gym NOT DONE but going dancing tonight instead
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Mon--walk gunner + run or gym
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + run or gym + 30DS
    Thurs--walk gunner + run or gym
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    I just finished Emma's birthday cake. My first experience with fondant (other than a big fail trying to make my own). I think it turned out cute. I'm so excited to show her in the morning!!!


  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    nearly 2 weeks post op knee replacement and going `buggy`at home.....drove myself to safeway and walked all around the store looking for just a couple of items. Picked up a blender at a garage sale next street over. Done for the day 3 units of blood i still feel like my blood level is still low and have very little energy. Start physio on wed but have been doing lots of leg exercises already. Having a hard time to stay within calories with no activity but mostly getting it right. Cant wait till i can get back to the gym....even for some slow walking and arm exercises!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I feel like its been a whirlwind couple of days. I had AT&T out yesterday to work on some wiring issues for my U-Verse, they were here 5 hours. Everything was working fine when they left, then this morning no signal from the DVR. :grumble: so they are sending out a new one which should be here Tuesday. At least my wireless receiver is working fine, just can't record for a few more days.

    I had so much running around to do today that I still haven't made it to the gym so I'm sitting here contemplating what to do - go for a walk in the 100 degree heat, or go to the gym. I've been really active today but I should do something more calorie driven. It will probably be really quiet at the gym though.

    @Karen~LOL about Pinterest. Several of my friends have tried time and again to get me to sign up - never have. I just don't understand the whole thing, I guess. Maybe it stems from years of saving magazines, like you, with stuff dogeared for later use that never happens. :laugh:

    @Robin~Great job with the squats this week!

    @Sherrie~Good luck with your 10K. I'm semi-obsessed with the scale. I try really hard not to weigh every day, especially if I'm close to reaching a goal I've set. So I try to weigh 2-3 times during the week - doing so actually helps me stay on track..

    @Karen~Welcome back, sounds like you are recovering well - you'll be back in that gym in no time!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @kelley--don't even get me started on uverse! :explode: We've had so many problems with our wiring. After 5 visits over the course of about 6 months, it seems to finally be okay... <knocks on wood>

    @karenleaona--glad to see you back. Here's to a speedy recovery. :drinker:

    Sunday Share:
    My share is that I'm getting really excited, but also nervous about my trip to Switzerland in July. The plans are coming together, but I'm not a "great" flyer. I'm also terrible with languages, so that has me a bit worried. Fortunately, the friends we're staying with speak several languages, and have assured us that we will be fine speaking English most places. The only place we might be challenged is when we do our side trip to the French Alps, b/c there will be less English speakers in those little towns and our French-speaking friends won't be with us.

    I'm also nervous about the side trip b/c we are renting a car and driving from Geneva to Sallanches, and I still don't know how we are getting the car. We have it reserved at an Enterprise in Geneva, but I have no idea which office or how we get there from the train station. Or does Enterprise "pick you up" in Europe? In the States, that is their big slogan, but I'm not sure that applies in Geneva. My friend I'm traveling with has the car reservation, so we need to figure that out.

    Finally, I'm nervous about all of the "little things" that I typically wouldn't sweat. Usually, I'm very laid back with the view that I can buy anything I forget. But everything is so expensive in Zurich it would be a burden to have to buy a bunch of toiletries of clothing items if I forget something I need. I need to start making lists.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run or gym NOT DONE but going dancing tonight instead
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
    Mon--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + swimming
    Thurs--walk gunner + run or gym + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, last night I decided to wait until it cooled down and then went for a walk. I did about 6 running intervals that were brutal - talked with my trainer about it today and he actually yelled at me. I felt like I needed to see where I was, apparently I'm not there yet. I sometimes feel like my running days are over, which is kind of disappointing. My trainer just said to give it more time, no more running for now (insert trainers scolding voice here). Patience is not my strongest virtue but I don't have a choice - I'll get there and he'll train me through it when I do. I just to remind myself of that I guess.

    @Karen~Its the strangest thing, I can't see a picture on that TV with the DVR but it does record because I'm able to watch a recorded program using the wireless receiver. So, I'm not convinced there is a problem with the DVR - I still think there is a wiring issue. :grumble:

    I got so nervous as my trip to Germany got closer - even though I knew everyone spoke English, I didn't know enough German to get get by. I think we all get nervous when we are going someplace we aren't familiar with - its out of our comfort zone. I think everything will work out with the rental. I know you are a going to have a fabulous time!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This was a busy weekend. Saturday Success in addition to climbing the 10.A rock wall, I also jogged 1 mile on Saturday, followed by 1 mile on the ARC trainer and 2000M on the row machine. Needless to say, I feel like I did my own little triathlon. It felt good but today I was exhausted. Today, became a rest day, since the rain this morning put the brakes on the bike ride I had planned- so bummed. I wanted to try my new bike shorts to see if they really do stop the sore butt syndrome.

    Today, became a rest day which I needed since TOM came to visit. Tomorrow, I work out with my trainer so that will be good workout with more 5K training.

    KarenL- welcome back, hope you have a speedy recovery.
    Kah-take it easy on the running, it is very high impact on the knees and other joints. You will be back up to speed before you know it.
    SkinnyKaren-I am sure the trip will come together and you will have a great time. You will figure out the language barriers and have a great time. You can always call the Enterprise office and ask if they pick you up in Europe. Lists are a good thing to make when planning that kind of trip. Enjoy the trip and just go with the flow.
    Sherrie- a 10K is great especially in the heat. Keep going. I also weigh myself everyday and now I have learned not to stress over every little change it is just part of my body. I have become aware of several patterns that are normal for my body- for example I lose weight the week before TOM and then gain it back once it starts. That is very frustrating but at least for me that is normal. It is okay to monitor your weight.

    Goals for the week
    Sunday- REST DAY DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Tuesday-Rest or core training
    Wednesday-5K training
    Thursday- Core
    Friday- Rock
    Saturday- Swimming
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi guys..

    Still been logging, although I haven't been as dutiful on the list... stress level has been through the roof. Trying to catch up with posts, and very excited to see everyone's successes.

    Much love to everyone...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KarenLeona - Hello! 2 weeks post-op your blood probably hasn't totally regenerated yet, no wonder you don't have all your pep back, but you sound like youre doing amazing - you always have been a go-getter! :bigsmile: I think hitting the grocery store and a garage sale is tremendous activity for 2 weeks, and congrats on the blender, by the way!

    Skinny - I can relate to your nerves about your trip - its the great "unknown" :noway: you're headed off to! Making lists always helps me when I travel, and I'm talking two column, on 9x11 ruled paper type lists, with subheadings :laugh: I mean, girl, you can't forget your TWEEZERS!

    Oh Kah, sorry to hear your in deep water with your trainer......sounds like you are having regrets, not about attempting the running, but about the fear of not ever being able to run again. Now, I think you showed guts by trying to run - you put yourself out there and tried. You tested yourself, you pushed your limits. Youre a hero in my book. That tells me right there you'll run again.

    Laurie - woo you did do a not so mini triathalon on Saturday - yep, I think anyone would rest the next day! :drinker: Glad to hear the trainer is working out.

    Vicki - sorry you're living with a lot of stress and wish I could help. PM me if you want to unload on someone. i'm a good listener and I'll be totally on your side!
    Your picture reminds me of how far you have come. You really look great in your current picture. I'm glad you are still able to come here, don't worry about writing things, just breeze thru and basically do what you have to do for YOU, take care of YOU, make sure you are getting enough sleep, that's so important, Vicki. And I hope you can find some time to relax.

    I have a case of gardening fever and only a tiny deck to work it out on - Friday I put out a string of purple LED christmas lights and went really boho and plundered a mini-ironing board and turned it into a shelf to hold 2 plants. I was given some morning glory seeds a week ago and they have sprouted now. I'm so excited in hopes the completely transform the look of the deck over the summer.

    Exercise goals:
    Sunday - 32 squats
    Mon - nothing
    Tues - nothing
    Weds - 64 squats
    Thurs - 80 squats
    Fri - rest
    Sat - rest
    Sun - 80 squats
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--thanks for all of the re-assurance and tips about my trip. :smile:

    @robin--I bet your "garden" looks great. Awesome job on the squats today! :drinker:

    @vickie--great to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--that sounds like a great work out yesterday--sounds like you were due a rest day!

    @kelley--we kept losing our tv, internet, and phone--it would happen sporadically for anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. Sometimes it wouldn't happen for a week or 2, or it could happen 20 times in one day. The 1st tech who came said it was an "outside" issue, the 2nd tech said it was in our wiring--a bad install--but did nothing to fix the problem (b/c he had been sent to fix the imaginary outside line problem). Third guy agreed that it was a bad install and ran CAT 5 cable, but not completely. Fourth guy changed out the modem and told my husband how to finish running the CAT 5 cable (not sure why he didn't do it himself). My DH finished installing the CAT 5 cable and it finally stopped cutting out. This was over the course of 6 months--the only compensation we got was waiving of one ($200) bill and this was only after they raised our monthly rates from $150 to $200. I tried to get them to lower our bill again to no avail. Needless to say, once our contract is up I will be dropping AT & T--I hate them! :mad:

    I really wanted to get to the gym today, but I had afternoon plans with a friend, so I could only fit in a run outside. Not a big deal, but I really wanted to check out the new gym on the weekend. I'm not going to have time at all next weekend b/c I'm doing the Dirty Girl Mud Run on Saturday and then heading straight up to Lake Geneva afterward for a spa weekend with a friend. Hope to check it out the following weekend just to see how busy it gets on Saturday and Sunday.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run or gym NOT DONE but going dancing tonight instead
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + 30 DS + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + swimming
    Thurs--walk gunner + run or gym + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday morning! Well, my daughter has now finished school for the summer, and we're fighting all the time! Because I basically said 'you are not lying in bed all morning and then cluttering up the house all day...'

    I had a friend staying with me this weekend who's just a little bit heavier than I am now; she's someone who's always very well turned out and takes great pride in her appearance; but because we're both short, even a few extra pounds makes a big difference to how she (and I) look. I realised that I do actually want to lose a bit more; I think the weight training is giving me a bit of definition and I want more of that; I don't want to have this huge roll around my middle. Hrrm.

    I'm still a pound up from my lowest weight, but I'm ok with that. i have a million things I ought to be doing though.

    @Lisa: well done for getting back on track. It's such a long haul, and it's so easy to get stuck part way or to backslide.
    @Doug and Sherrie: good to see you back! It's clearly the week for getting back on the train.
    @Robin: love the advice on commitment! I've been slacking a bit on commitment recently; it's not been too disastrous but I really do need to commit to going a bit further. This week I'm going to finish up my sixth set of ten pounds -- and then I'm going to start on the seventh.
    @Kris: your shelves are just lovely! Don't worry about your landlord too much if you're a long-term tenant. You can always fill in holes and paint if necessary.
    @Cath: I like my Fitbit Ultra a lot. It doesn't track everything, but it makes those sorts of days where you spend a lot of time shopping or fixing things around the house much easier to log. I think the sleep tracking might be a bit of a gimmick though; I wasn't convinced it was telling me anything very useful. And I have been substituting greek yoghurt in almost everything that has mayo in it -- I think I actually like it better in lots of stuff. I recommend sorting out closets -- it's incredibly liberating to get up in the morning and realise that everything in your wardrobe is something that you like, that fits you, and that is ready to wear. Also, it turns out that smaller clothes take up less space! Who knew.
    @Anna: I think it's generally time to stop intervals if things start hurting. You quite quickly get the sense of what's a muscle burn that you can work through, and what's your body actually saying 'ok, that's enough for a day'. If you're doing anything with weights then your scale weight will go up and down like mad as your muscles repair after working out. I weigh daily but I only 'count' it on a Monday.
    @Tracy: that's an awesome fish cake!
    @Toots: I just put my foot down and said that my husband couldn't have as much wardrobe space as me. He was grumpy about it! The funny thing is that now I've sorted all my stuff out everything fits easily. I'm trying to get him to throw out all the things he doesn't wear as well.

    Have a great week, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good morning all. I've had a very fun and very busy weekend. We had about 115 people show up for our family reunion and held it at the Thresher's grounds about 5 miles from the homestead of my great grandparents. Lots of visiting, not too bad for food, but it was so hot and muggy that even while I drank 12 glasses of water on Saturday, I still ended up pretty dry. :huh: We had a major storm blow through (it caused trees to uproot less than an hour from where we were). There were about 6 families that were camping -- one had a tent break so they ended up sleeping in their van. :cry: My son performed "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" on his saxophone for the talent show on Saturday night and then Emma got sung "Happy Birthday" during the church service on Sunday morning. I've only gotten between 4-6 hours of sleep each night since Thursday so I'm pooped! I did not get any formal exercise in during that timeframe, but its back at it today. I feel okay about it since I was on my feet most of Friday and Saturday.

    I've caught up with you all, but am not going to do personals right now. Getting geared up for my work travel this week (Wed - Sun) and have two baseball games before I leave so I'm not sure what I'll get done as far as exercise and plan on just focusing on my eating. I do hope to do 30DS -- I have one more day on Level 1 and then will flip to Level 2. I'd really like to get those done before I leave, but probably won't do any while I'm gone...we'll see.

    Well, back to work and time to go get some more water!! Have a great Monday!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Well I should've gotten up this morning and did 30DS but I did not. But don't worry I already told my husband to make sure that I work out when I get home. So I WILL be getting it in.
    I have already had a bad morning as far as food is concerned....yesterday was just not a good day and it kind of followed into today. Trying to not let it get to me so will be working on that today.

    Skinny---level 2 is a killer isn't it!? I have 5 more days (4 after today) SO I will be done on Friday! woo hoo! And then on to level 3!!

    Oh and the day that I am finished with level 3 I believe I get to go visit my best friend in Tennessee again! Haven't seen her since September! So I'm excited about that. More excited that it is actually after I am done with the 30DS lol so it wont interfere.

    Well I hope everyone has a magnificent Monday!
    Make sure that I get my workout in today! Message me if you have to, to see if I have done it or not :)

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Hi everyone, been away for awhile, but I'm back...and glad to be here.