The Beautiful People



  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Am I the only one who has a Marilyn Manson song stuck in my head now??

    Huzzah! Glad to see I am not alone lol!

    Me too.

    If it makes your friend feel any better, those threads have a LOT of fake pictures - not everyone was posting pictures of themselves.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Don't be jealous of the hotties OMG.

    Also, this website is designed for fitness and weight loss, why would someone not show off the fruit of their effort on it?

    Guess what else?

    When I even remotely open my mouth about it to the normal fat *kitten* in my life I'm accused of "shoving my diet down their throat" etc etc. Well first off, I don't want anyone on my diet because I want my success to be mine alone! (Selfish, right!?) But with that being said it's really hard not to share a really great thing with someone you care for and know would benefit from immensly.

    Frankly about most people could care less about our health goals and achievements, so we love coming to MFP where health freaks can relate to one another!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    being thin and having abs does not a beautiful person make , you can have the most thin ripped "technically good" body and still be ugly

    and also people who are overweight can be very beautiful and people who are overweight have every right to feel just as beautiful as anyone else (and wear whatever they want)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Am I the only one who has a Marilyn Manson song stuck in my head now??

    Huzzah! Glad to see I am not alone lol!

    Me too.

    If it makes your friend feel any better, those threads have a LOT of fake pictures - not everyone was posting pictures of themselves.

    You know, I didn't even discuss that aspect with him. I think his feelings were more about how he is still working on losing the weight, and that he feels a little insecure that what is portrayed in those photos is what people find as "hot"

    I think my friend is amazing and I have told him this. He has so much confidence he just doesn't realize it. He had an off day just as many of us do. I just think it's important to remind our friends that sexy isn't always a six pack or flat stomach.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    being thin and having abs does not a beautiful person make , you can have the most thin ripped "technically good" body and still be ugly

    and also people who are overweight can be very beautiful and people who are overweight have every right to feel just as beautiful as anyone else (and wear whatever they want)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    ^^yeah that^^

    There is a poster on here who has a fantastic body. However, as soon as he types anything, I want to beat him because he's such a misogynistic jerk. Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.

    ETA: If that even is his body in the picture. I have a feeling he lives in his mother's basement and the only thing he lifts is twinkies.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    While I don't think it is easy, I think some of those comments are in repsonse to people who over analyze weight loss and getting fit. I don't think it's easy to get that kind of body, but it's not as complicated as some people make it either.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    being thin and having abs does not a beautiful person make , you can have the most thin ripped "technically good" body and still be ugly

    and also people who are overweight can be very beautiful and people who are overweight have every right to feel just as beautiful as anyone else (and wear whatever they want)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    ^^yeah that^^

    There is a poster on here who has a fantastic body. However, as soon as he types anything, I want to beat him because he's such a misogynistic jerk. Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.

    ETA: If that even is his body in the picture. I have a feeling he lives in his mother's basement and the only thing he lifts is twinkies.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have a seen a couple of those people! That is why it is important to encourage our friends who may have a lapse in self security and only see what's on the outside.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    So True - Well Said!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    A chit-chat forum on a calorie tracking site. Maybe that's where beautiful people congregate, but maybe not. Maybe the pictures are accurate and up to date, but maybe not. In any case, it's irrelevant to personal goals. And that particular forum is for wasting time, not getting in shape. Just as well to avoid it.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    The beautiful people, the beautiful people. It's all relative to the size of your steeple.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    being thin and having abs does not a beautiful person make , you can have the most thin ripped "technically good" body and still be ugly

    and also people who are overweight can be very beautiful and people who are overweight have every right to feel just as beautiful as anyone else (and wear whatever they want)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    ^^yeah that^^

    There is a poster on here who has a fantastic body. However, as soon as he types anything, I want to beat him because he's such a misogynistic jerk. Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.

    ETA: If that even is his body in the picture. I have a feeling he lives in his mother's basement and the only thing he lifts is twinkies.

    I did not even necessarily mean personality makes them ugly ( I mean yea it certainly can) I mean that just because someone has a great body does not mean they are beautiful/gorgeous/not ugly

    but then again I have always thought face counted 1000 times more than body when it comes to beauty
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    So true.

    Last year I was on the beach when a 30-something woman parked herself next to me. She took off her cover-up, and was sporting an awesome six-pack. She then grabbed the hand of her toddler and headed to the water.

    It struck me in that instant that when I was heavier I would have thought how lucky she was, and how inadequate I was. Instead, I thought "You go girl... you worked your *kitten* off for it!"

    Love this. I think the same way. You get out of it what you put into it, and I spent way too many years feeling sorry for myself watching infomercials of hot women with toned bodies, envying them as I ate a giant plate of spaghetti with a half cup of parmesan dumped on top, then rolled over like a beached whale and took a nap. I resented them for saying, "I did it, you can do it to!" I wanted to throw my fried chicken leg at the TV, but then after I lost the weight I realized, those people weren't being narcissistic. They really do want other people to feel the way they feel because they've been there. *I* was the problem, not them.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    There is a fine, fine line between confidence and narcissism. A good self esteem is healthy. When it starts to reach the point of vanity it becomes very un-sexy, not matter what kind of body you have.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    There is a fine, fine line between confidence and narcissism. A good self esteem is healthy. When it starts to reach the point of vanity it becomes very un-sexy, not matter what kind of body you have.

    So true. At the same time, I would rather spend my time building someone up, than telling someone that they are narcissitic.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    We don't preach that it is easy. We preach that the concept is simple.


    But I do agree with what I think the original message of this thread is (not some of the whinny replies). Sometimes it is really harder to see your own self worth when you compare. I forgot where I originally saw this saying from and can't quote it exactly but I think it really hits home when it comes to social media. What you see when we look out on places like this or facebook, or instagram are just small, most often times polished facades that are the highlights of people's lives while at the same time we see the good, the bad, the ugly, the everything with ourselves. Anytime you try to compare those it is going to be a losing battle.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Great post. :heart:
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    We don't preach that it is easy. We preach that the concept is simple.


    But I do agree with what I think the original message of this thread is (not some of the whinny replies). Sometimes it is really harder to see your own self worth when you compare. I forgot where I originally saw this saying from and can't quote it exactly but I think it really hits home when it comes to social media. What you see when we look out on places like this or facebook, or instagram are just small, most often times polished facades that are the highlights of people's lives while at the same time we see the good, the bad, the ugly, the everything with ourselves. Anytime you try to compare those it is going to be a losing battle.

    Exactly! It is so much easier to just see the surface. It take time to look underneath and see what brought someone to where they are. Comparing isn't going to help anyone! Gotta keep working hard and staying strong.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member

    Its a curse being beautiful as any one who is will tell you, and boy do we put up with some crap and verbal abuse all unsolicited and born out of the culprits own perception of their lack of self worth....
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Instead of seeing what is on the surface, try to look beyond the muscles and the toned bodies and look at what that person did to achieve it.

    It is worth pointing out how 99% of the headless picture people, the main people who show of their bodies, are the one's who swear up and down how easy it is. "Just eat at a deficit. Lift heavy."

    I don't have the best body, but I do show it off on occasion becuase I am very proud of where it is compared to where it was. And while it is not EASY, it is exceedingly SIMPLE. Just eat at a deficit. Hit proper macros. Lift heavy.