Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Googling Millionaire Spaghetti Pie pissed me off royally on many levels.

    1) there is a Millionaire Pie with no spaghetti
    2) there is a Million Dollar Spaghetti pie..get the name right
    3) There is a Millionaire's Spaghetti with no pie.
    4) they consist of cream cheese spaghetti and ground beef, etc. not the stuff I think a millionaire would eat?
    5) they seem suspiciously more like a poor man's lasagna?

    I have *NO* idea what is going on in this thread; I just popped in on the last page and found this. I don't know what it relates to, what the conversation was about, or what in the hell a millionaire spaghetti pie is, but I could feel this woman's frustration just reading through the list and I get it. I don't get this thread, but I get this post. Google on!
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    Oh wow. I'd hate to be your FB friend - I would unfriend you for telling me what kind of recipes I'm allowed to post and how they aren't up to your standards. Probably unfriend you in real life too. But when someone continually posts something against my views I simply un-friend them or just block those posts.

    This. I don't suppose I need to read much more of the thread.

    You can't make people care by being rude. You were basically indirectly calling them fat and unhealthy. That's their cross to bear, not yours... and if the recipes look tempting, either exercise the willpower that got you where you are today, or block the posts.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

    So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

    Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

    So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?

    i make chocolate peanut butter brownies that are 478 cals each... there have been many a picture of said delicious brownies on my facebook page... i am glad i am not friends with preachy mcpreacherson... why is it up to you what i eat?!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I can't even...
  • boxpunk
    boxpunk Posts: 52 Member
    I see it all the time, and it's usually from some of my friends that are overweight, like me, but they'll eat a quart of ice cream and ***** about how they hate being fat. I had to get rid of some of them, and they were people I knew for a long time; but I need to do whats right for me, not be bombarded with kit kat lasagna, and triple molten chocolate deep fried god knows what.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    i love food porn.
  • AnaMaree
    I take control of my facebook settings. Hide posts from my timeline from, group those I dont' want to see daily in "acquaintances" . My page is mine, theirs is theirs. If it shows up now and then and I don't like it I just scroll down.
  • Thegirlhasmoxy
    Just marking my spot so that I have easy access to the chocolate eclair pie recipe.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    It's none of your business what anyone else eats. If you don't like what they post unfollow them so it doesn't show up in your news feed. But getting all self righteous on your friends is generally not OK. No one likes a d bag!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    They're photos. Photos do not have calories. Yes, you are being mean.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Just hide their posts! The great thing about facebook is if you don't like seeing it you can remove those people from your news feed. Problem solved. Being the grinch isn't going to change their behaviours, it just makes you look like you have a problem seeing high-calorie food. And that is your problem, not theirs.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    You can't change other people, only they can change themselves.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have this one Facebook friend who makes whiny posts about how men are so shallow for not wanting to date her because of her weight, and then goes on to post photos of whatever gross junk food she's eating that day and jokes about "threesomes with Ben and Jerry". It seems like she really, really lacks self-awareness. It's none of my business, though.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    Well, I agree - people aren't likely to literally have one bite of anything - but I can certainly eat high calorie things in moderation - to me it means a small amount that fits into my daily calorie allowance and/or now and then goes over my allowance.
    For example, 2 squares of a chocolate block or one small serve of ice cream.

    These things taste good to me and I have reached my weight loss goal - win win :smile:

    and OP, I agree with others - you are not providing a community service to your friends, you are being holier than thou preachy judgey and not helping them at all.

    I'm with your FB friend who posted the defensive reply.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't restrict myself from eating anything, so I don't mind. The millionaire speghetti pie is actually amazing

    I've never heard of millionaire spaghetti pie. Please can you post the recipe!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Tell them they have too much time on their hands. I really dont understand the mentality of people on Facebook. People never used to phone or text their friends to share what they are having for dinner for example, so why on Facebook.

    The thing is, smart phones, for all their advantages, are just ruining society and people's social skills....

    Well it would be a tad hypocritical being on FB yourself and taking the time to tell them they have too much time on their hands.....
  • Trishsimon
    Everyone to their own you don't have to print off the receipe and make it, just ignore it.
    If people are overweight they have to decided to do something about it themselves and making comments on FB probably didn't help. Alot of people are in denial about their weight so if these people really are good friends which you want to keep then I wouldn't make anymore comments on food postings.

    Although you like the rest of us are on a healthy buzz not everyone is so just do your own thing and leave them to it and if they come to ask for help with losing weight then offer it gladly.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    drives me nuts when ppl say anything in moderation, what the hell does that really mean??? on the MFP ppl who say you can treat yourself, you just have a bite to get your craving to go away,... I don't know one person be it skinny or heavy that can eat one bite of your favorite thing.......You gotta want this more then you want to eat anything........I keep telling myself personally NOTHING will ever taste as good as thin will feel...................

    Well, I agree - people aren't likely to literally have one bite of anything - but I can certainly eat high calorie things in moderation - to me it means a small amount that fits into my daily calorie allowance and/or now and then goes over my allowance.
    For example, 2 squares of a chocolate block or one small serve of ice cream.

    These things taste good to me and I have reached my weight loss goal - win win :smile:

    yeah and me. What helped was to stop regarding any of these foods as "bad" and start regarding all food as food to be enjoyed in sensible serving sizes. Once I stopped thinking of certain foods as "forbidden fruit" the desire to eat every last morsel of them went away, and I can enjoy them in sensible serving sizes. For example, I have 2 large bars of dark chocolate and about 2/3 of a yorkie bar in my fridge currently. I had 2 squares of yorkie yesterday, and the 3rd large chocolate bar (now eaten) bit by bit last week. It used to be that I couldn't do this, i.e. I'd eat AAAALLLLL the chocolate and it would never last in the fridge for a whole week. Now I can take it or leave it, thus enjoy it in sensible portion sizes without going OTT.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I just hide it. I figure they have a right to post what they want just as much as I do. If I don't like it, I hide the post or ignore it.