

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Susan!
    Cynthia- My daughter gets the false eye lashes and she has them trimmed back so they're not "butterflies". They actually look great and I was unaware that she had them. They last quite a while although she says sometimes she'll rub her eye and along come some lashes.
    I tried trimming them once; it was a disaster. :laugh: Your daughter must be better at it!
    Did you measure your body fat with a caliper or did you go on one of those body mass machines? I am thinking of getting a caliper because I know my muscles are getting firmer, my waist smaller, yet my weight has increased.:huh:
    The scale at the gym measures body fat as well. There's a difference of opinion about what the best method is, but as long as it's a downward trend it's fine with me.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Ticker now at 7 kilos. Oh yeah. :bigsmile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    We are due to get some more rain and wind soon. Off to buy some food this pm while it's still bearable. Every time it's windy now I worry about the electricity. The West Country still has a lot of flooding so this won't help!:sad:

    Had a really sleepless night last night, the first one in quite a while. My tummy troubles were still rumbling on, though improving and my brain was too active. I think it's because I've been confined to the house recently!:blushing: Finally got to sleep at 2.45 with an antihistamine and a glass of milk with whisky. Woke up at 7.30 feeling groggy!:laugh: :bigsmile: A cup of tea worked wonders and I have done all my gymmimg and training. I decided I would feel better with some makeup on and when I came downstairs DH said I looked nice. Quite unprompted! :wink: I do feel I am over the worst of the tummy bug now.

    Thought I would post my Jan updates and Feb goals as I have a couple of minutes before lunch.

    Jan - lose 1 lb. Check.
    3 min 30 plank. Modified. I decided that goal was putting me off doing them so I am now doing a very comfortable 1 min 30.
    Try a new recipe. Check. I made a prawn curry with extra lemon grass. Very nice.
    Research NYC flights. Surpassed - I have booked them!

    Feb - Lose 1lb. That might be the finish for me or not. Will decide when it happens.:bigsmile:
    Carry on with my knee exercises, using the resistance bands and other exercises. Do them in the kitchen as well.
    Try another recipe from the Hairy Dieters book. I regularly cook a couple, but get stuck in a rut.
    Make progress on my memoir.
    Continue with meditation and visualization exercises, especially lovingkindness. :bigsmile:
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. Best thing ever! :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Lunch calls. For dinner tonight I am serving hake with sauce vierge (cut down on the olive oil) and baked eggplant strips from skinnytaste. I adore them and so does DH.

    Bye for now, Heather, feeling better, from Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time today:sad: !

    Have a wonderful Friday (yay, the weekend is coming up)!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Deb in CNY: I love that you are getting to see your daughter regularly, but as a retired teacher, I KNOW how much work it is to be prepared for class. Does your daughter know? Is she making plans to be more independent? You don’t really want more hours in the day for a couple of reasons; workload would increase and family expectations would increase but rest would not.:noway: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m glad that you’re finally over your tummy bug. Congratulations on the spontaneous compliment from your DH. :flowerforyou: It seems like you have an excellent spouse. I like your dinner menu and will need to think about a fish dinner soon. We like to have fish on Sundays or Mondays because the garbage is picked up Tuesday morning, thus saving us from a malodorous trashcan. I love your February goals.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Have a wonderful Friday and weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Here is my progress report on January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow. Done.:bigsmile:
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week. This didn’t work out due to injuries from my fall in December. :noway: I did manage cardio nearly every day but had to drop strength training.:grumble:
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations: Done imperfectly, but huge improvements over the past.:bigsmile:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

    I’ll post February goals tomorrow. They will strongly resemble January goals.:wink::laugh:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I don't have much time this morning, but wanted to pop in and get so look at my ticker. The scale was my friend again this morning! So, I lost five pounds in January. Just what I hoped for. I'm thinking that in February I will start going to the Y again for my workouts. I have five visits left at rehab, and I'm feeling good so I will start slowly and work my way up again. I've been swimming with hubby the last two Saturdays and done fine, so I think I'm ready. I'm such a worrier, and have to get over it.

    See you all in the February thread!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Sunny............YAY!!! I need to go into town mid-afternoon for some volunteer work to prepare for an event Sunday; hoping melting will be way along by then. Then to the grocery store, usually I'm in there every day for one thing or another; haven't got in the car since Tues am. My cousin gave me a recipe for a Moroccan chicken dish I'd like to try.

    I bet Lucy is looking at the weather/temps here and glad she's on vacation; I think she might be too far north for that Tues. one to affect her with snow, though.

    Meg.........I'd say you deserved that quiet day yesterday after the one you had the day before.

    Barbie..........I heard from Pat/phoo about a week and a half ago........says she will be back, just not ready yet.

    jenero............Best wishes for your mom; I had a scare almost 2 yrs.ago.

    Michele..........Wow, your sure got the attention of my taste buds with your ginger cake; sounds wonderful.

    Cynthia..........Major congrats on your loss!!!! WTG!!

    Sylvia...........Congrats to you, too!!! WTG!!!

    DH is off to work; maybe I can actually get some things done around here. I am dreading his retirement; you will all hear me screaming in frustration from repeating myself and the delay between when you tell him something and when he gets around to doing it or answering. There's no such thing as immediate action or even an answer
    he's developed this strange built in delay and it drives me absolutely nuts the more I'm exposed to it. He always did take forever to order food or find a book to buy..........now it extends to all aspects of daily life........around here, anyway, can't imagine he's like this at work.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Michelle: do you have a recipe for the orange-ginger cake? :love:
    Heather: glad you’re feeling better.
    Sylvia: congrats on your loss! 5 pounds is great.
    Yanniejannie: thanks!

    I had to pick something up about 13 km (8 miles) from here. It was sunny (though cold), so I decided to take my bike. Racked up a few exercise calories, but also forgot to eat lunch! :huh: I don’t think this has ever happened to me. But I’m having a snack now and will have a good dinner, so no worries. :smile:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,933 Member
    Been a really busy week again! Last day of January and I wanted to get my January results posted. I confess, I did not have time to read the posts. :(

    My SMART goals for January:
    I will lose 5 pounds by January 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week 1 steps average: 6315, Curves 3 times (closed do to snow and holiday). Did my video once to make up for it.
    Week 2 steps average: 7800, Curves 5 times! Too much salt, candy, and junk food this week!
    Week 3 steps average: 5793, Curves 5 Times! Not walking enough, not watching my diet enough. Not going to make the 5 pound loss either.
    Week 4 steps average: 4922. Curves 5 Times! Not walking enough. Lost 2 pounds did not make goal, but did lose so that is a plus!

    Rita from CT
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! One of the dreaded respiratory things going around finally found me this week. :sad: I feel somewhat better today, but still really congested with a painful cough (painful for the throat, no chest stuff). I knew I was heading for an illness because of the stress and long hours of year-end, but I was hoping I was healthy enough to avoid it this year. Oh, well, at least it's just a cold instead of the flu or strep! :ohwell:

    Congratulations to those of you have have lost! :drinker: I've done better than I expected this month with a loss of a little over four pounds. And, I can tell my strength is improving during the 30-day Shred.

    I was hoping for a quiet weekend since my son will be with his dad, but my daughter is still uncomfortable driving since she never knows when her shoulder is going to seize up and she made an 8 a.m. vet appointment for her kitties for tomorrow. I will have to leave home by 7: 30 a.m. to pick them up and then get them to their vet in a neighboring town. :sad: Hopefully, after that is done, I will be able to kick back and relax--other than the usual laundry, cleaning, etc. that must get done during the weekends.

    Well, my bulletins just finished copying so I will stuff them with inserts and get that task out of the way. At least putting them out all over the building gives me a chance to get some steps in!

    Have a great day!

    Carol in sunny NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Good afternoon,


    Sue I like the idea of taking the time to just look and think about your food. Slowing down and savoring the moment is my goal for next month.

    I am working today. I saw one of my former students at the school I am working. It was great to see him. I am working with high need students today. The morning went fine.

    Goals for Jan. of limiting TV and computer was mixed some days better than others. I agree I need a better system to keep track. I think to help myself slow down I am going to work at paying attention to my breathing. When I speed up my breathing speeds up, so for rest of the day I am going to check in with myself once an hour and see how fast I am breathing. The goal is to be breathing like I am right now. Slow and steady.

    Life is too short fro a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
    Staying healthy is a marathon not a sprint. From What Are You Hungry For.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Hi Carol, you have a bright and sun shiny optimism today! I hope you get to enjoy that leisure weekend.

    Margaret, somehow I think I reduced my tv watching this month not as a goal but in general. Now my husband has it on almost from the time he comes home until he goes to bed.

    One thing I can do is stay on the computer all too long. Today I am getting ready to go out and enjoy some of this sunshine we have. I'm also going to stop in for a visit with my mom before taking off to the hair stylist - only a bang trim so I should have time for some shopping.

    Michele, Bill Gates makes some good points!

    I am still thinking on February goals but I really do need to get back to more daily exercise so I will commit to a minimum of 3 days a week 30-45 minutes. I lost weight in January and I would sure like to lose more in February at least 5 lbs would be nice.

    Time to go or I won't get all the tasks at hand done before 4 pm when I told DH I would meet him back at home. I do hope all you ladies have a wonderful weekend and get lots of Vitamin F! :happy:

    Plano, Teral :flowerforyou:
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Ok, finally got it to work. :noway:

    Anyway, not sure why it is small but for those that may not be able to read it: "How I think I look while planking, How I truly look while planking. "

    Saw it on Facebook and thought it was funny. Hope it brings a smile to your face today.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Deb in CNY, Does your daughter still have a driver's license and you could sit in the passenger seat while she drives herself to work in your car? I have been able to do some cardio in the car. You can get some good leg and arm movement sitting in that seat. You could also bring some weights, whatever you can find that is a weight, can, bottled water or an actual weight and do some arm strength training sitting there. Just push the seat back as far as it can go and go to it! Make some ones days who is driving beside you while you are doing cardio to the 80's music!

    Boy the Friday Silver sneaakers class is different than Mondays. But I guess it's all needed. The class was very full today, maybe because the temp is good today??? My sister said that her swim class was pretty full also. After visiting with my sister for awhile we left and I had to go to the vet's office and pick up her medicine. I'm glad it lasts about 3 months because it is $132!. Since it was lunch time there were no cute cats and dogs for me to admire while waiting. They always seem to be on their best behavior in the office.

    My daughter's best friend called her last night. She is my friend also but not as close to her as my daughter is of course. She also used to work with my husband as a Pharmacy tech. I am a nice Face book friend with her Mom. Anyway they called thier two daughters to their house last night and told them that they are getting a divorce. They have been married for around 35 years. The Mom has 2 dogs, one a little ****zu and the other an older most precious blond cocker spaniel and blind. But she is a lover and doesn't know that she is blind. The place that she has found to live won't accept the dogs. I wish I could help her but our cat is the princess of our house and Charlie would not allow it at all.

    For you that don't make posts to specific people, don't worry about it. We all support in different ways. Sometimes I have mad a note on a piece of paper but by the time it came for me to post I wouldn't remember where I left the notes or what they were really about. I find myself making responses to the few posts right before mine as I write it. Even though I don't respond, I think they all know that I am thinking of every one of you and am thankful that I found a group of women in a forum that is supportive instead of rude and discouraging. Some of us even send a private message back and forth. Many ways to be supportive here.

    Sat here long enough. Time to get on my bike. I had asked for anyone with FitBits to add me as a friend or let me add them. When I was getting my weekly email report I was always in first place because I had no friends. Now I have 6 friends and am always in 6th place!!!! Right now I am in 5th place though!!!!!!!! I want to keep it that way unless of course I can move up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    evening ladies,
    hope all is well, well the case for my phone finally came, and this is what I get for being a cheapskate and having it made oversea's.
    I am a Great Blue Heron lover and I have pictures of Heron's everywhere, so I found a beautiful picture of a heron and you design your own case,but for it to fit on the case I flipped the photo so that the head of the bird was at the bottom of the phone, on purpose so as it would show the whole bird,
    But what do they do, they flip it around and cut the bird's head off and then they send it to me..
    It comes from Hong Kong it took 3 freakin weeks and they messed it up. To say I am a little ticked is an understatement.
    I called and they said I had to e-mail customer support so that is what I did.
    I wasn't nasty,but told them I wanted it corrected and express shipped at there expense.
    I hope the listen. while have to wait until monday as im sure there isn't anyone there over the weekend.
    I haven't lost any weight since returning from Florida,but I haven't gained alot either. I havent really been putting my heart and soul into it lately,but have also been under a bit of stress through most of Jan.
    I will get my tailfeather's moving,maybe it is the weather also,New England has been the pit's lately..
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TgIF -spent the day with hubby.
    No word on the service yet for thelma.
    More snow coming in 6-10 in.
    Have a good one.
  • brendaks62
    brendaks62 Posts: 20 Member
    Always amazes me how fast the calories add up each day. now that I am back on track of recording my foodage, I realize I need to cut back somewhere. Having a desk job does not help. I realize I am a boredom eater. the afternoons are hardest and I seem to start using up my calories by late afternoon. and of course cookies are my weakness, specifically sugar cookies with icing.

    so I definitely believe keeping track keeps you on track.

    supposed to get a couple inches of snow tonight into tomorrow.
    then being told next week brings another big snowstorm- 10 to 12 inches????
    had a heat wave today of 30 degrees. and the slush begins.........

    between helping son practice driving (turns 16 next week), taking him to guitar lessons (just started them), working one evening a week at a second job at the local theater (live I a small town), helping on committee for local summer festival, and a slew of other crap, I mean stuff, lol I need to really force myself to stay with the treadmill.

    I can tell though I have been walking the treadmill since beginning of January. my strength is better and I have upped my speed. I do half walking and half jogging

    yes hubby is in the picture, our schedules just sometimes don't jive..............

    OK venting is done. thanks ladies

    onward and upward
    Brenda in chilly Ohio
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK ladies I need your help. There used to be a food program here in the states. You didn't have to be low income, anyone could order it. I can't remember what it is called. They had monthly pick ups, you would go to the distribution center, ours was a local church. The regular boxes had a weeks worth of food and you could get as many boxes as you wanted. You got meat, veggies, fruit and one desert. Anyone know what I am talking about??? I'm trying to help some one who needs to find some food on a low income. I was thinking it was called Angel tree but that is something completely different.

    found it, it's Angel food ministries but operated by some one else now. Prices just as good and good food packages.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, I do remember seeing a program like that years ago when I lived in Wichita, but don't remember what it was called. I think it was a USDA program, but I might be thinking of something else. I hope your friends can find a source for reasonable food. Things are getting so expensive, lots of people can use a little help. Oh, I see you found it.

    Oh, Brenda, I remember sugar cookies. I used to LOVE those soft frosted Lofthouse cookies. I could polish off half a package in no time. Haven't had even one since I started losing. That is one thing I really have to abstain from. Good luck teaching your son to drive.

    Alison, I too love great blue herons! They are my favorite bird. At the lake we used to paddle around in our canoe stalking the herons in the marshy areas around the edge of the water. They looked at us like we were big pests. Haven't done that since I got sick. Maybe this summer.

    The weather has been so dreary and chilly today. It's going to get worse I think. Hubby had to scrape ice off his car to come home tonight. I had to go out in the yard and rescue several soggy, icy stuffed animals that Bruno drug outside. Silly puppy.

    Good night everybody!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Joyce- Great ideas! The drive with my daughter is in shorter 20 minute spurts with some waiting for her sometimes. I also take her to the grocery store, etc. I do love the time we get to spend together. I could do the exercises in the car with my carpool mate. She would find it very funny. She is over 6 feet tall and as thin as can be, but very strong. She runs long distances and is always challenging herself in different workout programs.

    Katla- My DD is trying hard to get out of a financial hole. Unfortunately there are not any full time positions at the hospital- or anywhere else near here that she qualifies for. Her husband does not work full time either. Its all a long story, but she is really trying. I can't- and probably wouldn't if I could, support her financially as I feel she needs to be independent. I don't mind helping her out by giving her rides, but it does consume a lot of time. There is no bus service that runs early enough to get her to work on time. She relied on coworkers who lived nearby, but they were terrible about getting to work on time and being late put her job in jeopardy. I just need to figure out how to be more efficient!

    Sylvia- We see a lot of blue herons when we kayak. They are beautiful and stately. I hope you do get to go out in your canoe this summer. I find kayaking very peaceful and restorative. I need to find something to gain that peaceful, relaxed feeling in the winter!!

    Meg- Sounds like you had quite the adventure at work the other day! Isn't it a great feeling to realize how much stronger you are feeling?!

    Back to work. Grades are due this week and I have enough papers to grade to keep me busy all weekend!

    Have a great weekend, all! Hope to get back to post sometime over the weekend.

    Deb A in CNY