

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello ladies, hope your all enjoying your weekend,:
    My goals for January went to hell and a handbasket with the cold from hell
    February goals just get back on track and move

    Meg healing prayers going out to your dh's cousin

    DeeDee so sorry for your friends loss so sad

    Pat Phoo welcome back you have been missed

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, my sister does her water classes at the Y. She has terrible orthopedic problems therefore moves very slowly. She also has fibro and her bowels are very inconsistent. Do you see where this is going???:laugh: Anyway, she has occasionally gotten in the same situation you were in so she just keeps a pair of undies in a zip lock bag in her swim bag. so if she is ever caught in a bad situation she always has a spare.

    Can't remember who asked yesterday what kind of medicine I had to get for my cat that is so expensive. She has some unknown skin allergy and we took her to one vet who would just give her occasional shots of cortisone. It would take forever for her to grow her hair back, poor girl looked terrible going bald then immediately lose it again. So took her to another vet and he put her on Atopica. If it tastes as bad as it smells I feel so sorry for her. You have to draw it up in a syringe and give it to her orally. As soon as I start putting it in her mouth she tries to run so I have to do it really quick and I know that's not healthy to squirt it so quick. But her coat is is so, so beautiful. Very thick and luxurious.

    It's 59* here!!!!!!!! I agree with the flip flops and sunbathing! Winter resumes next week with snow again though

    I'have a tiny piece of meatloaf, if's i/4 of a piece that I am going to have for a sandwich today on 1 piece of bread. I think my Laughing Cow light light cheddar will taste real good on that!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Finally, a group I can relate to - I am interested in ideas for weight loss at my age of 50ish. I have gone through menopause and it is brutal. I used to weight 125lbs five years ago and gained 30 due to menopause, slowing down, eating big lunches..whoops! I am very active. I am looking for support and ideas on how to lose at least 20 lbs. 3 down, 17 more to go.

    Anyhow, I look forward to reading all of your posts.

    Thank you
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Sylvia baking soda does not contain aluminum. Some baking powder might have a compound called sodium aluminum sulfate. Look for the brands that say aluminum free. You might already have that . They do tend to be a bit more expensive than those with the sulfate version. I read labels too if it has aluminum in it I do not buy it. An example is deodorant.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Deb A in CNY
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Tosca Reno has a challenge that might be useful in staying motivated or getting started. Check out her blog.


    I know I need a kick in the pants.

  • KLuyk
    KLuyk Posts: 19
    Hi Everyone! I am new to this post. My name is Karen, I'm 55 a Literacy Coach over an hour away from my home in Queensbury NY. It's an hour north of Albany. I have a son Sam who's 16 and another son Justin 23, who lives with Hollister his girlfriend of 5 years. Been married to Dave for 30 years. I'm starting over AGAIN to get healthier. I'm exhausted from the drive every day, but I love my new job! Everyone who's over 50 knows something hurts at times, and for me its my back and feet. Just getting started walking again this weekend now that my plantar facitis is improving a bit. I love to walk but now I'm starting at 10 minutes at a time again.
    Oh well. I'd really appreciate some new friends to inspire me and get me going:) Thank you!:) Karen
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Just wanted to come back and say my Lamb Tagine was AMAZING, DH says it was absolutely stunning!

    Hairy Dieters, available on Kindle. They are not low in sodium, but you could adapt that.
    It was nice to try a new recipe. We have half left to freeze.

    Love to all. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • marise51
    marise51 Posts: 65 Member
    New to this thread but would like to be part of this support group. Will adding to the thread make an automatic in. Where do you good looking ladies get those cute icons of hearts and happy faces posted in your thread. I'm not only struggling with keeping weight off but it appears my computer skills are lacking also. Have a wonderful healthy day...YOU are worth every bit of effort.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Chilly afternoon ladies, I came back to MFP January 1st with new goals and a new mind set to get healthy and lose weight. I will be 59 in June and want to be around to see my 5 grandchildren grow up and to be able to play with them.
    :heart: we went to the SPCA last week and adopted a 7 month old Puggle (Pug and Beagle mix) her name was Bitsy but we changed it to Sprite. Sprite is my new exercise buddy and as soon as the weather gets warmer we will be taking long walks everyday.

    My goals for January were:
    :drinker: Drink more water - I am having trouble drinking 8 glasses of water but am drinking 6 -7
    :blushing: exercise every day - I exercise 5 days a week
    :happy: lose 4 lbs - I lost 12 lbs in January and am doing the HAPPY DANCE...I AM UNDER 200LBS WOOOOOHOOOO

    My goals for February are:
    :flowerforyou: drink 8 glasses (4 bottles) of water every day
    :flowerforyou: add strength training to my exercise routine
    :flowerforyou: lose 4 more pounds
    :flowerforyou: walk Sprite AT LEAST 30 minutes a day.

    :wink: Everyone stay warm and have a wonderful weekend
    :heart: Much love from Rose in FREEZING Delaware
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Meg - sorry to hear about the accident! Hope he is getting better.:flowerforyou:

    Pat(phoo) - WELCOME BACK!! :heart: We have missed you and are so glad to hear from you.

    My doctor's appointment was pretty exciting - all the numbers were great and she has now taken me off all diabetic meds to see if I can maintain my A1C without them. Since I take Victoza (and it's pretty expensive even with insurance), it's also a relief to the pocketbook. :bigsmile:

    January goals - Continue more vegetables - done
    Drink 8-10 glasses water a day - done
    50 min cardio twice a week - done
    Lose 2-3 pounds - done!!
    Work out 3 times a week - not done <sigh> :blushing:

    February goals: I'm keeping the same goals running, plus up my weights in strength training

    Jill in western MA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,873 Member
    Hello to all: Well I had to work but yesterday was my 66th birthday. Now I am officially old enough to retire according to Social Security. My transcription that I do at home is winding down as the doc is now trying to do EMR. He was training last week and the week before. My job at the hospital pools is supposed to transition from regular part-time to p.r.n. as of the end of March. I am looking forward to that. Yesterday was exciting at work as one of our patients left the pools and went into the locker room then started preterm labor. She is 29 weeks along and doing PT for back and hip pain. I had to jump out of the pool, change and take her up to the ER in a wheel chair. They admitted her immediately. That is the first time in the 21 years I have worked there that we have encountered that situation!:laugh:

    DH and I are going to a really nice restaurant tonight to celebrate my birthday and I talked to my DS, DGD, DD and my mom last night. I also got a gift certificate for a massage and I have that scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.:heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is an awesome group.

    Dr. Katiebug - When I injured my shoulder and pretty much couldn't do anything else I was advised by PT to walk 30 minutes per day to keep things moving and blood with oxygen and nutrients flowing to the area.

    Kayak - Really loved the pictures, so, so funny!:laugh:

    Phoo - So glad to see you back. Glad that January is over for you and you are starting a new month. I echo what others have said, you cannot take care of others if you do not take care of yourself. That is why God gave you two hands, one to take care of you and one to take care of others.

    I did pretty well with January goals. I was able to average 5000 steps per day. My goal for February will be to average 6000 steps per day. I did not do so well with the protein goal but will continue trying and I am definitely more aware of adding protein to my diet. I will get to the Wellness Center at least once per week this month. Still have not begun writing in my journal so will keep that goal.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hello ladies! I am inspired by you. :flowerforyou:

    May I join you?

    My Feb. goals:
    1. Log all food that passes these lips!
    2. Exercise 3 X week (seriously!) minimum
    4. Avoid stress eating!!!
    5. Less coffee, more water!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Great advice to stay and keep yourself accountable.

    I won't be seeing flowers for a few months yet. Still lots of snow.
    I presume more to come.

    I'm about 5 lbs away that's a tops. Here at home wii says about 3 lbs.
    Lets do it this month we can with just a little push.
    I hear you with no undies I pulled the same thing.

    Your lucky to be able to be gardening so early. Here we need to wait until May.
    Hope you lose weight with all that shoveling. Might become a new exercise called shoveling s--t.

    Zumba great moves great exercise.

    I don't believe any one here found a magic pill. If so there not sharing.
    Your doing good 3 gone.

    Great loss for Jan. Wishing you the same or more for Feb.

    Congrats at losing your meds. Great accomplishment.

    Happy birthday. Enjoy your supper tonight. And looking into retirement
    Another reason to celebrate.

    Well as for me having a very good first day eating well for my diabetise and my heart. Need to care for me.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Made it into town for that stint of volunteer work yesterday; roads not bad at all.........but I still can't see any patches of grass on my yard. Went to yoga this am for the first time in ages........all stretches, no balance today which was fine with me. Quick (healthy) breakfast with three yoga friends afterward........we are quite the mix but get along great. Then home and a quick get ready for Linda's memorial service which I'm just returned from. I spoke with several people about doing a more complete obit in the newspaper, turns out the write up on the back of the program would be excellent for such, so we will try with that. Many people spoke at the service; her actual family members who weren't close were quite surprised. All in all it was lovely and I'm feeling much more at peace.

    Barbie..........As always, many thanks for keeping the thread going; you are simply "the best"!!!

    Meg........How awful for your DH's cousin; hoping he's receiving good and proper care.

    Michele..........Wow, you certainly did have a busy day!! No wonder Vince thought you forgot where you live.

    Joyce..............I got such a wave of nostalgia from you description of summer vacations that I started to tear up!

    Renny.........Excellent that your mom has rallied for your visit.......treasure it all.

    Tina............I'm very sorry to hear that you are still so ill, hoping you feel better soon.

    Heather.............Your flowers are lovely.

    Sylvia............Fingers, toes and everything else crossed for the custody to go your son's way.

    Haven't managed to climb back on the scale yet, but I have kept up with Katla's drinking routine.

    Have a steak to make for dinner later.

    Welcome newbies........stick around and tell us where you are from.
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy February! My goal for this month is to continue with some of the good habits I started in January. I hadn't been exercising much at all previously, and now I've been doing something at least 4 times a week. A friend and I started meeting at an indoor track 2 or 3 times a week. The time goes quickly when you have someone to talk to. Also, logging my food every day doesn't keep me perfect, but helps tremendously. Maybe next month I'll come up with some more specific goals.

    Nancy, if it's not too late to put my two cents in, don't dismiss Chicago just because of the winters. Chicago is a fun city to visit, with wonderful museums and a beautiful lakefront. It's tough to have your kids far away, but it can be a great experience for them. And easier for them when they know they have a loving family they can always come home to. :heart: Plus, the other 3 seasons in the Midwest almost make up for the winters! :smile:

    I was in Target today and saw the Cadbury Mini Eggs on the shelf. I love love love those! But they are one of those red light foods for me, and I know the whole bag would be gone in 2 days if I bought them. So they are still safely on the store shelf, and I've been feeling pretty good about that all afternoon.:happy:

    Time to get some housework done. Weekends are too short. Had to shovel snow from in front of my dryer vent, so now I'm set to do laundry. Our strong winds from earlier in the week drifted snow against the house.

    Enjoy the weekend!
    Kay in almost sunny Wisconsin
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello All! My goal for February is to workout more. I've been doing it sproradically and it showed in my small weight loss.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Every month when I read the new posts I think that I should have waited to see what you all wrote before making my own resolutions because there are so many great ideas, but once again I forgot.

    :flowerforyou: One of my resolutions is to do yoga once a week. Yoga has been part of my resolutions many times and I’ve missed the mark consistently. Last month I started the month with yoga three times a week doing a routine with a lot of twists and my back protested so much so that I stopped yoga and strength training for the rest of the month. This month I’m aiming for once a week and doing a routine of standing poses and no twists. Today when I was doing my yoga, Bernie, the cat, walked all over me while I was lying in relaxation pose. I thought he might lie down on me but he just kept walking up and down.

    :flowerforyou: One meal Jake really likes is when I roast a whole chicken. Our grocery store had whole chickens at a great price awhile ago and I bought two of them and put them in the freezer. I roasted one yesterday. When it’s cooked, I cut the chicken in half and give each of us half along with a serving of quinoa/sprouted rice blend, gravy made with 1 cup of Swanson’s low sodium chicken broth thickened with corn starch and the juice from cooking the chicken, and a vegetable (broccoli this time). We eat part of the chicken, remove the bones and put the rest of the chicken away for another meal. It’s more work than just cooking a boneless chicken breast but Jake likes it. We had the leftover chicken today with leftover gravy, more quinoa/rice, and cauliflower. There’s still some chicken left for Jake to do something with for a snack or a meal.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington


    go Seahawks
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Well, I guess Denver has decided to join the rest of the nation in the “deep freeze. “ It’s been snowing since Thursday afternoon, and isn’t expected to really stop for another 8 days. It’s hard to know whether to believe that or not, since the weather forecasting here is always a bit sketchy. I’m trying to decide whether to cancel my father’s doctor appointments for this week, since they aren’t essential.

    My daughter is considering starting grad school in March to become a nurse practitioner. She took the MAT, a standardized test for graduate school admissions, and got a 94%. (The percentiles are considered comparable with the GRE). That’s really good, since she finished her second bachelor’s degree nearly four years ago and time tends to make you forget your schooling. She’s always been brilliant, though – she could write the entire alphabet and some 2-3 letter words at 20 months, and was both reading and comprehending at 8th grade level in kindergarten. My son is equally smart, but less disciplined. Sorry for rambling on… she’s been on my mind today since the test results came in, and I’ve always been really proud of her. :heart:

    I’m several days behind on reading, so my posts may a bit passé!

    Dr. Katie – I had to laugh about your trials with trying to wear a bra. Sorry! :blushing: I know that it isn’t really funny right now, and I hope your wrist heals quickly.

    Meg – What an adventure with the broken water main! It sounded like incredibly hard work, and I’m sure you burned TONS of calories. :drinker:

    Jenero – Where do you live to have that much snow??? I hope that the wind just drifted it all in front of your door and left the rest of the yard bare. Sending positive thoughts for your mom’s biopsy when they do it.

    Teral – Westminster is on the north side of the Denver metro area. I live on the south side, but meeting up would definitely be doable! In fact, that would be really nice. What part of March will you be here? I’m hoping to be in Mexico for the last 10 days of March for my son’s spring break. (He’s really “excited” about going with his parents).

    Jane – I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Rori – I’m glad that you’re home and in between trips. It must be draining to have to deal with all of the logistics of getting from place to place all the time!

    Helaurin – Oh, my. What a sad story! I’m glad you’re able to be there for your older grandchild, and sorry that your efforts are so unappreciated. Please know that you’re doing a wonderful thing, and try not to let the hurt derail you. I realize that is easier said than done. Just take one day at a time and do what you’re able.

    Meg -- I hope that your hubby's cousin is doing better by now. What a terrible accident!

    Barbie – The chicken gravy sounds good, and even better, simple. I wouldn’t have thought of it, though, so thank you.

    Although I'm not a football fan, I have to say it: GO BRONCOS!

    Jane in Colorado
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,779 Member
    I was ohh so bad, but it tasted good.
    we went to Friendly's tonight and I had an ultimate grilled cheese and tomato soup,that was almost 1000 calories in itself. but it tasted yummy going down.
    getting up early and grocery shopping in the am. went through the flyer ,printed off my shopping list and there is alot of B1G1 so hopefully it wont cost alot..
    DH still feeling 100% he keeps saying he is cold... he is probably low in something, but will have to look it up.
    well coming up this Weds I think ,my brother will have been sober 1 month, so very very proud of him, spoke with him this morning and he was going to get together with 2 friends of his that he grew up with that both have had there issues, think they might go to a meeting together..
    I am going to send him a note and tell him how very proud I am of him