Advocare 24 day Challenge



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Have you noticed how for every negative comment someone posts a reply trying to mitigate the reasons the reviewer gave for not liking Advocare and their products? Like I said in my post I believe Advocare is a cult. It's my opinion that Advocare members troll sites like these and when they see a negative post they sign up enmasse with their friends and post opposing replies. Also as I said in my other post my friend has been sucked into this scam. Her FB page is nothing but Advocare this and Advocare that. Her Advocare friends post comments touting the benefits and how many lives they've changed. According to a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine Supplements and Vitamins, like those pushed by Advocare reps are a waste of time. Why waste $200, use that money for some new clothes, just watch what you eat, move around more and get some exercise. It's common sense.

    Completely agree. I feel like I've been a heavy target for my Advocare-selling friends on facebook because I've already been successful at weight management. Funny how none of them are at a reasonable weight and yet continue to believe in its magic properties.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I'm on day 14 of the Advocare 24 day challenge. I have not lost one pound. Not one. So frustrated. I've given up sugar, gluten, alcohol, and dairy. I work out every single day and drink so much water I can barely leave the house for having to use the bathroom. I've really never eaten that badly but have slowing put on 20lbs that absolutely have to come off. I'm 5'3" at 150lbs. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Did measure yourself? you lose inches before weight? if you are working out you could be gaining muscles.... how often are you eating? What time are you weighting youself?
    If the person is on a caloric deficit (the premise of the advocare program) then she isnt gaining muscle. In fact, its really hard for women to gain muscle. Go gain muscle you need a progressive load workout as well as a surplus and even then women struggle to gain more than 1/2 lb per week. The question is did the person follow the plan or was the plan over estimating too many calories based on other variables.
  • My husband and I are finishing up day #6. The plan has been super easy to follow. I'm down 6 lbs and my husband 10 lbs. I think it is a great starting program for us. I have numerous friends that have lost 50+ lbs on the plan, which is why we decided to give it a try. I love the Spark drink... Hubby not so much. Just isn't his thing. The fiber drink is a little difficult for me simply because I have textural issues. :/ But, so far so good! We've been very pleased.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    My husband and I are finishing up day #6. The plan has been super easy to follow. I'm down 6 lbs and my husband 10 lbs. I think it is a great starting program for us. I have numerous friends that have lost 50+ lbs on the plan, which is why we decided to give it a try. I love the Spark drink... Hubby not so much. Just isn't his thing. The fiber drink is a little difficult for me simply because I have textural issues. :/ But, so far so good! We've been very pleased.

    Awesome, keep up the good work. Nate DeTracy told me to try making the fiber drink like apple sauce and only use a little water. The Peaches and Cream one is much easier to get down. Good luck on the rest of your journey.
  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
    This is Day One for my wife and I. I admit being leery about it however some good friends of ours swear by it and have lost a combined weight of 120 lbs. So figured I'd give it a shot. If nothing else it has got me motivated again and I have started back in Myfitnesspal after 30 months of inactivity.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    This is Day One for my wife and I. I admit being leery about it however some good friends of ours swear by it and have lost a combined weight of 120 lbs. So figured I'd give it a shot. If nothing else it has got me motivated again and I have started back in Myfitnesspal after 30 months of inactivity.

    Good luck!
  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
  • I lost all my baby weight with Advocare. It really helped me a lot. I struggled hard and nothing helped. I think Advocare works if you follow it correctly. I'm now down to 125 thanks to the program. Some people can do diet and exercise alone and some need help. Anyone who is struggling with their Advocare or interested in starting Ill be happy to help. Good luck!
  • If you BLEND the drink instead of just stir or shake that helps a lot! Mix in some lemon juice or OJ to help with the taste! That was the hardest part for me!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I've done Advocare and you can lose weight without any of the supplements. I've logged several days and not one day was I above 1500 calories. It was normal to be between 1200-1400 calories a day. If you aren't losing eating that, then you either aren't measuring food correctly.

    That being said, if I could afford it I would take the probiotics and/or fiber drink as part of my regular diet. This may be tmi but I had regularity issues ever since I got pregnant with my son. I thought it would get better after I had him but I was never the same. I did the 24 day challenge when my son was a year old and within days I was back to "normal". It was more than just the foods I was eating because I tried adding more fiber, etc and that never helped. I have never tried just taking the fiber drink or just the probiotics so I'm not 100% sure what supplement I attribute it to.
  • I just ordered my AdvoCare and am waiting on it to arrive. I'm so excited!!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I went and checked it online and I thinkI do the same with what I eat every day. If it works for you, CHEERS!!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I just ordered my AdvoCare and am waiting on it to arrive. I'm so excited!!

    Good luck! Feel free to add me. I finished my Challenge on January 24th.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I just ordered my AdvoCare and am waiting on it to arrive. I'm so excited!!

    Good luck, any questions ask away. We are all here to support each other.
  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
    If you BLEND the drink instead of just stir or shake that helps a lot! Mix in some lemon juice or OJ to help with the taste! That was the hardest part for me!

    I agree with this. Especially with the Fiber drink. I had it the first day mixed with just water and could hardly get it down. With the OJ it was not bad at all.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I lost 48 lbs by eating less and moving more and didnt waste a dime on a product like Adocare.

    Yay ME for being such a special little snowflake!!!!!!!! :drinker:

  • Sirskot00
    Sirskot00 Posts: 23 Member
    So Far this is working pretty well for me. Already lost weight but even better I have a lot more energy.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    So Far this is working pretty well for me. Already lost weight but even better I have a lot more energy.
    That's awesome! More energy is always a win.
  • Anything that involves a "cleanse" loses me right there. There is no scientific evidence for cleansing of any kind (my liver handles it nicely, thank you very much). If a product uses one part of BS science, how do I know the rest of it isn't BS science too?

    But I guess eating less and moving more is just too darned complicated, and words like "cleanse" and "Advocare" sound so nice and official, and things that you pay for always work so much better than the simple freebies.