

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    For anyone interested in getting their groceries at a bargain and getting some good food, granted not all of it is as healthy as we would like sometimes here is the site I was talking about. They were grat when my sister and I used them while she had her breast cancer surgery. I bought hers and my groceries this way. They only do distributions once a month so you do have to get it organized but you can get some good groceries. Each box is supposed to feed a family of four for a week so with older couples it does last longer. You can order as many boxes as you want. At Thanksgiving and Christmas they do have special boxes so a low income family can have a ham or turkey dinner. You don't go through any income check, we didn't need to go there and get our groceries but a lot of people do. It's just good thrifty shopping, a wise use of what God gives us.

    I tried my Quacker rice cakes today. Charlie says he has tried one before and it tasted like styrofoam. Well I didn't think it tasted that bad because it was caramel corn flavored. They also have a chocolate one.. They also make them in minis, I didn't see them in the store but I really didn't look that hard because I forgot about them. I think they are 50 calories. I also bought some Laughing Cow light wedges. I don't know what to put it on, do I just use a little knife and eat it that way or do you put a little bit on a type of cracker? I would try it tonight but I am at my protein limit for the day.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Congratulations on the weight loss. :flowerforyou: As I read your post I misread the word worrier. I thought you said you are a warrior, and I agree with that. You’ve taken on a lot of things and keep on doing what needs to be done. I admire your attitude, and what I’d call grit.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I would probably drive you nuts, too. I’m a little bit like your DH. When I’m asked a question I sometimes think the answer but don’t say it out loud. My husband gets so mad. I am working on improving but still have a ways to go.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: I never set a number of pounds lost as a goal because it is too far out of my control. There are so many reasons why a person can do everything right and not lose a pound. I set my goals based exclusively on what I do. I think you had a good month, and even lost a couple of pounds.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Sorry the respiratory bug caught you. I hope things improve soon.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I hope your breathing goal works out for you. I like your quote, “Staying healthy is a marathon, not a sprint.”:bigsmile:

    Alison: I hope you get your phone case as you requested. Good luck with that.:flowerforyou:

    DebA in CNY: I would go the extra distance for my daughter, too. I hope you can find a way to avoid exhaustion. In my case, exhaustion usually leads to illness.:flowerforyou:

    I’m having a low energy day today, but have spent much of it reading a good book. The author is Carla Neggers, and it is called Cider Brook. I’ll have to take some time away from reading to get ready for a meeting. Tomorrow is our Marina Association meeting. I’ve been the secretary for the last several years and am not be willing to be reelected. We’ve found someone who is willing to do the job. I hope the election goes smoothly and I’m looking forward to my ”retirement.” I still have to put together one more agenda and get my report ready from last year’s meeting. In addition to getting rid of the job, I’ll also be able to get rid of a box of records that have been sitting in my office when I pass the job along. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Joyce, When I make a sandwich for lunch, I put Laughing Cow wedges on instead of butter or margarine...and then turkey or something. I love it that way. Gives the sandwich a cheese taste without all the fat and calories.

    Rained a little last night. We need rain so badly that every little bit helps. It hadn't rained at all for 42 straight days. They say another bit of rain will be here over the weekend or early next week.

    It's colder though and I don't really like that part. (Colder meaning the 60s... I really have nothing to complain about, do I!)

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Hope all of you with illness and injuries get on the path to wellness, quickly! :tongue:

    Jane: Sympathies on the loss of dear Thelma. You are a good friend. :heart:

    No energy today. I’m in between business trips right now. It’s a drag dealing with snowy conditions in a rental car, schlepping a heavy coat through airports, cramming carryons into the overhead bins of small commuter planes, and the inevitable airline delays. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Next week I’m in Charleston, WV and NYC with a schedule that has me booked for every bfast, lunch and dinner. I shouldn’t complain. I am grateful to be in demand and appreciated for my humble skills. :blushing:

    This is the Year of the Horse which augers well for the Broncos. :love: :love: :love: Can hardly wait for the big game.

    In the snowy Colorado Foothills where we’re United in Orange
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I have had several long and busy days in a row and can hardly keep my eyes open, so I’ve posted the new thread for February. I hope you will all find it and continue our journey together.

    :bigsmile: Here is the link to the new thread:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..28,000 steps today ----
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    We have a food pantry at our church.Low income people can come 1x a week.They give meat,bread,fresh veg and fruit when they get it.Then several times a year they have one from a food truck.They give you a lot.One time we got a case of turkey franks.
    Thelma`s service is sun and funeral mon.Thanks for all the kind words.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, Ladies- There are thirty minutes left in January. Oh, I am so glad it's over! This has not been a very fun-filled month.

    First though, I need to thank all of you wonderful, kind and loving ladies who have been sending me messages and reminding me that I am missed and welcomed here. They have been very touching and sustaining through this month. I needed the reminders.

    It has been difficult with Bill here and trying to have back surgery. Because of his multiple other health problems, it has been a challenge. And, I have let that all interfere with taking care of myself. I have used him as an excuse to just go ahead and eat. It has been awful. I have even stopped going to OA. But, my sponsor isn't letting me out of that easily, and she is just as adamant as all of you that I need to keep taking care of myself or I will be pretty useless to everyone. God has been very good to me by putting people around me who are so awesome.

    I learned a new term from the arthritis doctor. "Terminal Arthritis"..... no, I am not going to die from it. It just has gotten as bad as it is going to get, so it is time to do something about it. So, I now have my handicap parking sticker, and my ankle will be fixed after Bill's back and his recovery. Only one in recovery at a time......we both can't be down for the count.....who would feed the critters?!

    I will check back in soon. As for January........go, go quietly and don't let the door hit you on your way out!

    Phoo in Az (Pat)
  • helaurin
    helaurin Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm in Chester County, a suburb of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.

    Regarding being a second-time-around-parent as a kinship foster, I'm glad I was/am able to be there for the older grandchild.

    I'll admit it's been a really challenging time in my life; in many ways, I feel like I've been on a roller-coaster. My daughter hates me at this point, views me as the enemy and is hell-bent on finding any way she can to destroy me. She lied to Children and Youth Services (CYS), telling them that I'm a drug addict and a drug dealer, which required them to then get all my medical and prescription records for the past few years, conduct drug testing on me, etc. Of course, I'm not a drug dealer and not a drug addict, so everything came up clean. Then she tried to get me on identify fraud - she asked me to pay her water bill because her water was going to be shut off, but she didn't tell me how much it was. I called the water company, identified myself as her mother, gave them the property address, and they told me she owed $400. I might have been willing to help out if it had been $40 - $50, but no way $400. When I refused to pay her water bill, she claimed I had engaged in identity fraud, but CYS told her if she wants to pursue that claim, to go to the police - they aren't going to take my granddaughter from me for considering and deciding not to pay her bill. Each month, the agency sends her a letter informing her of what dates/times and the location of the supervised visits; for the last few months, it's been on alternating Saturday mornings. This morning normally would have been one of the visits, but they never sent her a letter for the February visits because they were transferring the case to a new caseworker. Well, the new caseworker just got the case and had a prior commitment for today, so they are going to offer her the 2nd & 4th Saturday in Feb. for the supervised visits. I tried to be nice and informed my son-in-law (since he is still speaking to me, albeit barely, via Facebook) yesterday that there wouldn't be a visit this weekend because of the new caseworker having a prior commitment, and that my understanding is that she'll restart the visits next weekend. I was trying to be kind, as they don't have a car, so getting to the visitation requires that they take a bus for almost two-and-a-half miles. I got back a bunch of nonsense that my daughter and her son-in-law are going to put me in jail, that what I'm doing is illegal, that I can't be changing the visits according to a court order that they claim to have (which I've never seen), what kind of person am I, they are getting a free lawyer (they are very low-income), etc. My daughter had already left messages that she's going to get the child back "very soon", that she's "not going to stand for this very much longer", that she doesn't "respect what I'm doing with her", and once she gets her back, she will make sure that I "never see her again". So much for me trying to be considerate; I know my daughter & son-in-law are both low-income, have no car, and I didn't want them going to the meeting place and then be standing there not knowing why they would be the only ones there. And they perpetually are angry that the two children have been separated. I was able to take the older grandchild, who if I had NOT taken, would have been sent to either a foster home run by strangers, or, if no foster home space was found, to an institution/group home. The baby was able to go to her paternal grandparents. There was simply no way that I could handle both, not physically nor financially. Physically, I was (and still am) recovering from a car accident (I was stopped at a stone-cold red light and rammed from behind by a distracted driver) just a month earlier, and day care expenses for both children would have been $375 a week, as I work - but I my budget couldn't sustain that as an additional expense. I really couldn't even handle the additional day care expense of even just the one child, friends ended up helping me out a bit too. Now that she's in school, the weekly fee has been reduced to a more manageable level. And no, neither my daughter (who is this child's mom) nor her step-father have the means (nor the inclination) to help with any of the expenses. The child's bio-father is basically AWOL, not that we want him around anyhow - he's got numerous convictions for D&A offenses, DUI, and convictions for at least two different assaults.

    Anyhow, with all this stress, sometimes I just want to eat entire boxes of girl scout cookies (which I have a couple cases of, as my granddaughter is a scout trying to sell cookies). I've managed not to eat up all her cookie stock so far :)

    for Joyce - I did look up Angel Food Ministries, it's being run by different people because the founders went to jail: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/08/30/georgia-angel-food-ministries/2739077/

    I did find this blog, about a year old, that gave a run-down list of a lot of similar programs: http://uglygrayhouse.blogspot.com/2013/02/food-co-ops-and-food-ministries.html

    anyhow... back to weight loss.

    I met my goal for January! Granted, it might not seem like a very big goal... currently, I set my goal to be to shoot to lose one percent of my body weight each week, on average. I calculated out what 1% each week would be for the next umpteen-million weeks, and am allowing that there could be a week where I might not make goal, but might lose more than the goal amount a subsequent week, so that on average, I should still be okay.

    So for week 1, I started at 177.4 lbs. The goal was to lose 1.77 pounds, I lost 2.4 lbs. and so on.

    At the end of week 4, my cumulative lost-weight goal was supposed to be 6.99 pounds. I had actually lost 8.4 pounds.

    I'm not going to adjust February's goal by adjusting my starting weight; I'm going to keep it the same, because the difference is really small at this point. So by the end of February, my goal is another 6.72 pounds off. If I did adjust it, my end-of-Feb goal would be closer to 6.6 pounds off - see not a huge difference.

    If I do over on calories on any given day, I try to be sure that the excess was due to exceeding protein targets, rather than fat allowances.

    I do need to get better at drinking a lot more water. I tend to do a lot of tea instead (with nutrasweet).

    Anyhow.... I need to get myself moving...it's already about 5 am.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My daughter's best friend called her last night. She is my friend also but not as close to her as my daughter is of course. She also used to work with my husband as a Pharmacy tech. I am a nice Face book friend with her Mom. Anyway they called thier two daughters to their house last night and told them that they are getting a divorce. They have been married for around 35 years. The Mom has 2 dogs, one a little ****zu and the other an older most precious blond cocker spaniel and blind. But she is a lover and doesn't know that she is blind. The place that she has found to live won't accept the dogs. I wish I could help her but our cat is the princess of our house and Charlie would not allow it at all.
    Hi Joyce, this makes me sad. If you have any influence at all, maybe you could urge her to get the two dogs adopted TOGETHER. That would probably be best in any case, but because the older one's blind, and they would be going to a new home, the other one can help the blind one. They probably do that already. It would be very hard on the blind one to be placed alone in an unfamiliar house, neighborhood etc.
    My dog is nearly blind, so I have some experience with this.

    Personally, I would not choose a place to live where I could not take my (handicapped) pet, but maybe that's just me.

    Just passing this along.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Wow! It's been quiet here today! I'm still struggling with this cold and am heartily sick of the congestion. I was sleeping sooooo well this morning and my ex called and woke me up. :angry: I haven't slept much this week because of the coughing and the whole not being able to breathe thing. I had my first oatmeal smoothie this morning--Pumpkin! I liked it and am planning to try a different flavor for tomorrow. I indulged in some "regular" cookies today. They were delicious and worth every calorie (I did plan for them). I purposefully bought individually wrapped ones so that there was no mindless binging. I managed a two-mile walk between the coughing fits. It felt wonderful to get to be outside! I actually got all of my laundry done (except sheets which are changed tomorrow) and all the dishes are clean. :happy: The boy child decided he was well enough to visit his dad today so it has been pleasant having the house to myself. All in all, not a bad Saturday except for the whole not resting thing. Oops. :blushing: Hope to finish up Level 1 of the 30-day Shred tomorrow; I decided I was just too tired today. Hope everyone is doing well! I'm off to do my smoothie prep.

    Carol in cloudy but mild NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All,
    Haven't had time to get on this past few days, checking in. I wish I had time to read. I was to take the personal training test this past Weds. but could not get the computer and webcam to work, so I am scheduled again for this Weds. We are setting everything up tonight for a dry one this time. So, I've been studying, I have also been working extra hours so I've not exercised or tracked food. This has to stop. I am recommittimg to food journaling and I'm strength training tonight.
    I've done something to my right knee, it is very sore and my cardio is suffering because of it. At first I figured a few days off to recoup and I'd be fine. That's not how it's going. I'm thinking I'll have to have it checked.
    Oh well, off to work I go.
    Everyone have a happy and healthy day,:smile:
    Patty, Cincinnati

    Goals this month:
    Journal food
    Increase water
    Strength train twice a week
    Get back into doable cardio
  • jenero52
    jenero52 Posts: 8 Member
    LOVE the planking "cartoon"!!! Thanks for the laugh!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: Here is the link to the new thread: