Guys, do you like it when the woman makes the first move?



  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Yes I do. I'm shy and clueless when it comes to the signals women put out. I miss them or assume she is just being friendly and not interested in that way.

    O_o I see we got a lot of shy guys here..
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member

    O_o I see we got a lot of shy guys here..
    A gentleman is but a patient wolf.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member

    O_o I see we got a lot of shy guys here..
    A gentleman is but a patient wolf.

    Ahh..act as gentleman, but inside the heart of men ,we ladies, may never know..I think? LOL!!
  • Sartajsingh85
    Sartajsingh85 Posts: 24 Member
    Both men and women should make the first move and never shy away, on account of being scared of rejection. Please have a look at this excellent TED TALK on rejection.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I've asked out a guy before and been shot down.
    Ah well.

    We have to spend our whole lives being shot down, sometimes politely, sometimes abusively and profanely. Why would anybody want to risk that?

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm an emancipated woman! I can do this! And so I did.
    I didn't do it much after that because things were picking up for me. I was doing well without asking.

    HOWEVER- I'm not beyond using insane pick up lines on guys in bars. At least I wasn't. I don't do that anymore.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    I hate to use insane pick-up lines too on gentlemen,makes me feel yucky.. I use staring game to the one I like to see, if I am interested on you,I will stare and approach for small talk..thats how I do.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I always have. Honestly I'd love to be "chased" Just once in my life, but seeing as I'm married now I guess I'm SOL on that one.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    I always have. Honestly I'd love to be "chased" Just once in my life, but seeing as I'm married now I guess I'm SOL on that one.

    Ah..that 'being chased' I like that too..but somehow I kinda disappointed whenever they turn around and run a mile away, when I show them a bit of what I actually can see clearly of them..Nothing escapes my eyes..
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I hate to use insane pick-up lines too on gentlemen,makes me feel yucky.. I use staring game to the one I like to see, if I am interested on you,I will stare and approach for small talk..thats how I do.

    Uh ok.

    Just goofing off when I went out. Never took any of them home. Never asked for their numbers. Half the time they didn't even know my real name. But my friends and I did have a fun night.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    I hate to use insane pick-up lines too on gentlemen,makes me feel yucky.. I use staring game to the one I like to see, if I am interested on you,I will stare and approach for small talk..thats how I do.

    Uh ok.

    Just goofing off when I went out. Never took any of them home. Never asked for their numbers. Half the time they didn't even know my real name. But my friends and I did have a fun night.

    Hahaha..Poor guy, you will have your chances.Just wait :wink:
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I hate to use insane pick-up lines too on gentlemen,makes me feel yucky.. I use staring game to the one I like to see, if I am interested on you,I will stare and approach for small talk..thats how I do.

    Uh ok.

    Just goofing off when I went out. Never took any of them home. Never asked for their numbers. Half the time they didn't even know my real name. But my friends and I did have a fun night.

    Hahaha..Poor guy, you will have your chances.Just wait :wink:

    Nah.. I'm married now. That's why it's all behind me.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    :wink: Good for you
  • 2Dozen
    2Dozen Posts: 66 Member
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    Do women not make the first move because 1) They are scared or 2) They believe (or custom) to feel its the guys job?

    I remember when I was a kid that if I wanted a date to the school dance it was me to go ask a girl and it seemed to be that way up my whole life

    both. and also insecurity, but i think that ties in with 2 because we think you're supposed to. unless the gal straight up knows the guy is shy AF. also girls who approach guys have often been labelled as psycho stalker types.

    books like 'he's just not that into you' that tell women to never ever make the first move are pretty detrimental to the cause lol.

    **** the 'rules' honestly. theres no winning.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Yes I do. I'm shy and clueless when it comes to the signals women put out. I miss them or assume she is just being friendly and not interested in that way.

    O_o I see we got a lot of shy guys here..

    Well this IS an internet forum....internet forums tend to be good places to find introverted and/or shy people.
  • NicholePotato
    NicholePotato Posts: 113 Member
    I make moves I just need a bit of my friend vodka first to get me started. Then I am very direct.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Yes I do. I'm shy and clueless when it comes to the signals women put out. I miss them or assume she is just being friendly and not interested in that way.

    O_o I see we got a lot of shy guys here..

    Well this IS an internet forum....internet forums tend to be good places to find introverted and/or shy people.

    I wont deny I'm introvert,my mind speaks loud than my actions. I like shy guys..They are honest gentlemen, as long as they dont fake their personalities
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    I find it so hard to make the first move. Even if I'm 90% sure a guy is checking me out or interested I just can't to it. I'm worried that maybe I'm wrong and he'll just look at me like I'm nuts, or worse disgusted. I always have this inner voice inside me telling me that I'm still the same disproportionate, flat chested, acne ridden dork that I was in high school. I'm hoping that once I'm down to my goal weight I'll feel confident enough to be able to kick that voice to the curb
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    It has never worked for me but my MO is usually accidently ending up in relationships. They just sort of happen.

    But the times I make the first move don't work out ever!!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I am a pretty shy person, and terrible around women.....
    I have gotten better, but in my younger days....oh it sucked so bad.

    So the woman making the first move or at least making it easier to talk with, is always nice.