any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • Hey...why not try to lose inches, not weight...your BMI is healthy right now. You will look and feel better if you maintain your current weight, but turn any fat you have(which I cant imagine you have to much) to muscle. Weight bearing exercise is your best bet. Then you can even eat more, becuause your metabolism will increase...muscle burns more calories then fat. I am 5'9 and 138 right now. I don't check my weight regularly...just my inches.
  • im 4' 11" and is 120 lbs. but yes i am also tryin to loose weight for myself and bcuz i eat alot
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey...why not try to lose inches, not weight...your BMI is healthy right now. You will look and feel better if you maintain your current weight, but turn any fat you have(which I cant imagine you have to much) to muscle. Weight bearing exercise is your best bet. Then you can even eat more, becuause your metabolism will increase...muscle burns more calories then fat. I am 5'9 and 138 right now. I don't check my weight regularly...just my inches.

    Not sure if this was directed towards me, but I have lost inches. Despite being the same weight, I bought some SIZE TWO jeans last night for the first time ever! I'm sure there was vanity sizing involved, but it still felt good :bigsmile:
  • New to this topic! Nice to see a few others focusing on minor changes now that we're in the healthy weight range. I'm not looking to lose more pounds, necessarily, but I'd like to lose inches by replacing fat with muscle. I agree with the general sentiment that inches (and how you look/feel) are a whole lot more important than BMI.
  • I'm glad to see this post as well. I'm 5'7 147lbs. I would like to be down to 130. My eating is definitely getting in the way. This weekend's goal will to be work out twice & stay away from the junkfood along with increasing water consumption. I wanna look hot in the bikini in March!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    I'm heavy now, but before you dismiss my words.. I used to be in fantastic shape - I'm 5'6 and weighed 155lb when I did bodybuilding, and had abs. I worked in a gym and competed in canoe polo. You don't need to lose weight to have abs. Infact it will likely be the opposite for you. You're lean, what you need to do is protein stack and do very intense zone training - on your abs. It is nearly impossible. It's honesty more painful than it's worth. But best of luck.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I weigh 151lbs. I just had my third baby five months ago. I've lost about 45lbs since I had my daughter. According to my BMI I'm right in the middle of the normal weight range. With clothes on, you can't tell I had a baby, and I've have THREE of them in the past 4 years. Still, that isn't good enough for me. I want to look PERFECT without clothes on, I don't want any inch on my body that needs to hide. I, too, do get obessive over this - but in a positive way. I manage everything that I eat and I push myself to workout harder each time. I have about 25lbs left to loose or so, which will put me at 125lbs. Just to put it in prospective for you, I'm currently in a size 5. My normal size, not pregnant, is a size 3. I'd like to be even more tone than a size 3. I don't want to be scrawny skinny, I want to keep an athletic tone, so maybe fit into a size 3 comfortably and a size 1 for them tight jeans that look good on your butt. ;) However, yes, I am there with you. I don't necessarily NEED to loose the weight, but I WANT to loose it. I think its important that we all have eachother for support, because our goals are important and although it is nice to hear that we "aren't 'fat' and don't need to loose weight" it won't help us achieve our own personal goals. You can add me if you'd like, I completely understand.
  • Welcome to all the new posters!! :smile: I am currently trying to get out of a rut :tongue:

    Maybe because this is the first time I have been SERIOUS about getting healthy, but I did a huge backlash of sorts with being unhealthy for the past few weeks, but have slowly been fighting back! I cut up two containers of celery sticks and carrot sticks today, so when the munchies strike I will be prepared! :laugh:

    Also replacing my coffee with Ovaltine, which is a nutritious drink that tastes like hot chocolate. I don't really have much to say... to be honest, I am posting to try and keep myself on track :tongue: When I stop being active on MFP beyond recording my food, I binge a lot more easily. Also turned my food diary to public so hopefully that motivates me to be able to log healthy eats!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm not sure if I even fit into this but I've never been obese, just overweight.. well okay, maybe according to today's standards I've been obese. 176 was my heaviest I recall actually checking.. who knows, may have weighed more. I have lost 30 lbs since. But I have 30 more to go, so maybe I'm not right for this?? I'm about 5' 2". Currently weigh 146, want to weigh 116. I wish more girls my size and the size I want to be would post photos so I can get an idea. I feel I have a larger frame for my height though.. so I feel like 116 won't look that bad on me. We'll see.
  • Anyone else finding they are not loosing weight whilst sticking to/just below your allowed calories? I am honestly sticking to mine and exercising but am not dropping pounds!
  • BellaB777
    BellaB777 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 156lb right now and that is considered 'over weight' for my BMI but I also just had a baby in Feb. and trying to work off the baby weight is really hard the second time around as I'm finding out :/ I want to be 130lb, it was perfect for my bone structure and I looked great at that weight...when I started here I was 160lb so I'm making progress but ppl who have more weight to lose than I do that I know as friends keep making snide comments about it and they don't understand, I may not be 'fat' compared to their calculations but it's 'fat' to ME. kinda sucks sometimes.

    Sorry to tell you but it's jealousy. I was once 175 @ 5'4" and I had friends that were taller and between 115-120 and they would tell me that I did not need to lose anymore weight. How would they know right? They had never seen me smaller. I feel like they couldn't stand anyone being smaller or around the same weight. So keep going until you feel comfortable. And if you feel like you need to gain or drop a few pounds after you reach your goal, then so be it. I gained a ton of weight with my pregnancy so now I am back at square one. If anyone tells me that I don't need to lose more weight once I reach my first goal of 145, I will ask them 'have you seen me smaller?' Of course the answer would be "no". And my response would be 'Then you don't know what I'd look like!'. Sometimes you have to shut people down.
  • allysar
    allysar Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5'4" and 127lbs. I really feel much better at 120 or below. I am going to keep myself accountable for what I eat by logging it here.

    I need to keep up the exercise. It is so hard with my work schedule. (12 hour nights) Looking forward to the reminders by coming here.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hi and welcome new folks! you don't have to ask if you belong here, if you have to ask, you do, and if you don't have to ask, you also belong:flowerforyou:
    I had a big binge weekend but I did squeeze in my gateway to 8k, one more week and I am running for 50 mins straight! Hard to believe since the couch to 5k days was June, when I struggled to run for 10 minutes straight!
    I am going to weigh in tomorrow but I should be able to eat well and get back on track. My December Challenge was to work in some 30DS. I can't believe it is almost December!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    still holding on to some thanksgiving pounds, so is DH. I guess it's still sodium? Driving me bonkers! At least I still fit in my new jeans.... the goodies I forced myself to put in the freezer are calling to me though! Since I'm not losing anyway I think I'll increase my calories for a little bit to keep my body guessing (and maybe sneak in a treat or two :blushing: )
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Well today's weighin has me 18lbs over my goal weight. I have surgery in January so now I really have to push myself. I'm going to cut out all carbs except whole wheat bread, brown rice, baked white and sweet potatoes.
  • i started a week ago and lost 3 pounds i am only 5'3" and at 145 now with the 3 pounds goal is 120
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    the monday weigh-in was 112, so not even more than usual, as I am usually down to goal weight, 110 by Friday.
    I did the 30DS last night because I was about out of calories and wanted pizza but I ended up going over on cals anyway. And now I worry I will be too sore for my 50-minute run-last week of Gateway to 8K!
    how are the rest of my NTH girls?
    Someone mentioned wondering what a certain weight and height looks like and I remember there was a website mentioned on one of these threads, something-mirror. I can't remember! does anyone have the link? It was pretty cool but it was just getting started and there weren't alot of pics or any, for some hight/weight combos. I wanted to upload my pics but I never did.
  • Just under 60kg for my weigh-in. The mad binge eating really took a toll! But taking this one day at a time :tongue: Hoping to get out of the house again today to avoid a binge. Going on adventures is much more fun, and the walking is good exercise!
  • Thought I'd say hi to this thread! I'm 26 years old, 5'3 and currently 63.5kg (139lb). Hoping to get down to 56kg (123lb) as that's where I feel most comfortable.

    I had a lot of success doing the recommended 1200 calorie thing before my dreaded eating disorder took over and I became obsessed with getting my calories as low as possible. I know how stupid that is, but eating disorders just seem to cancel out all rational thought processes. I'm working really hard to recover and get back to that 1200 calorie limit and do what's right for my body. I think this is a really great thread, congratulations girls on all the success you've had so far!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I'm not sure if I even fit into this but I've never been obese, just overweight.. well okay, maybe according to today's standards I've been obese. 176 was my heaviest I recall actually checking.. who knows, may have weighed more. I have lost 30 lbs since. But I have 30 more to go, so maybe I'm not right for this?? I'm about 5' 2". Currently weigh 146, want to weigh 116. I wish more girls my size and the size I want to be would post photos so I can get an idea. I feel I have a larger frame for my height though.. so I feel like 116 won't look that bad on me. We'll see.


    I'm 5'2, 134 currently and also have a large frame structure (wide hips, wide rib cage, etc.). I've been thinking about going 4-5 more, for vanity, really, but have been discouraged by my husband, family, and friends... even myself haha! I just don't want to look sunken in... I got to 131 a couple months back, and didn't really like how my face/skin looked. I guess it's personal preference, really. I'm still on the fence about it, maybe I'll give it another go, and if I feel I look weird, I'll be content with a healthy BMI :) Best of luck!
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