

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Welcome home Renny!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - I hope you were able to extricate your car from the snow! Those snowploughs seem to be a curse!

    Welcome new people!:flowerforyou: It can be a long process, this weight loss business, but the secret is to look at the long term, not think of it as a diet. You have to ask yourself, can I eat like this for the rest of my life and enjoy it? In my case I upped my exercise calories so that I could eat lovely food and not feel deprived. Going hungry and feeling miserable is not an option. Mainly because you wont stick at it if you do. Good luck.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Raining again! We have more storms scheduled for Fri/Sat. Hope the power doesn't go off again! We have DS and family coming for the weekend. Next week DH's daughter is driving down to have lunch with us. She has been abroad for some time and was duped by a criminal boyfriend so we haven't seen much of her. I can't believe it is 2 years since I last saw her and for DH it is one year! It looks as if she is settling in London now for a while, with a much younger boyfriend. Hey ho!

    I have just this minute had a phone call from my agents saying that my tenant wants MORE compensation for the leaky window. We have heard nothing from the housing association who are meant to be replacing it. I have put in an official complaint, but apart from one phone call, have had no joy. I really don't want to pay the tenant more money as I have repaired the window twice. I have told my agent to threaten them with legal action.

    On a happier note, I shall be spending the day cooking for the weekend and our dinner today. Menu for Sat night is Zucchini Tots, which I made yesterday from skinnytaste.com. DGS loves them as well as the adults. Really low in calories, though not in sodium. Anyone who wants to try them - I use Parmesan cheese and panko breadcrumbs. We like them with chilli sauce or chilli jam.
    Also having pate on mini toasts with a gherkin. This is our starter, which we will eat at 5.30 when DGS has his tea to keep him company!:laugh:
    Main course - American Fish Chowder, though I'm using cod, salmon and smoked haddock.
    Dessert - chocolate fudge cupcakes (not for me) with a chocolate and gold heart on top. (I will have one of those) :tongue:

    Sunday lunch - Butternut squash, butter bean and roast tomato soup, already in the freezer.
    Easy crustless spinach and feta pie from skinnytaste.com. Delicious! Will be making that today and freezing.
    Tomato salad.
    White chocolate cheese cake ( not for me) with a slimming version of raspberry and choc chip icecream. Delicious and low in calories. This was all made before Christmas! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Tea time - smoked salmon and philly light focaccia rolls.
    Whole Orange Cake. Fabulous, but not for me! I boiled the orange yesterday and will make it today. DH'S favourite.

    Then they go home.:cry::laugh:

    I hope you are all hungry now! I will not be eating the cakes and desserts and will have small or moderste portions of the other things. Not much pate. I won't be able to exercise on Sunday, which makes it difficult to keep to target, but one day isn't the end of the world!

    My best wishes to the snowbound. :heart: London is in a terrible state with the strike. Glad I'm out of it!
    Love Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning ladies,
    my fit bit flex logged 10 hrs and 20 minutes of sleep last night, after yesterday I guess I needed it.
    and also got my 20,000 step badge after all that yesterday no wonder
    between the BLT and a few other things I am still up a couple of lbs,at 148 ,I really have to get my butt in gear, I know once the weather warms up it will be a load easier
    had my lemon water and breakfast going to have a cup of tea and then run some errands, have my appt with the kidney dr today,I see her twice a yr and have lost a bit more weight since she saw me last,so that will be good...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Popping in to save my place:bigsmile: !

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny but cold NC
  • leeverson
    leeverson Posts: 5 Member

    What a great thread!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: extra cold today (not compared to Northern Ontario or other snow covered parts of North America) so I added a second wool scarf, a second wool hat, and Jake's golf rain pants over my jeans for dog walking. Since Jake has built a fire, the dogs probably won't want to walk as long after breakfast, but I'll be prepared.

    :heart: Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning to all - and a shout out to Susan in St. Louis. One of my sisters lives about an hour east of there in southern IL.

    Getting a late start so off to fix breakfast and get to work.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all,

    Posted my goals on the fridge to keep them right in front of my eyes several times a day; they are right by Katla's drinking goals. Getting weighed shortly and will be putting on pedo also.

    LinC............Great victory at TOPS!!!! I finally realized (smacking my head with palm), that you were speaking C in those temp. degrees, not F.............so, your 20 would be 68 for us, right?

    Sandy........Hope you were able to get some help to dig your car out.

    Barbie.........Stay warm..........the "deep freeze" in your area was all over the national news.

    nccarol..........Piano tuner??? How distracting! Glad you son got a paid gig; but never heard of videotaping a funeral here either. I've been offered pics of the deceased person from wakes (in casket) but never took anyone up on their offer.

    Joyce..........What a good deed of giving that bed away; I'm sure it's very much appreciated and will be well loved.

    Heather.........Yes, I'm hungry now..........your food sounds perfect!!! Fingers crossed that your electric stays on!

    Very cold here today and gray.....well, low for us, anyway........30's. Brrrrrrr............
    Tonight is "Good bye to Jay".

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning.

    Just a quick post to catch up. i started back to work on Tuesday, and it is taking all my energy.

    i continue to gain strength in my wrist and hand. Major victory: today I am wearing pants with a button and zipper. I can also put on my own bra now. DH is relieved to be rid of that job.

    i am down three lbs since my fall. i haven't logged it, because i want to be sure it stays off. I'll give it a day or two.

    I read all the posts, but no time to reply. Welcome to the newbs and the long-lost but now returned.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just popping in to read and not get too far behind, but wanted to reply to :flowerforyou: PATTY :flowerforyou:

    I tore my meniscus in 2011 and had surgery for it. I feel for you because it is an extremely painful thing! I had to go through the channels with doctors and insurance, but, luckily, my doctor and I have a good relationship and he fast tracked me to an orthopedist. The orthopedist set me up for immediate surgery, repaired the meniscus and scraped away some arthritis. I won't say it's an easy surgery to recover from, but I'm so glad it was done. My advice: Don't let them mess around. Go ahead and get it fixed ASAP so that your recovery time can begin. Since you're in good shape already (I wasn't), you should have an easier time with the recovery.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin PNW: I hope you’re back soon. You have been missed here.

    LinC: Congratulations on your best loss at TOPS. 4.4 pounds is wonderful success.:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Karleigh from Tucson AZ: Welcome. I’ve never heard of bio-identical hormones. I hope they work out for you. :flowerforyou:

    Jenero: Recording your food and exercise is the thing that makes this weight loss system successful. It is the one thing you should concentrate on first, last, and always. We ended up buying new bathroom scales and food scales when we started this program. Both have been very helpful.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I love the concept of “luxury problems.” It helps keep life into better perspective. It is all too easy to focus in on small problems and miss the bigger picture and a good deal of happiness.:flowerforyou:

    Bjkidfun: You join simply by posting, so you’re in. You’ll find us again under Community and My Topics.:flowerforyou:

    Susan in St. Lou: I have eaten back part of my exercise calories from the beginning. It allows me the opportunity to earn a treat if I want one, and also make up for an indulgence now and then. My aim has always been for whatever number of calories MPF set for me, and I was at 1200 calories for a long time. I was sometimes under and didn’t always net 1200. Now that I’m trying to maintain the goal I have is 1280, I’m having the same experience. I make it some days, but not quite on other days. Once in a while I go over. I’m still learning and I’m doing okay on maintaining.:flowerforyou:

    Anne from Vancouver BC area: It is good to hear from you. I’m sorry that the problem with your original trainer is still unresolved. Your current trainer seems to want a program that is quite aggressive. If you can’t handle it, you should probably discuss some modifications. Slow and steady wins the race.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: WELCOME BACK! I hope you had a great visit with your mom.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your advice to the newbies is exactly right. The secret is to look at the long term and avoid going hungry and feeling miserable. We just bought some lovely fresh zucchini. I’ll have to look at the zucchini tots recipe. Your menu made me hungry. :grumble: :laugh:

    Barbie: It sounds like you’re “dressing for success.” The nice thing about the rainproof tops and pants is that in addition to keeping you dry, they’re wonderful at keeping the wind out so you stay warmer in the wind. Your body heat doesn’t blow away.:flowerforyou:

    Yannijannie: I posted the water goals on the fridge, too. I’m doing better, but still lack perfection.:flowerforyou:

    Kay: I’m happy to hear you’re gaining strength, can now dress yourself and are down three pounds. You have scale victories and non-scale victories. WTG!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday after I brought in the rug from the upper deck, I also brought in two heavy cast aluminum chairs because they were banging around in the wind. Then we had to figure out a way to stabilize our hummingbird feeder. It was rocking wildly in the wind and spilling all of its sugar water. I don’t mind refilling the feeder as many times as needed, but the poor little birdies couldn’t even land on it. DH went out there and installed a strap below the feeder so we could tie down the bottom and reduce the swinging. The birdies came in and started feeding while he was still working on the project, which shows how desperate they were for enough food to give them the energy to stay warm.

    Today I get to go to yoga after all. DH changed his doctor appointment for today so that I could go to yoga. He’s a very good guy and I appreciate him.

    I found this article about smart food choices on facebook and thought you might be interested. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/05/food-swaps-calories_n_4697329.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla, your hummingbird story is very sweet. Reminds me of my mother once. There was a robin's nest in the tree outside the window, and the weather had been horrible for days. My mother kept thinking of the poor little ones getting wet in their nest while the mother bird was away.
    Mom got an umbrella and a ladder, climbed up the ladder in the rain and wind, and fixed the umbrella in the tree so the nest would be protected from the worst of it. All the while she was being dive-bombed by the parents - and my mother is *very* afraid of birds.
    One of my most treasured stories about my Mom!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :glasses: A sunny but cold -4 Thursday,

    Sandy in ON- Hoping you were able to shovel your car out and get to work on time.

    Linda- Congrats on that loss and being the best loser:drinker:

    Meg- I totally understand crazy busy...must be the story of my life and wondering when things slow down:ohwell:

    Jenero52- Bump is what people put as a response so that they can find their place when they come back to this topic. Sorry about that scale...they can sometimes take on a personality of their own and it's not one we like:grumble:

    carolb- so glad your son got the video done. One funeral I did was outside and the wind was blowing so hard you could hardly hear what was being said so when I put together the slide show I filled in those parts with music and my friend never knew the difference:wink: . A vacation to the beach sounds wonderful:love:

    Barbie- there is nothing like having your house back to normal after a visit of family or friends. After living with our DIL for 3+ months we are still enjoying the quiet of just hubby and me after all the family noise that 3 little boys can make:laugh:

    Michele- I know your calendar must be very full as you are always on the go and doing something. Just wondering...you are always talking about the Newcomers are you part of a community or HOA that has that?

    Susan in St. Lou- Seeing that you are doing the 30DS has inspired me to find my copy and pull it out....now if I can just find that box:grumble: I did the the 30DS over a year ago and I really did enjoy it and LOVED the results.:love:

    Joyce Indiana- how wonderful it was that you were able to pass on the bed to someone that will love it too:flowerforyou:

    Anne- the nice thing about goals is that there is a new month around the corner where you can adjust them and make new ones. Hoping your new trainer helps you get the results you are wanting.

    Renny- welcome home:flowerforyou:

    Patty- sorry to hear about your knee, hoping that it heals quickly:flowerforyou:

    Heather- sounds like you have all the meals planned and are ready for your company. Hoping the power stays on so that it all runs smoothly:flowerforyou:

    grandmallie- hoping that your Dr appt give you the results you are looking for, I'm sure she will be pleased that you have lost more since your last visit.:drinker:

    jannie- what a good idea to post your goals on the frig....maybe I should do that:ohwell:

    katiebug- congrats on that loss I'm sure you will be moving your ticker soon:flowerforyou:

    Katla- how kind of your hubby to change his appt so you can go to Yoga. I'm sure those birdies love your care you are giving them by providing much needed food:flowerforyou: When I was a teenager we had a cabin in the mountains and we used to feed the hummingbirds, they were so much fun to watch.

    WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES:flowerforyou: Keep coming back and let us get to know you.

    My morning started of not on the right side....slept an extra 15 min so didn't get in my full 30 min on the bike:grumble: On the way in to work all the lights went on in the dash of the car so I got off the freeway and headed to hubbys work (thank goodness it was close by) the car died about 1/2 block from his place. Walked the 1/2 block in the -7 (too cold to be out walking). Hubby said he would try and get it towed and get someone to take him home from work, I took his truck ...now hoping it's nothing serious:ohwell:

    I best get moving. I need to be at the Chiro in abut 40 min and I'm hoping that traffic isn't like yesterday. The sun is shining but it's still very cold.

    Everyone have a good day. I'm always glad that I get to start fresh each day...off to drink some water and get on the road.

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hello everyone,

    Having a crazy morning but wanted to pop in and try to stick to some of my "routine". Missed my workout this morning but am going to try to get a little something in before I have to head to the school this afternoon.

    I'm pretty sure we're officially in the next/last phase of my mom's horrible cancer. Since the doctor added some valium to her staggering list of pain meds on Monday, she's pretty much been catatonic. Little to no eating or drinking, just sleeping, no peeing, etc. When I called the doctor this morning (had to step in front of my step father) she pretty much said that she can choose the current path or endure the unbearable pain without the valium. So, in other words, taking the valium is ultimately going to result in death because she can only go so long without food and water. He took her in for some fluids today but we are really just trying to get her coherent enough to make the call on hospice, which will shut down most of her treatment options. Sigh..

    Anyhow, trying not to stress eat and to get my very necessary stress reducing exercise in.

    In other news...

    No snow day here (poor Aaron) but what a terrible day for driving. So grateful for the 4x4 vehicle option. I would have been stuck multiple times if I would have driven the Cruze.

    Seriously, people really video record funerals? Times, do indeed, change:ohwell:

    I also enjoyed reading about the hummingbirds because they are a favorite of my mom's and we buy her all things hummingbird as gifts because the few that do show up to her feeders in the summer always do when she's not around. :tongue:

    Pasta fagioli in the crock pot, need to hustle.

    Happy day to all,

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Gloria, I'm confused...valium isn't a painkiller. Is the doctor sure her pain is being managed? Otherwise she could be "quiet" from the valium while still being in pain.
    Not trying to butt in here. :flowerforyou: I recognize some of the issues from when my husband was ill.

  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    Hello All!
    I had a successful year last year. Held my ground in Jan. Have ordered the "21 Day Tummy" from Amazon. Looking forward to another good year. Have 10 pounds to go, but that's not the goal -- a permanent lifestyle change is THE goal!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi Gloria, I'm confused...valium isn't a painkiller. Is the doctor sure her pain is being managed? Otherwise she could be "quiet" from the valium while still being in pain.
    Not trying to butt in here. :flowerforyou: I recognize some of the issues from when my husband was ill.


    Sorry, I wasn't clear and it's not butting in at all, I appreciate the questions and feedback. I know it's not a painkiller but the pain has been so bad (she's on 150mg fentinal patches every 48 hours plus about 24 4mg dilaudids a day...among other things) that she got to where she couldn't sit still or sleep. The doctor though it might help her rest because she had been up for almost 48 hours in agony. Well it did help her sleep...for 3 days...more or less. Problem is now she's not waking up for regular pain meds and the pain is getting worse. Bottom line, it's a nightmare. She can't sit up on her own. When my step father takes her to radiation (they're trying that so see if they can help with some of the pain) it reminds me of Weekend At Bernies (only not funny). She's like rag doll that he's dressing, carrying to the car, etc.

    Such a tricky situation because some would just say "enough, I can't take the pain, I give". My mom is not like that so it would up to her and not us to decide that it's time to "medicate her to death" which it what it pretty much boils down to.

    Hope that makes better sense. I was up most of the night thinking about this and am more than a little foggy today.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Gloria.........my thoughts are with you and my heart is breaking for you. I do believe the call to Hospice should be made on your mom's behalf, it seems more than time. If your mom is so near to being comatose and Hospice would upset her, you could just not use the terminology in front of her, "visiting nurse" should cover. She does sound very much in need of "end of life" experienced caregivers and these people are VERY good with terminal cancer patients AND supporting and answering questions from family. I have read that most people regret not calling on these services sooner than they did. You are in one of lifes' worst places right now; no one can stop the inevitable but I'm hoping your worries can be eased and you get to a place where you are feeling less frustrated and helpless in all this.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Gloria, I wonder whether she might be able to talk about the situation and say what she wants and doesn't want? Sounds like an up-the-pain-med situation but as long as she can decide, she should. It would just be difficult when she can't decide.
    But you all might have had that talk already.
    Terminal care nurses can be great, and as yanniejannie says, they support the family as well.

    Hope choices can be made that your mother and the rest of you can support. If you want to vent you can PM me. :smile: In any case I'll be thinking of you!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well to get page 9 done

    We will be waiting for you. With that beautiful smile

    Lots of support from a bunch of very busy women

    Welcome back. Sounds like time for a new scale.
    Unless your building muscle with exercise.

    Nc carol lb

    Get that holiday booked it will give you reason to lose.

    I really don't think that getting the proper meds or buying a coffee maker are
    Luxuries those are needs and not wants.

    No matter how busy your day you always find time for exercise.

    BJ Kid Fun
    Your here you've joined keep coming back often. But a name would be nice.

    Welcome Don't go to low on calories. There pretty good in here you tell them how much
    You want to lose in a week. They set up your calories for you. I said I want to lose
    1 lb. a week I'm allowed 1500 + calories.

    I believe in a good deed deserves another.
    My grandkids use the guest room now.
    But I did have a crib. high chair and stroller.
    My niece has them at her Dad's for when she comes home.

    So sorry your still having problems with personel trainer.
    You will get it all together but some things take time.

    Welcome back to Canada

    Everything happens for a reason. You will do and past that test in due time.

    All that work yesterday and a gain this morning has to be muscle.
    I'm sure your doctor will be happy with your loss.

    You can layer when it's cold. But can only take off so much when it's hot.

    Yannie Jannie
    Yep that's Celsius
    Keep looking at those goals good reminders of the task at hand.

    Glad to hear your getting better. Getting dressed on your own.That's good.

    Well so far having a great day. All but I forgot to put my pedemeter on it was lunch time when I seen it on the table.
    Oh well going to do whatever steps it says. That all.
    Still going to make it a good good day.
    Wii smiled at me this morning. Soon should be able to share my loses almost back to my lowest I think.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Gloria: Just wanted to give you a virtual hug! (((((((Gloria)))))))

    I can only imagine what you are going through. My mother has essentially told me that I am not to stop life prolonging procedures in the event she becomes extremely ill. I am the opposite. If I have no chance at productive sentient life, let me go!