

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hello to all: Sunny but very cold here today. Hoping to go out and see my horse later. Will just have to bundle up! Have talked to HR and working to set up my retirement with the hospital for the end of March. I will stay on p.r.n. to help with the transition for the new person but will be done, done at the end of May!:bigsmile: Have to call Social Security and get things set up there too. Whew, this seemed so far away and now suddenly the time is rushing toward me.:noway:

    Tammy - Love your thought for the day. That is exactly me. Usually when I want sweets especially chocolate or salty or am tired, I am really thirsty. I need to think and drink first and then decide if I really need to eat.:drinker:

    Sandy - Good luck digging your car out. Hope you made it to work on time. At least you should burn lots of calories doing it.:laugh:

    Gloria - Thinking of you and your very difficult decisions. My DH's father was at end of life and in much pain from liver cancer. We would have made the decision to go to a continuous morphine drip which would have shortened his life by maybe a few days but he was at a nursing home and they could not do that. He would have had to go to the hospital and that was not what he wanted. Hope things work out for a peaceful solution for all involved.:cry:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Gloria - many hugs.:heart: Will keep you and your mom and family in my thoughts.

    A foot of snow here and another storm due in Sunday. The weather forecasters can't seem to make up their mind if it will be a lot of snow or not. :grumble:

    Katla -I do streamline my comfort food recipes, too. My comfort food last night was beef stroganoff. I use extremely lean ground beef, LOTS of fresh mushrooms sliced pretty thin and lots of onion. After cooking the beef with the mushrooms and onion, I drain off any fat (though there was hardly any), and mix a tablespoon or so of flour into the beef mixture. I use evaporated skim milk to replace the cream of mushroom soup most recipes use, and finish off with light sour cream or Greek yogurt before serving with noodles. The flavorings generally are garlic, nutmeg, black pepper. I don't salt anything - other folks can add salt at the table if they want. :happy:

    Keep drinking water and stay warm out there!!

    Jill in western MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Gloria- must come back and offer you my support.:heart: What a horrendously difficult time for you.:cry: My mother was put on the Liverpool Pathway, withdrawal of liquids and food and lots of morphine, and she passed peacefully. The last thing she heard was a woman priest saying the Lord's Prayer in her ear. She was a church going Christian. Her lips were moving with the prayer, though she was virtually unconscious. I'm sorry your mum is still fighting, but I can understand her. My love to you.:heart: I feel it will all be resolved soon. Take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Linda - forgot to say in my last post that I think you are doing so well. Terrific loss! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I now have my brother and his wife coming for Valentines Dsy as the son they were going to celebrate with has split up with his girlfriend. He emailed me, begging. Good for me as I get another chance to cook !:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have ordered new Japanese cocktail sticks to try out some new canapés! :laugh: DH thinks I have lost my mind!:laugh: But it gives me more pleasure than anything else. I love feeding people!
    Wow! A lot of planning! I have been making lists and plans of when to defrost what. :happy: My brother is diabetic 2 so I have ordered some diabetic chocs for him to eat while we are tucking in to home made truffles. I will have ONE! :laugh: truffle. At least my Valentine decorations will get an outing!

    Stay safe and warm. :love: We have more rain and storms coming. So many people being evacuated and whole farms. The whole country is saturated.:sad: No trains locally for a month! Lines washed away.

    Love to all. Heather in SOGGY Hampshire UK
  • Kayzoola
    Sometimes it is the small things that give you cheer. I have a warm air vent that blows on my feet as I prepare breakfast, and my feet start the day toasty!

    My mom fell twice last week, but miraculously suffered only bruises. I credit her strong bones cultivated by the forty minutes a day she spends on her stationary recumbent bike. She is 88 years-old.

    I will make this short. I am deep cleaning today, so I will be ready to spent time in the garden when it warms up. Blessings to those who are hurting, and cheers for those celebrating personal victories. :heart:

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good Afternoon,


    Sue SD Congrats on retiring!

    Gloria :heart: :heart: :heart: Hope your take time to do something for yourself when you can.

    Cynthia loved the mom story about the robins.

    Anne B.C. hope trainer situation straightens out quickly.



    Katla my husband like to feed the hummingbirds too. Up here it starts in April/May. He bought these ones that look like saucers. He wanted ones he could put in the dishwasher.

    Sandy sorry about your car getting plowed in. It is not an easy task to dig it out.

    Drkatie progress!!!!!!

    Heather YUM!

    Patty sorry about the knee.

    Had fun working with kindergarteners this morning. They worked on how to books. I modeled writing out How to Make a Smile. The last thing you did was give your smile to a friend. So to my friends.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Prayers for my friend Lisa. She has not heard from her teenage daughter for over 48 hours.:brokenheart:

    Meals 600/250 snack. Went over at lunch made up for it at snack
    Meals 20 min. or longer
    Mindful of posture and breath.
    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint .from What Are You Hungry For
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Gloria,I have been thru same things with my Mom, She was in a nursing home when hospice was called in. They were in charge UNTILL she passed away,several days later.She was given a medication that allowed her to mostly sleep,but she did smile at me & DH at times.She wasn't in bad pain & passed from old age at 90.

    She had all her ducks in a row with living wills etc. DH & I also have our wishes down in black & white,with copies in each Dr's files & with each of our DDs.

    So hard for you.You can only get thru it as best you can. I agree with YannieJannie & Cynthia .thinking of you & prayers for your Mom & You.

    Pat in Ohio
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Woke up to sun and -7.Staying in and burning calories inside.
    Got the oven cleaned,3 loads of wash.made a pot of soup and baked hubby some cookies.
    Sending HUGS to everyone who needs them:heart::heart: :heart:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Didn't want to post until after I went to the gym. I lost another 2 pounds bringing me in at 8 pounds lost since October. Slow weight loss - but no gains... Since my appendix surgery in Sept a total of 18 pounds gone for good! CW: 162

    Another day at my sedentary job!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gloria {{{{hugs}}}} to you.

    Sending prayers for strength for the days ahead for all of your family.

    Laura in colorado
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    evening ladies,
    well a few things~
    Gloria so sorry to hear about your mom,you must be under so much stress,
    I for the longest time have had a living will and a advanced health directive. I want my wishes done,and not have to have anyone make decisions for me, My poor MIL suffered for almost 2 months , because no one would make a decision..
    Dr very very pleased with the weight loss,on her scale I was 150 lbs and that was early afternoon, but she was impressed,and she is going to look into a fit bit force for her SO,so I taught her something lol
    will get 11.00 back eventually for the case for the phone, you get what you pay for,it wouldnt even clip on the phone.
    I finally broke down and got an otterbox for the phone.. the phone is so expensive that I dont want anything happening to it.it is a tad bulky,but better safe than sorry
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! I've had a good couple of days, although no exercise. The cardiac rehab was closed due to the snow. Schools were closed too. Yesterday I took my two granddaughters to the library for an hour or so, then to a flea market for a surprise. There is a booth FULL of beautiful Barbie clothes! A lady makes them just for fun and sells them for $3 each. I've made Barbie clothes before, and there's no way I would sell them for $3! And these have all sorts of fancy details. So I let each girl pick out two dresses and we found another booth with a big bag of plastic dinosaurs for their brother. Then we met my hubby and my son and grandson at the local ice cream place for supper. It was a fun afternoon, but I was really pooped. I fell asleep watching the PBS program on ducks. Apparently it was very relaxing.

    Today I went to the studio and worked for a few hours, but the concrete floor is so cold that now I can't feel my feet! Still, I got my glazing table cleaned off and managed to mix some decorating slips and do some testing, so it wasn't time wasted.

    I have to tell you all something cute. Yesterday my granddaughter asked where grandpa was, and I told her he went to the Y to exercise. She said, oh, that's good, because he does have a little bit of a (whispered) ...tummy. I laughed so hard! I told hubby about it and now he has decided to join me on MFP to see if he can get rid of that tummy. I can't quite figure out how to do it on the ipad app, with two users. Does anybody know? I can do it online though, just logging out as me and logging in as him. He gets 2180 calories each day on his plan! Not fair at all! Still, I think he used most of them before noon.

    A friend came in to visit and tell us that he was diagnosed yesterday with a version of Parkinson's and dementia. To be honest, it wasn't that big a surprise. Poor guy has had tremors for years, and has been confused a lot. We thought it was because of the meds he takes for bi-polar. Gosh, it seems like everybody I know has some horrible illness. It's really hell getting old!

    While we were out yesterday Bruno ate the zipper on my computer case. And the zipper pull on hubby's hoodie. I keep reminding myself that it's our fault, not his, but gee whiz! This little guy is so destructive! Still, he has a ways to go to catch up on the destruction Molly caused when she was a puppy. We had to remodel the house and buy new furniture thanks to Molly.

    Well, I hope everybody has a nice evening.

    Gloria, I'm sorry to hear about your mom.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Afternoon beautiful ladies. It has been a VERY cold day here. High of 6 so far today. I went to the doctor this morning and had a really good report for the most part. But he did schedule my Colonoscopy for March 26th. Because of family history I have them every 5 years. They did take an xray of my side and I tore the cartliage on my rib cage. Only thing to do is take mortin and ice. Sure hurts to move much or breath. Doctor was happy that I have lost just alittle over 40 pounds since my last appointment the first part of August.
    DS called this morning and the DIL passed away shortly after midnight. I am sad for them, but know she is in a better place. But sure not proud of the way the hospital treated them. I was so upset last evening as the Hospice nurse that came to talk to them yesterday afternoon about moving her said The hospital is like the Hilton and she needs to move to place more like Motel 6.

    Carol--I have seen ads from acouple of the funeral homes here that they will make a CD of the service, and seems the last couple visitation I have been to have had a video playing made by the family. I find them very nice and can make a person smile.

    I talked to mom and dad last evening and mom is making a list of things she would like us to do while we are there. I am glad she is not telling me everything is fine when they need help. My sister found some mice tracks so she was cleaning all the drawers and cupboards and wants us to being traps. I am looking forward to spending time with them, wish I could stay longer, but will do the best I can with the time I have. I will be with them in Kearny next Wednesday for the next surgery and stay overnight with mom.

    Michele--you are so active and so many people depend on you. I get tired just reading about all you do.

    Susan--glad to hear the puppy is in a safe place. Our Jake a pug is a rescue puppy. He was kep in a cage the first year of his life. He is almost 2 now and we have had him about 4 months. He is so playful and loves to cuddle. Everytime one of sits to watch tv he is right there on our lap. He has given our toy poodle someone to play with and Toby acts half his age with Jake. So cute to watch. I just do not understand how someone can hurt an puppy.

    Joyce--Bless you for helping the young mother. Sounds like she knows a good thing. I agree I enjoy giving things away to someone who can use it. I have been on the recieving end and it really is humbling. It Blesses both sides and I had to learn that.

    Anne--glad to hear things are going better with the new trainner. BBB can take along time to get things worked out. Don't give up. I think it takes guts for the guy to want you to work with someone else in his place. that would be not good.

    drkatiebug--glad you are doing better and able to put your own bra on. I have found it's the little things that make me happy.

    Cynthia-thanks for sharing the story, mom sounds like a very compassate lady.

    Gloria-Hugs for you and your mom. :brokenheart:

    went and signed the papers for taxes to be filed. Glad to have that done for another year. I was upset as the new furance we put in last fall did not work for a deduction. I don't understand it, but we don't have to pay in and get alittle back so guess it is alright.:happy:

    Well have a good evening and stay warm. It made it to 7, heat wave!!:laugh:
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria: Hugs and prayers for you and for your mom. All you can do is the best you can one moment at a time. It isn’t a perfect process and you need to be gentle with yourself.:heart:

    Margaret: Praying for your friend Lisa and her teenage daughter. I hope the daughter comes home or calls and that all is okay.:flowerforyou:

    Arios: Eight pounds lost since October is steady, respectable progress and much more likely to be permanent that a quick loss followed by a speedy rebound. I’ve done that and ended up heavier than I started in the first place.:grumble: You're doing it the right way.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your day sounds lovely. I’ve watched the PBS special on ducks two or three times and it is very pleasant. I’ll gladly watch it again. Good shows and good books are worth repeating.:smile: I would consider confining Bruno while you’re away. He could be in a dog crate, a utility room, bathroom—anyplace where he has his toys and bed, and nothing belonging to anyone else that can be chewed up.:flowerforyou:

    We have several inches of snow and there are hummingbirds at our feeders! I’ve taken pictures and will upload one to this site a bit later. I figured there weren’t a huge number of photos out there that had snow AND a hummingbird in them. DH cancelled his medical appointment for tomorrow and we’re staying home until further notice. It has been years since we had snow in February although it happened a few times when I was in grade school. We had one memorable week out of school that I remember fondly. A local pond froze over and my dad and mom took me ice-skating. The next day I came down with the chicken pox. :tongue: The chicken pox wasn’t that much fun. :noway: Now I’ve taken my shingles shot and hope to heaven it works.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    Great job. That is my goal and I am also 5 ft. 7 or 5 ft. 8, depends on the hair and the person measuring. But yeah, the 140s will be great. People don't always relate to the ones no longer struggling. I will when I get there because I know how much work I put into it as you have.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    hi everyone i'm so sorry I haven't been here to cheer you on. Still crazy around here; the cousin is still in a coma and is getting a feeding tube. Seems like he is not coming around yet DH wants to go there next Friday and was upset thinking i'd be angry that the day is Valentines. No problem for me; I think I convinced him to to. We have had many great valentines days and will have plenty more. OK I will talk to you later; I hope I'll be able to b around more starting tomorrow. meg
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Gloria so sorry to hear about your mom, prayers for you and your family, we just went through this with my brother in dec. Took his wife to get his sons all to agree that 3wks on life support with no chance of getting anybetter was enough and time to let him go, it is so hard to make these decisions but harder still to see your loved ones suffer. We are all here for you:heart:

    Linc congrats on the great weight loss:drinker:
    And congrats to all the others who are losing , you are inspiring the rest of us

    I am getting more steps in twisted my bum knee so moving little slower have had success with logging so small steps

    Wishing everyone warm and fuzzy wishes with all this cold and snowy weather
    Prayers for those in need, seems like more than a few lately

  • jenero52
    jenero52 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Whirlwind day!!! Travelled to the city - had a DELICIOUS cappuccino with my daughter and then…. we decided to go swimsuit shopping for our California trip. I looked pretty good when I took the same pose as the poster in the change room - arms over head etc. It was a EUREKA moment - I'm just too short for my body!!! I wasn't completely traumatized by the experience but I'm happy there are not mirrors outside where one wears a swimsuit!!!
    Next, I hit Costco and did a huge food shop for school (Our Spec. Ed. students do a lot of our lunch meal cooking) Then to the airport to have lunch with Mom and her friend before they got on the plane to Palm Springs. I could tell she was anxious - reminded me a couple of times to call her dr. before I left to see if they knew anything else… She will have a wonderful time once she gets there. The warm temperatures and lack of ice and snow everywhere will be a balm for her soul!!
    Everyone seems to be doing so well with their tracking, weight loss, and lifestyle changes. Way to go! You are inspiring.
    It's wonderful that we can share our worries and stresses too - I'm sure there's a lot of positive energies flowing back and forth to each other - I know I keep you all in my prayers and thoughts.
    So now I know what a bump and a ticker is =- just have to try using them!!!
    Tomorrow's Friday!! Stay well everyone
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Gloria - I'm so sorry about your mom. You are in my thoughts & prayers. What a tough situation and some tough decisions. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

    Well I got my car dug out this morning. What a chore. The pile behind my car was up way passed my knees and it had frozen overnight. DD was so wonderful, she came out and helped me. My arms & back are sore but still went to the gym and did my strength training. I'm hoping that it worked out some muscles or maybe it's just wishful thinking :laugh:

    YAY tomorrow is FRIDAY!! :drinker: :drinker:

    I'm still reading The happiness Project and am on the chapter about fun. It's made me really take a close look at my life and think about what do I do that's fun. Just something to ponder.

    Have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your kind words, thoughts and words of wisdom!!
    I have actually been through this recently with my grandmother. It was SO much easier to make the decisions and know what to do because she was 93 and mostly because she made it very clear throughout my life what her wishes would be. Hospice was with her in the hospital (very close to my home) for her last week and I spent most of that time there with her (thankfully I had my mom and stepdad to help with my son). I was there for her very peaceful last breath and am eternally grateful to hospice for making that last week so much easier than the 8 preceding.

    What's tough with my mom is that it seems the pain will ultimately kill her before her cancer does. I did have a chat with my stepfather and we agree that we need to take advantage of their long term care policy and get SOME sort of help asap. Having him take that step might make it easier to take the next step toward hospice.

    I also feel it's very important to honor the wishes of the one who's sick and suffering over my own personal wishes. I think it's a crime for anyone to suffer like this for a day, never mind 6 months. I know with her we need to have hit the ceiling on pain meds (we're pretty close if not there already) and exhausted every possible procedure to potentially reduce her pain. My mom's the type who will haunt us if we throw in the towel too soon:smile:

    Ya'll are great, thanks SOOOO much for the much needed support. xoxo

    Gloria with the full heart in Metro Detroit

    p.s. heading to bed early because I HAVE been doing a bit (thankfully not much) of stress eating.